So this is the end! I would like to thank everyone who has followed this story, some even from the beginning! I didn't realise how big this would become when I started and certainly didn't expect to spark a sequel. This is a little bit delayed as I have been working on two chapters! I'm pleased to say chapter 1 of book 2 is ready and will be uploaded at the same time :) Enjoy the final chapter of the story and I hope you join me for the next instalment!


Days passed quickly in the temple and things generally returned to normal, the order had mostly come to terms with what had come to pass and was in a state of reflection on just how close they had been to disaster with Palpatine in power. The senate were dealing with new elections after the death of Chancellor Palpatine, the Council deemed it wise to keep the truth from the public, not wanting to frighten them or cause unrest over the Jedi's action to hide the truth of the Sith. Many Jedi including Obi-Wan believed this to be a mistake which may come back to haunt them if the Senate ever found out the truth, especially with Ventress at large. The Witch had somehow managed to evade capture on Moraband, even days later there was no sign of the dark force user. It was as though she had simply vanished.

Obi-Wan and Anakin had spent the last few days in the med-bay, much to Obi-Wan's chagrin. He developed an infection in his thigh wound so the healer's finally had an excuse to keep him there to rest. He had sent Anakin back off to class's on the second day, as soon as the Padawan had been cleared for action again. His physical wounds were healed but Obi-Wan knew they both had a great deal more healing to achieve, the mind and soul. For the present however the pair only wished for things to get back to normal, well as normal as was possible after all that had occurred. After Qui-Gon, the Sith, what had happened in the temple…

Obi-Wan had promised to uncover and go over everything with his Padawan in the coming future, stating that it was far more important they heal physically and get back on their feet first. Of course there was also the Council to deal with… They had delayed the usual mission debriefing on account of Obi-Wan's injuries, the only good thing that had come from an extended visit in his mind. Obi-Wan had been poked and prodded and given more bacta baths than he cared to count, all the while he had a suspicious lack of visitors which he chalked down to the healer's and Master Yoda who did not want his recovery impeded. Obi-Wan did not appreciate the isolation at all and so on more than one occasion attempted escape just to see someone, anyone. After the disobedience he found someone in his room more often, Siri came once or twice again before being sent off on a new mission, and Anakin of course was by his Master's side the second class was finished.

Anakin remained silent on how his class's were going, Obi-Wan noted tension rise whenever he mentioned it and made a mental reminder to keep an eye on his Padawan. Obi-Wan knew there would be gossip and an abundance of rumours flying around the temple and that Anakin was probably receiving the brunt of it from his age-mates, if the pressure did not ease off on his Padawan's shoulders then he would have to intervene. That was a problem for the future however, now in the present he and Anakin had other problems.

The other problems were the precise reason that Obi-Wan and Anakin found themselves standing where they were at that present moment, outside the Council chambers.

Obi-Wan sat on one of the benches to disguise his weakness in his leg, he had only just been released temporarily from the healers with a threat that if he didn't take it easy he would back in a flash. Obi-Wan couldn't think of a punishment worse so planned to indeed take it easy and show as little weakness as possible, the limb was the only one that still truly ached and caused enough pain to cause him to sit. Thankfully his other injuries had been sufficiently healed from his extended time in the med-bay, he couldn't wait for the day that his leg ceased causing him such misery but admitted it was much improved to before. Honestly he was lucky Dooku hadn't taken off the blasted thing.

He could still feel the ex-Jedi in the force, they had spent rather a long time together and shared far more than he had ever wanted to. Regrettably Dooku's force signature was as familiar to him now as someone he had known for decades, because of this Obi-Wan could sense him beneath the temple. The Count had been captured on Moraband and transported back to the temple for safety, it was the only place in the universe where they had the capabilities of storing somebody as powerful as Dooku. It was the Council's wish to attempt to bring the ex-Jedi back into the light, so far they had only received abuse and insults from the regal man. Obi-Wan was not surprised in the slightest.

As soon as he had found out about Dooku, Obi-Wan had requested an audience with Master Yoda and attempted to make him see reason that Dooku could never be turned back to the light. Obi-Wan had seen that last slither of good inside the man die the moment he turned on Qui-Gon, the man prowling below him was no more than an agent of evil and Obi-Wan was confused that the Council could not see this. Yoda had stayed silent through the passionate appeal and it was then Obi-Wan realised that the Jedi Master was not coming to the Count's defence, he too knew the truth. When Obi-Wan questioned why they were still going ahead with the futile attempt Master Yoda had made it clear that he was the only one in the Council to vote against Dooku, he had been over-ruled by the rest. That was the moment Obi-Wan truly worried about his own upcoming Council meeting, Yoda would advocate his cause but if it were just he?

"How much trouble are we in, Master?" Anakin ceased his pacing and slumped down beside Obi-Wan, impatient streak once again breaking through.

Obi-Wan started at the interruption forgetting for a moment that Anakin was even present, when the boy was brooding he almost became invisible. Seeing a Padawan brood from the other side opened his eyes to how annoying the behaviour was, no wonder why Qui-Gon had always teased him over the action.

"I truly don't know, Anakin," Obi-Wan replied truthfully whilst rubbing his face, attempting to wipe away the fatigue. The painkiller's he was on had the effect of making him drowsy more often than not, he couldn't wait to be off the force-forsaken things either.

Anakin huffed at the answer before scowling at the door and continued his pacing. Obi-Wan sighed and chose to stop his Padawan's behaviour before it regressed further.

"Anakin, do stop pacing you're sending my head spinning."

To the boy's credit as soon as Obi-Wan's health was brought up he ceased immediately, muttered a half-hearted 'yes, Master' and took up a seat next to Obi-Wan. He did start tapping his foot but Obi-Wan let the action go knowing full well that his Padawan had too much nervous energy to simply sit, a good spar would have the problem solved in no time but unfortunately they had other battles to fight.

The Council kept them waiting for quite some time almost causing Obi-Wan to break the code over Anakin's increasing restlessness, thankfully the summons came before things got too out of hand. As they stepped through the imposing doors Obi-Wan caught sight of each and every Council member, the stares almost had him on edge as if he were still a Padawan. However thinking back over past events he realised this was nothing compared to facing down the Sith in a Sith temple, here he was home and had the force on his side. That was enough no matter what occurred here, Obi-Wan was prepared for his or Anakin's expulsion or perhaps both. If Anakin left so would he, he would not leave his Padawan alone in the world, never.

"Master Kenobi, Padawan Skywalker," Master Windu began as the pair reached the centre and bowed.

"Master's," Obi-Wan and Anakin replied in unison as they took up their respective positions. Obi-Wan marvelled at how the incoming sunlight hit the central circle perfectly, almost leaving the rest of the chambers in darkness.

"We have a lot to discuss," Windu continued, grave expression doing no favours for Obi-Wan's anxiety.

"I suppose we do, Master." That remark earned him a few scowls and mutters which served to inform him exactly who was against him at the moment, the majority.

Windu himself remained unmoved at the answer, Yoda even seemed to smile slightly but the general consensus all around him was clear. They wanted him gone. He could feel it in the force, their feelings leaking past usual rock-solid shield's. He felt his leg twinge and for one moment regretted leaving the healer's ward at all, he ignored the tingling and strove to focus on the task ahead.

The start of the debriefing began as usual, Obi-Wan caught the Council up on the beginnings of their failed mission and was surprised to find out how much they already knew. The twinge in his leg grew worse as time drew on, as he was subjected to relentless questioning from every corner of the chamber. The white hot pain sent tremors up his leg as he tried to shift position, thankfully he had managed to hide the discomfort from the Jedi Master's. His dark humour figured he at least one thing to thank Dooku and Ventress for, he was much more capable at hiding his true intentions and feelings now.

Soon the sunlight had left the room entirely indicating to Obi-Wan just how long they had been in the chambers and the questions didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. Anakin had been questioned too and was so far doing well, only outwardly showing small parts of his boredom when Obi-Wan knew the young Padawan was fantasising about throwing himself out of the window at this very moment, if things got much worse he would have to join him.

Questions cropped up concerning Anakin and his bending of the rules and flat-out dis-obeying direct orders on Moraband, Obi-Wan winced over the stories as he heard them for the first time. It was true he thought Anakin would have caused some trouble in his wake but so much? Obi-Wan promised he would be having words with his Padawan and that appropriate punishments would be concocted. The Master's still weren't completely happy even though Obi-Wan stated they would spend a great deal of time re-learning obedience, Anakin scowled inwardly at the word so Obi-Wan sent him a mental swat to have him remain in line. He could not afford Anakin acting out in the Council chamber of all place, thankfully the questioning soon moved on, then again that meant he was next under the spot-light.

Eventually the questions came around to the point Obi-Wan was dreading to explain, the moment he went with Dooku and left the Jedi behind.

"Your Padawan informed us that you accompanied Count Dooku willingly is this true?"

Obi-Wan sent a calming wave to Anakin as he felt the boy's guilt flare, this was in no way his fault and Obi-Wan ensured the Padawan knew that.

"From a certain point of view yes that is true." Obi-Wan could hear the grunts of disapproval as he attempted to evade answering certainly, Windu only smiled slightly before asking for a further explanation.

"Whilst it is true that I went with Dooku it is not how you are implying, I never joined him truly."

One of the disgruntled Master's was first to jump on the damning implication.

"So a deception then?"

Obi-Wan realised he'd fallen face first into a trap, Jedi were never to lie or deceive he knew that but the force had prompted him too. Above all else that is what a Jedi should be, a servant of the force.

"A necessary one, Master," Obi-Wan braced himself for the reaction to his next statement, "I followed the will of the force."

The aftermath was immediate, there were unconcealed gasps of astonishment and loud outrage to his words. Obi-Wan had always been beside his own Master appalled when he had uttered the same phrase to the Council Master's and the reaction was usually the same, he had always felt utter embarrassment and pleaded with Qui-Gon to not provoke the Council. Obi-Wan understood why he said what he did now, he had truly meant it and did not care what other's thought of him.

"Like Master like apprentice…" One Master behind him sneered.

Obi-Wan spun on his feet ignoring the flash of agony from his leg in the process, anyone could insult him but Qui-Gon? That was crossing the line.

"Qui-Gon Jinn was a great Jedi and a great man, I am proud to have been his student." Obi-Wan felt fierce defensive feelings well in his chest as he spoke, struggling immensely to keep them under check. He would not look the initiate here.

"Question that no-one will." Master Yoda's voice spoke volumes as he glared around the Council chambers to impose the message one by one if need be.

Obi-Wan locked eyes with the green Master and nodded his head slightly to show his gratitude, Yoda had been silent for almost the entire meeting at one point Obi-Wan had seriously thought the Jedi Master had got lost in his own thoughts.

"How is it that you were able to defeat a Sith Lord? How are we to know you did not give into fear?"

Obi-Wan was afraid this would come up he couldn't very well explain Qui-Gon to the Council and he had honestly no idea what had happened, he had already informed Yoda as such.

"I cannot explain it only that I trusted in the force."

Mutters followed that statement as well which did not surprise Obi-Wan, they could sense he was not lying though just not telling them everything. Thankfully Yoda stepped in again to put such disagreements to bed.

"Meditating Master Kenobi and I will be. Of the disturbance we felt and what happened in the temple on the origins." His words served to sooth most of the discontentment surrounding the subject thankfully but Obi-Wan knew all were not convinced.

Master Windu put the matter to bed by continuing on with the questions, Obi-Wan was growing weary inside by this point and could feel Anakin wasn't faring much better. He honestly thought now that battling Sith on Moraband was a better alternative to this.

"Master Kenobi, although you say you were following the will of the force these decisions are troubling, allying with known Sith and abandoning your apprentice?"

Obi-Wan looked back at Master Windu and saw through the serene outward mask he displayed, the Jedi was confused not making accusations. Obi-Wan realised how hard this must be to accept from an outside point of view, they deserved to know as much as he did.

"I did what I saw as the only option to serve the force and to protect my Padawan, Dooku was crazed by power and intent on having me as an apprentice. I followed the force's urgings to play along and he informed me of the Sith Lord's identity, when you arrived Dooku was prepared to kill myself and Anakin. We had no weapons, no defence but one, Dooku's own arrogance it blinded him. The force showed me two choices, play along and get Anakin away so he may tell you of the Sith, or we would both die there and the identity of the Sith Lord would have remained a secret. Billion's would have been in danger so I made the only choice I knew to be right, I can assure you Master's I never fell to the dark side."

The room had fallen into a pensive silence as Obi-Wan finished his confession, he could feel everyone weighing up his statement and struggling with it's meaning. He did not blame them truly, it had been a complicated situation and his answer was just as complicated, things would have been so much easier for them if matters had truly been black or white.

"How do we know you were not seduced by the dark?" A voice broke through his haze to shatter the optimism that had been building, how could he prove that if they did not believe it?

Obi-Wan felt dejected as he remained stumped, he could only tell the truth and hope the Council saw it as so. That was until Yoda made himself known once more.

"Look I shall."

All eye's turned to the little green Master questionably, Obi-Wan was the first to understand what the Jedi Master was suggesting. He wanted to pilfer through Obi-Wan's mind, like Ventress and Dooku had. Obi-Wan actually stumbled as the agonising memorising were brought to the forefront of his mind, it was like he could still feel Ventress' evilness ripping apart his mind maliciously piece by piece. He slammed his eyes shut as the harrowing memory's affected his vision, his sense of time, everything.

Obi-Wan felt his screaming leg buckle next as his resolve to ignore the increasing agony shattered, he heard himself yell out as he sailed towards the floor. Puzzlingly the ground never came up to meet him. Obi-Wan re-opened his eyes as he battled away the feeling of someone invading his mind, the utter panic it provoked. He was face down but hovering above the Chamber floor, it was then that his muddled brain recognised the feeling of the force cradling him. He looked over at the green Master and confirmed the fact that Yoda had caught him before he fell all the way to the floor, he was most grateful as the impact would have set his recovery back and earned an earful from the healers also. Yoda lowered his arms so that Obi-Wan felt himself being lowered to the ground, he could feel Anakin by his side and could sense his panic crashing into his mind.

"Somebody comm the healer's."

"Oh not good…" Obi-Wan muttered as he could already imagine Healer Che's face when she saw him, he had promised to take it easy and had evidently failed. She would have his hide, well as soon as he was recovered of course.

'Master! Master, are you alright?'

Anakin's shaky voice sailed into his mind as the hold from Yoda finally relented, leaving him free to roll and face upwards.

"I'm fine, Anakin, it's just my leg." As Obi-Wan went to sit up a searing pain shot up his leg making him gasp and flop back down immediately. He had obviously been subconsciously calling more and more on the force to diminish the misery previously, the thoughts of a mind probe had sent his control crashing down, literally.

"Lay still you will." Yoda's stick thwacked the floor as he hobbled over.

Obi-Wan grimaced as another wave of discomfort traversed his body, laying still sounded like a wonderful idea at present. He looked around the faces above him and saw that all of the Master's were on their feet and circled round him, from their grim face's he guessed he must not look so great at all. His eyes fell on Anakin and he gripped the small hand holding his harder to try and alleviate some of the Padawan's worries, it had enough of an effect that Anakin moved away on the first order from Healer Che.

The healer's were as Obi-Wan predicted, not impressed. It was not soon before a hypo was pressed against his neck and he was sailing towards oblivion, perhaps this exit was better than jumping out of the window but this way had the downside of the healer's wrath… Obi-Wan soon felt his eye's start to droop and he realised Qui-Gon had never made this much of a scene in the Council chambers, he would be proud of this attempt.

Obi-Wan fluttered back into awareness as the rhythmic beeping of machines filtered through to his mind, that plus the distinctive smell of bacta had him come to the immediate conclusion he was in the med-bay, again. He supposed it was his own fault really, he had thought he could control the strain in his leg that was until everything shattered. Thankfully there didn't seem to be as many drugs in his system so the force was clearly accessible, he felt two very bright presence's nearby and the truly puzzling thing was neither of them belonged to his Padawan. Anakin was not here.

When he opened his eyes and the images cleared to become subject matter he saw just exactly who was in the room with him, Master's Yoda and Windu. As if jolted by some shock he attempted to sit up in bed and bow simultaneously. Neither went well but it earned him a gentle smile from both Master's nonetheless.

"We asked the healer's to wake you to continue our discussion," Mace started in an almost teasing tone, Obi-Wan guessed he must have looked a mess the last time they spoke. There was more than one nagging question on his mind, his limbs felt rather heavy as if he'd been in bed a while…

"How long?" Even his throat was rather dry and hoarse, Mace offered him water which was taken gratefully. The cool liquid soothed his throat beautifully.

"3 days."

Obi-Wan coughed and spluttered in surprise and something bordering closely to anger flared, annoyance.

"But… why…?"

"So rest you would." Yoda chuckled, knowing full well as Obi-Wan did if he were awake sooner he would have attempted to get out. It was in his nature.

"I see…" Obi-Wan ground out in mild annoyance, he did not appreciate being drugged against his will even if it were for the best. His leg did seem improved and felt as it did before the fall now, perhaps in a few days the majority of the pain would be gone.

To Obi-Wan's surprise Mace actually laughed at his comment, it was not often that he saw the Council member outside of the chambers and when he did the man still seemed robotic. He must have stared incredulously for a moment too long as the Korun Jedi gave him a knowing look, still remained the remnants of a twinkle in his gaze.

"Qui always said you hated this place, I always thought he was being melodramatic."

The connection was rather a curious one to Obi-Wan, he never knew his Master to be close enough with Windu to engage in small-talk. Perhaps his judgement was clouded by his own perceptions, the pair had always gone at each other in the Council chambers more so than others, Mace growing more annoyed than anyone over Qui-Gon's disobedience.

"I never knew you and Qui-Gon were close." Obi-Wan spoke warily, Mace Windu was a complicated man and never let on to his true intentions. The last thing Obi-Wan wanted to do was mis-read the situation.

"We were childhood friends," he cleared up. "Just because your Master was an incorrigible maverick didn't mean that I would disown him."

Obi-Wan chuckled over the phrase knowing that he had used it himself more than once, Qui-Gon had always been proud to be known as a maverick, flowing against the tide if it was the right thing to do.

"He wouldn't be impressed by your little stunt in the Council chambers, Obi-Wan, for his sake you need to take care of yourself." The mood in the room sobered after Mace's words, Obi-Wan knew full well how foolish and arrogant he had been.

"I thought I could handle the injury."

Yoda grunted which Obi-Wan knew from previous experience was how the troll expressed his disdain, his silent scolding over the words.

"You did at first, not one of us could feel or sense your discomfort. We all have our limits though, Obi-Wan, and you are going to have to come to terms with the fact that this last mission has changed you."

Obi-Wan felt his cheeks burn with shame and looked away from the respected Master's, he soon recognised the emotions to be useless so proceeded to release them into the force. Yoda and Windu had sensed them nonetheless however.

"Take time to heal it will, help we are here to," Yoda sincerely promised.

Obi-Wan looked between the Master's and saw only concern, he was not too proud to admit when help was needed. If the simple thought of a mind probe had him literally on his knees then how in the force was he supposed to train Anakin? Ventress and Dooku had evidently left more in their wake than he had originally anticipated.

"Thank you, Master's."

Yoda grunted approvingly before heading towards Obi-Wan's side, lifting a chair with one clawed hand to allow him the height to reach Obi-Wan. He knew what was coming, Yoda needed to raid his memories if they were to move forward.

"The Council have voted to leave the decision regarding yours and your Padawan's future to us, with one condition." Mace moved to join Obi-Wan on the other side, effectively closing off his escape routes.

"A mind probe," Obi-Wan finished for the Master, not able to keep the stuttering out of his voice entirely. They could both surely feel how rattled he felt over the idea, Obi-Wan had rarely been scared of things but this, this now petrified him and he knew it shouldn't.

Yoda laid a clawed hand on Obi-Wan's arm and stared into Obi-Wan's eyes with a gentle gaze, understanding the reason why the Jedi reacted the way he did but knowing there was only one way forward.

"Scared of me you are, Obi-Wan?"

"Not you, Master." Obi-Wan managed a meek smile.

"Has Master Yoda ever harmed you?" The little green Master continued.

"No, Master."

Obi-Wan could see what Yoda was attempting to do, a crechling's game really. He could not cling onto his fear, that would only lead him down a dark path. To overcome one's fear they had to face it head on. Yoda watched intently as Obi-Wan's resolve grew, his desire grew to face the unknown and truly overcome it. The little green Master nodded in approval and indicated to Mace to start, they would both be inside his mind.

"Relax, Obi-Wan, lower your shields," The Korun Master gently commanded as both Yoda and he laid hands either side of the Jedi's head.

Obi-Wan sank back into the bed and let every shield he had erected fall away, it was then he realised just how guarded he truly had become. Another unfortunate result of his time with the Sith. He focussed on simply breathing and nothing else as he felt the Master's enter his mind, the temptation to throw the invaders out was almost overwhelming. He felt his panic rising as they dug deeper and felt a calming suggestion wash over him, he knew it was not his but he rode with it anyway hoping it would cease the anxiety. He flinched as they over-turned secrets and uncovered precious memories. It wasn't long before he was imagining himself back in Ventress' clutches, at her mercy. His heart-rate rocketed as the familiar feelings of somebody scouring his mind returned, as the pain it caused manifested inside his own head.

He distantly heard someone tell him to relax but refused to listen or believe it, what if he was still with Ventress and this was all some game to find out his secrets? He must never tell her… Just before Obi-Wan started erecting shield's and fighting against an invisible enemy he heard a voice which stopped him in his tracks entirely, Qui-Gon.

"Obi-Wan, stop, you're safe I promise you." The face of Qui-Gon swam in his mind and Obi-Wan looked directly into those familiar eyes and saw the trust there, he believed the words above the visions of Ventress in his mind, chose to believe in his Master.

Ventress' darkness disappeared from his mind, he watched it destroyed by the light along with the paranoid delusion's that had almost had him attack Master Yoda and Windu. His heart-rate levelled out as instead of harrowing nightmares bringing him pain and despair, he saw happy memories with Qui-Gon and Anakin.

He felt his Master remain nearby as hundreds of memories from their apprenticeship, from his childhood filled his mind serving to take up his entire concentration. He ceased to think about the invaders in his mind and focussed only on Qui-Gon, on the safety and joy the images produced. It only felt like minutes later when a voice broke through the haze instructing him to open his eyes, they were done.

Obi-Wan returned to the present and opened his eyes, surprised to feel hot tears pricking at the corners. He wiped the remnants away in embarrassment then looked between Yoda and Mace in an attempt to deduce the judgement. Master Yoda looked thoughtful and he smiled gently as Obi-Wan made contact, hopefully he would see that Obi-Wan had only acted after listening to the force. As he turned to gauge Mace's reaction he saw that the Master looked to be in a state of shock, face paling after the probe. What could have the Master so rattled? Did he see some darkness after all?

"Qui-Gon…" Mace finally muttered, calming Obi-Wan's doubts over what the Master had seen but alarming him all the same. He hadn't considered that Mace would see those memories too.

"Found a path to immortality he has," Yoda confirmed.

"But… how?"

"Find out Obi-Wan and I will, about Skywalker as well," Yoda promised his fellow Council member, amused slightly at the state of shock Mace still seemed to be in.

"Good…" The Master finally spoke before asking his next question of Obi-Wan. "How long has he…"

"I only saw him for the first time this mission, obviously I thought for a long time that I had just gone insane," Obi-Wan confirmed for the Korun Master.

Windu nodded slowly as he came to terms with the news, Obi-Wan was far more comfortable with Mace knowing since he had learned that he and Qui-Gon had been friends.

"He was there in your mind, when you were losing control…" Windu looked curiously at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, if it hadn't been for Qui-Gon then things could have gotten a lot worse. He owed his Master that and more, he had been there for Obi-Wan just as he needed him.

The three of them moved off the topic as they all felt Anakin nearing in the force, his signature was truly a blinding light. Obi-Wan could feel his Padawan's excitement about seeing Obi-Wan awake, Obi-Wan was just glad that the mind-probe had been completed before his apprentice re-appeared and he had faced his fear even if he had required help.

"Are we agreed?" Mace spoke directly to Yoda as they both moved to stand.

"Hmmpph," Yoda confirmed.

Windu took a deep breath seemingly composing himself before addressing Obi-Wan again. "We are satisfied that you were telling the truth, you did follow the will of the force above all else in a very difficult situation. You and your Padawan will be watched closely for some time, unofficially. Do not see this as a punishment, we only want to help you deal with the repercussions of the mission. Take this time to heal, the pair of you will be off the mission rota for a while."

Obi-Wan listened intently throughout the decision feeling a great weight lifted as the judgement was passed. He and Anakin were to remain here in the temple, Obi-Wan couldn't have been happier.

"Thank you, Master's." Obi-Wan attempted as gracious a bow that he could muster whilst still bed-bound.

Master Yoda and Windu reached the door just before Anakin bounded in, Mace turned to issue one last instruction.

"We will leave Anakin's obedience deficiency in your capable hands." Mace smirked, nobody wanted the job of trying to curb Anakin's rebellious nature, Obi-Wan had been trying ever since he met the boy…

"Of course, Master." Obi-Wan smiled as the pair left the med-bay, thinking all things had gone well considered.

He heard Anakin skid to a stop outside the door and hurriedly greet the revered Master's outside the room. Obi-Wan shook his head slowly as the boy stuttered over his surprise, he had as usual not been minding his surroundings in his race to get to Obi-Wan. He certainly had a lot to teach his rebellious Padawan…

Anakin had bounded into the room with childish excitement and held Obi-Wan in a bear hug until he inevitably brought the healer's down on them. The Padawan questioned the presence of Windu and Yoda and pushed and pushed until Obi-Wan was forced to tell his Padawan the story just to earn some peace. Anakin then proceeded to relate his day to Obi-Wan and was intent on showing Obi-Wan a new move he had learnt in saber practise. Obi-Wan laughed loudly as Anakin crashed into medical equipment after cockily landing the acrobatic move. The Padawan scowled up at his Master accusingly before facing the wrath of the healer's again, almost earning him a ban before Obi-Wan put his considerable diplomatic skills to good use.

The cycle repeated for a few days as Obi-Wan remained bed-bound under threat of violence, perhaps violence was a harsh word but they certainly would knock him out for days on end again if the result would be a healed leg to an extent suitable for Healer Che. Eventually he was released and Obi-Wan and Anakin made the long trip back to their quarters, Obi-Wan was looking forward to being back in his own bed, it seemed like a life-time since he'd set foot in the apartment.

Anakin supported him the last leg of the journey to ensure there would be no repeat visit's to the healers, Obi-Wan had had quite enough of their company for some time. Eventually the pair crossed the threshold and Anakin helped Obi-Wan hobble over to his favourite meditation cushion, which of course Obi-Wan slumped into with relief. It was certainly good to be home.

"Who's gonna train me if you stay an old man?" Anakin teased just after he'd walked far enough away to escape hitting range, the boy was learning.

"I'll show you how old I am when we duel next," Obi-Wan growled back groaning inwardly when his Padawan dodged a cushion he had thrown, he was either becoming slower or Anakin was becoming faster.

Anakin beamed at the banter, relieved that things were back to normal. He proceeded to make tea for the pair of them and joined Obi-Wan on the floor. They both sipped the beverage in silence and stared out at the busy city traffic through the window, the sun was setting which cast a beautiful orange hue over the pair. The moment couldn't have been more prefect, well perhaps it could if Qui-Gon were here to share it with them.

The Jedi Master evidently heard the unguarded thought as Obi-Wan heard a yelp of surprise from Anakin followed by cursing, he turned and saw the front of the Padawan's tunics were now stained with tea. Obi-Wan looked to Anakin's side and smiled at the appearance of Qui-Gon, he had scared Anakin half-to-death with the sudden reappearance.

"You know you're going to have to warn us before doing that" Anakin grumbled as he wiped away the scolding liquid.

"That ruins my fun though," Qui-Gon replied dead-pan.

Obi-Wan snorted at his Master's joke, knowing full well Qui-Gon would continue to appear at unusual times simply to see their reactions. He figured it would be a good exercise for Anakin regardless, always be on guard.

"Master," Obi-Wan greeted as the ghost of Qui-Gon moved to join them on the meditation cushions.

The three of them sat looking out at the city as the last wisps of light filtered over the landscape, now the image was perfect. Obi-Wan looked to his right at his Padawan and his Master and felt incredibly thankful that this was even possible, thankful for all he had in this world. This was truly worth fighting for.

Anakin was of course first to break the silence. "So what's our next mission?"

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon both looked incredulously at the Padawan before bursting into laughter, Anakin soon joined in with the levity as he realised how funny the phrase seemed after what they had all just been through.

When the laughing ceased Obi-Wan subtly reached out in the force for any inkling of what exactly the future would hold, receiving nothing he smiled gently at the answer. Truly it did not matter what the future held, only that the three of them would face it together.

Finis (for real)

By the time you reach this part chapter 1 of the new story should be posted, it's called 'The Shadows of Vader"

Until next time...