Ok, just so you know, when I start a chapter with flashbacks, I'm getting most of my information from Yandere sim wiki, but some of it is just me being creative. :) Also, I'm adding some different characters that are not in the game.
Some of my characters I made up:
Emiko Kohana: 16 years old, with curly bright red hair that goes down to the middle of her back. Average height. Bright purple eyes (contacts). Pale skin. Average weight.
I might add more later, but now for the story!
Ayano's POV
Age: 4
Preschool: Part one
I walked along the sidewalk, staring at the ground. My mom and dad were walking with me. I could feel my dad's concerned gaze on me, watching me. I don't get what his problem was, he was always looking at me like that. My shoulders slumped. I lifted my head slightly, spotting the school building. Preschool, to be exact. It was small, with blue paint and red trim, and a simple wooden door.
It was my first day. I looked up, and saw my dad still staring at me. I stared back. I could tell that made him uncomfortable. He smiled at me, but it looked forced, as always. I quickly turned my gaze away, looking at my mom. She smiled brightly at me, as usual. I stared at her in silence. My mom looked like me, with the black hair and grey eyes. I knew we were alike, my mom told me. She was always kind to me, and didn't look at me like I was weird, like Dad does. I know Dad cares about me, but... sometimes, I think he might be a little scared of me.
Mostly, he was puzzled by my behavior. Ive seen other kids my age. I was mostly quiet, while other kids were always loud and whining and shouting. Did Dad want me like that? I don't think anyone in the right mind would want their kid like that... but my Dad was strange.
Eventually, we reached the school.
"Have fun, Ayano-chan!" my mom said brightly. I looked up at her, nodding slightly. My dad leaned down, giving me a quick hug. I had seen other Dads do this with their kids, but only mom had ever hugged me. I stiffened slightly. My dad released me, giving me that weird look again, then stood up.
"Bye, Ayano-chan, be safe." He said akwardly, giving me another forced smile.
"Ok." I said quietly. "Bye, Mama. Bye, Dad." I walked into the school, hearing my Mom and Dad talk quietly behind me.
"Are you sure-" My Dad started
"Darling, you worry too much! Ayano-chan is so well-behaved, everyone is going to love her!" My mom said cheerfully.
"That's not what I'm worried about." My dad mumbled.
"Then what are you worried about, Darling?" My mom asked, her voice taking a different tone. A harder tone.
"N-nothing, sweetheart. I'm sure she'll be great." My dad stuttered.
"Our daughter is so precious, don't you agree, Darling?" my mom asked in the voice again.
"O-of course. I'm just thinking of the other kids. Ayona-chan isn't used to... excitement." my mom sighed
"She'll be fine." My mom said her normal tone again.
I didn't hear anymore, because the door closed behind me. I looked around. It was one room, with a circular blue rug in the middle, and a lot of kids my age. One adult, with bright green hair in one long ponytail. All the kids were running around, playing with toys, or painting with their fingers. They were laughing. I only heard laughter a few times before, from my mother. But this laughter was different... brighter, I guess. Louder. They were smiling in a way that hurt my eyes, like looking into the sun.
I felt oddly uncomfortable. This was strange. This was different. This was new.
Ayano's POV
Time: The present (Flashbacks over.)
Age: 17
I got out of bed and stretched. Today was my first day of high school. I got dressed in my new school uniform, and tied my hair back in a ponytail. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then looked into the mirror. I smiled the way my mom showed me to. Looks real, I thought. I walked down the stairs, towards the kitchen.
"Mom?" I called out, looking around "Dad?" I spotted a note on the counter. I picked it up and read it, and it was explaining how her and Dad were going on a another business trip, this time to America. I placed the note back on the counter, and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I ate it slowly, thinking about school. I like school, sorta. It gave me something to do, and I was smart, so it was easy.
My phone buzzed, telling me it was time to go to school. I put the empty bowl in the dishwasher, then got up and headed out. I walked past my bike, which was red with a basket on the front. I didn't feel like riding it today, so Ill just walk. I spotted some of my classmates. One of them was a girl named Saki Miyu, with her blue hair in two long ponytails. The person next to her was unfamiliar. She had purple hair that were in two spiral ponytails on the sides of her head.
They were gossiping and laughing and smiling. Then, Saki noticed me watching them. I gave her my best shy smile, pretending to be the innocent, shy school girl everyone thought I was.
She smiled back, waved, then continued talking to her friend. She was just like all the others, filled with happiness and blissful ignorance. Unlike me, the emotionless freak. But they don't know that, they think I'm normal.
I shook my head, ignoring those thoughts. I wasn't alone. My Mom said it was normal for our family. Except Dad, of course. Dad was the main reason I started pretending to be normal. I could tell he was worried about me, even though my mom told him many times that I was fine.
I spotted the school, and started running. I didn't want to be late. Bang! I slammed into someone, and fell to the ground.
"Sorry! Sorry!" I heard someone say. "I guess I wasn't watching where I was going." I looked up at his concerned face. I froze. Some thing inside me changed. I didn't feel empty. A warmth flooded through me, my heart rate picked up. Love, I thought.
"Um... uh... Oh! It's fine, I'm fine, its my fault." I babbled, grabbing my backpack and and my books.
"Are you sure your alright?" He asked me.
"Yeah." I mumbled, staring into his eyes. He had black hair, I noticed, and he was pale.
"TARO!" Someone yelled, racing up to him and hitting his shoulder. "What are you doing!? Hurry! The bell rang!" She scolded him loudly.
"Gee, Osana. I'm coming. I just ran into someone." The boy named Taro said. The girl glared at me.
"Well, she should have been watching where she was going!" She said hotly. The warmth I felt previously got hotter and hotter, until it was burning through me, it felt like fire. Rage, I thought. The burning didn't subside, it only grew the longer that girl, Osana, glared at me disdainfully. But I refused to let it show.
"Well, it was very nice to meet you both," I said, looking at Taro, "But I must get going." I rushed away, trying not to run.
As soon as I sat down in my desk, y brain started to work. All the warmth was gone, so was the fire. But I felt less... I don't know, empty. I felt like I had a purpose. I pictured Taro, he was so handsome, and so nice and kind, the warmth came back slightly. Suddenly, Osana's face flashed in my mind, and the fire resurfaced, less intense, but still there.
She wants him, I realized. She could never appreciate him like I could. I want to stop her. I want to hurt her. I want to kill her. Taro... he is my Senpai. Mine. Not hers.
Senpai will be mine... He dosen't have a choice...
Disclaimer: All rights got to Yanderedev. I own nothing!
Except Emiko-chan, but she's not here yet... :)