Title: The Gift of Sweaters
Rating: k
Characters: Mabel Pines, Stanford Pines, Stanley Pines (brief appearance), and Dipper Pines (brief appearance)
Word Count: ~650
Summary: Mabel decides to make a new sweater for her Grunkle Ford.
A/N: This fandom needs more Ford and Mabel bonding stuff so here have a little drabble, haha. (btw I suck at making summaries haha) Also, I originally posted this on my tumblr, but I eventually decided that I should share my short fics and drabbles on here as well! (I've posted others on my blog, so depending on how popular this gets I may post my other ones on here as well.)
I also take on requests, so feel free to comment with some suggestions! (Or you could also send me a message on my tumblr as well. Url is the same as my fanfic username, haha
P.S. If you haven't noticed already, I'm really passionate about these two bonding okay, haha.
Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls!
"What's up with the large sweater?" Dipper asked his sister in curiosity, noticing the multiple balls of yarn beside her, as well as the sweater in her lap that appeared to be bigger than her own body.
Mabel shrugged, smiling wide as she continued knitting her next project. "I just thought I'd be nice to make a bigger one, y'know?"
And with that, Dipper just slightly smiled in reply and walked off. Good. Now with her brother off doing his own thing, she could continue with her handiwork in the living room, as another episode of Ducktective played in the background. It wasn't until she heard much larger footsteps that she decided to quickly scrunch up the sweater she was working on, and slip it behind her back before she saw Stan enter the room.
Though she sighed in relief when she realized it wasn't her Grunkle Ford, and casually pulled her handiwork back out onto her lap.
"What'cha working on, kiddo?" Stan questioned as he made his way to the recliner in front of the television, picking up on Mabel's odd behavior as he sat down.
"Oh, y'know—just a new sweater. The usual." She answered with a small smile as she continued to work on her project.
Before Ford sat on the couch in his room and got himself situated to sleep, he noticed something folded neatly at the edge. As Ford cautiously picked the item up, he saw a something fall to the ground. Out of curiosity he reached down for it, immediately taking notice of the spots of glitter and sparkles that covered the little slip of paper. Turning it over, he then found a little note scribbled in glittery and colorful ink:
'I noticed your current sweater was a little worn out, so I went and made you one of my top-of-the-line handmade sweaters! I hope you like it!'
He then held out the article of clothing, softly smiling when he noticed its unique design on the front of the red sweater. It almost exactly matched the same color of the sweater he was currently wearing, but bared a lighter shade. His fingers traced along its sleeves, noting how much softer the sweater felt in comparison to his own. Perhaps he could temporarily make a slight adjustment in his appearance.
Mabel's face brightened when she noticed her other grunkle had come in (and with a slight change in his attire). With a gasp she slid off of her chair and rushed over to Ford, who was currently getting his daily morning dose of coffee.
"Grunkle Ford, you're wearing the sweater I made you!" She gushed as her hands made their way to her cheeks, all smiles.
He softly grinned in reply. "Yes, well—it feels a lot more comfortable than that other one I was wearing."
"Do you like it? Does it fit okay?" Mabel questioned with a quirked brow, hoping that he enjoyed wearing her gift and that she guessed the correct size.
"Of course, Mabel." Ford responded with a nod, ruffling her hair to show his affection. He had to admit, the kid's knitting skills were quite fantastic for her age. "It fits fine—and you can't beat the design!" He added as his grin widened, slightly stretching out his sweater by the hem, revealing its six-fingered hand symbol.
"My work here is done." Mabel said confidently as she let herself out of the kitchen with a satisfied grin. "Oh—and you wouldn't mind if you found a new sweater in your room every once in a while, would you?" She asked with a smile as her head immediately popped back into the room.
Ford shook his head slightly in reply, his smile still present. "No, not at all."
It only took another week before Ford found another sweater accompanied by a complimentary note. He wore it the next morning.
A/N: And this ends the first drabble! Depending on how many reviews, favorites, and follows I get I may post my other ones in the future. Comments, favorites and so forth are appreciated.
Thanks and hope you enjoyed reading!