
"We could send someone else," Leia suggested yet again, trying to keep her daughter with her for as long as possible.

"It will be better if it's me…"

"You shouldn't tell him who you are, not at first," Leia reminded.

"I know, I'll ease him into the idea…Will he know about dad?" She questioned, not sure if her Uncle would have felt her fathers death. The force was an interesting thing, and Rey didn't fully understand it all.

"I'm not sure…" Leia said looking down to the ground beneath them. The base was hustling to get more work done, before they officially moved. "I need you to be careful, do you understand me? I just got you back and I'm not losing you again!" Leia demanded, hold Rey's hands tight. She nodded and smiled at her mother.

"I'll be alright, I promise."

"Chewie will look after you," Leia noted, knowing how true that was. The Wookiee would make sure Rey was taken care of.

"I'll look after him too, and the Falcon."

"It's in the right hands," Leia reassured softly.

"You think so?"

"Your father would have wanted you to have it, I know that."

"I…I have to go," She mumbled to her mother, trying to not let her emotions get the best of her. While she was determined to do this and find her Uncle, she also didn't want to leave her mother. Not yet, not after all this time.

"You'll be back at my side before you know it."

"You'll look after Finn?" Rey questioned and Leia smiled.

"We will."

Leaning in Rey hugged Leia tightly, her head resting against her mothers shoulder. Leia's arms wrapped around her small form and squeezed.

"I love you," Leia whispered to her.

"I know…I love you too Mom," Rey nodded, pulling back. Walking away, she tried not to look back. This was much harder then she had expected. But her mothers voice pulled her out of those sad thoughts and made her turn to look back at her.

"Rey….May the force be with you," Leia told her with a soft smile, and Rey smiled back, before slowly turning and walking towards her fathers ship.

Leia watched as the ship lifted and jetted out to the stars. Her heart felt warm at the idea of Breha aboard the Falcon, but numbed to the idea that Han wasn't beside her. Stepping back from the crowd, Leia slowly walked away and down to her quarters. The halls were quiet, as everyone was up above working or settling in for their departure. Shutting her door, Leia basked in the silence. In a few short steps she was at her desk, and slowly sat down. Taking a moment to breathe deeply and try and relax. She leaned over and rested her elbow against the desks surface, and closed her eyes. It didn't take her mind long to let go, and slowly she drifted to sleep.

Leia was surrounded by white light, and it felt so very pleasant and warm here. Something was so very familiar about this place, almost like she had been here before. She tried to jog her memory and only came up with hints of an idea…Perhaps after Chandrila, after the attack on Chandrila. Had that meant she had briefly been in this place? This warm place with white lights and calming atmosphere. She couldn't be sure, but something once again told her that she wasn't staying here, simply visiting. Hearing her name, her heart stopped, and she slowly turned around. Han…He stood not far from her staring at her with a brilliant smirk against his lips.

"Han…" She gasped looking at him, staring at him and deep into his eyes.

"Hey Princess," He said, stepping forward and closer to her. Leia closed the distance between them and shoved her body against his, her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him close. "Miss me?" He teased and Leia swallowed hard.

"You have no idea how much," She whispered against his chest. "Han…where are we?" She whispered against him.

"I'm not sure, sweetheart. This is your dream…"

"Doesn't feel like a dream."

"I'm not sure it really is," Han mumbled to her, pulling her back just enough to look down into her eyes. He smiled at her, leaning in and kissing her lips softly. His soft lips against hers felt so real and so wanted.

"Han…" She sighed against his kiss.

"I'm right here Leia."

"I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted this for you," She told him and he nodded.

"I know sweetheart, this was my choice…I tried to bring him home."

"It's my fault I should have never asked you to do that," She cried out, a few tears spreading down her face. Han's fingers were quick to wipe them away, and he smiled.

"I would have tried even if you hadn't have asked. He's our son…I would have tried…"

"Han…I want you back…so bad," She admitted and Han nodded.

"I'm right here Leia, I'm not gonna leave you. I'm right here," He whispered, pressing his palm against her chest.

"It's not the same Han…We wasted so much time."

"We had so many good years together Leia, so many good memories. A lot of love, I'm still gonna love you, even from here."

"I love you too."

"You don't have to be alone anymore…"


"You found her…"

"Because of you, Han. You were right about her."

"I love when you tell me I'm right," He smiled.

"Han, I want to stay with you," She almost insisted and Han frowned.

"Not yet sweetheart. You're not ready yet."

"I can…"

"No, you have to go back. Help the resistance, like you always do. Be with Breha and Luke."

"What about you…Gods I want to be with you Han," She practically sobbed.

"I promise you I'm right here," He whispered to her, leaning in and kissing her once more. "I love you so much Princess…always will."

"I love you too, Han," She sighed, running her hands up and cupping his face. Leaning up she kissed him once more, pressing her lips to his and savoring the moment and feeling. She could hear a slight knocking coming from somewhere but she wanted to ignore it.

"You're waking up sweetheart," He told her, running his thumb against her jaw.

"I don't want to."

"You have too. I'm still here Leia, I love you," He whispered to her, as the white light around her faded to black…

Her eyes opened, and she lifted her head from her desk, how long had she been asleep?

"General Organa?" Another knock came at her door.

"Yes?" She questioned. The door opened and Lieutenant Connix stepped in. "General, we are finalizing everything. We just need your approval," She explained and Leia nodded, standing from her desk.

"Of course, I'll be right out." Lieutenant Connix nodded and left the room, leaving Leia alone. Taking a deep breath, Leia tried to adjust to the real world, and outside of her dream. She could almost feel Han's lips against hers, feel his hand pressed against her heart.

"I promise you I'm right here…" She heard is words echoed around her.

"I love you Han…" She told the empty room, before slowly stepping forward and walking back to the resistance.

Thank you all for reading & reviewing this story!