I contemplated the types of cake mix on the shelf, I guess a run of the mill yellow cake would suit him…. No, too generic…. Devils food, Angels food, red velvet, chocolate? Why are kids so frickin picky? My little brothers birthday was tomorrow and with my parents working it was up to me to pick a cake for him. Originally I thought " just get chocolate" but Aiden insisted he come a long before I pick the ' wrong one' and 'ruin' his dragon themed birthday cake. Stubborn. But I loved him so here I am, standing in the island for the past ten minutes asking his opinion on every cake.

" Aiden, what about blue velvet? You like blue." I still scanned the shelf for any cake box left unturned but paused when there was no response. " Aiden, are you giving me the silent treatment?" I turned around

" aide-" he was even in the isle.

My heart hit my stomach, " Aiden?" I called in a shakily uneven tone, trying not to panic that my 4 year old brother wasn't in the isle next me.

" dammit!" I whisper shouted under my breathe. Putting the cake box somewhere on the shelf and rushed to the end of the isle,

" Aiden?!" I called with no response, how long has he been gone? How in thors name did I not notice his absence? I jogged past isle after isle looking in without any luck, I swear I would cut someone down with an axe if anyone touches a hair on his little head. I was just an isle away from produce when I heard, a small cry, a whimper .

I swung around at ankle breaking speed towards it but stopped short when I saw Aiden standing, back towards me in his blue and green stripes shirt with his light up dragon sneakers, he was rubbing his eye and talking to a man crouched down in front of him. I heard their exchange

" hey bud, it's ok." The young man tilted his head to catch Aidens wondering eyes. " we'll find your sister, I promise."

" yeah?" My brother sniffed, the young man nods, auburn hair falling into his face. Aiden , against every single 'stranger danger' lesson my mom had ever given him, actually let himself be picked up by the young man and that is when I stepped in.

" excuse you." I said loudly with menacing assertion, the young man stood with Aiden in his right arm, his head in his shoulder sobbing. He had stunning green eyes, the kind that make you stop and contemplate whether they are real or enhanced with colored contact lenses. His face was soft and peaceful and kind, making me lose a bit of my hard demeanor by catching me off guard. He wore tighter dark washed jeans , a green shirt with a woolen brown cardigan rolled up below his elbows, a leather messenger bag was across his chest and hit his thigh. O n the arm that held my brother was a leather bracelet with a metal plate, something had been engraved on it. But my attention was torn from his physical appearance when he spoke, his voice was a bit higher than I would ha e expected it to be but had a gravelly under town.

" hi, um.." He gave me the once over, I assume Aiden told him what I looked like " Astrid?" I put a hand on my hip, placing my weight on it , still wary of him. At the mention of my name Aidens head picked up and looked at the man holding him , who gave him a gentle smile and wink.

"Yes" I was in front of him in 3 strides.

" Astrid-" Aiden turned to me as my hand went to his back and the other on his head.

" He got lost and I saw him crying by the apples so-"

" I only went a little far and you weren't there." Aiden interrupted, directing it to me.

" you can't do that. you scared me, something bad could have happened to you." I looked up at the green eyes young man, something about him was mesmerizing, he was so simple but underneath, the way he looked back at me, was so innocent, so trusting.

He loosened his arm to hand Aiden back to me. I kissed my brothers forehead and hugged him, my heart still a bit busy in my chest. It was quiet for a few moments as I hugged him before looking at the young man. He must have been around my age, if not exactly.

" Astrid" I extended my hand that was slightly covered by the long sleeve of my red sweater, I hated how my voice softened towards him. His lips turned up into a closed smile, a little crooked, pulling more to his right.

" Hiccup" he shook my hand, his twice the size of my own. " hiccup-" I repeated back questioningly in a hushed whisper, I didn't mean to say it out loud it was just a peculiar name.

" yeah, I'd rather be called that than my middle name."

" which is-?"

" Horrendous…" He made a face of defeat, pressing his lips together in a line, making his cheeks puff out a bit. Man, he looked like a kid for a second. I scoffed a laugh.

" I know right? That would be awful" he commented on my laugh by chuckling and moving his shoulders and hands while he did so, a distinct behavior I don't think I've ever seen before. I wonder if he knows he does this?

" no,," I laughed a bit " no, I didn't mean it like that , it's just ' Horrendous' doesn't suit you. Like at all." Rolling my eyes for affect as I alluded to his rather pleasant disposition. Hiccups cheeks reddened in a boyish blush.

" thanks" I pulled my braid away from Aidens face

" what do you say?" I looked down at him, his eyes and nose still red. Aiden picked up his head and turned towards Hiccup

" thank you" his tiny voice echoed, usually he was louder, more rambunctious but I guess being scared really took it out of him.

" hey, no problem" Hiccup stepped a bit closer to talk to Aiden " just stay close to your sister from now on,okay? She's 'll be sad if she loses you and if you lose her." Hiccup pat his back, glancing back up to me. Aiden nodded.

" She's not nice All The time though" I looked down at him " sometimes she won't let me in her room," he looked back from me to hiccup " even if I'm bored!" Hiccup went along with Aiden,

" even when you're bored!? Thats terrible!" His eyes flashed to meet mine and back to the little boy in my arms. I smiled slightly, biting down hard on my lower lip. " why would she do that?"

" because she is busy with her birds, they don't like me, Astrid says I'm too loud around them so she won't let me in." Tattling. Really Aiden. Really. If you don't like me so much I'll hand you back to Hiccup. Don't think I won't..

Hiccup scratched his chin as if thinking, I could see his bracelet now, the name plate said " Toothless", the name of his dog perhaps?

" maybe she just needs to hang out with them alone, animals like being talked to without extra noise you know." He said, watching Aiden, who only nodded. I felt a flutter in my stomach, the tough side of my brain told me to leave in blatant defeat but the other side wanted to stay.

" Aiden we should probably go."

" but we need the cake!" He looked at me, his declaration could have been the most important thing in the world. he turned towards Hiccup " it's my birthday tomorrow. "

" well happy birthday, how old will you be?"

" five"

" five, " Hiccups eyebrows raised "you're practically a man. We'll have to start addressing you as 'sir' soon ." This made Aiden laugh.

" Astrid" Aiden quickly turned to me " can Hiccup come to my party?"

Now, I'm just 20 so I don't know the proper answer to this, is that acceptable? I mean, Hiccup is a decent guy after all, from this anyway. And I do like him… I mean, Aiden likes him…. Fuck it- he's hella cute and yeah I would like to see all that covered in frosting like a cinnamon bun…woooooh hold on there Astrid , just get his number, chill..I looked at Hiccup.

" um.. Yeah if that's ok with Hiccup." I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

" oh, I don't know-" he meant to sound like he was saying ' i don't want to intrude'

" just give me ur number" I interjected sounding a bit commanding as the words flew out as they usually did. He looked at me, something intense in his eyes as my face pales and then went red " I mean, so I can text you ".. Great Astrid… You're great, did you get an A+ in self control or what? Fuck. This is so not you, you don't feel like mush around a cute, sweet, funny…. Handsome… Ah- just a guy you just me at the store. FOR THE LOVE OF THOR, YOU LOST YOUR BROTHER. Priorities woman.

Hiccup fumbled for a pen and paper in his messenger bag but settled for the inside of his forearm. " I'll um- I'll text you" he looked back at me " if that's ok? I can't find paper and my dog buried my phone somewhere in the dog park…"


" sure but you have to give me yours " I said a little too happy

" yayyy" Aidens voice went high. I gave Hiccup my number and he went to hand me the pen but I just outstretched my other arm. I heard him take a shaky breath, unsure what I meant but realized my other arm was occupied. Instead he begins to push my sleeve back so gently it was as though I was fragile which I was not at all, and scrawled his number down along the inside of my arm.

" so I'll see you tomorrow?" I said smiling , as his hand didn't quite leave my hand

I swear my heart stopped when he drew my hand up pressing his lips to the back of my hand. " as milady commands." I laughed, Hiccup let go.

" if Aiden is addressed as 'sir' you are 'milady'", he did this funny stupid curtsy thing and looked back at me. My eyes were locked with his, the brilliant green, soft and sweet and-
" are you gonna kiss?!" Aiden practically screamed in my ear. Our faces were more red than the tomatoes next to us.