Well, it's been way too long. School, head, and life have kept me away from stuff for way too long, so have some smuff. It might be a while til i write something new again, but for now, enjoy these dorks of JNPR.

As always, Thanks, Monty.

Watch the new season! It's bloody WONDERFUL; RT is doing a wonderful job on it. Here's hoping Ren and Nora will 1)live and 2) actually get together-together. :3


If there was one thing Jaune Arc wasn't known for, it was his stamina. Sure, he grew up in a rough and tumble upbringing, sure, he would go on runs with his sisters and help them with heavy things, sure, he did have a physique that he may or may not have caught Pyrrha side-eyeing when the opportunity presented itself, but compared to her and so many others...

He'd be glad if he never heard the words "bench press" ever again.

Even if those words did ring sweetly from Pyrrha's lips. Come to think of it, she was still training at the gym, toiling away even after their strenuous workout session without even breaking a sweat. Jaune wondered sometimes if she was even human, if she was really some Atlesian android experiment sent to infiltrate society; she really was flawless after all- smart, swift, strong, brave...


Whatever thoughts he had of Pyrrha were quickly quashed as he stopped dead in his tracks, an odd rumble coursing through the floor and vibrating his very core. Jaune paused, his weary head scanning the hallway in search of the mysterious thrum. When his search proved fruitless, he continued on back to their dorm, only for the rumble to sound again, roaring forth loud enough to stop a passing Yang Xiao Long in her tracks.

"Damn Jaune, eat a sandwich or something! You sound louder than Blake when she's in-"

Whatever Yang could say could permanently wait, as at that moment a book flew from around the corner and connected with her face with a solid thwap, spurring her to run off towards the (very angry and loudly hissing) source.


Yeah, that was definitely weird. Maybe he was way too tired after all, what with the strange rumble, Yang being weird, and-





That would be my stomach.

In addition to being dead tired, Jaune Arc was damned hungry.

He didn't have the energy to stagger up to the dining hall, nor did he have enough change in his pocket to get one of those Pumpkin Pete cereal bars from the vending machine. His best bet at this point was hoping Nora hadn't touched his stash of protein bars under his bed, or that Ren would be making her pancakes or something. And if those prospects proved to be unattainable, well, at least he had a nice warm shower and a plump, cushy bed to flump down onto.

His eyes shot open up suddenly as he walked the final stretch of hall towards the dorm. It did look as if Ren had made pancakes after all; an empty bottle of syrup lay haphazardly on the ground in their floor's kitchenette (Ren would have to use the communal kitchenette since their own stove had fizzled out that week- no Nora, cooking pancakes with Burn Dust was not only a fire hazard, it also would not achieve that extra spicy flavor you were looking for, and was probably lethal to boot), marking the end of a trail of syrup dribbles that snaked around the corner and wound its way under their door.

Nora really was a messy eater...

Jaune fumbled for a second with his Scroll, pressing it to the door reader and letting it swing open, revealing Ren and Nora inside, just as he had expected. However, as quickly as he had stepped in, Jaune backed out, swinging the door shut as stealthily as he could muster. Yes, he was right; they were eating; but here, Ren's idea of a "gourmet meal" wasn't particularly his cup of tea.

Too lewd, Jaune muttered to himself, before slouching off to the library with a shudder, as the "gourmet meal" let out a long satisfied sigh that sent a shudder coursing up his spine. There were plenty of cushy chairs there where he could get some sleep and cleanse his brain from the sight of the *ahem* feast back in the dorm.

Meh. I'm not hungry anyway.