Note: Hi again! For those who don't know, Mighty Max is a fictional prison from another superhero show. You don't need any background, but feel free to look up Mighty Med.

2.5 years pE


Mighty Max

Roughly 300mi underground

"LET ME GO!" Mindleader looked up as he heard a very familiar shriek, moving quickly to the force field covering the front of his cell.

"GET OFF ME, YOU BASTARDS, YOU SPINELESS MEAT SACKS, YOU-mmphg!" Wilting Rose's threats were stifled as the warden forced a Hannibal-styled mask over her face, buckling it behind her head. Absently, the Japanese man noted the pain in her eyes as her curls were yanked by the rough treatment. Or perhaps the pain was from the strain of motion on the thirty-two cuts on her arms, legs, and torso, courtesy of their earlier fight.

Mindleader frowned as Rose was quickly released from the gurney she had been wheeled on, only to be grabbed roughly by three guards and shoved into the cell opposite his own. Hitting the floor hard, Wilting Rose was still quick on her feel, leaping towards the exit, only to slam ineffectually against the new blue barrier. He watched as she clawed at the divide, mask still in place, blood already saturating the gauze pressed against the larger of her cuts.

Something about it…he didn't like. Why was that?

As suddenly as it began, the plant-based villain's movement stopped, glaring as she noted his presence. With a mental scoff, Mindleader looked away, returning to his cot, his own cuts and bruises protesting every step.

Why didn't he like her pain, her fear and anger?

Because, for once, he hadn't caused it.

That was all.

6 hours earlier

President Breakdown's Office

Hero League HQ

President Breakdown smile was strained yet satisfied as he addressed the five heroes assembled before him. Soon, within the hour, two of the planet's most dangerous criminals would be in the custody of the League of Heroes, a subsidiary of the Hero League, and they could then be transferred to stricter watch within a Hero League Super Villain Prison.

"Our informant has confirmed her arrival, and the aerosols are in place. I'm expecting a confirmation call from Dr. Diaz when Mindleader makes his move."

The plan, at its heart, was a simple one. Wilting Rose had been contacted by an 'anonymous seller' who claimed to have come into possession of the plant samples Mindleader had taken from her, from the first night of their ongoing rivalry. Of course it was a trap and they all knew it, but villains like pretensions, and both would be at the warehouse early this morning, ready to finish their rivalry once and for all.

But the real trap wasn't Mindleader's, and it wasn't Rose's. Neither of them would leave the building a free villain.

All thanks to a cuckoo in Wilting Rose's nest.

Breakdown looked over at Kickbutt. "Have Colosso moved to level three after he switches back into his body. A deal's a deal."

Before long, he could guarantee neither of the legacy villains would see the light of day ever again. This was an incredible victory for the League, for the earth itself.

Everything was falling into place.