Okay guys here is the next chapter! I have had a lot of midterms and life just going on right now, and I am so sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I am hoping I will be able to get the next chapter out sooner. Anyways on the bright side I do have some good news, well two things. Saturday is my birthday yay! Turning 19! Also my boyfriend and I got back together so I am very happy about that! Anyways, here is the next chapter!
Ezra sat down at the table, a few days had passed since he had been rescued from Amare. The crew was constantly on the move. Do a mission, leave, get supplies, leave. Every time they stopped, Ezra was on edge. Kanan would try to comfort him, telling him that by the time anyone found them, they would be gone.
Ezra had been spending most of his time trying to stay away from people, especially in the past few hours. The only person he could be around was Chopper, which was saying a lot. For the most part the droid didn't bother him, well, it didn't bother his senses. Being around Kanan at this point was near unbearable, Ezra wasn't sure why it was mostly Kanan though.
Recently they had landed on some planet that had large amounts of foliage. The canopy of the trees covered the ghost. It had been difficult to land here according to Hera. Ezra sat down on the ramp, waiting for Zeb and Sabine to come back from getting supplies. Ezra had offered to go with them, but Kanan was quick to object, not wanting Ezra to stray that far. He knew it was for his own good, but he was growing tired of being cramped on the ship.
Ezra was growing antsy from being on the ship all the time. He also hated the looks everyone gave him, as if he was about to break at any second.
Speaking of which, Ezra was beginning to get the feeling again. He wrapped his hands around his stomach. He was far too embarrassed to ask Kanan or anyone else on the crew if he could… he couldn't even bring himself to think of the word.
He knew it as worse to let the feeling settle in, and that the longer he waited the worse it would get. What scared him so much was the feeling of almost bliss he got when he drank someone's blood. He had only done it once, sure, but right now it was all he could think about.
He kept replaying the scene in his head, remembering the feeling. He knew that by now his pupils were probably more slitted, more feline, at this point. Ezra was thrown from his thoughts by a voice.
"Want to try some Jedi training while we wait?" He heard Kanan's voice. Ezra was quick to stand up and turn his head away in an attempt to hide his eyes.
"I'm not really feeling it today, Kanan," he replied. He did not want to deal with Kanan fussing over him right now.
Kanan was silent for a moment before shrugging.
"I'm been trying not to push you since you got back. Just thought you might like the normalcy." He said.
"Oh yeah, because everyone has been acting normal." Ezra said as he rolled his eyes, still not facing Kanan.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Ezra wrapped his arms around himself, force, he could smell Kanan. He could hear the beat of his heart, the sound of blood pumping through his body. All he would need to do was lunge, pin down Kanan and bit his neck- Stop! Ezra shook his head trying to get the thought out if his head. His senses were going crazy, they seemed to get like this the longer he went without blood.
"I just don't want to." Ezra said curtly. His hands tightened against himself. Go away, he thought.
It became quickly evident to Kanan that Ezra was hiding something, he knew his padawan well enough by now to pick when something was off about him.
"You okay?" Kanan asked.
"Fine." Ezra said a bit too fast, his voice strained.
"Ezra." Kanan said in that voice he used when he was getting frustrated with his student.
"Ezra, look at me." He commanded.
Ezra chose not to respond. He curled more into himself.
"Kanan just leave me alone!" Ezra cried out.
Kanan did the exact opposite of that, huh, and he said Ezra didn't listen. He grabbed the young teens shoulder and spun him, a small gasp escaping him when he saw that Ezra's eyes had changed.
"Why didn't you say anything!?" Kanan shouted. Yeah, like he should be the one that's angry right now.
"This is why!" he cried out, "The way you look at me!" Kanan was taken aback for a moment, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
"What do you mean?" he asked, his hand remaining the Ezra's shoulder in case the kid got any ideas.
"You don't look at me," Ezra made random gestures as he tried to explain, "I mean you don't look at me like me. You look at me like I'm something I'm not." Ezra felt his eyes grow watery, which infuriated him. He shut his eyes, forcing the pain and tears back. He would not cry right now.
Kanan didn't know how to respond at first. He merely watched as his padawan glared at the ground. Before Kanan could respond Ezra shrugged off Kanan's hold while he as in stunned state.
"I'm going for a walk." He said as he turned to leave the ship.
"Ezra-" Kanan called out.
"What!" Ezra yelled back, "You think I'll find some way to mess things up? You guys said that by the time anyone gets here we would be gone so you have nothing to worry about! I won't even go that far! I just need some air!"
Before Kanan even have a chance at responding, Ezra stormed out of the ship.
Kanan knew that chasing after Ezra at this point wouldn't get him anywhere, he knew how the kid could get. Rather he waited around the ship for Ezra's return. He knew he would since it didn't take a genius to guess that Ezra wouldn't stay too long since he feared Amare finding him. He was worried about Ezra leaving in the state he was in though…
It was only about ten minutes after Ezra had left that Zeb and Sabine returned. They were unpacking the supplies they had just gotten in the common area as Kanan informed them about Ezra's whereabouts, when Zeb approached Kanan.
"Kanan, I need to talk to you." Zeb said as he walked past Kanan towards somewhere where they could talk alone. Kanan followed with his arms crossed, already having a feeling that this would be about Ezra.
"It's about Ezra isn't it?" Kanan stated.
"Yeah," Zeb said, scratching the back of his neck, "look Kanan, I'm not sure how to say thing, so I'll be blunt. I know a predator when I see one. I'm not saying that Ezra is bad, but I think we should keep an eye on him. He's dealing with stuff he's never had to, feelings he doesn't understand."
Kanan nodded in confirmation, but he had the feeling that something had spurred this thought into Zeb's mind, it seemed strange for Zeb to just say this.
"I see your point, but what makes you say that?" he asked.
"Whenever you yawn, the kid is always looking at you." Zeb said, when Kanan just raised his eyebrows in confusion Zeb clarified, "Tired prey is easy prey. When you yawn it's visually showing that you're tired. Even if Ezra doesn't realize he's doing it, it's like an instinct in him."
Kanan actually hadn't noticed, but now that Zeb had mentioned it he would be sure to watch his padawan now.
While the crew was distracted, they didn't notice that not only had a ship landed about a mile away from them but that the pilot of it was currently outside of their ship. A plan formulating inside his head. From the tracking information he knew that this was the ship that the child resided in, but the pad showed he was gone at the moment. The Huntsman knew that everything would be much easier if he could get the crew out of the way.
He looked down at himself as he removed his helmet. He didn't exactly look like a civilian at the moment. He put a cloak over himself to make his part more believable. He ruffed his short black hair to make it look messy.
From what the Huntsman knew, there was already seeds of doubt within the crew. If he played his cards right, if he fed their fears, everything would play right into his hands.
Once he deemed himself ready, he quickly ran towards the ship. He shouted, waving his arms and pretending to be in a panic.
"You must get out of here! It's not safe!" He shouted. He noticed the crew beginning to poke their heads out at him, clearly confused. To make himself he made it look like he had a hard time standing in one place and spared a glance behind him.
"Please! It's not safe!" He reiterated. Now they seemed to realize that something was wrong. The older male was the first approach, his hands up to show that he was not a threat.
"What's wrong?" he asked, trying not to provoke him. Good. They believed he was harmless. A mistake they would pay for.
"I'm not sure myself," he began, pointing in the direction he had run from, "I was in the village and I heard screams. There was a boy and he attacked a woman, he started drinking her blood, and when someone tried to stop him he attacked them too. Everything went into chaos after that and I ran." He pretended to shudder at the thought.
The older man gave a knowing glance back at the mandalorian and lasat. They seemed to share a silent conversation and come to conclusion.
"Thank you for warning us. Stay here and you should be safe. I'll alert our captain about what's happened." The man motioned for the other two to follow as they began going in the direction where he had pointed and pulled out his comlink.
"Wait, you can't be thinking of taking on that thing!?" he shouted, already knowing the answer.
"Trust us, we know what we're doing." The girl said, before they ran towards the village.
The Huntsman smirked to himself. That was far too easy. All he had to do was get rid of the captain and everything would be perfect. The child would come back and no one would be there to get in the way when he took the child.
He entered the ship, getting his blaster ready. It would be easier to just kill their captain at this point. However he was started when he heard a young voice behind him.
"Who are you?" they asked.
The Huntsman turned around to see his target standing right there, it was as if fate had delivered him right there for the taking.
Why yes I am leaving this off on a cliff hanger. Sorry! Till next time!