Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own anything and I never will.

Author's Notes:

First off, this is not an Alternate Universe fic, although it may sound like one at first.

Secrets in my Blood has, for reasons unknown, become a very popular fic. Maybe it's the combination of romance, action and a kick-ass heroine. Maybe it's the steamy dreams our two demons have been having. For all I know it could be that my good karma has finally kicked in.

Whatever the reason, I've decided to try what I like to call the 'Kick-ass heroine theory' again. Only this time, it's Botan/Hiei and with the vast amount of gaps in the ferry girl's past, this means I can do just about anything.

Brace yourself, the story starts in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .


She was sitting on the edge of the black stone wall. Again. Watching it, the bloody sunset. No one understood her obsession with the sun. Not even she fully understood why she watched the flaming orb blazing in the sky. Maybe it was because the far away star was the only thing this place had in common with the three worlds. However, her reason for watching the crimson sphere ran far deeper then that. Something else attracted her to this phenomenon of nature. She merely didn't know what it was that attracted her. For many hours, for many nights, for many years, this mystery plagued her.

"White-hot." Called a voice not too far away.

From the corner of her magenta-pink eye, she saw the being had dared to interrupt her. A male, with black hair, dark eyes, red horns and a red devil tail. His appearance was that of a typical devil. It was fitting, for he was ordinary and weak by their standards.

"What?" White-hot hissed, snapping her ivory tail for emphasis.

The minion winced. Angering White-hot was very unwise, even if she never killed those she considered helpful.

"The Queen wants to know if you'll help lead the revolution . . ." Trembled the servant.

"For the last time, no, I will not." Replied White-hot, her tone left no room for argument.

The sunset had come to a finish. Twilight now held the sky's stage. The lighter colors mingled with the dark for a few brief minutes. It stirred something within the white devil. A calling, a yearning, twilight always made her think of the three worlds and whatever elusive object that she thought of during the sunset. Without a reason to linger here any longer, she made a wooden oar appear in her hands. Her long, snowy, slender, dragon- like tail seemed to melt away. The delicate, pearly-white, slightly curved horns that were nestled above her hair line shrunk into her head until they were completely gone. In this form she relinquished almost all her power, but it was worth it. Being almost powerless was worth existing in the lands of the living.

"Tell the Queen to call if she needs help in anything, but this matter. I beg her forgiveness, but I cannot do as she asks this time. The next task I will carry out fully, unless it involves the destruction of the three worlds." Ordered White-hot.

The male devil said something to excuse himself, then left to do as he was told, shaking and sweating all the while. White-hot didn't blame him, the queen would surely end his life, and with her kind, the afterlife was normally not a pleasant one. Hopefully, hers would be different.

Mentally, White-hot shrugged uncaringly about the minion's fate and jumped on her oar. She soared away from this place of death and hell flames. Her reckless speed caused strands of blue hair to come untied from her pony- tail. She was traveling back to the three worlds. The place where she had a job as a ferry girl. Where people actually cared for her. In those realms she was happy. Even if it required her to deceive everyone close to her, it was better then living in the seven hells. There, people called White-hot by her true name without the fear of damnation.

Her true name . . .
