Okay guys! We're back again, for another episode of "This author keeps adding to a story she swore was going to be a oneshot." Huzzah. This will be the last chapter of this story, I swear. However, it will be a tie-in with my other story, entitled "Escape From Starkiller Base." So this story will actually have its conclusion in that one. I could condense them all into one story, but seeing as this is a, *ahem*, "sexy" story, I will keep the smut to this story and the actual story line in that one, seeing as the audiences for each are slightly different. One last thing, then I'll shut up. I am warning you faithful readers that this story is about to get very dark. I feel I must issue a trigger warning, as there will be some rape fantasy in this chapter. If that doesn't sound like something you will enjoy, please navigate away, and I will see you back for the conclusion contained in "Escape From Starkiller." Still with me? Well then, down the rabbit hole…

The Captain had never intended for her affair with Kylo Ren to go as far as it had. She had never actually intended an affair at all. When she had invited him to her chambers that first time, she had not anticipated that he would accept the offer. And then again, when he had sought her out… appearing at her doorstep with the hunger of a caged beast. Everything about him made her toes curl. His power, his raw and passionate demeanor. He was as fierce a leader as the First Order could hope for. Where Hux could easily navigate a boardroom and tactical discussion, Ren could break bones and twist minds. He could make all those who had ever been captured by the First Order renounce any allegiances they had once clung to with just a flick of his hand. She rather admired him. Never loved him, of course. She had learned long ago, through the tribulations of her life, that she was incapable of romantic love. Her only love was for the First Order. But Kylo Ren had become her addiction. She was addicted to how he made her feel. Not just like a stormtrooper or a soldier, but like a powerful woman. She no longer felt a disconnect between the chrome-armored commander she was among her troops and the naked, human woman that emerged in private. Kylo Ren had done that for her. She wished she could do the same for him.

But as events unfolded through the weeks- the BB unit slipping from their grasp on Jakku, the pilot escaping Starkiller, and that damned turncoat, a member of her own squadron, betraying the Order- she noticed that Kylo Ren was becoming increasingly unhinged. His anger seemed to snap at anyone standing nearby. He became reckless in his search for the map. When he came to her in the night, he was desperate for her. Until he stopped seeking her comfort entirely.

The Captain sipped her beverage, thinking over those events. The Order had received no further tips after they had learned the droid was aboard the Millennium Falcon. Though the Order was hunting for it day and night, the life of a smuggler had made the Falcon's Captain particularly skilled at concealing his movements. Phasma flipped through the histories she had found in the Order's library, seeking to glean some kind of knowledge concerning the Falcon's Captain. She sighed and tossed the book onto the table nearest her seat. Most of the information regarding Han Solo had been redacted by the Order. She rolled her neck, releasing tension, and stood as she felt an unease creeping over her. She was restless. She felt the urge to shoot something. She suited up in her armor, loaded her blaster, and stalked from the room. Several troopers in the barracks stared in disbelief at seeing her emerge at this hour. She ignored them and made her way to the training facilities.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she entered the room. On the far side, hacking a training dummy maliciously, was Kylo Ren. His light saber tore into the thick skin of the dummy, though the gelatinous insides were harder to damage. They were built to withstand riot batons and blasters. The Captain watched in silence as Ren raised his saber, over and over, tearing the dummy to pieces. He began grunting as his arm grew tired, but he continued to strike the dummy. His growls turned to screams of anger. The Captain winced at the sound. There was so much anguish in those screams. She wondered what could have sent him into this state.

Her attention was pulled to several troopers who lounged against a wall, pointing and laughing at Kylo Ren. The Captain approached them, and they all stood straight upon seeing their commanding officer.

"Something you see is amusing, is it?" she asked, and one trooper glanced around at his comrades.

"Permission to speak freely, Captain," he requested, and she nearly snapped as she responded. "Granted." The trooper hesitated, and glanced back at Kylo Ren, who had not taken notice of their discussion.

"I'm sorry, but how is that an efficient leader?"

The Captain stalked forward and grabbed the trooper by the arm. She raised her right foot and kicked him square in the chest while maintaining her grip on his arm. His shoulder made a horrifying pop as it was pulled from its socket. The trooper screamed and fell to the floor, where the Captain knelt beside him. "Those words sounded dangerously close to treason. Shall I pass them on to the Supreme Leader?" she snarled, and the trooper stared down at the ground, cradling his arm. He remained silent.

"That's what I thought," she said, and stood to face the other two troopers, who cowered from her. They reached down to help their friend to his feet, before running from the training facilities. The door's locking mechanism echoed from the high walls, leaving the room entirely empty, save Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma. The Captain approached Kylo Ren, who stood with his back to her, his shoulders heaving and his light saber idling at his side. She stood behind him, waiting for him to acknowledge her, but he remained turned away, panting heavily from exertion. She pulled her helmet off, and felt the twinge of panic as she did so. She had never removed her helm unless it was in the privacy of her chambers. But something was very wrong. She had seen Kylo Ren's anger before, but not like this. His hand that held his saber was shaking. He needed her now. Her. The woman he knew, not the chrome trooper he commanded.

She leaned forward and slid her hand over top of his, careful not to startle or anger him. He turned his head to the side, though she could not see his expression. Damn that mask. Her fingers slid over his, until they found the button to deactivate his saber. She carefully pressed her gloved fingertip into the button, silencing the saber. She wrapped her hand around the weapon, and he relinquished his grip on it. She carefully placed it on the ground, along with her helmet. She walked around until she stood before him, her expression questioning. She removed his mask, and immediately hated what she saw. He kept his eyes averted from hers, and she could see the remnants of angry tears that had reddened his eyes and stained his cheeks. Her eyes softened, and she pulled her glove off so the could place her warm hand on the side of his neck. She didn't know what had thrown Kylo Ren into this spiral of rage, and knew it would be foolish to ask. So she settled on trying to take that anger away. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He didn't respond for a moment, and she could feel his body still trembling from his earlier fit of anger. But slowly he responded to her kiss, until he became ravenous. His hands worked at removing her armor, and piece by piece, the chrome fell to the floor. She dropped his mask to the ground, and worked at removing her armor. She felt unease at being so exposed, here in the public training facilities. Ren seemed to sense her anxiety, and held his hand out in the direction of the door. It groaned under his power, until the two sections of the door physically twisted and bent into one another. His show of force only made the Captain work faster. She removed the last of her armor, just as his body crashed into hers. He was more forceful than she had ever felt him. He shoved her back against the wall, pressing himself against her. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, kissing her shoulder as he gripped both her arms. His kiss turned to a bite as his hands closed hard around her arms, enough to cause a bruise. The Captain let out an involuntary whimper of pain, and Ren forced himself away from her with a loud snarl. He stalked around aimlessly, running his hands nervously through his black hair. He finally stopped, and sighed deep.

"This has to stop," he said, and his voice seemed hoarse and weak. The Captain straightened, and rubbed her arms where he had bruised them. She approached him, but remained at a cautious distance. His energy was strange. He turned to face her, and she could see the hesitation in him.

"You and I. We have to stop this," he said, looking her up and down. His mind was clearly at odds with what his body wanted. "I can't hurt you. Not you," he said, and she stepped forward. He kept his eyes on her movements, as if he didn't trust her.

"I don't believe that you would," she said, and he swallowed hard.

"That's the problem… I want to," his last words were so quiet, as if he were ashamed. Suddenly she understood.

"If you want to stop, I understand, and I will acquiesce. But if I may beg of you…" she said, her hand coursing through his beautiful black hair. "If you would let me have you, one last time," she whispered, her lips finding the sensitive skin just below his ear. "I might even like what you do to me," she whispered, and she could feel his entire body shaking from the effort of containing whatever monster he was afraid of letting out. She leaned back, and searched his eyes. Something in them was breaking. His willpower was faltering.

"Tell me what you want," she whispered, and she saw his jaw tighten as she smoothed her hands over his chest. She could feel his heart beating wildly, even through the thick fabric of his tunic. He hesitated, but finally, she could see him give in.

"I want you to fight me," he said, and she began to understand what she would have to do. She stepped back one small step, coaxing him forward and allowing him to invade her space. She was already saying yes simply with her body language.

"I want you to pretend you don't want it," he said, his voice dropping to a very low, menacing tone. He reached out for her wrist, to gauge her response. She yanked her arm away from him, and allowed a small smirk to grace her lips. That was all the signal he needed.

He rushed forward, slamming her back against the wall. He tried to grab her by the wrists, but she fought. He kept her pinned against the wall with his strong body, as she struggled against him, beating her hands against his chest. He finally grappled her arms, and pinned her wrists over her head. He forced a hard kiss on her lips, and she struggled against it. She pulled away and spat in his face, and he responded by grinding his hips against hers, a wide smile spreading across his lips. He positioned his leg between hers, and rubbed his thigh against her hot core, feeling the heat from beneath her flight suit. "You're going to regret this, Captain," he whispered, and licked up her neck and cheek. She could feel him hard as a rock as he pressed his hips against her. She smiled, knowing full well the consequences of what she was about to do.

She turned her head to look him in the eyes, and whispered, "Never." In his current animalistic state, that was nothing if not a challenge. She used her own strength, which he had probably underestimated, to pull her arms free of his grasp. She raked her fingernails across his face, and turned to run from him. She felt herself dragged backwards by the Force, and he grabbed her hips, grinding himself against her butt. He groaned as she struggled against him, and he pushed her down onto the floor. She tried to crawl away, but he crawled on top of her, grabbing her flight suit at the back of her neck and ripping it open. He flipped her over roughly, straddling her, and began tearing her flight suit from her torso. It ripped across her chest, exposing her breasts. She pushed his hands away, but he kept her pinned beneath his body. He leaned forward and grabbed her by the throat. She choked and wrapped her hands around his wrist, trying to pull his hand away and loosen the pressure on her airways. He used his free hand to tear the bottom half of her flight suit from her body. He spread her legs with his knees, unzipped his pants and pushed her underwear slightly down her thighs, before entering her forcefully. He groaned, and she choked out a small sound around his grip. He was hurting her, but in a sick way, she loved it. The involuntary panic that her body had induced upon being choked sent the blood rushing through her. It made her skin crawl with adrenaline, made her hyper-sensitive to everything he was doing. His hard cock inside her was almost too much for her to bear. He loosened his grip on her throat slightly, and groaned loud as he thrust hard inside her, his pace fast and rough. She half moaned, half screamed as she curled one leg up in between them, pushing him back. She rolled onto her stomach and crawled frantically away, before he caught her again. He pulled both her hands behind her, and pinned them against her lower back with one hand. He grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking her head back. He penetrated her once more, his thrusts coming harder and harder, until she whimpered in pain. He moaned at the sound, and thrust into her faster.

"You like this? Huh? You like it when I hurt you, don't you Phasma?" he growled, before his pace quickened, and he started panting heavily, releasing breathless curses. Phasma was disgusted at herself, but dammit, she liked it. She felt her own release seconds before his. She moaned loud, and he came hard and fast, his grunting turning to screams as he thrust inside her. He groaned and pulled out, releasing her wrists and pushing her down against the floor. She caught her breath for a moment, and rubbed her neck where she was sure a bruise was forming. When she looked back at him, he was sitting with his knees bent and his head in his hands. He was still panting, but clearly he was not proud of what he had done. She crawled up next to him, curling her legs beneath her. She snaked a hand up his back and gently massaged his neck.

"See, Ren? You're not the only monster here..."