Chapter 61


Fifty Years Later

"Kazuhiko!" A voice bellowed, drowning out the sound of a laughing Inu. Maids were pushed out of the way as the heir of the west tore past them, running from a very irate Kitsune.

Many people wondered why Shippo got so angry at Kazuhiko's pranks. After all, Shippo is the one who taught the heir. Most found it hilarious that Shippo was finally getting Karma returned to him. It was about time.

The one who enjoyed Shippo's treatment the most was Youta. For awhile it was one of the only things to keep him going. Rin's death, three years prior, had been hard on him, devastating even. At first he had locked himself away, but finally someone was able to bring him out of his depression.

His daughter.

Rin, while aged, somehow conceived and birthed Youta a child. It was also what killed her. Her old body couldn't handle the strain. In all honestly, the pup happened by accident, rin still wouldn't let Youta Impregnate her, and he would never dishonor her, but somehow it still happened.

At first they had been worried about how the child would be accepted, but then they remembered that Youta was no longer the heir of the west, meaning he had no rights to the throne. That also meant that he and Rin could do as they pleased, so a hanyou child wouldn't cause any trouble.

Kagome, was the one who forced Youta to see his child, and once he did, that was all he needed. After that Youta accepted Rin's death and immediately took to father hood. There were times that he went to his own father, asking for help, and Sesshomaru had no problem in giving advice for his granddaughter.

It was at the moment Shippo tore through the castle, just behind his younger brother, naked as could be. Normally he wouldn't have minded showing what the Kami had gifted him, but he knew his female wouldn't appreciate it.

Yes, Shippo the womanizer, found himself a female. Somewhat.

He is interested in a warrior kitsune from another clan, but she wants nothing to do with him. The moment he saw her, he attempted to woe her, and failed miserably. He was hooked instantly.

Quite a few people were amused by how the Kitsune followed the female around, almost as if he was a lost puppy. She continued to deny him, even to this day, but all could tell that she was falling for his charms. She would give in soon enough.

"Calm down!" Amadeus shouted at the two, walking along side his heavily pregnant mate. It wasn't often she was able to escape their home, and today Kagome had called on them for a family get together.

It took three years after the fall of Kikyou for Amadeus to mate the little Neko that had so shyly confessed to him. It really wasn't a surprise to anybody, and even the lord and lady had made a bet on the length of time it would take. The lords attitude that day was a bad one. He really doesn't like to lose.

Just as they turned a corner, they were greeted by Mikio and his own family, three in total now, his youngest only five summers. They greeted each other, close friends since they work so closely together. Immediately Mikio's mate took over for Amadeus, allowing the two females to walk further into the garden in search of the rest of the group, the males following close behind.

Once they reached the proper place, Mikio's oldest yep pups searched out the still bickering Shippo and Kazuhiko and quickly joined into the fight. His youngest ran towards a set of twins spinning around in circles not to far off. Their bluest black hair, shined in the sunlight, their blue eyes mimicking their mothers so perfectly.

They resembled nothing of their father, and Sesshomaru could only be happy that his first born daughters looked exactly like his mate. He now had four beautiful woman in his family.

"Has everyone arrived then?" Amadeus asked his best friend as she approached, just as heavily pregnant as his own mate, with her oldest daughter following behind her.

Kagome had one hand on her back, the other resting on her round stomach. She looked exhausted, and he knew she would be close to giving birth. "We're just waiting on Sesshomaru. I tell you what, we are waiting a very long time before we have any more children."

Natsuki scoffed, doubting her mothers words. Her father couldn't keep his hands off of the woman.

"Perhaps you should cut him off." Amadeus joked, stiffening at the deadly growl that sounded from behind him.

"If she were to follow through with such a threat, you would not live long enough to meet your pup, Fool." Sesshomaru could only glare at the cowering male as he walked past, aiming straight for his mate. He rubbed a large hand over her stomach, feeling for his pup to kick, and smiled when he was rewarded for his patience.

"Daddy!" Two small voices rang out, and immediately Sesshomaru bent down catching two six year old girls, a daughter on each hip. It was a very domesticated sight for the lord to be apart of, but he didn't care.

Truthfully, he was wrapped around the girls fingers, and would do anything for them, perhaps even allow them to paint his face. He kissed each cheek twice, making them giggle before placing them back on the ground. They took off running again, meeting up with Mikio's youngest.

It was then that all hell broke loose.

"My water just broke!" The Neko yelled, surprising everyone.

Amadeus immediately began to freak out, pacing back and forth, and wondering exactly what to do. Sesshomaru just rolled his eyes, before turning to his mate.

"Kagome, will you be able to help the feline?" He asked.

"No." was her surprising answer.

All eyes turned to her, confused. She normally was the one that all went to, and it was rare that she turned anyone down.

"What, Why?" Amadeus screeched, now freaking out even more.

"My water just broke as well."

Sesshomaru's eyes went wide, Youta scoffed, Shippo and Kazuhiko began to gather children and Amadeus promptly fainted. Natsuki poked at the unconscious inu with her foot, a smirk on her face.

Mikio, the only one calm at this point couldn't help but to Laugh as he began to guide the females inside, one hand on each of their back.

While peace may be upon the western lands, it was never boring.


And it has officially come to an end. Hatred…or something else is now finished and I couldn't be happier with the results. I want to thank everyone who followed along with this story, and I really want to thank all who continuously reviewed. The more reviews I get, the more I enjoy writing. You all kept it possible for me to continue. So I thank you again.

I would like to thank Kamila love as always for doing a wonderful job beta'ing. She has been with this story from the beginning and I am very pleased with her efforts.

While this story has come to an end, I have plenty more open, and even some that I have yet to start. Be sure to check out some of my other stories. You may like it as much as you liked this one.

As a finally goodbye to this story, I hope you all enjoyed.

Shout outs:

ZyiarelHellsing: I am glad you liked my story. I hope that it was everything you hoped it to be.

Lilacbloomstar: I imagine a lot of people didn't like the way Youta was conceived, but it happens. Sometimes life forces up into things we don't want. Its how we handle those moments that makes us who we are.

Slvrphoenx: The last thing Amadeus would want to do is hurt Kagome. Especially while she is in the arms of her mate. Lol. I'll be updating to fight in love and war, and eventually ill begin to switch between my open stories.

Guest: I don't speak Spanish, but I am familiar enough with the language to understand you like what you have been reading. I thank you for your review, and I hope that this story was everything you had been looking for.

Wren210: No Sequel to this story. I really don't have anywhere else to take it. At least not without repeating things or making it to close to the sequel planned for after to fight for love and war. So this is the end of hatred. I didn't focus to much on Youta because he had been addressed. He knows he needs to spend more time with his family, and he does. I just didn't have any more story to be able to write about it. While this one is ending, I have plenty more.

Inugirl504: Thank you for your kind review. I am glad that you enjoyed it..

I do not own InuYasha.