Today was not a happy day for the boy under the stairs. Today, July 31st, 2006, was the boy's 6th birthday. In his experience, it wasn't something to celebrate. His aunt and uncle weren't the kindest people in the world, especially to him. He never understood why they treated him with such contempt. Only that they thought of him as a freak, an abomination. The boy racked his brain, from the young age of four, and the only conclusion he could come up with was his lineage. He had asked about why he lived with them and not with his parents. The only response he had gotten was that they had died in a car crash and that they were lowlife degenerates. If he ever brought his parents up after that explanation, be would get a swift beating and would be locked up in his make-shift room under the stairs.

Eventually, the boy stopped questioning about his parents and just did what he was told. He knew that whatever he did, he would somehow incur the wrath of his relatives. It didn't matter to him now. Through the negligence of his relatives, he learned to be self-reliant. In school, he would do poor in class, but secretly working with the teachers about his studies. His relatives got a fudged report and harry wasn't deemed an idiot by the faculty. This was an arrangement that satisfied both the boy and, by extension, his relatives. The boy's relatives were happy by this unknown arrangement because it did not break their belief that their son was God's gift to the world. In their eyes, he could do no wrong. Because of this, their son had turned into a moronic bully, who's favorite game involved chasing his cousin, until his cousin could not run anymore and then beating him like a wounded lion. This did not bother the boy in any way, as he had grown accustomed to the abuse brought upon his relatives, cousin included.


There was once a time, where he was taken, begrudgingly, to one of his cousin's birthday parties at a pizzeria that had opened up. It was a franchise from the United States, owned by a company called Fazbear Entertainment. It was a pizzeria that showcased animatronic animals as mascots that entertained the children. the boy was not very taken with these machines and shied away from the party, preferring to explore what the restaurant had to offer. his journey eventually lead to a room in the back. There was sign on the door that said 'Storage. Authorized Personnel Only.' The boy was curious to see what was inside, as the door was still open. the boy looked around him and pushed the door open.

The inside of the room was dark, and it smelled of dust. If the boy had to guess, it hadn't been used in looked around, seeing shelves of spare parts and mechanical equipment. Seeing it all had been paradise for the boy. At least, it was, until he tripped and fell over something. When the boy got his bearing, he came face-to-face with a golden face. It looked similar to the rabbit animatronic outside, Bonnie if the boy remembered correctly. Whatever it was, it seemed to be a crumpled mess on the floor. the boy stared intently at the face, only to run in fear, as it's eyes flickered on and it began to twitch.

Flashback end

That was over a year ago, but that event alone caused him to fear the other animatronics to no end. They never went back there anyway, since his cousin had hated in the animatronics' faces. Since then, everything was as about normal as it usually had. Except until about a week before. Exactly one week before the boy's birthday, his aunt's and Uncle's attitudes had shifted. They were still cold and demanding, but they weren't demeaning or abusive. They gave him a list of chores every day and then allowed him to do what he wished outside the house. If the boy was being honest with himself, he was a bit on edge at the change in attitude and MO. His paranoia did not settle that entire week. And when the day of his birthday came, it was the same routine as the last week. This time, however, his aunt had made breakfast and even made a plate for him.

Afterward, he was assigned his chores and then got to work. When he was done, he had cleaned himself up and headed to the front door. His aunt pulled him back and shoved him in the cupboard. He hit the wall hard and slid down to the floor of the cupboard. He heard the lock slip into place and the fading footsteps of his aunt, He knew that their behavior was too good to be true. The boy didn't know how long he was in the cupboard, but he knew it was several hours, as he heard the sound of his uncle's car pull into the driveway. He then heard the sound of the car door slam, only to be accompanied by another a few seconds later. A minute later, he heard the front door open and the thunderous thuds of his uncle's footsteps were heard. unfortunately, they were accompanied by a lighter thud in each step along with mechanical whirring that the boy had heard before. The lock on the cupboard door was undone and the door was ripped open. The next thing the boy saw, was a meaty arm reach in and grab him. The boy struggled, fighting against his uncle's grip. His struggling ceased when he saw the golden animatronic standing in the was nice and clean, with a friendly smile on its face. the boy was forcefully turned to face his wide uncle.

"I've decided to be a nice uncle this year and got you a present," he said. "I got you a new suit to play in, Why don't you try it on?" The boy shook his head in fear, as he was restrained and then shoved into the suit. at first, the boy was afraid. However, the more time he spent in the suit, the more his fear dissipated. His fear returned when he felt something pierce through his leg. he looked down and saw a piece of metal stuck through his leg. He didn't have long to process this, as his shoulder was pierced by another piece of metal. the boy began to scream, as more beams pierce his body. The boy's relatives ignored his screams, which got him shoved into the cupboard under the stairs. The boy's uncle then locked it and looked through the grate.

"Happy birthday, freak!" His uncle exclaimed. "Your last birthday!" the vent slammed shut, leaving the boy to die in agony in the darkness.

The boy's screams were heard throughout his relatives community. However, it was cited as a test of their new sound system. The neighbors were skeptical of this but then shrugged it off. In a community that small, it was more of 'keep your nose in your own business'. Because of this, they didn't pay attention to the man, as he dragged what looked like a giant stuffed bunny out of his house. Or to the fact, fact he peeled out of the driveway of No. 4 and away from Privet Drive like a bat out of hell.

After about twenty minutes of driving, the boy's uncle drove into a parking lot. He dragged the suit into a building nearby, where the door was held open. As soon as the man was inside, the door slammed closed behind him.

"so, was the suit of any use to you?" someone in the shadows asked. The voice startled the dead boy's uncle.

"yes I did," he said. "if you just get rid of the body, the suit is all yours. Though, how will you explain the blood stains?" the man in the shadows just chuckled.

"I have some friends who can clean it up before it's returned to the states," he said.

"the states?" the boy's uncle asked.

"We had an… incident," the man explained. "Involving one of the mascots and a child. Long story short, we're closing shop and moving back to the states. Myself included." The boy's uncle merely nodded and left. The man in the shadows walked towards the suit and examined it. It indeed looked like it was in the fashion he had been told about. However, there was no body to dispose of. The man was confused for a moment, before shrugging and pulling out his cell phone. Ten minutes of arguing later, the man had arranged for the suit to be picked up.

Unknown to him, the man was being watched. It wasn't a who, per se, but t what. This 'what' had been watching the young boy his entire life. And to see his light snuffed out in such a manner, enraged him to no end. However, he would soon find out that this light had indeed been snuffed out, but not the embers that remained. The boys magic, protecting its host. The what calculated that it didn't have much time, and so began preparations to help the boy forge his own path. For great men are forged in fire, but it the honor of lesser men to stoke the flame.

A/N: ...I regret nothing...