Ok so this chapter is ginormous and has a lot of twists. I hope you like it and please review.

"I'm against this" Toby said petulantly.

"I know you are" Spencer replied.

Ryan had been asking to see Arabella. They were all pretty sure it had to do with him wanting Arabella to drop the charge of attempted rape. Cynthia was going to be filing rape charges against him but if Arabella dropped her charges Cynthia would follow suit.

"Toby" Spencer started. "One of my biggest regrets is that I never faced Wren after he was arrested. She needs to look him in the eye and tell him he's not going to get away with this. If she didn't want to do it I wouldn't make her but she wants to see him."

The harsh buzzer went off as Spencer and Arabella entered the visiting area. This was a different area than where she had come to visit with her father. It was a small room with a metal table. Ryan would be chained to one end and Arabella would sit on the other. Arabella knew from talking to Spencer and Toby that this is where they had "potentially explosive" visits.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Spencer asked when they got to the door.

"No, I got this" she said confidently.

"Hey, there's my baby girl" Ryan said lacing on the sweetness.

"I heard you wanted to see me" she said civilly.

"Look, what happened the other night...I was drunk...we got our wires crossed. You have to tell them you were mistaken about what happened. It was a misunderstanding baby, you have to tell them that."

"Just like it was a misunderstanding about you raping Cynthia?" Ryan's loving smile disappeared.

"I never laid a hand on Cynthia, that bitch is lying to you. She's just jealous, jealous of you because you're with me" he said.

Arabella could almost believe that. She had narrowly beaten Cynthia for team captain this year and once she became captain was when Ryan and Arabella started dating. She might of believed him if she hadn't nearly been raped at his hands herself and if Alison and Cynthia hadn't told her the story of her rape which was eerily similar to hers and Alison hadn't told her that Cynthia, too scared to call her mother, had called her instead and she had gone with her to the clinic to have her injuries looked at.

"No" she said shaking her head. "You tried to rape me. Just like you raped Cynthia and god knows who else. You are a rapist Ryan, you belong in prison and I am going to make sure you stay there."

With that she got up not saying another word.

"Bitch!" he yelled as Arabella left the room.

"I am so proud of you" Spencer said hugging her. Arabella was shaking in her arms and Spencer realized how scared she must have been to face him. She kissed her forehead and they headed to the car.

Since Spencer was 6 months pregnant with twins Toby had driven them to the prison. Toby had stayed in the car because he was pretty sure if he ever came face to face with Ryan again he'd kill him.

"How'd it go?" Toby asked when they got in the car.

"Oh it was great! I told him I was going to make sure that he stayed in prison where he belongs, he was thrilled!" Arabella said sarcastically.

"Sorry I asked." Toby said with a slight grin.

Arabella returned to her phone typing wildly.

The kids were trying to keep it a secret that they were planning a big surprise party for Spencer and Toby's 10th wedding anniversary. Veronica and Peter were handling everything from the guest list to the catering. The kids were in charge of making a video of all the kids saying "I love you" or "you're the best parents ever" and stuff like that. They were also doing a picture slideshow.

After they left the prison they dropped Arabella off at school. Rosa was at home with the three little ones. It was a break for Rosa because Olivia was in school this year. They would have their hands full when the twins were born.

At 2 pm Alison came in with Arabella and Emma, Ella trailing behind.

"Kids suck!" Ali said as he ushered the two girls into the living room where Spencer had been trying to rest in. She had no doubt the twins were going to be born early as her previous two sets had been but she had a feeling this set would be born even earlier.

"Which one do you want to deal with first?" Ali asked. Emma looked more upset so she picked Emma.

"Of course" Arabella said rolling her eyes. Emma spoke in one long unintelligible whimper.

"What she is trying to say is some asshole guys decided to set up an online poll of which twin is the hottest" Ali said.

"But you have the same face" Spencer said exasperated.

"I didn't get a single vote" Emma cried.

"Oh baby" she said reaching out to hug her.

"I'll just go and self soothe or something" Arabella said annoyed as she stomped upstairs. No matter what it was she was always last priority.

"Emma, love, you are so beautiful, and smart, and caring" she said "Please don't let this get you down."

Spencer then waddled up the stairs to Arabella's room.

"What happened to you" she asked trying to regain her breath.

"Nothing" she said opening her laptop "not like you care anyway"

"I do care" she said "if I didn't care I wouldn't have hauled all three of us up here" she said pointing to her belly.

"Missy Kaplan told the whole school I made up Ryan trying to rape me because he broke up with me because I trying to kill myself when I punched that hole in my window. The whole school thinks I am a basket case."

"I will be talking to the principal!" She said angry that all this bullying was going on and he seemingly wasn't doing anything about it.

The next day Spencer was called to Arabella's school. When she walked in she saw Arabella sitting on a bench outside the principal's office. Ali was sitting with her.

"I got suspended" she huffed.

"For what?" she cried.

"Do you want the real reason or the "official reason"?" she said sarcastically.

"Well both I'll take the official one first" Spencer said.

"I threw a glass of water on Missy Kaplan during lunch and apparently all of a sudden the school has a zero tolerance bullying policy."

"And the real reason?" She asked.

"Because I refused to rescind my statement that Ryan was trying to rape me" Arabella said.

"Excuse me?" Spencer said enraged.

"Missy was saying again how I was making the story up and blah blah blah, I lost it and tossed the water in her face. When I got down here he acted all sympathetic at first. Then he started saying how easy things would be for me if I changed my story. He said if I stuck to it I would be fighting for months. Then he asked if it wasn't possible I was exaggerating. After all he was my boyfriend"

"He had no right to ask you any of that or pressure you like that" Spencer said. Spencer went in and yelled at the principal until she was blue in the face.

"She's gonna have those babies right in his office if she doesn't calm down" Arabella said to Ali. Ali went in and pulled her out.

"This isn't over" Ali barked at him.

The next day after school the girls kept working on the slideshow for the anniversary party. The girls had already raided Aria and Hanna's for pictures. Now they just had to get pictures from Emily's and their grandparents. Everyone told Arabella explicitly that she was in charge of making sure Emma and Ella didn't find any pictures of Wren. If they did she was just to say he was a guy their aunt Melissa used to date. That was apparently true. She wasn't sure how that had happened. Arabella was the only one of Spencer and Toby's kids that knew Wren was her father or even that their mom Spencer had been married before.

"Aunt Ali, Auntie Emily?" Arabella asked as her and her twin sisters Emma and Ella were getting ready to leave. She had a picture in her hand.

"What is it Sweetie?" Emily asked.

"I found this picture" she said holding it up. It was Spencer and Toby at a Christmas party.

"It's dated 12/22/11"

"Yes" Emily said not seeing the issue.

"I was conceived two months after this picture, how did mom fall out of love with my dad and fall into love with my father in two months?" she asked.

"Uhh" Ali said as Emily said "Umm"

"I was a mistake wasn't I?" She cried.

"No" they both insisted.

Arabella was still mulling over how it could be that her mom had gotten pregnant so soon after being with her dad just 2 months earlier. Had she cheated? Had he? She knew there was pictures of Toby holding her the day she was born so why was he hanging around if they were broken up. The only thing that made sense to her was that Toby had gotten her mom pregnant and hadn't wanted her so she had made the decision to marry Wren. With these upsetting thoughts in her head they drove the short distance to her grandparents' house.

"Arabella?" Ella said transfixed on a photo she had gotten out of a shoe box. "When were you in the hospital?"

"What?!" Emma and Arabella asked at the same time.

"More like why you were in the hospital?" Emma said jumping over one of the boxes her grandparents had set out. All three looked curiously at the photo. It was Arabella at five years old. She was in a hospital gown with all kinds of tubes in her. She was sitting in Toby's lap fast asleep.

"I don't remember that" she said trying to recall any memory remotely close to this one.

"You were probably too young to remember" Emma said.

"Or you have amnesia from it" Ella chimed in.

"Yeah" she said trailing off as the twins went back to picture hunting. Arabella picked up the shoe box that Ella had abandoned. It was full of pictures from Arabella's life. Most of them included Wren and thus was probably the reason they had been hidden in a box. She didn't remember any of these.

Arabella was so wrapped up in her own thoughts she didn't see the twins bring down a box they weren't supposed to touch.

They popped in a DVD that was labeled twins first birthday.

"Happy Birthday my beautiful twins." Spencer said.

They saw a man that wasn't their father and they didn't recognize holding one of them.

"I love all three of my children equally" he said and this sent both girls into a tailspin.

Their parents had lied for years and their dad wasn't their dad.

"He's our father?!" Emma cried out in confusion.

"Our dad isn't actually our dad?!" Ella said stunned.

"No" Arabella said having finally noticed what the twins had done. "Our dad is our dad" she said.

"Then why is there a man we've never seen before on this video saying he is our dad?" Emma challenged. Arabella wasn't sure what to do or say. She could tell them that the man in the video was their mother's first husband and WAS Arabella's father but that he wasn't the twins' father but then she would have to reveal that their mother had had an affair while she was married. It wasn't Arabella's place to tell the twins the truth, she knew that, it was her parents' place.

"Why don't you ask mom and dad about it when we get home?" Arabella suggested.

"Grandma!" Ella yelled and Arabella rolled her eyes. Of course they were going to be difficult about this. Although, Arabella had some of her own bones to pick with her parents as well.

Spencer was in the kitchen looking for something to eat when her phone rang.

"Hey Mom, what's up?" she asked.

"I think you and Toby should come over to the house as soon as you can. The girls are over here and they are very upset. They found some pictures and videos…" her mom trailed off.

Spencer and Toby got Rosa to watch the kids and then they went to the Hasting's house. Veronica met them on the porch so that she could explain what had happened as best as she could.

"The twins found the video from their first birthday, and so now they think that you lied to them and that Toby isn't their father." She said explaining the easier situation first. "Arabella found pictures from the hospital and others and she is freaking out about why she doesn't remember this. Also I am not sure why but she has it in her head the Toby is her father and that you only married Wren because he didn't want her.

Spencer sighed. That was an awful lot of ground to cover.

"I will talk to Arabella and then I will talk to the twins." she said running her hands through her hair.

"I can talk to the twins" Toby offered.

"No, I want to do it" she said "they're my girls"

"They're my girls too" he said defensively.

"I know that Toby but Wren and Arabella and all that, they should hear it from me" she said.

"Ok" he said before kissing her on the forehead and letting her go into the house.

Spencer went into her dad's den where Arabella was waiting. She sat down next to her.

"I can't believe how much you're growing up, I mean in my head I know you're 16 but in my mind you're four years old tugging on your snow boots and wanting to play in the snow." she said "I always wanted to protect you and I may not have always done the right thing but I tried."

"Is Toby my father?" she asked.

"No" she said shaking her head. "I wish he was"

"Wren is your father, you don't need the details" she said.

Arabella looked up as if to object but then stopped.

"Why was I in the hospital and why can't I remember it?" she said showing her the picture.

"You went through something very traumatic." Spencer said "You had violent outbursts because of it, we had just brought the boys home from the hospital, and Emma and Ella were like 3 and a half. You and Ella were fighting over a toy. It was Ella's toy. Toby took it from you and gave it back to Ella, and you tackled her, started hitting her. That was when we realized that we had to do something. Our choices were to take away your bad memories or to send you away."

"I am going to have you go back to your therapist. She can help you uncover those memories. I'm not going to lie to you. It isn't going to be easy going down this road. I had hoped you could deal with this stuff with Ryan first but I don't think that is going to go away anytime soon. I will schedule the appointment with your therapist if you want.

Arabella nodded.

Spencer then left the den and walked through the house needing to take a break halfway up the stairs to talk to the twins who were in her old room.

She opened the door and sat gingerly on the bed she was doing everything carefully these days with being so pregnant.

"The first thing I want to tell you is that Toby is your father. We have the paternity test results to prove it." she said as she picked up a photo of Wren and her with the three girls.

"I was 19, going to school at Oxford. I got pregnant by Wren, Arabella's father. I married him because I thought I had to. Toby was my old high school boyfriend and I was completely in love with him. Wren didn't want to get divorced so Toby….your dad and I had an affair. Wren thought you were his and I went along with it. I finally convinced him to get divorced when I was pregnant with the boys."

"So he just disappeared?" Ella asked.

"No, Arabella had visits with him but he passed away a couple months ago."

"Oh" Ella said.

"Why didn't daddy fight for us" Emma asked.

"He did" Spencer said "he asked me to leave Wren every day, before you were even conceived he wanted me to leave him. He wanted our family." she said.

"Let's go home" she said getting up from the bed.

The girls were quiet on the way home.

"I think it goes without saying you're not to tell your siblings about this." Toby said firmly as they pulled in the drive. They all nodded.

The next day the whole brood had to go to the grocery store. It was always an ordeal when they took the kids normally Rosa and Spencer took the three little ones while the rest were in school and got it done quickly.

"Ok" Toby said "You know the rules, get your shopping buddy"

Arabella had Ava in her baby backpack.

"I call Ava" she said.

"I call Emma" Ella said.

"I call Logan" Landon said.

"I call Daddy" Olivia said jumping into Toby's arms.

Carter and William grabbed each other even though they would end up in shopping cart anyway. Jacob kicked at the floor. He never had a shopping buddy.

"I call Jacob" Spencer said in an attempt to keep him from being upset. Spencer split the grocery list up into the three sections so each group knew what they were responsible for. Spencer would have Carter and William in the cart. Arabella, Ava and the twins would have a cart and Toby would have a cart with the twin boys and Olivia.

When they all got to the store they set out in their groups to get the stuff from their lists.

Arabella was perusing the list in her hand when a woman spoke up.

"What an adorable baby girl, how old is she?"

"A little over a year" Arabella replied.

"And how old are you?"

"I just turned 16 a couple months ago" she beamed.

"Oh for heaven sake" the woman said outraged. "Girls your age should not have babies, that's what you get for not keeping your knees closed" the woman said.

"Aren't you the girl that got the high school's star basketball player arrested claiming he raped you?!" Another woman asked her with a judgmental look.

"You need to get the hell away from my daughters" Spencer said coming around the corner hearing the tail end of the conversation. The lady looked at her judgmentally and then turned without a word.

The gang was just about ready to checkout. Spencer went looking for Toby and Olivia whom seemed to have gotten lost. She found them where she was pretty sure she would in the candy aisle.

"That's a very beautiful girl you have there" she said flirtatiously.

"She takes after her mother" he said trying to brush her off.

You're such a good dad buying candy for your little girl" A blonde woman flirted with him as Spencer approached. "Most dads are so inattentive, you're so refreshing."

"Excuse me, but this "attentive father" has 9 other children he also needs to be attentive to and I am pregnant with numbers 11, and 12 so don't get any ideas"

"You have 10 kids?" she asked skeptically to which he showed her his phone background which was of all the kids together. The woman still looked at him like he was a ride at a carnival.

"Ok seriously, I will get a hose!" Spencer yelled as Toby ushered her away from the blonde.

"Did you get me peanut butter cups?" she asked when they were in the next aisle over.

"You know I did" he said kissing her head.

That night Emma came into Toby and Spencer's room.

"Mom, Its Arabella" she said.

Spencer was worried about what it could be.

Arabella was curled up in her bed crying.

"What's the matter?" Spencer asked.

"Missy Kaplan just posted this" Arabella opened her laptop and showed her mom a video of what turned out to be Arabella and Ryan dancing at the party. It was a little dirtier than Spencer cared for but that was how teenagers danced.

"Read the comments" Ella said from under the comforter.

Someone send this to Ryan's lawyer

She was totally asking for it

She is such a slut


Spencer closed the laptop not being able to take it anymore. She could only imagine how Arabella felt.

"You did nothing wrong" Spencer said kissing her temple. "You girls get some sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning."

The next morning Toby and Spencer decided the whole family was going to play hooky. Toby made chocolate chip pancakes and all the kids slept in.

"No school today?" Olivia mumbled rubbing her eyes as she came into the kitchen.

"No sweetie, we are all taking the day off." Toby said picking her up. As the kids trickled in one by one Olivia informed them they weren't going to school. After the kids had stuffed themselves they all went into the living room and argued over what they were going to watch. Once all the kids were out of the kitchen, Toby served Spencer, Arabella, Emma, Ella and himself. They ate in silence. Arabella's lawyer had been calling non-stop.

"Maybe I should just drop the charges" Arabella said when Emma and Ella retreated to the living room. "All this fighting is just too hard, and it is only gonna get worse"

Toby could see Spencer was about to argue with her.

"That is your decision and we will support whatever you want." Toby said taking Spencer's hand.

"I'll think about it" she said "It's a big decision" she said going upstairs.

At noon Spencer found Arabella in Ava's room rocking her back and forth.

"Whatcha thinking about?" she asked.

"I wanted to have sex with Ryan" she admitted "not at the party, not on the ground" she sobbed "but I did want to"

"Arabella look at me" Spencer said taking Ava from her and putting her back in her crib. "Did you say no to him?"

"Yes" she cried "like 5 or 6 times"

"And did he stop?" Spencer asked.

"No he didn't, I had to fight him off" She said

"Do you remember what you said when I picked you up from the ER?" Spencer asked.

"What?" Arabella asked.

"You said you had to press charges because he could do this to someone else" Spencer said. "You know if you drop your charges Cynthia will drop hers. She isn't as strong as you. That means he will come back to school, and you'll have to see him every day. Don't get me wrong we could send you to a different school so you didn't have to see him but I really don't think this is what you want."

"I don't know what to do mom" she cried.

"I know baby, I know" Spencer cooed.

Spencer took a deep breath.

"I'm going to tell you something I swore I would never tell you" She said "I was raped"

"What?" Arabella cried.

"I was raped and I was so ashamed and so scared that I didn't go to the police. He took my silence as complaisance and he kept raping me" she said. "I didn't think I could feel any worse about myself. Then he killed his girlfriend. I kept thinking if I had just put him behind bars when I had the chance she would be alive. It took a long time for me to get over that guilt" she admitted.

"I will support your decision, no matter what it is" she said "I just wanted to make sure that you are looking at all sides."

"Thanks mom" she said hugging her.

Emily called and offered to take Landon, Logan, and Jacob for the night. Not 5 minutes passed when Hanna called and offered to take Olivia, Carter and William for the night. It was almost dinner time and Gemini was following Spencer around. Gemini had been following her around all day. The girls were upstairs and Toby was taking a nap. Spencer decided to rest on the couch for a minute. Gemini ran upstairs barking. She came down a minute later tugging on Toby's shirt.

"Whoa" Spencer joked "I didn't know you fetched husbands"

"What's wrong with Gemini?" Arabella asked coming downstairs.

"Who knows" Spencer said. "Ow" she whimpered when Gemini bit her hand.

"Come on let's take you to the hospital, Gemini could have rabies or something." Toby said.

"I can't believe Gemini would do something like this." Arabella cried. The girls waited in the waiting room while Spencer was checked by the doctor.

"I don't know what got into Gemini" Spencer said.

"We are getting rid of that mongrel" Toby said angrily.

"Toby Arabella loves that dog" she said

"I don't care, she bit you" Toby said "what if it had been Ava or one of the babies?"

"Mrs. Cavanaugh, I am going to have to page your OB. Your blood pressure is through the roof and both babies are in distress" The doctor said.

"Did the dog bite do this?" Toby asked.

"No, the dog bite just happened it is likely the babies have been in distress for hours. The dog probably bit you as a warning." The doctor said.

After 20 minutes baby Mason was still in distress.

"Spencer, Mason is still in distress" Dr. Wright said.

"How do we undistress him?" she said worriedly.

"I'm sorry Spencer, I have to do an emergency C-section" She informed her.

"But it's too soon" Spencer cried.

"It is sooner than we'd like but the baby's stand a good chance" she said.

"Ok" Spencer said.

"Since I am doing a C-section would you like me to perform the tubal ligation after the babies have been delivered?" she asked.

"No" Spencer said shaking her head.

"Ok then let's go get those babies" she said.

Toby kissed her and told her he loved her as the doctor wheeled her off to surgery.

Until next time...

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