Chapter one:

When does one pay for the damage one's caused?

The gorilla, ehr, I mean, Kondo faced his subordinates, looking up from the painfully long bill he had received. ''53,500,650 yen each.'' he simply said, before adding, ''Do you know how many dates I could buy from Otae-san with that money?'' Okita stared at the floor, as Hijikata munched on something drenched with mayonnaise. ''Don't you mean, how many new swords we could get? Or other decent equipment?'' Hijikata asked, once he finished chewing. ''Toushi, I don't care that you two bicker a lot and usually, I don't mind the casualties. But how on earth did you manage to destroy thirteen traffic lights, twenty cars, harm the Shogun, blow up a restaurant and let that thief Katsura escape?''

''It was the yoruzura.'' Hijikata said. Okita interjected, ''They received the bill for the damage that China-chan has done, Hijikata-san. I'm sorry I missed, the next time I'll make sure to hit my mark.'' As he eyed Hijikata. ''EH, WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! YOU BASTARD! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HIT THAT CRIMINAL, NOT SHOOT AT ME!'' Hijikata shouted, but Kondo ignored that. ''I'm sure that their bill is nowhere near the payment we have to make. But I can't keep covering these bills.'' he told them instead.

''See, you're causing Kondo a lot of trouble, Hijikata-san. It'd be much easier if you co-operated and died.'' Okita said. ''STOP SHOOTING AT ME, MORON!'' Hijikata shouted, ready to draw his sword in case Okita was about to kill him again. ''Toushi, you know Okita-kun is making a joke. It's what friends do. Fortunately, I found the two of you sidejobs away from the Shinsengumi, so you can repay your debts.'' Kondo simply answered.

''A sidejob?'' Okita asked, ignoring Hijikata's reply of how Okita definitely wasn't joking, and should be hunted down like Katsura. ''I arranged employment for a few months, it'll do the both of you good. You'll be contacted by Yamazaki or me when trouble arises, but until then, you're considered temporarily suspended from the Shinsengumi until the debt has been fully repaid with interest.'' Kondo explained.

''Are we supposed to work together?'' Hijkata asked, as he was finished ranting. ''I had hoped so, but we've found two different employers, that both showed interest. I had Yamazaki calculate what would be the best option, and having seperate jobs was apparently better. It'll repay the debt faster, and allow the both of you back into the Shinsengumi all the sooner.'' Kondo told them. ''Where will we stay? We live here, but when we're suspended, it is against regulations to stay on the grounds.'' Okita asked. ''It'll be too hard to track Hijikata down.'' he added.

''You two are wonderful friends.'' Kondo said, moved by Okita's words, as Hijikata muttered something about egotistic reasons and Okita being a sadist. ''But the yoruzura offered a room for the both of you, so you won't have to be seperated in these hard times.'' Kondo said, pulling them both into a hug. Hijikata pushed him away, ''No way. We're not staying there.'' Hijikata protested.

''Danna isn't that bad. Glasses and China are fun, I suppose.'' Okita said. ''There has to be a catch, those three can't be trusted. And you and that yoruzura girl will destroy this very town if you were to stay together at one place!'' Hijikata ranted. ''The other option is to rent a room at your job, but it'll cost you. Aside from that, the girl from yoruzura is visiting her home planet.'' Kondo said. ''I prefer to stay with Danna.'' Okita opted. ''How unfortunate, then we'll have to go our seperate ways.'' Hijikata said sarcastically. ''Oh, I'll make sure Okita-kun will get your adress.'' Kondo said, moved to tears, which he wiped away with his sleeve.

''One more question, Kondo-san,'' Okita said, trying not to grin at Kondo's timing. ''What jobs did you choose?'' He saw Hijikata fold his hands together, probably wanting to work at the mayonnaise factory, because of the weird fantasy he had about that place. It would probably crush his dream if he came to work there. ''I was asked to keep the particular jobs a secret, especially your job, apart from handing you envelopes with the adress.'' Kondo told him. That had Okita and Hijikata on guard instantly. Because, no matter how sweet Kondo was, he tended to be naive. For all they knew, they would work for the Yakuza, or some other criminal organisation, and Kondo wouldn't realise it.

''Did you check them out?'' Hijikata asked. ''There was no need, one of them belongs to Otae, and the other is a widely known company. Besides, I'm sending you two, so when there is something wrong, I know you won't betray us. As long as you don't cause any further damage, it'll be fine.'' Kondo told them. ''Awww, Hijikata, sucks for you having to work with Otae-san. You'll be a lovely drag queen.'' Okita teased, as he took the adress Kondo handed him.

''He didn't say who had to work where, baka.'' Hijikata retorted, already done with the bullshit situation, longing for a cigarette. Somehow, Okita couldn't hold back a smirk when Hijikata got up, cursing under his breath that the moron was probably right, and that he had the most terrible luck in the world. Okita headed to his room, wondering what he would need at Danna's place. Danna had the best couch of the world, and China was gone, so he'd probably only need his blanket and pillow.

His sword was essential, (What if China came back?), and so were some changes of clothing. He wondered if there would be company clothes he had to wear. They were always so itchy, and stiff. He giggled at the thought of Hijikata wearing a wig, and a yukata. Suddenly, he heard a knock, that made him look up. Speaking of the soon-to-be yukata wearing devil. ''I thought you were smoking?'' Okita told him.

''I was.'' Was Hijikata's curt reply. Okita couldn't help but notice his voice sounded strained, and he knew why. ''I thought I made it clear that I don't want your sympathy.'' he replied. ''I know that.'' ''Then why are you here?'' Okita snapped, as he looked at him, tears welling in his eyes. ''I know you hate me, and you've every reason too. Even so, we're friends, whether you like it or not. But be reasonable, we both know you can act rash when Kondo isn't around.'' Hijikata said, taking a few tentave steps towards Okita. ''I'll be fine.'' Okita said grudgingly. ''I don't mean any harm, you know that.'' Hijikata said, ruffling through Okita's hair.

''Some rest will do me good. Knowing Danna, I'm sure to have a lot of distractions.'' Okita said, eyeing Hijikata, who sighed. ''You'll have to face the truth someday soon, Okita. Take care, okay? Though it'll be nice not to have you around to kill me every hour of the day.'' Hijikata admitted, taking a cigarette. ''I thought you were finished smoking?'' Okita asked. ''You shouldn't complain about me smoking, it'll kill me faster than you do.'' Hijikata joked. ''That's why I am complaining.'' Okita told him.

''Tell that yoruzura-jerk to treat you well.'' Hijikata said, before he bolted out of the room, before Okita could attempt to make his line about smoking killing him faster a lie. Okita rolled his eyes, as if he'd actually do it without making it seem like an accident. Kondo would be upset, and the cleaning would be a hassle. Besides, his Aniki wouldn't like it, especially now he lived to honour her memory.

''Jerk.'' he mumbled, before he gathered his last stuff, and took a peek at the adress he was supposed to go to. ''The Jaden Palace?'' he wondered out loud, hoping there wouldn't be a mix up. He shrugged, before he grabbed his stuff. Along the way, he asked Yamazaki to take his stuff to Danna's place. He swallowed as he left the Shinsengumi gates, not wanting to look back. ''It's only temporary.'' he said, before he took fierce steps towards his new job.

Both Kondo and Hijikata watched as he left. ''You gave him that adress, huh? She's going to be very angry with you, you know.'' Hijikata said, before taking a satisfactory, long drag from his cigarette. ''She requested his help in the first place, even though I gave her a choice between the two of you. She mentioned something about some alternative, refreshing reasoning.'' Kondo explained. ''As long as your obsession with her doesn't interfere with the Shinsengumi, I'm fine.'' Hijkata replied. Kondo gave him a confused look, ''I'm not obsessed. You do realise I was serious about the suspension, and repaying the damage, right?'' he told Hijikata, who nearly dropped his cigarette in shock. ''HOW DO YOU INTEND TO KEEP THE CITY SAFE?'' He shouted, making Kondo laugh. ''I hired someone. Now get going, Toushi, and make sure to be back soon.''

Gintoki was picking his nose with his pinky, as he read his Shonen jump. ''Fifty shades of black butler really has as little plot as I suspected. It is almost worse than Gintball Zeta.'' he loudly complained, as he laid on his side, to read easier. ''Lazing around again? Find a job, Gin.'' Shinpachi said, as he was cleaning the floor. ''Already got one.'' Gintoki lazily replied, before reading on. ''Lazing around and reading and nagging on Jump doesn't count.'' Shinpachi replied annoyed.

''How did we get rid of that debt that Kagura caused?'' Gintoki replied, not bothering to answer Shinpachi. ''We settled on an arrangement. Don't change the subject, Gin. Even I am starting on a job tonight.'' Shinpachi replied. ''So am I. Otae-san asked me for help.'' Gintoki said. ''Eh, Sis did? Wonder what she's up to. She can't pay you that much, you know.'' Shinpachi replied. ''She promised Dom Perignon.'' Gintoki said, as he sat up. ''You don't like Dom Perignon.'' Shinpachi replied. ''But it can be traded for lots of parfaits.'' Gintoki replied. ''Ah.'' Shinpachi said dumbfounded.

He shook his head, before saying, ''Anyhow, I'm going to be at my new job for a while. It provided me a place to stay, and promised company for you. Please try and take care of both of you before Kagura or I come back.'' ''Eh, why do I have the responsibilty of taking care of some stranger?'' Gintoki replied. ''It's only temporary, Gin. Besides you don't have a lot going on.'' Shinpachi said, before adding, ''Jump magazine still doesn't count.''

''Someone has to worry about the lack of decent plots. Besides, I'm odd jobs Gin, I work all the time!'' Gintoki protested. ''Jobs that never pay, or only cost us.'' Shinpachi said. ''Fine.'' Gintoki groaned, before throwing his Jump on the table, and adding, ''I'll see what I can do. I hope this guest doesn't have high hopes for this place.'' ''I hardly think he does.'' Shinpachi replied, shaking his head.

Okita's eye twitched a few times. ''This better be a mix-up.'' he said, but Otae's playful grin told him otherwise. ''The gorilla has send me the right one. Hijikata-san would have done a terrible job, whereas you resemble a woman somewhat, not as beautiful as me though. You've got the back-stabbing behavior which is required. Besides, it's a once in a life time experience, and for one night only.'' she explained, sitting on her couch, with a glass of Dom Perignon in front of her. Aside from her, this place was nearly deserted, Okita noticed. Something that had him highly on guard. ''Why don't you sit down, and allow me to explain it?'' she said, giving Okita a slightly ominous feeling about this arrangement.