Disclaimers : I do not own any of this but the oc's, everything else belongs to there rightful owners

"Normal"- speaking

italics - thinking\ flashback

Bold - yelling

Bold & underline- special attack

* Bold * - sound effect

The Unforgiving Path

Ch 1 : A new partner

Hi my name's jaune arc the disowned son of the famous hunters Julius and Samantha arc. Let me tell you what's been happening this last month here at beacon academy

Things haven't been good for me in my time here at beacon. I've been here for half the semester and during that time I did get better but so did everyone else so I was still far behind the others. So anyway because it was almost the end of the semester we had to do a joint mission with teams JNPR, RWBY, CRDL. Me and Cardin were fighting on what we should do when everyone was asleep and it got intense, he told me he could still control me if he wanted, I didn't believe him and said he couldn't, so he walked away. As soon as I got back Cardin went straight to Ozpin and told him of the transcripts. After that, the word got out about it and everything changed for me. Everyone looks at me differently, especially my ' friends '. Everyone's reactions were that different from each other. The girls from team RWBY's reaction were as this says. Ruby's reaction was the look of betrayal and sadness, as she walked away, Weiss's reaction was her saying " I always knew you were a waste of space here Arc " and joined Ruby on her walk back to her dorm, Yang raised her fist up but brought it down saying I wasn't worth it, tossedme on the ground and left, Blake just shook her head and Walked away from me. Nora and Ren left me on the first day and pyrrha tried to stay with me, but started avoiding me on the third day, they all abandoned me when I needed them most I can never forgive them. And to make it even worse I've been disowned from the Arc family and forced to give up Crocea Mors leaving me weapon less here at beacon. I can't even sleep in the dorm because of what happened, so I've been sleeping in prof. Port's room with his permission to use it.

( The present )

I was walking down the halls to make my way to prof. Port's room when I bumped into someone and fell. I looked up to see who it was only to see the one who started this all "Cardin" I said with as much malice and venom I could make. "What's wrong Jauney boy not happy to see your friend." he said with a smirk on his face. " You're about as far from my friend as you can get." I said as I shoot up from my prone position. As soon as I got up he grabbed a fist full of my shirt and pushed hard against the wall " listen to me Jauney boy, your life may be at rock bottom but that doesn't mean I can't make it any worse."he said raising his fist to strike me. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst until.

"I think that's enough Mr. Winchester " a feminine sounding voice said. As soon as I heard those words I was let go and slid down the wall." " I heard Cardin stutter. I turned my head to see that it was indeed the blonde professor giving Cardin a stern look." , how was yo-" Cardin didn't even get to finish his sentence as he was cut off by Goodwitch " To my office, now" she said. As soon as she said that Cardin went running for her office. I watch Cardin run but I felt myself being lifted up by Goodwitch's semblance."Are you alright " Goodwitch asked in her stern voice. "yeah my aura healed my back" I said "how did you end up here?" I asked curiously. "It was my turn to Patrol the hall and I happened to stumble up on the situation." she answered."oh ok then I'll be on my way then." I said, as I was about to pass her until her riding crop stopped me." Mr. Arc, just so you know I must see you perform in combat class tomorrow or I will be forced to give you a failing grade and the only way to make up all the classes you missed you must face a team, do you understand." she said "But professor Goodwitch I don't have a weapon to use for class tomorrow" I said, panicking as I tried to convince her."I'm sorry but you are going to have to figure that out yourself , I do wish you good luck" and with that she left. ' Great as if I didn't have enough to handle now I have to fight a team of well-trained students tomorrow' I thought as I mademy way to prof. Port's room and opened the door

As soon as I made my way into the room it was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I took a seat and tried to think this through. ' Alright let's think about what you're going to do tomorrow Jaune, you've got a match tomorrow with against a team of well-trained students with no weapon, barely any experience, and know one to help me, man why does this always happen to me' I thought, as I remember all that happened just this week.

While I was thinking about what to do tomorrow I noticed something, there was a shadow in the room that looked like it was flickering. Being curious of what was happening I took a look at it. As soon as I got close the shadow turned into a torrent of black flames. I crawled away from the flames as far as I could until my back hit a desk. When I hit the desk the flames died down only leaving a figure. I was able to see the figures body but not his face except his eyes, which were a deep Crimson, covered by a mask from the nose down. The figure looked male judging by his body shape, he was muscular, but more lean then buff, he looked a little taller than me, everything he had on was black, he had a black duster, with black cargo pants along with his combat boots, fingers-less gloves ,and a stetson hat with straight edges. He had some type of weapons on both his hips, they both had a black handle but silver blades. I first thought that this guy was the shadows themselves until I realized what I was thinking. As I was examining him he look at me and said "your aura looks like it's been through hell" he said, as i now adopted the look of confusion.

"what." I said in a confused voice as he started walking towards me.

"your aura is apart of your soul, if someone trains enough they can tell if someone's soul is in distress through their aura." he explained matter-of-factly, as if I already knew what he was saying.

"what, I'm still not following." I said, he rolled his eyes and said" just tell me what's been going on with you."

'should I really tell him what's going on with me, what if he attacks me.' I thought. Before I can think of what to do, he grabbed both of the items on his hips and tossed them to the right. I looked at him confused of his actions " That's just in case you feel uncomfortable with me carrying those." he said, as he walked up to me and sat down besides me. "Alright, I'll tell you, I have nothing to lose anyways." I said upset

( Thirty minutes later )

"so you made forged transcripts to make it to Beacon, made friends with a weapons geek, got flung into the Emerald forest, made partners with pyrrha nikos, one of the best hunters-in-training, not only that but made a team leader, a jerk found out that your were a fake here, stayed here until it was close to the first semester, did a joint mission with your team, team RWBY, an CRDL, got into a fight with CRDL's leader, and then you lost everything because he told about your transcripts. " he said, i could only nod my head remembering all that happened to me, before I could think further I felt the guy next to me hit the back of my head. "Ow, what was that for." I said in irritation."don't think negatively, that's what brings the Grimm" he said as he pulled out a can out of nowhere.

"Here, have one." he offered, I accepted and took can."thank but where did you get this." I questioned.

"My shadow" he answered,"your shadow, you pulled a , out of your shadow" I asked, thinking that was a lie." Yeah, watch." as soon as he said that he put his hand on his shadow and slowly let it sink in. This caused me to jump in surprise, who wouldn't this guy just stuck his hand in a shadow. He withdrew his hand with another and opened it, releasing the carbonation and making a *crack* sound.

He took the mask off and start drinking. Now that he took off the mask, I saw his face. He has a light brown skin tone, his face showed relaxed, yet sharp features with a mouth that seemed stuck on a straight line, and a scar ran from the middle of his cheek, down, he looked like he has experienced everything that can break a man. After that I opened the soda and relaxed in the comforting silence.

As soon as we finished the drinks he talked "So, back to the topic. Team RWBY and JNPR, these were your friends right."he asked"Yeah they were, why" I asked"I've got to say this, you've made friends with the wrong people."he said and I stared shocked at what he said."What do you mean I made friends with the wrong people, they were awesome friends." I exclaimed."Anyone can be kind to you, but we're they your friends, your partner may have been your only friend man, and even then she's avoiding you. A true friend would stick by your side no matter what." he said.

I just sat there shocked at what he said, but it did get me thinking maybe he was right. They all looked at me as if I was holding them back, then I remembered something that I never wanted to remember, something I had to force myself to forget five months ago

( 5 Months ago )

I was walking back from the training rooms, where I tested my skill on the training bots . I am able to say I'm getting better because I was able to beat the easy option with little trouble. I was On my way to my dorm to take a shower, when I saw my dorm. When I saw it was locked When I was about to unlock it. Until I heard voices coming from team RWBY's room I didn't mind until I heard Pyrrha's voice, and then Nora and Ren's voice. Now I was curious of what was happening, I going to knock At the door until.

" Pyrrha, how can you stand to be near that deuce Jaune . " I heard Weiss say. " yeah, I don't get it either, why do you bother with him, he isn't getting any better. " Yang said Leading me lower into a pit.

" Oh come on girls he's getting better, last spar he was giving Cardin a tough time so he has to be getting better. " Pyrrha said, giving me some confidence in myself. " Yeah Cardin, that guy can barely swing his mace with out getting off balance. " Ruby said

" I know what you mean, but he's a excellent tactician. " Ren said in my defense.

" Yeah, but do you guys feel that he holds you guys back " Weiss said. They took awhile to respond but when they did it broke me.

" Yes, we do. " Pyrrha, my own partner said that and I just froze. I did nothing until I dropped my scroll on the floor . "Hey, did you guys hear that." Blake said. When I heard that I picked up the scroll, unlocked the door, and ran inside before they could open the door. I put my ear to the door and listened " Huh, guess it was nothing. " I heard Nora say and shut the door.

( The present )

That night, I stayed up all night to try and forget it, when they asked me why I was tired I told them I was studying last night and they just let it go."you're right, they weren't my friend's, I will never forgive them." I said, my heart felt as if it was under too much pressure until I felt something hit my head. I rubbed my head and looked down to see a can.

"What did I tell you, negativity brings Grimm. So stop thinking like that, that's why I'm here." he said standing up. " What do you mean that's why you're here" I said.

He looked at me and grinned "I'm going to help you become the best hunter there ever was and make the others regret ditching you"

"Wait, you plan on helping me what." I asked, unsure if I heard correctly. "you heard me, I'm going to help you" he said putting on his mask. "why do you plan on helping me, we don't even know each other's names."

"Well, my name's isn't so easily told you have to earn it, but for now just call me Reaper. Alright." he said. "*sigh* That's all I'm getting out of you aren't I." he nodded, "Alright, name's Jaune arc short, sweet, ladies love it."I said, hoping he doesn't say those words. "Really, do they." dammit, he said them "No, they don't" I sighed

"Well, anyways I need to ask you something." he said, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking me straight in the eyes. "Do you trust me to give you power beyond imagination." he said with a dead serious tone.

"yeah, I do trust you." I answered. "Good, then be ready for the pain now." he said. "Wait what p-" I didn't finish, because he jumped into my shadow before I could. "AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as the pain that came after was felt as if I was being stabbed by one thousand heated knifes. I fell on the ground, twisted, turned, did whatever I could to ease the suffering until I passed out from the pain.

( unknown location )

I woke up in what looked look a white room. "What the hell happened." I said while getting up. "Hey look who's awake." I heard a familiar voice say. "Reaper!" I said as I turned around and lo and behold there he was with his arms crossed

"Reaper, what happened where are we." I questioned, "Well Jaune, we are in your soul to answer your second question, and for your first question you passed out from the pain." he answered. "Oh yeah, what the hell was that it was the most painful thing in my life." I said looking at I'm irritated at him. "I combined our auras Jaune." he said, " What"

I said, as a bright light enveloped the world we were in. "wow that was really short, sorry Jaune, that's all the time we have I'll talk to you when you walk up." he said as the light took over.

( Professor port's room )

I woke up in port room by the alarm that was set in my scroll. "you might want to wake up and take a shower." I heard. "What the, who's there." I said looking around, "Relax Jaune, it's me, Reaper" The voice now Identified. "Where are you." I said searching for him, " I'm in your head, since we combined auras this should be what happens. You should get to a shower now partner, so you can get something to eat early, today is a day I give you the first lesson ." he was right on one thing, I had to go now or the cafeteria would be crowded, I didn't like crowded places in Beacon so I left to a shower

End of Ch 1

AN : hi guys, unknown here, this here is the first chapter of, my first story. It's an experiment story to see if you guys would like it. If you guys did like it, please leave a review, or even favorite they would all be a big help.

So until next time, unknown out