A new Era

Summary: Yes, Obito was good, but Naruto was better- someone who would help Madara in his plans of cleansing of Konoha.

Destruction of Konoha? Let's see how far they get.

Naruto has an obsession with Madara and is willing to do anything the man asked for. He would kill anyone who didn't think like Madara or so much as badmouth the man's name. Cleansing of the world? So shall itbe.

This is my take on the Naruto world. I tried my hardest to look up the jutsus and chakra used in the Naruto world, so I decided to make my own ideas I see fit on how the jutsus would be displayed.

I tried to use manipulation and physiological reasoning on why Naruto is so obsess and is willing to do anything Madara ask him to do.

No this is not yaoi. Like all my stories, this is Naruto (a menma like personality) and RTN Hinata.

RTN Hinata! Dark Naruto

Swearing, Character deaths, Some smut, Manipulation, Murder

Grammatical errors I assume.

So yeah…. - To the story? I hope you enjoy.


Orochimaru screamed in pain as he felt his life being sucked out of him. "Die you old fool!" he said as he moved his somewhat limp finger, making the sword pierce deeper into Sarutobi, the third Hokage. Enma, the monkey king, tried desperately to hold the sword that was piercing into his companion.

"You will pay for your sins." Sarutobi panted. The death reaper was slowly pulling the snake's soul out.

"Die! Die! Die!" he repeated. Orochimaru screamed in agony. The third Hokage couldn't help but smile. He knew his time was almost up. He was about to speak when he heard a poof sound. Enma was now gone.

His eyes narrowed at the sound. Orochimaru took it as his chance to thrust the whole sword into Sarutobi, however, someone had held it. Sarutobi eyes widened as he felt an enormous amount of chakra.

"What are you doing here?" Sarutobi screamed as he saw the figure emerged from behind Orochimaru.

"Please carry on." The short blond spoke as he took note of Orochimaru.

"Naruto! Get out of here!" Sarutobi yelled. He tried his hardest to concentrate on Orochimaru, but he knew he had to seal at least the snake's arms, so he wouldn't perform anymore jutsus.

Orochimaru trembled with rage. "I'm sorry Hokage." Naruto said as he pulled out a long sword. Orochimaru smirked. "Well, well." He breathed out. "It looks like your student has betr-

His words were quickly cut off as his head dropped to the floor, following his body afterwards. "Nar-

Sarutobi staggered back. The reaper had managed to take Orochimaru hands. Naruto walked over to Sarutobi, who still had whatever breath he had left in. He knew something wasn't right with Naruto. The look in his eyes alone were taunting.

"Why are you here?" Sarutobi coughed out blood. He knew his time was soon coming to an end.

"I see you used the Death Sealing god." Naruto said looking at the marked seal on Hiruzen stomach. He sighed. "I wanted to be the one to kill you." He chuckled.

Sarutobi looked at the blond boy. His vision blurred. He saw Naruto as a little child, then he saw Orochimaru, then Naruto once more. Alas, he didn't have time to think as the clone behind him thrust the sword into him. Naruto cracked his knuckles.

Kakashi and Gai-sensei gazed at the barrier that had disappeared. "Where is Lord Hokage?" Kakashi asked. Gai looked at him nervously. He knew something was not right.

"Stop them!" an anbu guard shouted as he seen Orochimaru and his men jumped from the roof.


Chapter One: Fox in the hole

The sound of a baby crying echoed throughout a small white room, with dim lights. In this room laid a baby boy known as Uzumaki Naruto. The boy, just being conceived, laid in a small crib, partly naked. He had a thin cloth over his private area. His fist was balled up as tears drain down his cheeks, that resembled three whiskers mark on each side of his cheeks.

With seemed like hours of non-stop crying, the door to the room creek silently, as a dark figure emerged from the shadows. "Now, now."

A fair-skinned man, with long spiky pitch black hair that stopped down to his waist, leaned over the crib, picking up the small baby boy. He looked at the child and a sinister smile appeared on his face. In an instant the boy had stopped crying and stared up at the man who was holding him. He turned with the boy and walked over to a rocking chair, taking a seat he looked down at the blue eye boy, who was staring up at him.

The man, known as Uchiha Madara stared at the boy in disgust. He'd never been so close to a child, let alone hold one. It was awkward for him. "Enough of that." he told him. The little baby tilted his head, a soft small graced his lips. Madara narrowed his eyes, scolding the baby. However, that didn't stop the baby from grabbing a strand of Madara hair. He looked at the naked baby and took noticed of a seal place on his stomach.

"Perfecttt." he purred.

"He stopped crying, Hokage-sama."

The door to the room, in which Naruto was in, opened. He walked over to the crib, to see the baby sleeping. Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, put a pipe into his mouth. He glimpsed back at the boy and seen a long strand of black hair in his hand, almost as if he was holding it dearly.

Sarutobi picked up the strand and turned to face the woman, named Soko. He smiled. "Looks like Naruto plucked out a strand of your hair." He laughed staring at the black hair lady. "Oh boy. Kids will have you going bald." He took off his hat. He remembered his youthful days when he had a full set of hair.

Soko, a dark skinned woman, smiled. However, it dropped. She adjusted her glasses. "Hokage-sama." she spoke.

"I know, Soko. You are worried about Naruto." Sarutobi said, taking the pipe out of his mouth.

"He's the container of the nine tail fox, the villagers are going to despise him!" She said balling her fist. "I know this sounds absurd, but it'll be easier," she looked down. "If we just end his life. Forgive me Hokage-sama!" she said bowing down. "How can a mere child hold all this responsibility? The future of Konoha can be at stake!" she said, fiercely staring into the Hokage's eyes. "I know Yodamine did everything he could, but now is the ti-

Sarutobi raised his hand causing the woman to shut her mouth. "I understand your concern, but trust me we have nothing to fear." he said reassuring here. "Yodamine knew what he was doing when he sacrificed himself for the village he loved. He entrusted everything he had into Naruto." He said caressing the baby boy's cheek. "I take it that you will respect his wishes."

She tightened her fist. "Yes, Hokage-sama." She said kneeling down.

Sarutobi stared at the infant and smiled. 'Naruto, you are our future.'

Naruto (10 Months Old)

Soko closed the door to Naruto's room. "Guard the doors." she told the two anbu black ops. The two guards nodded their heads as they stood in their positons. It was like this ever since the nine tails attack the village. He had different sets of anbu guards watching Naruto, that is until he was old enough.

Naruto was lying down in his crib, staring up at the ceiling, watching the fan spin round and around. His little eyes lit up with amusement. His little ears perked up when he soon heard screaming in his ears. He quickly got up and pressed his hands on the crib. He couldn't understand any of the words that echoed throughout his mind. He began to cry as the words got louder.


"I hate you!"

"Kill him."

"Should we go and check on him?" one anbu guard asked the other.

The man with the frog mask kept looking at the wall in front of him and made a scoffing sound. "That's not our concern. We were just told to guard the door." he said bitterly.

He couldn't understand the words being thrown at him, but it never stopped. He did the only thing he knew what to do- cry. The voices stopped as soon as he was picked up. He whimpered as he threw his head on the man's chest. Madara rubbed his head, reassuring him everything would be fine.

"You've grown quite a bit." He said rubbing his head. He placed Naruto onto the floor and watched as the boy began to walk, he stumbled a bit, but he regained his balance. Madara looked proudly at the boy, the boy who would one day become his successor. Naruto walked over to Madara and raised his little arms up. Madara stared at him confused. Naruto went on his tiptoe and Madara knew what he wanted. He picked up the boy and threw up into the air, catching him when he landed. Naruto began to laugh. Madara wasn't too keen on children, but he knew what his plans were. He placed Naruto back into his crib and disappeared. The blond baby seeing the man left cried and threw a tantrum.

"He's at it again."

"He'll soon shut up." Mori, the anbu said.

The other anbu, Mile, laughed. "I take it you don't have any kids."

"I have kids, but not demon kids." He said coldly.

Mile straightened his position as Soko walked up to him. "How long has he been crying?"

"He just started back." Mori said opening the door.

Soko walked into the room and went to Naruto's crib. She glared at the boy. The boy with his big blue eyes stared back at the woman and went to the other side of the crib. He cried louder. The woman lips itched. Why was the old man keeping this demon spawn alive? Was one-person life worth more than the millions of lives out there. She should do the village a favor and kill the boy now. Surely they'll respect her and praise the ground she walked on.

Naruto (7 years old)

"Madara!" Naruto shouted as he ran through the cave. He was panting as he tried desperately to look for his father. He stopped panting when he saw the long black hair man looking down at the puddle of water. "I did it." He said holding up a dog who was dead in his arms.

Naruto didn't understand why Madara had wanted him to kill the dog that he had given him for his fourth birthday. The dog meant everything to Naruto, it occupied his time when his dad, so he called the man from time to time, wasn't there with him. But Madara had told him to kill the dog, at first he hesitated…

Naruto was on his stomach when he was playing with his dog- Tao. He had loved Tao so much. Madara gave him to Naruto when he was just four years old. Tao jumped on Naruto and licked his cheeks. Tao was a yellow dog with black beady eyes, he was short and small. Naruto was ecstatic when Madara gave it to him. Everywhere Naruto went Tao followed him. The two stole food together, played pranks on people and even bathed with one another

"Tao!" Naruto groaned as the dog drooled all over him. Tao barked at Naruto playfully. He wagged his tail. Naruto hugged the dog tightly.

Naruto heard a footstep. He threw the dog to the side and ran up to the man. "Dad, dad!" Naruto said as he cuddled the man's leg. He looked up at the man with big eyes. "Did you bring me anything?" he asked. Tao came up to Madara and stared at him. "Go over there Tao!" Naruto commanded the dog.

Even though Naruto had love Tao, he didn't like when anyone interfere with his time when it came to Madara, he was obsessive when it came to the man. Madara kneeled down and took out a small pebble. Naruto stared at it. "A pebble!" he shouted. He poked the man's forehead. "You're bad at gifts." He said.

Madara chuckled. He got up and went to the door. "You're leaving again?" Naruto asked sadly.

"Naruto." He said with a deep voice. Naruto straightened his posture and stared him. If it was anything, Madara had disciplined Naruto to respect him, he also trained the boy from time to time, teaching him to control his chakra and speak to the nine tail fox. Yes, Naruto had found out about the fox a year ago. He had even found out who his mother and father were, and the reason why the villagers hated him so much.

"Hai," he said.

"I want you to kill Tao and bring him to me." Madara said.

Naruto stared at the man shockingly. "Tao?" he whispered. Tears threatened to gather in his eyes. "Why Tao?" he asked. "Tao is a good boy." He cried.

"It's your choice." Madara disappeared.

He walked next to Madara and lift the dog up to him. "Did I do good?" he asked. "I don't want you to be upset with me."

Madara grabbed the dog and threw it into the puddle. He ruffled Naruto hair and smiled at him. "You did well." He spoke.

Naruto smile brightened. "Are we going to train today, huh?"

Madara listened as the boy ranted on about training. In his mind he knew Naruto was going to become his successor, but he needed to push the boy further.

"We will." He said. "But Naruto do you know why I asked you to kill Tao?" he questioned, putting his arms behind his back.

"N-no." he said. He wondered why, however, Madara had asked him to. Why question the man?

Madara paced back and forth slowly. He smiled, a sinister smile. "Because I know in fact you would do anything I tell you too."

Naruto (8 years old)

Naruto grimaced as some of the drunk villagers chased him throughout the village. This was a normal routine for him. Escape, run, hide. When Madara hadn't take him out of the village to their hiding spot, he would have to defend for himself. He knew the man was getting older by the minute. His once black hair was now white, and his skin was old and wrinkly. He didn't understand how the age processor worked.

It came a point in time where Madara could barely see him, that he had another man, who wore an orange mask, take his spot. Naruto loved hanging out with the masked man, but Madara he loved more. Every now and then masked man took him to see Madara.

Naruto ran into a dead end. He pressed his body against the wall and trembled. He felt ashamed that he couldn't defend himself. Had the training Madara taught him was all for nothing?

"Time to kill the demon," one man said lifting his kunai in the air.

The crowd cheer him on. Naruto eyes trembled as he shook his head. The kept chanting, demon, monster, and murderer. He never grew accustomed to it. Why had they hated him so much?

"The monster isn't me!" he cried out. "It's inside me." He said, hoping that he would be able to get through them. He was a child after all!

Madara, who impersonated as a little boy, walked through the village with Naruto. Naruto looked around as the people stared at him, hate filled their eyes.

"People like this will never change their hearts," Madara said.

"But I'm just a child." Naruto tried to catch up with Madara.

He scoffed. "Look around, Naruto." He said putting his hands behind his back like an elderly man. The two kids walked on the dirt road. Naruto had never been in this part of Konoha before. His eyes widened as he seen a brown hair boy being thrown out of the store.

"Beat it brat!" the old lady spat.
"But I'm hungry," The boy crawled to the woman, "please." He begged. The woman slammed the door in his face.

"Come on Naruto." Madara said. Naruto gazed at the boy once more, who had collapsed on the side. "This is why we need a new world order." Naruto ran after Madara. "Konoha has become a vile and evil place and the only way to make a new is to end this place once and for all."

The two continued to walk. "How do we do that?" Naruto asked.

"In order for there to be peace, there needs to be war, a cleansing." Naruto couldn't quite comprehend what the man/child was saying. Madara turned around and glared at Naruto. "We need people like us Naruto. Those that think like us. Anyone who doesn't should and must cease to exist." Madara sighed. "Someday you will understand."

"Everyone agrees that this demon must die!" another man spoke.

Naruto tried his best to look for an escape plan, but there was no way out. He held his ears as the chanting became louder.

"Kill him!"

"Why are we wasting time?"

Naruto trembled. He looked at the man with hazy eyes, as he approached him with the kunai.

"No!" an elderly man shouted. The group of people turned to the old man who was walking towards the man and Naruto.

Naruto cried. "D…dad." He choked out.

The man laughed. "Your father is dead! And you're the reason why." He said with disgrace.

Madara walked in front of the man and stood in front of Naruto. "Move it old man!" someone said from the crowd.

"I won't let you."

Naruto wiped his tears away. The one person he loved was protecting him despite the condition he was in. The man barked at the man. "I said move out of the way." He shouted once more, but Madara never left. "If you're not with us, you're against us!" He said as he ran up to Madara stabbing him.

Time had stopped for Naruto. He couldn't believe what he had just witness. Madara had collapsed to the floor with a kunai knife sticking out of his stomach. The man realizing what he had done, backed away. The group of men that stood once behind him, vanished. He too, left without a trace.

He crawled over to Madara and watched as the man stared at him. He shook the man. "Wake up… Dad." He croaked out. He grabbed the man older hand and rested the right side of his face in his hand.

The masked man walked over to Naruto and stared at Madara. If Naruto was able to look through the mask, he would see that the man was smiling.

'Mission completed.' He thought.

"What do I do now?" he asked Madara. "Tell me what do I do!" he screamed.

A sad life Uzumaki Naruto it was. The boy had no friends, nor family, except for one Madara. He wasn't like most children. He knew death before he even knew what life was.

"Remember everything I thought you Naruto." Madara said looking at the sky. He knew his time was going to be up sooner. He had stayed to long on earth just for his plans to work. But now he trusted everything to Naruto, of course, alongside with Obito, the masked man.

From the start he needed to know Naruto would be all for him, the perfect successor to make sure his plan would be put into action. Naruto cried. "Please, don't… die." He screamed out.

Madara smiled at him. "I will be back one day." He whispered. His hand went limp and breathed out his last breath.

Naruto turned to face Obito with teary eyes. "He's gone." He sobbed.

Obito remained quiet for a while. "Either you are with us or against us." He said.


Naruto rested the scrolls on the floor. He let everything sink in. Madara had wrote everything down that he needed to tell Naruto. His plans, jutsus and goals. He still hadn't gotten over the death of him. No longer would he be there with him, until the plan would be put into action. He was the closes thing he had to a father, a friend, and he knew what had to be done.

"This world will fall to its knees." He said as he stared out of the window.

AN: This is my take on the Naruto world. Madara knows what he is doing. To let a mere person kill him? No. He is a manipulative character in my story who is using Naruto to achieve his goal. Throughout the story I will display the flashbacks when it comes to Madara and Naruto.

-Madara left scrolls and instructions for Naruto to read, for he knew he was going to die.

-Madara left Obito in charge of Naruto, to guide him.

-Madara has trained Naruto so he would be able to control his chakra and speak to the fox.

-Naruto will kill anyone that gets in between him and Madara.

-Obito will help Naruto from time to time.

-This is a RTN Hinata