Hey guys, this is the last chapter! I really hope you guys likes the way I ended this, if not tell me and I'll write an alternate ending if I can. Anyway, as you know, bold italics is comlink or mindlink communication, italics is personal thoughts. Please excuse any mistakes I may have made. I do not own DC Comics or any of their characters. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Richard was aware of two things. There was an oxygen mask on his nose and mouth and he was alive. He slowly opened his eyes, the bright light making him turn his head. He groaned and tried to get up or move, but that hurt. A lot. He heard someone get up from a chair or another type of furniture.

"He's awake…" The voice said quietly before rushed footsteps went away from him and he heard "HE'S AWAKE!"

After that, he heard multiple sets of running footsteps and he willed his eyes open. Surrounding him was a magic barrier of some kind. He wasn't even laying on anything, just floating in air. He turned his head towards the footsteps and watched as Batman, followed by others, barged in. He was following Zatana. Zatara sat on the floor in front of him. The man had his eyes closed and was levitating off the ground. Richard painfully moved his hand up to take off the oxygen mask.

"Richard, don't move. You may cause more damage. You broke almost all your bones. You're lucky to be alive." Black Canary said.

"Screw... that." Richard said breathless as he took it off and cleared his throat. "Zatara, put me down... Stop this."

The 'I don't deserve this' went unsaid, but everyone knew Richard was thinking it. Zatara opened his eyes and slowly, gently put Richard down on the floor. As soon as the magic barrier was gone, pain hit Richard like a train. He grabbed his throbbing head.

"What... the hell... happened?" Richard breathed out.

"You..You don't remember?" Robin asked.

"No..I only... remember falling...and Batman and Renegade." Richard answered.

"You really don't remember?" Kid Flash asked.

"No." Richard said, confused.

"Do you know how old you are?" Batman asked.

"I'm...fifteen." Richard answered, but he doubted it.

It didn't sound right.

"No, you're seventeen." Batman replied.

"What?! No. Wait...no." Richard stuttered.

Then it came flooding back. Dying, the Court, becoming Rege, being Rege, fighting, getting cured, falling. It overwhelmed Richard. The teen stared at his hands.

"That's not possible. That was a dream! None of that really happened!" Richard looked at Batman.

His eyes pleading Batman to tell him it was all a dream. That he never did any of what he just remembered. That he didn't die. That he wasn't angry and revenge hungry because he felt replaced. No such news was delivered.

"Did I really die?" Richard asked quietly.

"Yes." Black Canary said gently.

"I...Does...Does that mean the rest of it is true as well? The Court? Rege?" Richard asked, eyes wide in horror.

"I'm afraid so." Black Canary answered as if she were talking to a frightened child.

"Then...why am I still alive? Why did you save me?!" Richard questioned.

"Because we trusted that you were you, the normal you." Batman answered.

It took a few minutes for Richard to process this.

"I'd like to be alone." Richard said quietly.

"Well, we can do that, but Zatara has to resume treating you with magic. Ironically, it saved you." Zatana said.

"That's fine, just... I need to think." Richard responded.

Black Canary walked over and placed the mask back in place and hugged him.

"Good to have you back." She said quietly and left.

All the other heroes left, leaving Batman with Richard.

"I need you. That's why I saved you. You are my son." Batman took off his cowl, "Even if you make mistakes and turn to the evil side of you, you will always be my son."

Bruce smiled.

"Besides, the other boys need their big brother."

"Big brother?" Richard scoffed. "I'm not a good role model. I have screwed up so many things. I have fallen from the path you led me on and…" Richard's eyes filled with tears, "I've murdered far too many people to be considered a hero. I cannot be looked up too by them."

"Richard, they don't see just your mistakes, even if that's what you see. They see a man you has been wronged far too many times, a man who has fought against evil, a man who has never given up, and a man who has always come back. You are a great, valuable idol to them, and they look up to you. Always have. Tim and Jason look up to you as the first Robin. The first son. Don't you realize how much we care for you?" Bruce said with sadness in his tone.

"You shouldn't care at all! I'm a murderer! I'm-" Richard started.

"Don't you dare start beating yourself down!" Bruce yelled.

A heavy silence fell over them. Bruce stepped forwards and wrapped Richard tightly in his arms. The suit's cape follows his arms and Richard felt like the young boy he used to be wrapped up in Batman's cape. Richard wrapped his arms around Bruce and clung onto the cape. He buried his head into Bruce's shoulder and let his tears fall. He sobbed quietly and shook. Bruce just held him. After a few minutes, Richard stopped sobbing but tears still fell from his eyes.

"You are my son and I love you." Bruce said.

Those eight words meant the world to Richard, and they were the beginning of Richard's healing. Once Bruce let go of RIchard and they stopped hugging, he put his cowl back in place and called in Zatara. If Zatara noticed the wet spots from Richard's tears on Batman's shoulder or Richard's red puffy eyes, he didn't point it out, which both bats were grateful for.

Zatara restarted his treatment and Richard thought. I have to make this up. He let out a shaky sigh. I've done so much bad. I have to do good in the world from now on. He began to plan out the next chapter in his life. Other than Gotham, what's the most crime infested city? ...Bludhaven, sister city to Gotham. I can't be Robin anymore. He sighed, his eyes getting heavy. What am I going to do? His eyes closed and breaths evened out as he fell asleep.

Over the next few months, almost a year, Richard trained to regain his strength and recover from the fall. He trained hard and made record time in recovering. During this time, he stayed at the Manor. He bonded with Jason Todd and Tim Drake. Barbara Gordon had been coming around more. He also met Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Supergirl, and a couple of new proteges. He even helped with the clone Roy Harper and the real Roy Harper, now known as Arsenal. He had good relations with them and planned to keep it that way. Richard and Slade built a healthy relationship now that Slade wasn't on the bad side, but also not on the good side either. Him and Alfred got close again and Richard rebuilt his relationships with the Justice League members. They wanted to place him as leader of the new team, but Richard declined saying Miss Martian and Superboy were more fit and were still in the hero business. After that meeting, many of the Justice League members and team members told him that he was forgiven. Richard had thanked them, but they all knew he hadn't forgiven himself. Richard controlled coms and helped when he could, but in no time, all his bones were relatively healed and all that remained were faint bruises and vivid memories.

"So Bludhaven, what do you plan on doing there?" Miss Martian asked as Richard was getting ready to leave for said city.

Richard turned towards his team: Miss Martian, Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash, and Aqualad.

"Join the police force. Do what I can to help." Richard shrugged.

The original team members now knew his identity, so he didn't bother with a mask or anything to cover his face.

"What about people? Dick Grayson returning from the dead?" Connor asked.

"Simple, Dick Grayson was found after years of imprisonment and his kidnappers were shot and killed in the police raid. They never found my body, so I was never proven to be dead." Richard responded.

"Well, knowing you, you're going to become a vigilante again. What will you go by?" Artemis asked.

Richard grinned.


Hey guys. I just want to thank you guys again for reading and supporting this story. I left the ending kind of open to the imagination. I know I hinted at the Season 2 team members and the evolution of the characters into Season 2, so this just fits into that time skip between seasons of Young Justice. If you guys want another ending or another story, I am open to suggestions.