Chapter 10: You Do Your Parents Proud

"Ok. You got your trunk?" Harry asked.


"And your owl?"


"And your wand?"

"I got it, Uncle Harry!" Teddy chuckled.

Teddy, Harry, Ron and Hermione approached the scarlet steamer that was to take the young boy to Hogwarts. With them was Harry's wife, Ginny, their 5-year-old son, James II, 3-year old son, Albus, and 1 year old daughter, Lily. Also in attendance was Ron and Hermione's 3-year old daughter, Rose, and her 1-year-old brother Hugo.

Harry and Ron loaded Teddy's belongings onto the train as Hermione gave him one last look-over.

"Now, you write to us as often as you can. At least once a month. You hear me?"

Teddy smiled. "I promise, Mom." She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. Teddy then said goodbye to the little ones and gave Ginny a friendly hug. Finally, he approached Ron and Harry. The redhead and any-colored-head-he-wanted clasped hands before embracing.

"Work hard, my son. Come visit soon."

"I will, Dad. I'll work hard."

Harry was last of all. The Chosen One regarded his godson, suddenly not knowing what to say.

"I'll, uh…I'll always be here for you." Teddy surprised his godfather by giving him a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you for everything. I love you."

Harry wanted to cry, but before he could, Teddy had leapt onto the train as it began to move. Soon, the boy was leaning out a window, waving.

"Bye, Uncle Harry!"

Harry smiled. "Bye, big guy. You do your parents proud." And he vaguely realized, in that moment, he was not talking about Remus and Tonks. No, he meant Ron and Hermione and, of course, himself.