"Mikey!" An infuriated Raphael yelled as Mikey ran from Raph's room.

"Daah!" Mikey desperately tried to find a hiding spot to hide from his furious brother. If he wanted to continue doing this to his older brother he'd have to find hiding places and start preparing drills. If he didn't, Mikey feared he'd only live to be fifteen.

Donnie growled from his lab at his hyperactive brother and short tempered one. He felt like the two didn't understand the meaning of quiet. And he desperately needed the unknown word to his brothers. Science was a lot more complicated than they thought, though Leo was more understanding of it than the other two.

He was trying to make like a proton and be positive, but how could he when his two brothers had the brains of an amoeba. He growled as their voices only grew louder. He stood angrily from his desk and opened his lab door. "Will you two shut up?!" He yelled at the two.

Mikey and Raph stared wide eyed. It was so unlike thier normally calm brother to blow up like that, but he indeed had. Leo ran out from the dojo upon hearing yelling and looked to his brothers. "What's all the comotion about?"

Raph growled. "Mikey painted my room pink!"

"So that's why you were yelling at Mikey." Donnie stated as his anger slowly boiled down. Mikey shyed away slightly. He didn't like it when his brothers talked about him. No matter how much they did it either in front of him or behind his back.

Leo looked at Mikey. He didn't glare. He didn't look disappointed. It was just a look. "You painted Raph's room pink?"

Mikey shyed away even more. "Y-Yeah." He was ashamed now more than ever.

Leo sighed. "Ok. Donnie you take Mikey and try calming methods on him while I do the same for Raph's anger."

Donnie sighed, wanting to get back to his expirement, but nodded unable to refuse spending time with Mikey. They all knew of his ADHD. It wasn't his fault, and they all knew it. It's that just Raph takes out his frustrations with Mikey through anger.

Mikey smiled slightly, but it hadn't been full when his brother didn't say no to having to deal with him. He knew that his brothers were trying to help him, but it was hard to deal with.

Donnie took Mikey's shoulder and lead him to the lab, and Leo took Raph to the dojo; Donnie calming Mikey's ADHD, and Leo with Raph's anger.

When the two entered the lab however Donnie was surprised to find that Mikey sat in a chair without trying to touch or ask about anything. Donnie found this peculair of his hyperactive, fun loving brother.
Mikey didn't have a smile on his face or anything. It looked as if he were pondering. But he was sad.

"Hey, Mike. Bud, are you ok?" Donnie asked gently as he sat across from his brother. Mikey looked to the floor not able to look his best friend in the eye. He was ashamed with what he had done.

"Yeah. I'm fine, D. You don't need to calm me down. I already am." Donnie cocked an eyebrow with concern at his bab brother. This wasn't like him. Not at all. But Donnie stayed silent and continued to look at Mikey. It was the only way to break him. And everyone knew it. Finally, after five minutes, Mikey cracked.

"Do you think I'm a screw up?"

The question caught Donnie off guard. Sure, Mikey could be annoying and hyperactive, but he was anything but a screw up. "Mike, you're not a screw up, ok? You're my fun loving, optimistic-"

"Annoying, stupid, freakish, inferior little brother." Mikey finished for him. Donnie sat there, mouth agape from shock. This wasn't his baby brother. This was his shadow.

"Mikey, who told you that?"

"Raph did." Donnie growled. Of course he did. Raph was always one to do that.

"Mikey, look at me." Mikey looked into his brother's reddish-brown eyes with his dull baby blue ones. "You are none of those words. Do you hear me? Raph was just mad. He loves you as do we all. And though we don't say it much, we're sorry for all of the insults we call you."

Mikey's eyes sparked lightly. "Really? You mean it?"

Donnie smiled at his brother's change of mood. "I've never meant something as much as I do now." Mikey smiled as the spark in his eyes were fully restored. Donnie smiled even wider at this, his gap tooth beginning to show.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake and the roof above them began to fall. Mikey looked around them in fear and terror. "Donnie, whats happening?!"

Donnie looked around as beakers, graduated cylinders, projects and inventions fell from their shelves and onto the floor. But he didn't care about those at the moment.

He needed to keep Mikey safe.

"Get under my desk!" Donnie cried as he literally pushed Mikey under it and lied on top of him incase any rubble broke through the desk it would land on him, and not Mikey. The ground then began to shake even more rapidly that it felt like the ground was ripping apart.



It very much could be!

Mikey was crying silently underneath his brother as the shaking grew more violent. "Don't cry, Mikey! Everything's going to be fine! I swear!" Donnie had to scream so he could be heard.

And just like that.

The shaking stopped.

Donnie looked around his completely destroyed lab. Everything was ruined. Not one thing remained undamaged. Donnie slowly slid off of Mikey and entered the open. He helped Mikey up and the same thought crossed their minds.

Leo, Raph, and Splinter.

They ran out of the lab and looked at the completely destroyed lair. Mikey began to tear up again. "D-Donnie. E-Everything's d-destroyed."

Donnie wrapped an arm around his brother as they cautiously made their way to the dojo. "I know, bro.
I know." The two walked inside the dojo. Weapons were broken as was many of the props they used.

But there stood Raph and Leo.



"Oh my god. Thank goodness you guys are safe." Leo said as him and Raph hugged their younger brothers.

Donnie laughed gently. "We were thinking the same about you two."

Raph looked at them. "We can't find Master Splinter."

Donnie looked at them with serious eyes. "We'll find them guys. I promise." But just as that had been said the ground began to shake. Fear flashed in Donnie's eyes as Leo began to lie on top of him as Raph did the same to Mikey. Mikey once again began to wail in fear. But this time the ground shook with such anger that the ground began to split. Leo looked up with fearful eyes.

The ground was spliting!

And Raph and Mikey were on the other side. He began to get up to try and make the jump with Donnie,
but a piece of debris fell on his foot and crushed it, causing it to break. He let out a cry. The floor was now split about half a mile away from each other.

And now the shaking stopped.

Raph and Mikey stood when the shaking stopped and looked to the other side of the reveine. Leo and Donnie were over there looking at the two. "Are you guys ok?!" Leo yelled from the other side.

"We're fine! You guys?!" Raph yelled back.

"We're fine!"

"What do we do?!"

Leo stopped before looking at the sewer openings. They must lead back to them. They had to. "Just start walking! We'll find each other eventually! I swear we will find each other!" Leo yelled back.

Raph nodded. "Becareful, Fearless and Braniac!"

Leo nodded back. "You too!"

And they all headed down their chosen tunnels.

Yay! A new SERIES! Yes I said series! This natural disaster type thing, this shall be a series! So if you're in to that type of thing stay tuned! Did you like it, love it, hate it? Let me know. Your opinion matters. :)