And this story is done! I hope you enjoyed it!


The Beast had told Rose that she was going to die in battle. And she had believed him, she was too scared to admit it to the Doctor, but she just kept waiting for the day she was going to die. The Doctor reassured her by telling her that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her, especially now. And he had tried to keep that promise as much as he could. There were times that she couldn't help but slap him, Rose Tyler was not fragile and she could take care of herself. Then again, she couldn't say that she didn't enjoy being pampered now and again. Whenever her feet hurt, he was there to give her a foot rub. Whenever she cried that she was fat, he was there to reassure her that she was beautiful. Whenever she couldn't sleep, he was there to lull her to fall back to sleep. Whenever she complained about being pregnant, he was there to reassure how it would be worth it when they had the baby. He was there, always.

The Doctor promised her that he would never leave her. He said that a storm was coming, but that only caused him to hold onto her tighter. But she knew that he was terrified of it, that he knew that he couldn't keep her forever. Still, he had promised Rose and he couldn't break such a promise, not again. The Doctor tried to keep them out of trouble, he really did. He took her places he thought were safe. But it seemed as if trouble just kept finding them. Despite that, life was better than either of them could have imagined.

Or at least it was, until they went to go visit Jackie. At first Jackie was upset as they hadn't visited for three months in her time. However, believing that it had only been a month for them due to the size of Rose's seven month along stomach, Jackie greeted them as usual. But then she had showed them the ghosts and everything had fallen apart.

But now everything seemed just a bit better. The Doctor had a plan, a risky one, but he was confident that it would work. He just needed to make certain that Rose safe was again. Seeing her face to plunger with a Dalek had scared him into doing exactly what he was about to do. And it was going to break both of his hearts.

"That's why you've got to go," the Doctor said. He had just explained how he was going to send the Daleks and the Cybermen into the Void and Rose had just realized that they were going to get sucked in as well. He leaned in closer to her, begging her to understand why he had to do this. "Back to Pete's world. Hey, we should call it that. Pete's World. I'm opening the Void, but only on this side. You'll be safe on that side."

Rose, however, was not going to have it. She could hear the blood pounding in her ears and she was angry. How dare he try to send her away! She loved him, he knew that, and now he was going to do this to her. "But you stay on this side?"

"Well, I've got these Magnaclamps. I'll just hold on like I've always done," the Doctor explained in an excited voice that sounded as if it was about to break.

"And I'm supposed to go?" Rose asked. She couldn't stand it right now, his detached answers. "You expect me to go to another world? A world without you?"


"The world is going to seal off. And you want me to go there? I promised I wasn't going to leave you," Rose said. Her voice was so cold and strong. She wasn't going to let him do this, no matter how noble he thought he was being.

"Yeah," the Doctor repeated. It was all he could say right now, a one-word answer. He couldn't act like this was a goodbye. Not yet.

Rose let out a huff, wiping her nose before she responded. "No. That's not going to happen. You aren't going to leave the baby. It'll need a dad. I won't let you do this to us."

After that it all happened so fast. Jackie and Pete argued. Rose announced that her mum was going to go with Pete to the other world where it was safe. "I can't leave my daughter now. Where she goes, I go. I have been raising her for twenty years and I'm not going to leave her now."

"Mum, I'll be fine," Rose whispered. She needed to convince her she would be okay here. Because there was no way in hell she was going to leave the Doctor. "I've had a life with you for nineteen years, and they were wonderful. But then I met the Doctor, and he had done everything for me, for you, for all of us. The whole planet and all the rest of the stupid planets out there. And he is alone, mum. But he won't be anymore. Never again because he's got me and the baby."

While Rose was talking the Doctor did the hardest thing he ever had to do. Exchanging a look with Pete, they both took a medallion and put one around Rose's and Jackie's necks. Pressing the buttons, they were all transported to the parallel world, leaving the Doctor alone. "I'm sorry," the Doctor said. It had to be done. "I'm so sorry."

However, Rose was not going to give up that easily. The moment she realized what had happened she hit the button again. "No, you aren't going to do that to me again. Don't you ever learn? I'm never going to leave you."

"Rose…" the Doctor whispered. They didn't have much time but he couldn't help but pull her in for a hug, picking her off of the ground as he buried his face into her hair. "Are you sure? You can never see your mother again."

"I made my choice a long time ago, and I'm never going to leave you. Not now, not ever," Rose said, kissing the Doctor's shocked lips as she realized how little time they had until the Daleks and Cybermen arrived.

Cocking his head to make sure she was telling the truth, the Doctor went to work. "Well then…don't get worked up, okay? It isn't good for the baby," the Doctor said, continuing when Rose nodded. "But I still need your help. Set the coordinates over there, all six of them."

Rose immediately did as he said. However, she noticed something and pressed a hand over her stomach. The baby was kicking more than usual and it was all she could do to whisper, hoping the baby would listen, to calm down and that everything was going to be okay because its daddy was going to save the day. But internally Rose was not so sure. "Doctor, Cybermen are coming."

"How many floors down?" the Doctor asked, finishing up what he was doing and coming over to Rose to see what was on her computer.

"Just one," Rose whispered. She looked at the Doctor and was scared at what she saw in his eyes. He was scared, the ancient Time Lord was terrified.

Thankfully, just then the computers announced that the levers were ready. It was time to open the breath. The Doctor even smiled at the sound. It was perfect timing.

"There's more like it. Bit of a smile. The old team," Rose joked. She couldn't help but joke right now. It was what they did, she and the Doctor. Because if they didn't they would remember how close to death they always were. Just a fingerbreadths away from losing each other.

"Hope and Glory, Mutt and Jeff, Shiver and Shake," the Doctor said. He placed a reassuring hand on her stomach and a soft smile before he turned to go get the Magnaclamps.

Letting out a giggle, Rose asked the most important question. "Which one's Shiver?"

"Oh, I'm Shake," the Doctor announced. It was so odd, to be joking about something so miniscule when the world was falling apart around them. But they were together for the moment and that was all that mattered. Handing Rose a Magnaclamp, he pointed for her to go to the opposite side of the room and attach it to the wall like he was. "Press the red button."

Rose did as he said, hoping this plan worked. "And we will be okay?"

"I wouldn't do anything if it hurt you right now," the Doctor said, watching as the Daleks came into visibility by the window. "When the breach opens, just hold on tight. We have Void stuff, but not as much as the Daleks and Cybermen. So we'll be okay, but you have to promise me that you won't let go. No matter what happens, you have got to hold on tight. Rose, you listen to me right now. Whatever happens, don't do anything that would hurt the baby. Please, you have got to protect the baby for us. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Rose replied. She shot him one more tongue in tooth smile before the Doctor gave the signal. Working in perfect synch as usual, they both pushed their levers into position and latched onto their Magnaclamps.

Just as he had predicted, the Daleks and Cybermen began to be pulled in. A steady stream of the monsters flew past them to their doom. And he and Rose were safe, holding on tight. "The breach is open! Into the Void! Ha!"

Not long after he said the words something he never imagined would happen did. Rose's lever, of course it had to be hers, moved just a bit. It wasn't much, but it was just enough to close the breach. The Doctor stared in horror at Rose as the computer announced that they were offline and the breach began to close. He knew what she was going to do next. She was too brave, Rose Tyler. She was going to save the world one more time. Reaching out her hand to grab the lever as she locked eyes with the Doctor, she ignored the way he was mouthing the word no and let go, latching onto the lever. "I've got to get it upright!" she screamed, using all of her force to push it back into place.

However, it wasn't that easy. She couldn't hold onto the lever, Rose could already feel her grip slipping. "Rose, hold on! Hold on!" the Doctor screamed. It was all he could do not to let go, but he knew he couldn't help her right now. "Goddamn it, Rose! Hold on!" Rose tried to hold on, but the force was too strong. She was being pulled toward the Void, towards hell. One by one, her fingers slipped from the lever until she had nothing to hold onto. Screaming, Rose flew towards the Void. She caught a brief glimpse of the Doctor's horrified face before she slammed into a hard chest and vanished, saved and pulled into the alternate universe by Pete.

"Systems closed," the computer announced. The Doctor hit the ground hard. He had let go of the Megnaclamp, but it was too late. The breach was closed. And Rose was gone.

Getting up, the Doctor walked towards the white wall where he had last seen Rose. Rose was gone. He would never see her again. Or their baby, he would never get to raise their child. He laid his head against the wall, imagining that Rose was next to him, her hand pressed up against his own. But she wasn't.

Meanwhile, Rose was pressed up against the wall in the parallel Torchwood as well, pounding on the wall. "Take me back! Take me back! Take me back!" Rose screamed. She knew it was futile, he couldn't come get her no matter how much she wanted to. She was alone. And the pain was worse than she could imagine. It was so much worse.

Rose stepped out of the car on the empty beach, looking for the Doctor. She had heard him in her mind, calling her name. She knew it was him, it just had to be. Thankfully, others had listened and she had traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles to this beach. Just because the Doctor was calling. Gathering the three week old baby into her arms – the baby who was still asleep, thankfully – Rose walked down the windswept beach towards the lone figure.

"Where are you?" Rose asked the empty air, her heart sinking that she couldn't see the familiar TARDIS. The Doctor had just appeared a few feet away from her, looking like a holograph. It was so painful, to see him there when she knew he wasn't really there.

"Inside the TARDIS," the Doctor said. His gaze only stayed on Rose's face for a few seconds before it shifted to the bundle in her arms. His brown eyes softened at seeing the baby. But he didn't have long and he needed to talk to Rose. "There's one tiny little gap in the Universe left, just about to close, and it takes a lot of power to send this projection. I'm in orbit around a super nova. I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye."

Rose gaped at him, blurting out what she was thinking. "You look like a ghost."

The Doctor sent her a sad smile before he pointed his sonic screwdriver at something, solidifying his image. "There you go."

"Can I?" Rose asked. She shifted the baby in her arms and moved closer, reaching out to feel him. To ensure that he was here and she wasn't just crazy. She wanted, no needed, to touch him. To ensure herself that she wasn't really dreaming.

"I'm still just an image," the Doctor whispered. He wished he was there with her. He hated it that he had missed so much time away from her. He wasn't there when she had the baby. He had broken his promise. "No touch."

"Can you come through? Can you come and get us?" Rose asked. She knew her questions were pointless by the look on his face, but she had to ask regardless. If he could come back to her he would have done it only minutes after she was trapped in the white room.

"I can't," the Doctor choked out, his hand twitching out to touch her. To move the blanket so he could see the baby's face. "Both of the universes would collapse."

Rose let out a half-sob. She had wanted to stay strong through this, but that was impossible. "So? I don't care. We need you here, Doctor."

"Where are we?" the Doctor said. He couldn't tell her again, it was too much. The Doctor didn't want to see her face again when he said it was impossible for them to ever see each other again. In the flesh that is. "Where did the gap come out?"

Rose sniffed. This was such a typical thing for the Doctor to ask. Whenever anything became too emotional he asked for facts. Something that he could rely on. "We're in Norway."

"Norway. Right," he sniffed, avoiding her eyes for a moment as he tried to steel his emotions.

"About fifty miles out of Burgen. It's called 'Dårlig Ulv Stranden'," Rose explained. This was one of those moments when she knew more than him. Before she would've teased him, but nothing was funny now.

"Dalek?" the Doctor asked. It would be that, he decided. Fate would make it that where they last see each other would be the name of the creatures that had torn them apart.

Rose smiled a bit before she responded again. This, she decided, was just too much. She had known, she had always known, what would happen. "Dårlig. It's Norwegian for bad. This translates as Bad Wolf Bay," she explained. She could tell by his face that there time was running out already. "How long have we got?"

"About two minutes," the Doctor whispered. He had done everything he could to find a way to talk to her but it would never be enough time. No, he wanted to stay here forever. He would sit here and wither away if it meant he could see her for five more minutes.

"I can't think of what to say!" Rose announced, tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Tell me about our child," the Doctor said. His voice was so quiet she could barely hear, but she was glad he had said that. That the last thing he wanted them to discuss was the baby.

"She's perfect, Doctor," Rose whispered, moving in closer to him and shifting so that the Doctor could see the sleeping infant. "Her name is Clara Marie Tyler. She was born three weeks ago. I think she is going to have your eyes."

The Doctor felt tears fill his eyes, looking at the life that he had lost. "She's beautiful," he muttered. It was all he could do not to give up right then and there. To go to his daughter and Rose, no matter the consequences. To tear every universe apart, to spend an eternity, just to hold them in his arms one more time.

"And I think she is going to take after her father," Rose said, leaning down and kissing the baby on the forehead. "She is still so little but I can tell how smart she is. Sometimes she looks at me and I just know she is thinking so much more than she should. And she has this glint in her eyes, just like you. A desire for adventure, to run and save the world."

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, the Doctor brought his hand as close as he could to the baby. Just for a moment, he thought, just one second to be able to touch her. "Well then, you better look after her, you hear? Make sure you kiss every scraped knee from me too, yeah?"

"I promise," Rose whispered. She could barely speak, but she had to make use of this time with him. "I'll tell her about you all the time. About the amazing Doctor who travels the stars. She will know that her father didn't abandon her, it wasn't his fault and he wishes every day he could be there for her. His little Clara."

The Doctor nodded, turning his head so that she couldn't see the tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Rose. I'm sorry I won't be there for her. Or for you."

"I know," Rose muttered. It had been hard so far, to not curse him for ever existing. She missed him, she needed him. But he knew that, so there was no point to say it. So she brought up a happier topic, wanting to pretend they could stand here talking forever. "There's still a Torchwood on this planet. It's open for business. I think I know a thing or two about aliens."

"Rose Tyler, Defender of the Earth," the Doctor whispered. His voice shook as he said it, his attempt at an optimistic tone failing.

"Am I ever going to see you again?" Rose asked. She already knew the answer, but she had to ask. She needed to make sure. She needed the finality of it all. She needed to be able to tell her daughter that it was impossible. And that no matter how much they wished the Doctor wasn't coming back. Not this time.

"You can't."

Rose took a deep breath, wiping off the tears from her eyes before she spoke up again. "What're you going to do?"

"Oh, I've got the Tardis. Same old life, last of the Time Lords," the Doctor explained. It was all he could do now. He had nothing else left now that he had lost Rose Tyler.

"On your own?" Rose asked, watching as he nodded. Just then Clara decided it was a good time to wake up, her eyes opening wide and looking at the strange man in front of her for a moment. The Doctor smiled at that. Rose had been right, she had his eyes. "You know I love you," Rose hurriedly added. Of course he knew, there was no way he couldn't know.

Clara started to cry, her loud wails breaking the quiet conversation. Rose glanced up at the Doctor as she tried to calm her down, both of their faces identical masks of pain. He was there, but he was going to leave soon. "Quite right, too. And I suppose, I should've told you to your face long ago," the Doctor whispered. "Rose Tyler…"

Before he had a chance to finish his sentence he vanished. The Doctor was stuck back on the TARDIS, his daughter's cries reverberating around his brain. There wasn't enough time.

Rose Tyler stood in shock, oblivious to the baby's increasing volume. She just hugged the child closer to her, sobbing as she looked at the empty air where the Doctor had stood moments before. He was gone. And he hadn't said it.

Thanks for all the support!
