Shout-outs: Guest (who reviewed a ton of chapters today), ShortyStarRose, katdvs, Mini-Silver, Guest, kw, . 151, rucas, ChocoholicMonkeyfish, Guest and Discursus

Rated: T

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Chapter 8

"I take Peter's hand. I put it on my heart. I tell him, you have to take good care of this because it's your's. He looks at me in such a way that I know for sure. He's never looked at another girl quite like this. And then I am in his arms, and we're hugging and kissing and we're both shaking because we both know this is the night we become real."

P.S I Still Love You, Jenny Han

"Please be patient, give me time 'cause I've been known to change my mind, but even when I do I keep on coming back to you."

Every Little Thing, Louisa Wendorff

He was in the bookstore all by himself, shelving books. He looked like he was wearing his heartbreak on his sleeve. Maya was overwhelmed with guilt because she had been the one to do it to him.

Yes, he had broken his promises to her but it wasn't his fault. Sometimes you just couldn't help who you fell in love with. She understood that really well now.

She closed her eyes and then took the stone steps leading up into the bookstore. It was time for her to make things better. She only hoped he wouldn't reject her even though she would deserve it because sometimes what went around came around all over again.

It was the reap what you sow thing that Maya didn't want to deal with even if she had to.

She pushed the door open, the familiar bell above it ringing.

"I'll be with you in a minute," Josh said.

Maya was soothed by the familiar, she'd been here before. "Josh. . ."

Josh looked up, shock registered on his face when he saw her standing in front of him. He didn't say anything, not even hello. He waited for her to speak first.

"Josh. . ." Maya repeated, walking towards him, twisting her bracelet around her wrist and choosing her next words carefully. "You have no idea how much I've missed you. . ."

Josh clutched the pile of books he was holding to his chest like he was defending himself from what was coming next. "I've missed you too," he answered, his voice sounding hollow and far away and not at all like her best guy friend.

"Josh. . ." Maya trailed off because she didn't really know what else to say, how to tell him even though he deserved to know. Deserved to be put out of his misery, the misery she had caused him. "I love you too."

"What?" Josh asked, looking a little surprised.

"I love you."

Josh put the books down on a bookshelf and got off of the ladder he had been standing on, making his way over to her cautiously. "Do you mean it?" he asked.

"Yes," Maya answered.

"You don't love me like a brother or a friend?" Josh checked.

"No," she replied, gesturing at her red dress and white shoes. "Do you think I'd come here dressed like someone from a scene from a movie if I only loved you like a sister loved her brother?"

"I'm not sure," Josh said. "You haven't liked any boys in all the years this has been going on between us."

"It's because it's only ever been you," Maya told him sincerely. "I really mean it Josh. I hope you know that."

"So, that's it then?" Josh asked, reaching out to touch her face. "This is the kind of declaration you're giving me? I have to say I am shocked, with you standing there looking like a movie."

"What do you want me to do? Throw my arms around you and call you darling like in all those period dramas we've watched?"

"I'm pretty sure Marianne never threw her arms around Colonel Brandon and called him, darling," Josh said, weaving his fingers through her hair.

"Colonel Brandon and Marianne? I thought we were more like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy!"

"So, you read the book then?"

"Not all of it. I read the quote you underlined and your note," Maya answered. "But I knew before then."

"Knew what?" Josh asked breathlessly.

"How I felt. I knew almost the second you walked away from me. But I was too scared to. . ." Maya trailed off and put her hand on his, closing his eyes as his other hand skirted up her other cheek and he rested his forehead against her's. ". . .to admit it. I came here today with every intention of painting you pictures with my words and all I can say is I am so sorry and I love you too. Please say you still feel the same way about me."

Josh kissed her then and it was like time stood still. He pulled away and laughed at her, looking like for all the world he was trying not to cry. "Do you think I could get over you in such a short amount of time? It's only been a few days, Maya. I didn't even try. I love you."

He pulled her close and held onto her tightly. They stayed that way for a very long time.


Josh slid into the booth and kissed Maya. "Sorry I'm late," he said. "Star didn't come until late and Robert asked me to stay until she got there."

Maya smiled. "It's okay. I got your text."

"So, why did you want to meet me today?"

"Do I have to have a reason to meet you?" Maya asked.

"No," Josh answered. "But your voicemail last night made me think it was something more than just seeing me."

"You're right. I called you here today at this table to because there's something we need to discuss. A retraction."

"A retraction?" Josh repeated. "What do you mean?"

"Of the rules and all the promises we made each other."

"Maya, I think we've already done that," Josh said.

"Well then, we need to make new promises."

"Oh no! I am not making any more promises!" Josh replied. "No way! I learned my lesson the first time. It's impossible to make promises you can't keep!"


"Except. . ."

"Except?" Maya repeated, looking at him and fighting a smile.

"Except. . ." Josh covered her heart with his hand. "I promise to take care of your heart because I know it's a big deal that you entrusted me with it. I promise to not make you sad and to always cheer you up when you are sad. Even if it is my fault and I promise to love you completely."

Maya covered her hand with his. "You better take care of my heart."

"I will, I will!" Josh assured her. "Do you promise too?"

"Yes!" Maya answered instantly. "Of course!"

And then he kissed her and it felt more real than anything in Maya's life had ever felt before.

The End


Author's Note:

And that's all for this story. Except not really. I kind of have (maybe) two more one-shots in this series. One I am definitely going to write and one I might write. March is going to be a month of one-shots. I hope you're all board on for that!

I was only inspired this week to bring them back to where they both started. I knew I'd have them in the bookstore when Maya told him how she felt about him since the beginning. I really hope you will tell me what you thought. I quite enjoyed writing this story for you guys.

Thank you for sticking with it!

Until Next Time!

Lots of Love,

Holly, 2/26/2016