
Shayera clutched the sides of her gurney, successfully bearing through the pain as another shock to her head forced her to convulse. She resisted breaking however or making a noise, knowing that this madman wanted her to be compliable. Since the breakout five weeks ago, Shayera has been passed around by each Rogue; each one certain that they will be the ones to break the hardened soldier. Shayera could only thank the heavens that they haven't discovered her alien background. Her distortion ring has been ignored largely by the Rogues but Shayera knows that her luck could run out eventually, she just needs to hold on.
"What resilience you have, something that can come in handy for sure." The Scarecrow walked around her gurney, costume on and looking every bit as frightful as his name. His rotted mask almost made her scrunch her nose in disgust but she forces herself to remain stoic, not wanting to give him the satisfaction in knowing he can make her skin crawl.
"I thought for sure these electro-therapies will at least sway you but you seem to be immune to such treatment. Must be from the special force training you've received eh?" Ignoring him and remaining silent, Shayera could see that she is wearing down his patience. She's been mostly silent under his 'care', his attempts to break her and discover her fear making him the most sadistic of the group that isn't the Joker.
"You know you could make things easier for yourself," he circled back around her gurney to stand at the end of her feet, "just let go."
Shayera remained silent, refusing to back down. When he slammed the gurney by her feet with his hands, he almost got a reaction out of her.
"SPEAK!" His eyes glared through the mask, showing the wild craze that dominated his mind. Shayera only stared back, not willing any type of emotion to shine through her eyes.
"You're really stubborn aren't you? Well we'll see how stubborn you are after I give you a taste of my latest fear toxin." For the last two days, he had been attempting to use his toxins to get a scream out of her, but unbeknown to him (and much to his ire) her alien physiology saved her from losing her mind. It did however made her feel sick and nauseous for a bit until her body burned out the toxins.
Scarecrow walked around behind her head, Shayera recognizing intimidation tactics seeing as how she mastered at it during her assassin missions. The sound of glass being moved and a drawer opening almost piqued her interest but Shayera instead quickly scanned the room, trying to find a possibility that there could be a way to escape. The Rogues had taken her strength into account and have restrained her with industrial restraints, almost difficult to even budge through.
"It took a while, especially after I was forced to concede that you're something extra. Your blood type doesn't match any that I could get my hands on so it really was a true joy in experimenting around with it. Hopefully after this procedure, you can still provide more samples for me to test on." Dangling the vial in front of her eyes, Shayera refused to budge and kept her nonchalant face in place.
Scarecrow walked to her side, a syringe already on hand as he filled it up with his new toxin. Wiping Shayera's arm with an alcohol-filled swab, not truly caring about her health but more so as a habit from his previous years as a certified doctor, he inserted the needle into her bloodstream until all of it was inside her.
"You know with this much dosage inside you, it should have killed even the Batman. All these chemicals I had to mix just to get the right possible amount. You provided me with a challenge and for that I thank you." Shayera almost rolled her eyes, not believing that this madman is still talking. It seems he doesn't enjoy the absolute silence as much as he led everyone to believe in Arkham. She would have thought more on his behavior had the toxins not been activated.
Instantly feeling nauseous, Shayera convulsed on the table. Attempting to turn her head to heave out the contents of her stomach, Shayera couldn't move fast enough. Vomit dripped down her chin and neck, her hair coated with the meager meal Scarecrow had given her and stomach acid. The smell made Shayera convulse as the toxins began to warp her vision. Breathing deeply as the shadows began to move, Shayera frantically tried to free herself.
The shadows took form in the shape of people Shayera longed yet feared to see. Her father, her mother, and her little brother were in front of her very eyes, their eyes sunken in and mouths snarled as they walked towards her. Their wings were singed, evidence of their fiery deaths: deaths that could've been avoided if Shayera had just done her job.
"I'm sorry." Scarecrow gleefully watched as her fear showed. After days of her stoic and unwavering face with her silence, he was getting a reaction out of her finally. She began to fight against her restraints, her face a mask of horror as she no doubt began to hallucinate her fears.
"Please," she whispered as she threw her head back and fought harder against her restraints. Scarecrow silently applauded himself for accepting Two-Face's gifts. When he had come to hand her over for his turn in an attempt to break her, Two-Face had shoved the restraints in his hands and snarled out to never underestimate her strength.
"I can make it go away you know," He walked over to make sure that she can see him. When her eyes landed on him, he continued, "Whatever your fears are, I can make it go away. I can make sure that you won't have to see them again. All you have to do is ensure that you obey my every commands."
The light of terror in her eyes faded a bit to show her burning defiance at him, but he isn't worried. Scarecrow gave a sickening smirk that only got amplified by the mask he wore and left the room. He needed to finish his project and quickly gain more high-grade chemicals. Her deep breathing soon gave way to whimpers that could be heard down the hallway, it wasn't until he entered another room that her screams began to echo across the building. Scarecrow smiled amusedly as he began to hear her scream wordless shrieks, no doubt experiencing a fear unlike any other.
While he did managed to produce a fear toxin that worked on her, he exhausted most of his resources getting the toxin right. Quickly calling in a few favors from some unsavory men, Scarecrow left the abandoned ACE Pharmacy Lab and made his way to the hospital. He needs a fresh supply of blood bags and medicine. As he left, a smirk decorated his face as he heard the soldier's screams even outside. He isn't bothered at being discovered. Not even Batman would think to look for her here near the outskirts of the woods.

"Master Bruce, it seems that the cameras you installed last week have spotted Scarecrow sneaking around the Gotham Memorial Hospital with a few hired thugs." Alfred watched as his ward and adopted son quickly suit up as they rushed down the stairs, having been watching television upstairs when they received the call from Alfred.
"Told you it was a good idea to have those cameras placed." Jason allowed himself to feel a slight form of pride as he followed Bruce into the Bat Mobile and they sped on out. Bruce merely nodded in agreement, focused on the road ahead of them. They needed to quickly and quietly as possible reach the hospital in a timely manner before Scarecrow could get away. Bruce had already deuced that he was the mastermind behind the prison break and he needed to get him back into Arkham.
It is also possible that he may know the whereabouts of the missing patient, Shiera Hall. When he had captured the Mad Hatter a few weeks earlier, the Hatter tried to make a bargain for a better room by confessing that he had entrusted Two Face into breaking her mind but when he caught Two Face a week later, the rogue made no indication if he had Shiera Hall under his care or not. Back at another dead end, Bruce needed to figure out where Shiera Hall is because he now knows that she is not a Gotham native.
He did his own research in the background behind the strange patient that voluntarily admitted herself into Arkham. Looking deeper past what he already knows, he found that there were files that didn't collaborate with other files. Specifically the one where she graduated in the Gotham High School. Not one single yearbook photo, no actual records of her being in any sports or classes. She has a permanent record, but going deeper into it showed that she never bothered to actually put her name in the actual class records. When he researched into the deaths of her family members, only a police report is available. No newspaper, no actual funeral certificate, nothing. He confronted Dr. Leland about it, wanting to see if the good doctor was aware of her patient's lies. He wasn't shocked to see that she knew already.

"What happens between a patient and their doctor Batman is strictly private." Dr. Leland brushed off Batman's intimidating stance, walking around him to place back several files in the cabinet.
"I need to know who I'm looking for specifically. This goes beyond patient confidentiality, Dr. Leland. This is an emergency."
"It isn't patient confidentiality stopping me from telling you her information. It's the fact that this isn't my story to tell."
"She's missing Dr. Leland. If you can at least give me something that will help us find her."
"I don't know what to tell you. I honestly don't. Much of what she has shared with me is only stories during her war years and how she played a part in so many missions that eventually got to her here. I can assure you however that here is indeed a Shiera Hall who is a veteran suffering from PTSD. There is a Shiera Hall who lost her family and she views herself as playing a hand in their deaths. There is a Shiera Hall out there probably standing strong and refusing to bow under whatever obstacles the Rogues have placed for her.
I know that you might be one of the few people in this world who can help her truly, but she needs to open up to you. She needs to know that she can trust you and that you won't turn your back on her. She's already experienced enough heartache. Let her open up to you on her own terms."

Bruce hated having to rely on strangers like this. It made things very vulnerable and very possible for future betrayals. Still though, it's all he can get from Dr. Leland. She keeps all her notes in paper form, making it impossible for him to hack them. Deciding to come back to the issue of the missing patient later, he focused on Scarecrow and needed to get him behind bars quickly. The sooner he can get him behind bars, then the better his focus will be in finding the missing patient.
They roared down the empty streets of Gotham, taking shortcuts not normally taken by civilians. They parked the Batmobile a few blocks away from the Hospital, not wanting to tip Scarecrow that they're on to him. Signaling to Robin to take to the roofs, Batman quickly ran down the alleys and approached the backdoors of the hospital. Seeing Robin's shadow leap to the roof of the Hospital, Batman took his cue to picklock the door. Using his own version of an EMP, he disrupted the security alarms if only to ensure that Scarecrow doesn't get tipped off that he's here. Silently entering the building, Batman made his way down the hallway, using the heat sensors in his mask to locate Scarecrow or his goons.
Maneuvering towards the labs, Batman hopes that Robin won't run into any trouble. Despite his training, despite his raw skills, Jason is still just a kid. He often questions himself about allowing young kids to fight alongside him but then he remembers the why. Dick needed to bring his parents' killers to justice and Jason, a kid with many talents, had to be steered in the right direction: to be shown that he can live a better life. There were many different reasons as to why he continued to allow them to continue fighting alongside him, but for now Bruce is grateful that he has a reliable partner.
Moving up the stairs quickly, he heard Scarecrow's goons patrolling the hallways ahead. Deciding to take his time with taking them out, Bruce methodically began to sneak around the corner, hiding behind open doors and grabbing each one from behind, one by one. It was the most thrilling part of the job. He'll never admit to Alfred, to Jason, to Clark, not even to Selina or Talia that the thrill of the hunt is the only part of the job that he enjoys the most. To pick them off one by one and to feel their fear before he knocks them out. It goes against everything he ever told Jason not to be, but he won't ever lie to himself and pretend like he never enjoyed being the hunter.
Once the hallway was cleared, Bruce moved quickly into the labs, immediately spotting Scarecrow placing vials of blood and experimental vaccines into his pack. Silently approaching the Rogue, Bruce had made sure that he and Jason had injected themselves with the antidote. It wouldn't do to be caught in a hallucination in the middle of a fight. Bruce crept into the labs and managed to position himself close enough that he aimed a well-timed kick to the back of Scarecrow and secured the bag full of dangerous chemicals.
"What? When did you get here?" demanded Scarecrow. Producing a hidden knife from its sheath inside his coat, Scarecrow began to attempt to hack at Batman.
"How did you plan prison break?" asked Batman, easily dodging the rogue's swings.
"And what makes you think I have anything to do with it?" Using his words carefully, Scarecrow knew that a slip up can easily be turned against him. Sent back to Arkham with no chance of any form of freedom is a large possibility that he does not want to happen. If he gets sent back, it's better that he has his freedoms during the recess hours and personal time.
"Perhaps you're right then. Something so cunning and elaborate must have been thought up by the Joker." What? WHAT? How dare he assume that clown was behind something so obviously cunning? How dare he assume that something so brilliant was not thought up by himself: the Fear Master himself!
"I'll take that as a confession." Batman immediately upper-cutted under Scarecrow's jaw, knocking him unconscious right away and forcing him to drop the knife. Placing him in cuffs, Bruce made sure that his tape recorder caught every word that Scarecrow made.
"What a pompous ass." Bruce turned to see Jason with his arms laden with wires and metal tubes. Noticing Bruce's curious gaze, Jason explained, "Scarecrow had rigged several vents to pump fear toxins into the patient's bedrooms. I managed to sever the wires that powered the vents and removed the toxins out."
"Good work." Jason smiled wide at the praise, following Bruce outside the hospital where Gotham City Police Units were already escorting the hired thugs away and Jim Gordon walking up to personally escort he Scarecrow away.
"Here's all the evidence you need." Batman handed him the tape recorded conversation while Jason delicately handed the toxins and wires over to Detective Harvey Bullock.
"Any sign yet from our missing patient?" asked Gordon. It was alarming to hear that the Rogues had kidnapped a patient from Arkham, especially when said patient is a dangerous ex-spy and assassin.
"No word yet."
"You'd love to know where she is wouldn't you." muttered Scarecrow. A quick twist of his arms sent Scarecrow crying out in pain. Looking behind him, Harvey Bullock had him in his grip.
"Say that again Strawface." Bullock twisted his arm around even more and Scarecrow looked around to see if anyone was witnessing this obvious abuse. Most of the officers were ignoring what was happening and Batman was still talking with Gordon. Another twist of his arm caused Scarecrow to realize that he could get beaten within an inch of his life and no one will bat an eye at this moment.
"Alright! She's in the ACE Pharmacy Labs! Let go! You're going to break my arm!" Harvey smirked at getting the confession out of him and shoved him into the police car face first, slamming the door behind him.
"There you go Bats, an eye for an eye." Harvey walked away with the evidence on hand, proud to have gotten something first before the Batman could. Bruce looked at Jason and they immediately leapt into action, intending to reach the labs. By the time they arrived to the building, evidence of Scarecrow's experimentation was obvious. All that was missing was the patient.

Shayera cried out as her brother made a swipe at her face, rotten flesh peeling off his arms. Tears obstructed most of her vision as her mother continued to shout accusations at her, telling her of her mistakes. Her father only stood in the back of the room, sneering and angrily glaring at her. Shayera tried to free herself and made an attempt to slam her head against the gurney she was strapped down to. Her brother began to make shrieks alongside her, his eyes slowly sinking into his head while her mother screamed in pain. Her father finally moved, attempting to give a fatal strike when lights began to blare across the room. Her family disappeared in the light.
Looking up, Shayera watched in her haze as Poison Ivy walked into the room. Her hips swayed in confidence as she walked next to her gurney. Lightly placing a hand next to her face, Ivy leant down and gave a light kiss on Shayera's lips. As her heartbeat slowed, Shayera's vision soon began to return to normal. Gone was the haze and Shayera was no longer experiencing spasms.
"It's only temporary," explained Ivy as she stroked Shayera's face, "I need to get you back to my home in order to get the toxins out. Do you want that?"
Shayera knew better than to trust her, but as her vision began to haze again and her brother appeared before her again, this time with the dead children she had murdered in cold blood… Shayera couldn't even think as she began to scream and fight against her restraints again. They began to scream with her again, blood pouring out of their faces.
"I'M SORRY!" she screamed. She continued to shout apologizes as her vision began to distort into even more grotesque visions. A kiss on the lips stopped her visions and Shayera fearfully looked around her prison for her brother and the other children. It's her fault for their death anyways.
"Come with me." Shayera glanced at Ivy's face and gave a nod. Whatever hell she has planned, it's nothing compared to her current nightmare. Ivy freed her and with a vine wrapped around her wrist, Shayera followed Ivy out the building and into the woods, steps wobbly but her need for her fears to go away too strong.

hey readers, sorry for posting so late. I got hired at a new job and it takes a lot of my time. They said that I'll be given days off soon so fingers crossed:) tell me what you guys liked or didn't like :) until then, thanks for reading