Galaxy of Missing Moments

Authors Note: Hello

This story is my take on Missing moments between Han and Leia between Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens. I will reference Canon storyline when I can, the rest will be my take on these moments we didn't get to see. I think I needed to write this story to make my heart feel a little better after seeing Force Awakens. This will be my first Star Wars Fanfic and I haven't sat down and wrote a fan fiction in years but I'm diving in head first with this one. Ratings may vary just depending on where this takes me. There will be H/L Fluff, Love, Angst, and more…Anything my mind comes up with. I hope my fellow Han and Leia lovers will enjoy this. I have quite a few chapters planned for this, so please let me know what you think.

Referenced in the Chapter: Star wars Shattered Empire.

Chapter One


Speeders and clouds moved together through the busy sky of Coruscant, the light from the setting sun slowly peeking over and into the dark living room of one of the many pent houses over looking the planet. The room was cold, the furniture had been moved in, all pre designed and planned out of course. It was standard for anyone of her status, especially these days. Leia Organa slowly peered out the window in front of her. For a while she counted the speeders as they flew by, but after one hundred she gave up her inner battle and moved from the window and into her new apartment. There was nothing wrong with it, it was beautiful and many people would beg to live in such a place. Mon had insisted she take it, even after she had turned it down. The building was close and near the center of the city, all the important places Leia would need to be. Although it wasn't as close to the hangar as she would have liked. Walking further into the living room and down into the hallway Leia slowly looked into her bedroom. Once again she was met with a beautiful view of the city skyline. Smiling to herself it was beautiful, simply not what she knew anymore. You spend years of your life moving from base to base, hiding from the empire, She felt odd being so out in the open.

"Home" She whispered softly to herself as she gently sat on her bed. A soft and restful bed no doubt. That would also take some getting used to. No more fold up beds or cots. She had recently grown used to sleeping on the falcon, at least when Han was in town.

" Mistress Leia, Is everything to your satisfaction?" She heard C-3PO ask from the bedroom door.

"Just fine."

"May I prepare your dinner now Princess?"

"I'm not hungry." Leia said standing up and moving back to the window.

"Princess…I have orders requesting three meals a day…"

"Orders?" Leia asked turning around to face him.

"Yes Princess, From General Solo and Master Luke. They would like me to prepare you three meals a day." 3PO explained as Leia rolled her eyes.

"Well you can tell master Luke and General Solo that I…" Stopping she was surprised to see Han walk down the hallway.

"Talking about me sweetheart?" He asked with a smirk before telling 3PO to prepare dinner.

"How did you get in here?" She questioned looking down the hall to the front door.

"Well all the security in the world wont stop someone from opening an unlocked door."

"Oh, just as well I'll have them add you to the security list." She said making a mental note.

"Letting me into your Royal Apartment any time day or night? I think I like the sound of that." Han said with a smirk trying to pull her into a hug.

"I don't need you or Luke keeping an eye on me." She said with a glare before once again returning to her spot at the window.

"Calm down would ya. We're just worried about you. Everyone has to eat Leia. You've just been different since Naboo." Han said following her to the window and slowly wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin to her shoulder. Leia sighed, never wanting to admit it but loving how easily his touch calmed her.

"I felt things on Naboo that were new to me, thats all."

"Have you talked to Luke about it?"

"I have no interest in training to be a Jedi knight and thats where the conversation always goes."

"Talk to me then." He whispered to her.

"Going all mushy on me are you?" She asked trying to move attention to anything but herself.


"I don't want to talk about anything right now." She said turning around to face him. Gently running her fingers down the side of his face and to his lips. She watched him carefully before slowly leaning up and pushing her lips to his. His hands pulled her hips close as her fingers moved to run through his hair, pulling lightly at the ends. His hands traced patterns around her hips and up and down her sides keeping her close to him at all times. Breaking away for a quick breath Leia sighed his name, moving to stand on her tip toes, desperate to be closer to him. Understanding Han moved to lift her into his arm but let go as a voice broke them apart.

"Princess, dinner is served." 3PO said walking into the room.

"Son of a…"

"Han…You wanted him to make me dinner." Leia said with a smile before letting him go and straightening her dress. "We'll be right there 3PO."

"I'm telling you no one would notice if we just left him on a planet somewhere." Han said reaching for her again.

"Luke would."

"Then he needs to go live with Luke, I mean do you know how many times that blasted golden piece of scrap has interrupted…"

"Shhh." She said placing her finger to his lips. "Stay here tonight." She whispered.

"Oh I don't know Princess, Its pretty fancy not sure its my style."

"Are you really going to make me sleep in this big, soft bed all by myself?" She asked walking over and laying back on the soft cushions that surrounded her new bed. Hans eyes traveled over her before meeting her eyes with a smirk.

"I'm not sure we'll get much sleep if I stay."

"I think I can live with that hot shot." Without warning he quickly moved to jump next to her on the bed. She let out a squeal before rolling over and away from his huge form.

"You could have squished me." She exclaimed.

"I thought you liked me on top." He asked moving closer to her and running small kisses down her neck. Leia was lost in the moment. Maybe she would like this apartment after all. Surprising both of them Leia quickly moved to straddle him and smiled down at his shocked expression.

"Depends on the occasion I guess." She said pulling at the collar of his shirt and catching his lips. Hans hands grabbed her roughly as he pulled her hips closer to his, looking for some sort of relief.

"Leia…" He moaned softly as she ground her hips to him.

"I love you." She mumbled against his skin.

"I love…"

"PRINCESS! Your dinner will be cold soon." 3PO said from the living room.

Groaning Leia pulled away from Han and sat up straight. Hans eye pleaded with her but she only smiled.

"What planet were you talking about and how long would it take to drop him off?" She said with a laugh before moving off the bed and walking towards the living room. Leaving Han on her bed.


"Anything new at work?" Han asked moving to the dining room.

"umm not really same old I guess. Theres a lot of talk of if Coruscant will remain the capital."

"Where else would they put it?" He questioned.

"Something about it switching with each election. It's all still very new."

A comfortable silence filled the room as they both poured themselves wine for their meal.

"What do you think of the place, Honestly?" Leia asked as they sipped there soup from the dining room table.

"Well its shiny." Han mumbled reaching for another slice of bread.


"Yeah I mean its all very clean."

"Yes I suppose your right. I'm not sure I like it." Leia said opening her honest thoughts to him.

"Leia Its your first day here, you should give it a chance. Besides isn't this what your used to?"

"I haven't lived in a place like this for a long time Han."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean…"

"I know. Forget it. I just mean I'm so used to moving base to base or even the Falcon has felt like home recently. I just don't feel home here." She explained. Han smiled at the mention of the Falcon. She was right, recently she had been on the Falcon with him more often then not and he loved it. She felt perfect there and he loved waking up to her next to him in his bunk. He liked knowing she felt that way about being on the falcon.

"So sell the place and come live with me on the Falcon Sweet heart."

"I wish it were that simple. I'm sure Mon would love that anyway."

"Well she's already thrilled at the idea of us right." He said motioning between the two of them.

"Han I…"

"Don't need to lie to me darling." He said smiling and grabbing her hand.

"They'll get used to it." She said matter of factly.

"And if they don't? Aren't there some princes out in this galaxy that might catch your eye?"

"I happen to like Scoundrels." She said sipping more of her soup not meeting Hans eyes.

"Leia, if you ever wanted…."

"I want you." She said looking up. "I gave up a lot for that rebellion. They can live with me not marrying a prince or that I'm sleeping with a corellian."

"Oh! talk about our sex life much?" Han said with a wink trying to adjust the mood to this conversation. It worked, Leia smiled and leaned closer to him.

"Loads, Brought it up in a meeting with the other diplomats the other day. Everyone was very impressed General Solo."

"Gods I love you." He spoke earning another smile.

"I love you too." Her lips moved to his once more as her fingertips grazed his thigh under the table.

"Wheres goldy?" He asked against their kiss. His hands already moving to the buttons of her dress.

"Shut down." and with that Han pulled her up into his arms and stood.

"Han! You're going to drop me." She said laughing. God he loved the sound of her laugh, Only those closest to her got to hear it and man did he love it.

"Drop you? You don't weigh anything, I think I can handle it."

"If you say so."

"I do say so…" and with that he dropped her on to the bed in front of them. Her smiled showed through out her whole face as she laid back into the soft mattress underneath her. She closed her eyes and took in the moment, no Empire threatening to burst in at any moment, Not having to worry about moving to a new Rebel Base, She was just simply here with Han. She felt the bed dip and quickly opened her eyes.

"What are you thinking about Princess." Han whispered in her ear as he dropped kiss down her jawline. What once was an annoying nickname had turned into something new and exciting to Leia whenever he whispered it into her ear like now.

"Thinking about this guy."

"Whats he like." Han asked unbuttoning her dress and smoothing his hand over her flat stomach.

"Some pilot guy I used to know. Cocky scoundrel type." Her fingers drawing circles on his chest as she reaches under his shirt and try to pull it free from his body. Quickly helping her Han moved to throw his shirt to the ground beside the bed and quickly returned to the the beautiful girl laid out in front of him.

"Too many clothes Sweetheart." Nodding Leia moved to pull her dress off trying to throw it to the floor but sadly ended up throwing it directly on Hans head.

"I'm sorry." She said trying to hold her laugh.

"I don't think its my color…" Han said pulling it off his head and tossing it beside his shirt. Leia watched as he stared down at her body taking in every curve of her. She felt the blush creeping up her cheeks. Closing her eyes she focused on his touch. His hands skimmed her hips while his lips moved up and down her stomach, slowly reaching her chest where he fumbled with her bra. The temperature grew in the room, as they pressed there bare chests together they sighed into their kiss.

"Do you know how much I love you?" He asked her looking deep into her eyes. Meeting his gaze she smiled and nodded leaning in once more to capture his lips in a searing kiss. This was perfection right here laying in Hans arms, nothing but love and want. Glancing down at her Han smiled, he loved watching her like this. She was lost in their love and in his movements within her. Her moans and groans egged him on and her almost silent whispers of his name as she pulled deep at his shoulders, bringing him closer to her. Nothing was better then these moments.


The Room was dark, only the lights from the city outside flashed through the window. Leia sighed in content laying on her stomach, with her head tilted just enough to watch the city lights. A smile gracing her features as Han drew circles on her bare back. She could feel his body pressed against hers, keeping her warm. She had felt him pull the sheet down her back exposing her soft skin. His fingers danced across her back sending shivers down her spine. Moments like this was where she felt the most relaxed. The afterglow controlling her thoughts and simply letting her live in the moment. Han focused on the patterns he drew on her back, Leaving gentle touches down her spine. Moving closer to her he gently kissed the back her neck and slowed his movements.

"Don't stop." She whispered against the pillow.

"Feel good?" He whispered back.

"Always." She said turning to face him, pulling the sheet up to cover her goose bumped skin.

"I like the bed." Han mentioned closing his eyes and resting his head to the pillows beneath them.

"I'm glad. It might be a little better then your bunk."

"Hey now lady we've had some good times on that bunk." He said his eyes shooting open. Leia laughs and nods.

"Oh I remember. I just think the extra space will be good and its rather squishy." She says moving further into the mattress. Moving his hands to her hips Han gently wraps his arms around her small frame, placing a small kiss on her nose.

"Sleep…" Leia whispered as her own eyes closed.

"Goodnight Princess." and together they drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

A Beeping woke them the next morning. A constant beeping that pulled them quickly out of any peaceful state they might have found. Moving to roll out of Hans embrace Leia was met with resistance.

"Han, love, you have to let go." She laughed. He simply mumbled something and released his hold on her. Rolling to her night stand she quickly grabbed her comlink.

"This is Organa." Leia muttered into the receiver. "I'm sorry mam, yes I know what time it is. I'm sorry I must have over slept." Leia said sitting up and wrapping one of the sheets around her frame. Slowly she stood up and made her way to the window, hoping her conversation would not wake Han.

"I have those files here, I can bring them in shortly. Queen Soruna has offered nothing but assistance. Yes I understand. I will be in as soon as I can." Sighing Leia set her comlink back on the table slowly looking towards Han. Surprisingly she found him staring at her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." She said softly leaning over to kiss him quickly.

"Not your fault, who calls at this hour?"

"I should have been up by now, I must have forgotten to set a wake sensor last night."

"Well you were a little busy." Han said with a smirk as he stretched his arms out, letting a yawn free.

"I have to get dressed and go in. What are your plans for today? When will I see you?" She asked walking to the closet to retrieve a suitable dress. Not even bothering with the sheet anymore Leia let it fall to her ankles as she reached for her clothes. Not hearing a response she glanced over her shoulder to find Han staring.

"See something you like General?" She joked working to pull her dress on.

"You expect me to hold conversation when your walking around naked?"

"Isn't anything you haven't seen before."

"Sight will never get old."

"Compliments will get you everywhere General Solo." She said on her way to the fresher, stopping quickly by the edge of the bed to kiss him yet again.

"I don't have anything going for a while as far as I know. I'll probably just head back to the Falcon, get some fresh clothes. How late will you be tonight? I can make dinner without 3PO." He added.

"I'm not sure. Mon Didn't say how long I would be needed, I can com you when I'm getting close. I'll have them add you into the system so you can make it back in here if I'm not home yet." Leia explained.

"Alright." Han said still looking sleepy.

"Go back to sleep." She suggested leaving the room to find the file she needed.

"No fun if your not here with me."

"Well one of us has to work hot shot." Slowly walking back into the room she smirked at the sight of a very naked Han laying in her bed. This she could get used to.

"I'll talk to you later." She said turning to leave the apartment.

"Hey hey hey…." She heard before she was swept into his arms. "Going to leave without a goodbye kiss." he whispered into her ear.

"I didn't know Chewie was around." She giggled.

"Princess!" Han scolded before leaning down to kiss her. What started as a sweet and innocent kiss turned deep and passionate and soon Leia was gasping for air.

"Princess Leia Are you headed out for the day?" 3PO asked from the kitchen as he made his way to the couple. Without much thought Han quickly grabbed Leia and pulled her in front of him. Unable to stop herself Leia let out a laugh as she stood blocking C3PO's view of her naked boyfriend.

"Yes 3PO I am. General Solo is going to stay her for some time and get some more sleep before he returns to his ship. But he'll be back later."

"Of course, Is there anything I can assist you with?" he asked.

"Could you have them prepare my speeder please." She asked still trying to control her fits of laughter.

"Of Course Princess." And with that he walked out of the apartment.

"Gods Leia He needs to be put down or broken up for parts. I can't keep doing this." Han said quickly walking back to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry I forgot about his timer."

"yeah yeah…."

"I really have to go, please get some more sleep." She said before walking out and towards her speeder.

Quiet and thats how Han liked it. After a brief nap he had returned to the Falcon to touch base with Chewie. After grabbing a few of his belongings he headed back across town to Leia's Apartment and thankfully all security had been updated and he had no trouble entering. Now he stood in the kitchen cooking dinner for his Princess. 3PO had long been turned off, while Han enjoyed the silence. He did agree, the place needed a bit of love. It seemed cold and as he said a little too shiny for his liking. Although it did look like a princess lived here. Hearing the door slide open he happily greeted said princess.

"Welcome home." He said while stirring dinner.

"Smells amazing." Leia said moving to put her things down in her office. "Did you get some sleep this morning?" She asked from down the hall.

"A little, I can never sleep as good without you sweet heart."

"I'm sure you managed all those years before me." She said with a smile as she came back in the room.

"Never like when I have you next to me." he said with a quick kiss to her forehead.

"Thank you for making me Dinner. I really appreciate it. I'm going to go change."

"Anytime beautiful."

"Han whats all this on the bed?" She called.

"oh sorry." He said making his way down the hallway and to her bedroom. "I grabbed some extra clothes and I wasn't sure where to put them."

"Oh of course. I have an extra closet over here that can be yours." she said without much thought.

"Oh thanks, I think. I can take the stuff back to the Falcon I don't want my things cluttering things up around here."

"You have to have clothes Han." She said as she slipped her work dress off and grabbed her robe. "It's a little silly really, you'll be spending so much time here. Instead of having to go back and fourth to the falcon all the time you should just move in with me." She said casually as she tied her robe together. Han's breath caught in his throat and he simply stared at her. Had she realized what she just said?

"Leia?" He questioned. Realization must have hit her and a look of horror flashed across her face.

"Oh my gods I'm so sorry." She looked flustered. "I didn't mean for it to slip out like that. I was just trying to be practical. Of course its way to soon for us to be living together." She started to ramble now as she walked past Han and down the hallway.

"Leia wait."

"I'm sorry I don't know where that came from. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."

"I don't want to make our evening awkward."

"Leia take a breath."

"I'm sorry."

"Damn it Leia stop apologizing." That caught her attention and seemed to calm her down. She slowly stopped pacing the living rom and looked up at Han.

"You always think of things in a practical or rational way Leia thats who you are."

"I guess you're right."

"well your right too sweet heart. It would make much more since for me to live her instead of going back and fourth but that presents a problem." He explained.

"What problem?"

"Do you want me here because its convenient or because YOU want me here."

"Han…." She said pausing, trying to find her words. "I want you here, to be with me. I enjoy going to sleep with you and waking up with you. I want to come home from work and meet you here at our home." She whispered the last part looking down at her feet. "but this is too soon, Han and I don't want you to run away screaming." She looked sad now, He wondered if he saw tears forming in her eyes. Before he could find out he quickly stepped to her and lifted her chin up, bringing her eyes to his.

"Leia." He whispered softly to her while he gently rubbed her cheek. "I would love to live in this shiny apartment with you. I want to go to sleep with you and wake up with you Leia. I wanna come home from working on the Falcon and find you here working on some stupid files for work. It's not to fast Leia, besides when have we ever been a normal couple."

"Never." She mumbled. "Han are you sure. People will ask a lot of questions about our relationship and where we go from here?"

"I don't care about them. All I care about is you and me."

Closing her eyes she smiled.

"I love you fly boy."

"I love you too your worshipfulness"

Slowly their lips met sealing the deal neither had planned for.

Well there is our first chapter. Please let me know what you think. I've written a few more chapters for this and I'm working away at more I have planned out. Thanks for reading =)