Sixteen years ago I was captured and placed in a paddock again by the humans, ten years ago I was forced to entertain them, and today I had a feeling that it would all change. I woke up to find a goat nearby so I decided to have a morning snack, I saw that the humans weren't here yet so I decided to walk around and inspect my surrounding paddock. As I walked around I realized just how many fights I've been in, around two years ago they cut down on only two fights a month, at least that's what I heard, so I wasn't getting as much fighting as I would have wanted, but at the same time it was refreshing, it gave me time to prepare, to fully replenish my strength and at the same time I was still keeping strong, yet thin. A little while later I saw that the humans were beginning to file in and so I decided to continue with what I was doing before but much closer to the log and just to entertain them a little more I decided to let out a mighty roar and it made so many of them cheer. Around midday I picked up something, something still a ways from here, but close enough to smell; it took a bit but I finally made out that it was that creature I picked up the scent of so long ago, I grew uneasy but I shook it off, I had to stay focused today, but that will always be in the back of my mind. Later in the afternoon I smelled it again, but this time much closer and in the distance I heard a roar, the roar of a creature establishing dominance and a large one at that; I grew angrier and decided to let loose a roar of my own into the sky, but I heard no response, at this time I realized that there were no more humans coming along and came to the conclusion that they had run in fear of this new creature, I knew I couldn't just sit here and let my rule be taken over, but at the same time I couldn't escape, the walls are too thick to break through.

I paced around my paddock for a good while, at the same time I snacked on a few carcasses lying around since there were no more goats or cows coming in to feed me, then I looked to the sky to see many large shapes flying overhead, I roared at them and one came down towards me, I readied myself and caught it in my jaws, the body was quite big but the bones were fragile and with one bite it stopped struggling. I fed on the animal for a while and while I did, I heard screams of humans coming from the outside and realized that these creatures must be terrorizing them, but I wondered why they were sent. As the day progressed, I could smell that the creature was getting closer and closer to me, but eventually it stopped and began moving around a certain area. Night finally fell, but I couldn't sleep, I was too anxious, I knew that the creature was close by but I didn't know where; I then heard the roar again but this time closer, yet the smell didn't change its position, I decided just to wait more, maybe it would come by soon. As the night grew later, I heard and felt footsteps that I was positive were the ones of the creature, I could smell it close by as well as the smells of three different raptors, I then heard the cries of the raptors and the creature as I realized that they were fighting, mixed in between the sounds I could hear a loud blasting sound as well and I assumed that one of the humans was fighting as well. As the fight progressed I heard the roar of the creature again and the screams of other humans, but then I heard something else, a blaring sound that came from my left, i turned towards it and saw that there was a red light coming from an opening that was growing larger and larger, once it was big enough I began walking out and saw that it was a human female holding a flare in her hand. I walked slowly towards her and then let out a roar, she began to run but I didn't try and catch her, I merely followed her since she was leading me to the creature that I sensed.

I followed her until the point she threw the flare, I looked past this structure, that for some strange reason I had the urge to destroy, and saw my opponent; this creature was about as large as me, long arms with sharp claws, white and a very threatening face, I knew that this was the one that wanted to claim my title. I smashed through the structure and let out a roar of challenge, then the other one let out one as well, we stood there sizing each other up, then it spoke.

"Well then, what do we have here? another victim to my reign."

"I am Rexy the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the true queen of this island."

"Well it appears you're about to be dethroned, because I am your queen now."

"We'll see about that!" I let out a battle roar and so did she, we then charged at each other and began our fight. I managed to get the first hold and grab onto her neck, but she managed to slip out; I kept pushing back and went for the neck once more and managed to get a good hold, but I felt a bite on my neck and let go, but i refused to go down that easily and kept going for the neck, she let out roars of pain, but then I felt the claws against my face, and again, raking down the top of my face and the side, I tried to get a bite but she just clamped down my jaws and threw me to the ground. As I was on the ground she kept pressing my face down, then grabbed onto my neck with her jaws and slammed my head against the ground where I let out a roar of pain, I was then picked up by my head and thrown into a small building where I let out another roar as I saw three humans running out of the building, then I was lifted up only to be thrown back down to the ground again, I let out a roar of both pain and help, I tried to get up but it was no use, she had my neck under her grip and was close to delivering the final blow, I just let my had go limp to accept my fate.

"Nobody is coming to help you, you're all alone. Heheh, long live the queen."

I then heard the familiar call of a raptor when suddenly I felt something jump off of my head and land on the other creature where I felt her get off of my neck, i looked over and saw that one raptor was on her back, I then got up and realized that this wasn't a battle of dominance anymore, it was a battle to the death and I couldn't hold back even for a second. I charged forward and clamped my jaws on her neck where I then slammed her into a building, I made sure to distance myself from those claws and then I grabbed her head and swung her around, all the while the raptor was riding on my back waiting for opportunities to jump on and strike. I showed no mercy, I kept going for the neck, slamming her into another building where I then proceeded to grab her neck, swing her around and slam her to the ground; as she was getting up, the raptor jumped on her back where I then grabbed her neck again, but she broke loose, then I pushed her into the railings hoping to be able to shove her into the water, she got up and faced the both of us.

"You won't beat me, I am an Indominus Rex and I will not lose!" She let out a roar of anger and the raptor and I did the same, but then another large creature that was bigger than the both of us lunged out of the water and grabbed the Indominus by the neck where it then proceeded to drag it down to the deep waters, but at the same time it was calling for us to help it, but we just backed away.

"No, don't let it take me down, save me. Noooooo!" And in one more splash, the Indominus was gone. I looked at the raptor and she looked at me.

"Thanks for saving me there uuhhh..."

"Blue, my name is Blue."

"Right, thanks Blue, we make a good team, it was an honor to fight with you."

"As was with you, Rexy, you now have your title back. Long live the queen of Isla Nublar."

"Thanks, well, i'll see you around." I turned around and walked off to find the perfect place to proclaim my rule, for I was free once again.

I was walking through the jungle as dawn broke, I managed to find a tall place that overlooked the entire island, I looked around as the sun was climbing, I then lowered myself and let out a mighty roar that signaled that I was the true ruler of this island; a powerful roar, a victory roar, a queens' roar.

End note: That was amazing. I think I had more fun typing this story than any of my others, I'm so glad that so many of you enjoyed it, but now the adventure is over for our favored queen. If you really liked this one, then be sure to check out my others; if you liked this story, be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you though, or maybe give me some new ideas. Anyway, i'm so glad you all enjoyed, you guys are awesome and i will see you all next story. Peace!