Yule Ball Kiss

Hermione Granger was furious as she stormed next to Ron Weasley out of the Yule Ball. They were arguing about her date, Viktor Krum.

"WHAT?! What? Is that what you think?" she screamed regarding a snide comment Ron had made about Viktor's age.

"Yeah, that's what I think," Ron replied, not backing down for a second.

"You know the solution then, don't you?" Hermione growled.

"Go on."

"Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does….and not as a last resort!" Her voice cracked as she sounded close to tears now, which made Ron feel awful about his behavior for the first time all night. As he watched her continue to rant and rave, deep brown eyes blazing, her brown hair whipping around, he realized he wanted her more than he had any woman in his life, Fleur Delacour included. He could not have denied it any more than he could magic itself. That seemed to give him the impulse and courage to do what he did next.

Ron reached out and cupped one hand at the back of Hermione's neck and the other around her waist and pulled her sharply to him. She didn't have a chance to protest before he kissed her, hard and hungrily. For just a moment, her whole body stiffened in surprise and the tiny part of his brain that wasn't reveling in the feel and taste of her mouth was worried that she was about to punch him, or worse, hex him.

Then to his amazement, she moaned like a dying person, almost sadly, and completely melted against him, returning the kiss with heartfelt passion. She very nearly leapt straight into his arms as she hooked her leg behind his knee so that their hips cradled each other. He shuddered with delight as she wriggled her hips against the evidence of his desire for her.

It seemed cruel when Ron reluctantly released Hermione a moment later. He heard her faintly whimper with disappointment, but if their limbs hadn't literally been entwined, she probably would have fallen over.

The pair got a good look at each other now. Hermione was eyeing Ron with that same semi-motherly look whenever she caught him not doing his homework or otherwise goofing around: one eyebrow raised, her now-puffy lips drawn in a tight, flat line, her hands on her hips.

"Now, where was that Ronald Weasley weeks ago when people were getting their dates. Hmmm?" There was a slight amusement in the question she posed that made her subconscious, follow-up inquiry very clear: Finally. Good boy. Now was that so hard?

Ron could only laugh out loud, and he brought her in for a hug. Only then did they realize the entrance hall was deathly quiet. Students also leaving the ball were gawking at them. In the middle of them was Harry Potter, their best friend, but he was only staring at them. At Ron and Hermione's glance, he simply shrugged as if to say, If you must, you must. I can dig it.

Smiling even more broadly, Ron turned back to Hermione and she laughed happily at his expression.