As they reach the gorge, Robin finally takes note of his outfit. "Link, I could have sworn you weren't wearing that before," she comments lightly, though she sneaks an appreciative glance at him, approving of this outfit for rough life and combat.

"Oh, yeah, about that…" he laughs nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Apparently, I'm the Hero of Twilight, and I've got to-"

"Hero of Twilight?!" she cries, shocked.

"Yeah… why?" he asks slowly.

She grins up at him. "You're the one I was sent to help!"

"Wait, what?" he asks almost dumbly.

She nods enthusiastically. "Naga gave me two choices: stay as a spirit and watch everyone in my world move on and die without me, or come to another world in peril to aid the rising Hero there."

"Hyrule," he murmurs. "But, why would you risk losing all of them? What if something goes wrong, and we don't win this?"

Her eyes suddenly darken at the thought. "I never really thought about that… but I had to try." She wraps her arms around herself at the admission. "There's a boy, back in Ylisse, from another dimension of my world, where Grima had nearly destroyed all that we knew. We found him in a temple crawling with Risen, much like the Twili here but with weapons and claws, suffering amnesia. After the fight, he claimed that I was his mother, but he has no recollection of his father aside from a different sword, combat style, and a pair of earrings."

"What's his name?" Link asks her quietly, wrapping an arm about her shoulders.

"Morgan," Robin answers simply. "I freely admit that I've come to care for him, and I wasn't happy about deciding to sacrifice myself, knowing I would leave everyone behind… but with the chance to go back after this task… I saw the heartbreak in his eyes, he was crying so hard… I don't think I would have forgiven myself if I didn't come to this world."


Chrom frowns as he stares at one of the last letters he exchanged with Robin before the war with Valm sadly.

Hey Chrom,

I've been thinking about traveling soon. With nothing happening to require my involvement with the Shepherds these past months, I've realized that, as much as I see all of you as my family, all that I could want in life… I want to find out what happened before we met in that field.

You know I still have no recollection of what happened, and I'm wondering if it isn't bothering only me anymore. I want to try to find these memories, and though it scares me to even think of leaving the safely of Ylisstol to do so, I feel that it's something I have to do.

Of course, I need to have your permission to pursue such a venture, as I'm still a member of the Shepherds.

Then again, I still need time to plan the trip, if I ever do want to get around to it. We are still rather young, and I'm not sure if it's even worth the bother… do you get it? I feel like I'm just rambling now, but if I do want to go, would you give your blessing?

But as I've said, this is just a possibility. Would you mind too terribly at least thinking about it, or give me a suggestion of where I might start? Even with simple research with Muriel?

You don't have to get back to me about it right away, Chrom. I'm in no hurry, and this is all still hypothetical.

Anyway, how is Lucina? And how about Sumia? I've not been to see you all in a while, and I somewhat miss all of you.

Looking forward to a reply,


He never did get around to replying. A day before he planned to talk to her about it, word had reached them about the threat of Valm, so it had been left in his office throughout the war, during which the entire proposal had been forgotten. Even in the brief interim between the war and the fight with the Grimleal that took her life, they had been distracted with the arrival of so many children from the alternate dimension, as well as with the small wedding between Lucina and Morgan. It's been one of his latest regrets, and he doesn't really know how to make up for it, even if she were alive he doesn't know where he might start.

He spies one of the journals on the edge of his desk, currently blank but for her name embossed in golden script; it was to be a gift along with a series of other books and tomes. Now all sit atop everyone's desks in their offices as reminders of their lost friend. Maybe…

Dear Robin,

I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to write back to you… almost two years now, I've just realized. Your letter came to me, and I was about to compose a response the day Regna Ferox called upon us, at least to have a meeting with you rather than discussing your leave on paper.

It's been over a month since you died in my arms, and I still don't know if I'm alright. We all worry for Morgan, but Lucina was there until a week ago to keep him intact. I don't know what's happened between them, but now she has gone, and something about Morgan has improved, as though he's begun to hope, or at least move on a little. I've asked after him when we have meals as a family, and he says he begun to accept your choice, even though we all know he doesn't like it. He's prayed for you at the temple, and lights your favorite incense in the hopes that it would make you happy that you're still remembered and loved.

Sumia has been a little ill these past days, and the Healers are finally being allowed to look at her. Little Lucina is absolutely precious… I don't recall if I ever set plans for her godsparents, but I think that I would have chosen you for the job. She misses you so much, even though she barely remembers you.

I've not much more to really say… the truth is that I just miss you, Robin. You were as a sister, to Lissa, Emm, and myself. It never mattered to Lissa and I that you were the daughter of Validar, or what he planned for you in the end. What mattered is that you stood by us in our worst moments, that you did all you could to make up for any failures you felt you had committed. I think you were the strongest of the Shepherds; to be able to stay on with us after all you've been through proves that, especially with your thoughtless sacrifice.

Look at me, I think I'm starting to cry now. Damn it Robin, why didn't you let me strike that final blow? The world would have gone on just as well as normal, and there would still have been someone to stop Grima again in the future. It happened with Marth a thousand years ago, and I know it would have happened again! Why did you have to go? We need you Robin, now more than ever. We're falling apart without you…

I'll write you again soon, I promise


Wiping the tears from his cheeks, he gently closes the journal and places it in the top drawer of his desk. Taking a moment to collect himself, he opens the nearby envelope, glowing slightly blue in a light much like the portal to the Outrealms.

The Shepherds of Ylisse are hereby invited to compete in

The Tournament of the Realms!

Hosted in the Outrealms, you need simply to present this invitation, and the trader will send you through free of any further expenses.

All room and board will be provided, you and those with you simply need bring your choice of weapons and personal amenities.

This event shall take place throughout the month of August.

And remember, you never know who you will find here!

He blinks at the invitation, before leaves the office. He has a meeting to organize with the Shepherds.

Ordon Village

Robin stands with Lucina as Link walks into the village. "Was there any trouble while we were gone?" she asks the blue haired princess.

"None," Lucina answers with undisguised relief. "I truly worried that there would be something, but no enemies approached after your departure."

Robin sighs in relief. "Thank the Gods," she murmurs. "Do you know about Rusl's condition?"

"I had to send him back home a little while ago. Even heavily injured, he tried to search for the children, but he was too weak, and had no weapon," she answers with a frown. "He was muttering something about old friends in Castle Town that might be able to fight back."

"Castle Town?" Robin muses. "I was there briefly when I arrived in Hyrule, and I escaped the Province before the Twilight began to spread, and only barely at that." She almost hesitates, before turning to her daughter-in-law. "How was Morgan, before you came?"

Lucina sighs. "He wasn't doing very well, but when I said I would do what I could with Naga, he got better. He just asked that I do what I can to bring you home safely."

She smiles sadly. "I just don't want to fail someone else…"

She wakes slowly in a large tent, eyes dry and not in the damp clothes she had fallen asleep in. She wipes her eyes slowly as she pushes herself to sit upright, and recognizes Chrom's tent, and his camp bed she lies warmly bundled in. He comes into the tent as she takes in the knowledge she wears her spare clothes rather than her nightshirt, and stares at the Prince with a small amount of fear.

His eyes are rimmed red with tears, and she bows her head in shame. She made him a promise, one she knew she shouldn't have, and broke it. Chrom has every right to hate her, to banish her, imprison her, beat her to death, execute her…

His arms wrap around her gently as he sits on the bed next to her, and her eyes well with tears once more, even as his own eyes fill yet again. "I don't blame you, Robin," he murmurs into her hair as the tears trickle from her eyes, dampening his shoulder. "This is Gangrel's fault, not yours. You did all you could, I know that."

"I promised she would come back with us," she sobs, even as his arms tighten around her.

"I made you promise, Robin, and I'm sorry I did so," he whispers thickly. "Emm… Emm wouldn't have blamed you, I promise. You still have a home in Ylisse, we still have the Shepherds to be our family."

Her arms wrap tentatively around him in return, and he sighs, burying his face into her shoulder as she does with his shoulder.

Okay, see people! I haven't abandoned this story! So no more requests for adoptions, I'm not giving up the rights to my stories, I've just been busy both with other stories for my overactive imagination and college work. I have a legitimate excuse for super long updates, and I kinda rushed this chapter because of the genius wanting to take over this story.

However, if the reviewer who wanted to adopt this is pissed about this, then log in so I can actually message you back. We can talk, but you aren't taking my main story.

Please review everyone! And again, I'm really sorry about not updating sooner, I thought I updated this over the summer, and it turned out to be last summer when I checked!