Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Dairies or the Originals.

Chapter 1:

Kai Parker walked towards the massive structure. The city that he is in is undoubtedly deserted, much like the dozens of other cities he had ventured through. This would've been his first time in the British museum. He had wanted to see if there were items worth salvaging from the museum. Old objects could sometimes be dangerous, in other words powerful. As he made his way towards his intended destination, a myriad of thoughts swirled within his mind.

Shadows of past plagued him daily. Lesser men would've yielded to the guilt he felt, the betrayal he suffered and the despair of his existence. But for Kai, the demons of his past are but a welcomed companion - a faithful reminder of life outside of his purgatory.

Kai was one of eight children born to the head of the Gemini clan: a coven of magic users. Magi, sorcerers, wizards and hexa are but a few words that were used to describe these individuals. In the modern era, the term witch is the label most associated with these individuals. Since the dawn of creation, Nature, an omnipotent and mystical force has acted to maintain the balance of life. Everything from birth to death falls under its domain. Witches are servants of nature, and thus could be described as Nature's agents on the material plane.

Of course, the Gemini Coven is only one of many witch covens to exist; it is however one of the oldest remaining covens. To Kai's knowledge, there are only a handful of other covens that are older than the Geminis. The Gemini coven, as the title suggests, revolves around twins. Incredible power could be harness from the merging of twins. As the Gemini see's it, twins are but incomplete parts of one another – by uniting these fragments, order would be restored. This capability is unique to the Gemini coven; their ancestors have fused the Gemini spell into their very bloodline. As the Gemini spell blessed Gemini descendants with fertility, disposition for mystical twins and the ability for unification; the grand power granted demands balance. Nature compensated by cursing the Gemini coven with a unique type of witch known as Siphoners.

Siphoners are witches with no magic of their own. They are unable to produce their own magic like other witches. What they do have is the unholy ability to absorb magic from other sources, regardless whether it's objects or witches. After absorbing magic, Siphoners would then be able to perform their own spells like any other witches. Even then, the magic they absorbed would only remain within them for a day or two before it dissipates. As magic is the life force of witches, Siphoners are often ostracised. Their existence seemingly brings shame to the prestige of the Gemini Coven. Therefore, the existence of this subcategory of witches is virtually unknown to those outside of the coven.

As the eldest son of the leader of the Gemini coven, Kai was talented in the usage of magic. His grandmother believed him to be a prodigy when it comes to magic. At a young age, Kai was able to understand the mechanics behind most spells and could reverse engineer them through observation alone.

Kai would've seemed like the perfect candidate take over his father's position as leader of the Gemini coven. If only he wasn't born a Siphoner. Kai's twin sister, Josette, while born as a normal witch, lacks Kai's prodigious skills in magic.

Kai's father, being disappointed with his eldest set of twins, continued to bore more children. This venture led to the birth of six more children – with only the last two being twins. A boy and a girl: Olivia and Luke. The new hope of the coven.

Throughout Kai's early life, his grandmother basically raised him. She'd let him Siphon her magic and taught him many spells. Kai aimed to proved his father wrong and become a great witch, regardless of the fact that he can't generate his own magic. When Kai was 21, his grandmother had passed away, her final wish before joining the other side was for him to become a benevolent leader for the coven. And so, he promised her he would.

Kai knew that his father wouldn't hand him the position of Coven head even for all the money in the world. In his father's eyes, Kai was nothing but a disappointment – an abomination. In order to fulfil his grandmother's wishes, Kai opted to take drastic actions. He would take the position by force if he had to.

His plan was to kill his youngest siblings, Liv and Luke. And thus the coven would be forced to do the unification between him and Jo. He had no doubt that he would be victorious if it were between him and his dear sister.

While this plan may seem heartless, even psychotic, Kai had planned to restore his siblings back to life as soon as he became the head of the Gemini coven. His rationale was that being the head of the coven would grant him not only his own source of magic, but also the power needed to bring his Grandma back to life; the one person that unconditionally loved him. However, the plan didn't exactly go accordingly. He ended up killing half of his siblings, and not the ones that he was intending to kill.

His efforts were greatly hindered by his twin sister. By the end of the confrontation, while he failed to kill Liv and Luke, Jo had already promised to do the Unification ritual with him the next day by channelling the power from the Solar eclipse, a major celestial event. Little did he know, it was a ruse by the coven to banish him into a prison world.

He had heard of the Prison World. A construct created from powerful magic. If he remembered correctly, it was only used once before: on a pack of vampires. He cursed himself for not paying more attention back then. However, from what he remembered, the Prison World traps its victim in an exact image of Earth the day that the spell was cast.

The Prison world was the exactly replica of the real world, so to speak, minus all the living things. As such, Kai was trapped on the day of the eclipse. When the day ends. It would loop back and repeat itself. He has seen the eclipse too many times, more than anyone alive should ever have to.

At some point Kai gave into his despair, and tried to end his life. As it turns out, even that liberty was taken from him. Eventually he gave up on dying. Over the years he killed himself in many different way just for fun and scientific curiosity

'What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger.' he thought.

Within the first year, Kai had managed to find the Ascendant, a mystical dial-like device. And according to the Gemini Codex, the Ascendant was one of two keys in order for him to get of the Prison World. The Second thing he would need was a Bennett Witch. With that knowledge, Kai was hopeful that he could one day escape and finish what he had started.

Besides thinking of new ways to die, Kai also spent his time researching new spells and learning to do many new things. Kai had learnt how to pilot a plane, and even a helicopter. Admittedly, he had crashed a few times first. The no dying thing certainly helps. He also learned how to use a variety of weapons, ranging from swords to rifles.

He had also endeavoured to learn martial arts. From archives he'd learned to specialise in Wing Chun and Krav Maga. His supplement these styles with techniques from other fighting styles from other places he had visited.

Other things Kai researched in particular was Science. He delved into Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

While magic could be seen as the antithesis of science, Kai viewed them as two sides of the same coin.

"Knowledge is power, and right now, the knowledge of the entire world is up for grabs." Kai monologue.

Over the years in the Prison World, Kai has learned and master many things. He had also tried to soak up as much magical knowledge as possible. He had started with the Gemini Coven library, even the forbidden area. There were plenty of mystical objects for him to draw magic from. It took him three months to learn everything from his coven's library. After which he would moved onto another coven.

He spent the first decade travelling around the world, raiding covens and learning from priceless spell books, left unprotected. He also collected dark objected whenever he could. For a Siphoner like himself, these cursed objects are great reservoir of magic.

Somewhere along the way, in an ancient part of Rome, Kai uncovered a very rare crystal that was used by ancient witches. The crystal was referred to as Solistian gem - It was unique because it could convert the energy from sunlight into magic, then stores it within. Ancient priest would channel the energy within these crystals in order to perform miracles. The crystal Kai found was only the size of a small marble.

It could store about twenty times the amount of magic a normal witch could, but the downside was, it generates magic and half the speed. That being said, for a Siphoner like himself, the crystal was basically an endless supply of magic.

A magically sealed Vault deep within the Vatican protected the Solistian. However, Kai being a Siphoner easily siphoned away the magical ward. Afterwards, he fashioned the Solistian into a ring.

With the Solistian ring in his possession, Kai spends the next decade practicing and perfecting the spells and magic that he had accumulated within the last ten years. He even invented new spells of his own by extrapolating magical theories from various covens.

(Time Skip 21 years after being trapped inside Prison World)

His time inside the Prison world has proven fruitful. He has mastered many types of magic the many great covens the world has to offer: Egyptian, Greece, Nordic, Celtic, Anglo, Roman, Aztec and Chinese and many more. Most of his spells were learned from Ancient texts and were very powerful. He could now perform most spells nonverbally and effortlessly. His knowledge of science allows for his spells to act much more efficiently.

In a grand library within the city of Alexandria, Egypt, Kai had uncovered a manual detailing how to perform a mystical technique. This ability allows the user to feel and sense the magical presence around them. It allows for witches to hone in on other sources of magic. The ability is passive and requires only the minimalist of magic to perform. However it requires great control.

As Kai was picking out potato chips from his packet, he felt a mystical disturbance on the other side of the world. While his sensing ability normally doesn't have that far a range, due to the absence of life in this world, even the smallest signs of life anywhere else is detectable.

Kai honed in on the magical signal, whoever showed up must be a witch, at least he hoped. Kai nonverbally casted a teleportation spell. This spell allows for him to "jump" to places he had visited before, and he has been just about everywhere. The spell utilised a great amount of magic, about half the about inside his ring. It'll require a few days for the ring to recover the magic he had just used. The upside is that the amount of magic needed for the teleportation spell is the same regardless of distance. He landed in Virginia. The Signal felt so much more potent now, no doubt due to the proximity.

He immediately hotwired a vehicle and drove towards the signal. It's been a long time since he had a guess.

(Mystic Falls)

Kai observed the couple from afar. Well the word couple might have been a bit of an exaggeration.

'They seem to bicker and fight a lot.' Kai thought, amused. He could sense that they weren't ordinary people. The fact that they're pulsating magic told him as much. From what he could tell, the man with dark hair is a vampire. While he's never seen one before, he had read about them. There are many ways to deal with one. A neck-snapping spell or a heart-liquefying spell should do the trick.

The vampire however wasn't what interests him, it's his companion: the woman he's with. He had a hunch: 'She's a witch!' He could slightly feel the Ascendant inside his backpack resonating with her. The wheels in his head processed at a million miles per second at that very moment after realising the connection. 'A Bennet witch! At long last!' He thought with glee. 'It's time to go home.'