I DO NOT OWN KILL LA KILL . ALL CREDIT GOES TO TRIGGER ALONG WITH Hiroyuki Imaishi and written by Kazuki Nakashima.

Kill La Kill © TRIGGER

Many Years Ago

*Kiryuin's main foyer room is dark, silent, and seemingly without life. Then suddenly the double doors blast open due to a massive! Front kick by a male.*

*This male is outfitted with a suit of skin tight black clothing that fit him snug, along with a utility belt. He is wearing a ski mask without eye or mouth holes to conceal his identity. He then slowly takes several careful steps onto the very nicely designed flooring. There was no sound, only his near completely silent footsteps with his military grade boots.*

*His mind began to course, where is she?*

? (Mind): The coordinates said this location, She wouldn't be out on business and she'd be home. But the lights are out and no one seems to be home, not even the butlers…..Somethings not right here.

*Then suddenly the light shoot on! And there is standing a short pudgy man with grey hair and a stern voice atop the stair case.*


*This shocks the intruder as he quickly tenses up and his heart beats shoot up. But they then lowered when he realized this is a hostile but a non-hostile at the same time.*

?: Well, I'm caught…so I guess I'll have to tie you up, hide you, and then give you up to the gov for conspiring with—

*The short butler begins to walk down the stairs and confronts this masked man in the middle of the foyer room. The room is lit only by the blinding light of the outside due to the kicked in door of course.*

Kuroido: Say no more you intruder! I expected nothing less from a person who is dead set on in siting fear and corruption!

?: Ah…you seem to know who I am…I fight for truth, freedom, and justice! Everyone I've put down or away needed that to keep other people safe! I—

*Then suddenly from atop the stairs an array of blinding rainbow lights twinkle upon both of them from behind Kuroido.*


*A woman with a dark blue queen like attire appears from a threshold that the masked man hadn't seen before. She flicks his large blondish rainbow hair with her cold, sharp hands and with a grin no less.*

*A her seductive voice boomed throughout the entire foyer room.*

Ragyo: You've finally arrived. I thought you'd never get here…Sutakira..

Sutakira: You've been anticipating me. Pity, I figured you'd of ran.

Ragyo: Of course I have been…You've caught my eye on battles and sieges across the globe. You fight terrorism and injustice. I like that. Also there's nothing to run from dear.

Sutakira: Then you know why I'm here. The life fibers need to be vanquished and I'm the guy for the job. Since you're the brains of this whole scourge then I'm GONNA SPLATTER THEM!

*He then like a six shooter had quickly pulled out a small glowing crimson measuring stick.*

Ragyo: Isn't that cute. What can it do?

Sutakira: It nullifies all life fiber regeneration with anything it cuts. I'll show you first hand.

*It quickly extended into a double bladed sword staff with a hilt small enough to be held by one hand; however both swords weren't typical swords, they were incredibly sharper and pointed measuring sticks. *


ブレードを測定します Measuring Blade!

*However, Kuroido had a gun and shot the sword staff out of Sutakira's hand. Sutakira quickly composed himself as Kuroido shot multiple time while Sutakira dodged them all and nearly punched Kuroido's brains out with a BRAK! noise and sent him flying through a table with glass trinkets all over them.*

*Then Ragyo laughs as thousands of thin glowing red threads slither from beneath her dress and down both the left and right stair case and head for Sutakira in the middle of the foyer room.*

Ragyo: Killing you will be easy! *She continues to laugh manically.*

*They then latch on to him, he struggles, rips some off, and tries his best to avoid these flesh eating fibers as they surround him, bind him, enter his clothing, and completely ensnare Sutakira as he screams for his life.*

Kill La Kill – Sirius Opening

Chapter 1 - Who doesn't love a good fight?

Present Day

7:49AM – Kanto Streets

*The Sky of Kanto is a Sky/Tiffany blue as Cirrus clouds are all over the sky. However there are massive swirl of clouds by the new Massive/Incredibly huge Setsudan University. A white/cream colored DNA shaped building is towering above every structure in next few hundred miles. The School can be seen from cities away. Kanto is very peaceful for the most part, but not with things like this going on.*

*Ryuko & Mako is standing in the middle of the street surrounded by people. She's wearing senketsu in her usual white sneakers. Mako is wearing pink jean shorts, white blouse, white flats, and purple bunny backpack. All of these people are mad, and intent of hurting the two girls. They all have weapons like sticks, wrenches, and knives. Ryuko's smirking and just enlarged her scissor blade and stabbed in into the hard concrete. Then she said in a annoyed tone.*

Ryuko: (Sighs) Alright, who's first?

*Then they all jumped on her instantly. Then in a MASSIVE! Gust of wind and all of them scatter across the street as she had spun around and slashed with her scissor blade. Mako was holding on to Ryuko's waist as the hurricane like wind was making her scream and flail around.*

Senketsu: Amazing Ryuko! You blew through them like bowling pins!

*She looks down at her Kamui.*

Ryuko: I know, I've had enough practice these past few months. People are going nuts I'm telling you.

Mako: But why?

Ryuko: Maybe it's something in water.

Mako: But we drink the water too!

*Mako begins to vigorously wipe off her tongue.*

Senketsu: I've noticed that each time we fight more of these people and win, my sick feeling goes away completely.

Ryuko: That's weird, you said before that this a familiar feeling back at Honnouji right?

Senketsu: Yes, But only when we fought Ragyo or Nui.

Ryuko: The hell….what could that mean?

Senketsu: Ragyo came back. Could Nui?

Ryuko: How? I got the fibers extracted from me to get Ragyo back.

Senketsu: I don't know but at this point anything's possible.

Ryuko: You got that right…Now I gotta call the police to get all these people picked up..

Mako: LOOK!


*Then from around the corner of the street behind Ryuko a large blue Humvee like police vehicle. The lights and sirens are blaringly loud as well as the voice. The vehicle stops right in front of Ryuko and blows her skirt up.*

*Then Gamagori pops his head out of the top of the vehicle and greets Ryuko and Mako.*

Gamagori: Hello ladies how are you?


*Mako then in excitement jumps up and latches on to him and hugs him. Ryuko smiles in happiness for mako and looks up at Gamagori.*

Ryuko: We're good.

*Gamagori then gently puts Mako back down next to Ryuko.*

Gamagori: I see you ladies were attacked.

Ryuko: Yeah, nothing we couldn't handle.

Gamagori: MEN! Get out the Emergency Criminal Suction Device!

緊急刑事吸引装置Emergency Criminal Suction Device!

*Several policemen who were originally apart of Gamagori's Disciplinary Club at Honnouji leave from the back of the Humvee and pull out a massive tube that begins to suck up the people who attacked Ryuko and Mako.*

Ryuko: Wow that's innovative.

Gamagori: I was forced to recruit more men because of how tightly the police force is spread as of late. Where better than Honnouji's finest?! The city is going to hell.

Mako: And we will too if we don't get to school in time!

*Mako points to her watch.*

Ryuko: Oh crap! We gotta go!

*Gamagori grabs both girls with his massive hands and pulls them inside the Humvee.*

Gamagori: I'll take the both of you, compliments of the former Disciplinary Committee Chair holder IRA GAMAGORI!

*The Humvee speeds off.*

12:12PM – Rinne High School Courtyard

*Mako, Ryuko, Ruto, and Imura are sitting on a stone bench and table whilst they eat lunch. Mako isn't even listening to what anyone else is saying, she's too busy stuffing her face.*

Ruto: Jeez, she can put it down can't she?

Ryuko: Yeah, This isn't even half of what she can really eat.

Imura: She still maintains a good frame though.

Ruto: I wonder what kind of food that new college serves. They just opened up a week back and they already have thousands of students. The food must be good.

Ryuko: I don't think it's that. I've heard weird things about that place. The rumors it's similar to Honnouji Academy in terms of the way they operate. That can't be good.

Ruto: Well something has to be good about it, I mean so many students enrolled within such a short matter of time.

Imura: As it turns out, a lot of those student are students from the far west. Maybe even over half of them.

*Ryuko stands up and puts her hands on the table.*

Ryuko: Damn, You know what?! We should take a trip over there ourselves and see what the hell all the fuss is about.

Ruto: Nah, It's probably all boring and stuff.

Ryuko: Fine, I'll get [Name] and He'll come with me. We'd bust some ass in a minute. It'd be about time we actually did something together.

Ruto: Speaking of [Name], I haven't seen you two together all that much. Why?

*Ryuko sits back down and closes her eyes. She in the past few months felt like [Name] was avoiding her. She wanted to know why. Ruto's question only sparked more intrigue on the subject for Ryuko. But she'll keep her cocky composure in the face of her friends of course.*

Ryuko: Eh, I feel like I could be too much for him to handle sometimes.

Imura: You really think he's tired of you?

Ryuko: Not tired but, just taking chill out time.

*Ryuko knows it most likely isn't that. It's more than likely that [Name] has grown tired of her. Instead of having that potential fact crush Ryuko's heart, she's rather do her best to believe something else. She then took a big sigh.*

Ryuko: I wonder what he's doing now.

12:13PM – Sanagayama's Battle Academy

*This place is rather ran down. The floors are dark green mats and the windows around the place are incredibly dingy. The air is hot and musky and there are guys sparring with kendo canes everywhere. [Name]'s nose is being punished by all of the musty sweat from all the guys while doing pushups. His hands are burning and his chest and pectoral muscles are on fire. He's not wearing his mask and he's wearing (Whatever is desired). Uzu is wearing his dark green tang top and his white pants and shoes and a Kendo cane over his back. He has a very firm boot on [Name]'s back to put a lot more resistance.*

Uzu: Come on [Name]! Keep going! You said you wanted tough training well here it is!

*[Name] is struggling to get up and is sweating profusely.*

[Name]: Come on…..ease up!

Uzu: Not a chance! If you can't do about ten more in the next minute. I'm cane the shit outta you!

[Name]: Got it!

*However the dirty sweat under [Name]'s palms cause him to slip and face plant into the gross mat.*

Uzu: *Sighs* Come on [Name]..

[Name]: *Breathing heavily* I did a few hundred already…How many can you do?!

*Uzu takes his foot off of [Name]'s back and walks away.*

Uzu: Eh, the same.

[Name]: Mhm…

*Then the double doored entrance opens and it's Nonon. She's wearing a short pink dress, white sleeveless vest, white heeled boots, and a beret hat. Boy did she look good, but in [Name]'s mind she's merely a close contender to Ryuko in terms of looks. Nonon walked up to Uzu and [Name] and presented Sanagayama with a baseball that has writing on it.*

Nonon: Hey monkey what's up?

Uzu: Ah, just training [Name] over here.

*She turns to [Name] and smiles.*

Nonon: Hey donkey what's up?

[Name]: Hey Nonon, What brings you here? To train?

Nonon: As if I'd ever train in a musky sweaty dirty place like this.


Nonon: Anyway, that baseball was for you and it says something pretty cool.

*Uzu begins to read it.*

Uzu: Courtesy of Setsudan University's Athletics Club, this is a incredibly informal challenge to smash one of Honnouji Academy's finest graduates into the ground. It'll be atop a building that has the challenge flag on top.

Uzu: I've been hearing some strange stuff about that place. Let's see what they have to offer in terms of fighting.

[Name]: Uzu, let me handle whoever's challenging you.

Uzu: You sure, they might be tough to challenge us.

[Name]: You're damn right.

4:21PM – Kanto Rooftop

*The Sky is utterly cloudy and grey. The smell of old water and rust is filling the air as [Name] prepares for this fight. The top of the building is almost like a boxing ring but with pipes being the ropes. In the middle of this ring is a big white flag with black writing on it.*

Honnouji大学院ビートダウン Honnouji Graduate Beatdown

*Mako, Ryuko, Nonon, Uzu, Ruto, and Imura are in attendance for name's corner. On the Athletic club's team there are a lot of muscled up jocks with blond and brown hair. Some are in football, soccer, fencers, and baseball outfits pepping each other up.*

*Ryuko is looking up with her eyes close and is smiling.*

Mako: Yo Ryuko, what are you smiling about?

Ryuko: This takes me back Mako, I used to have back alley gang brawls all the time at middle school. I hope [Name] knows what he's doing right now.

Ruto: Eh, He's good. Just sit and watch.

[Name]: Enough! Which one of you chose to challenge Uzu?!

?: ME!

*Then a black haired student of medium height pushes through all of them with a announces himself. He also happens to be wearing a baseball outfit. He has a life fiber looking bat and baseball.*

?: My name is HAYATE IBU ハヤテ伊武! I want Sanagayama and not you so buzz off!

[Name]: You're light weight and I'm a bit bored so I'll pound you instead.

Hayate: You're a cocky little prick aren't you? Well I guess you'll do for a warm up.

*[Name] and this guy stare at each other for about a minute. They both charge at each other with amazing speed SCREAMING! at one another. [Name] with fist out and Hayate with bat in hand.*

[Name]: AHHH!

Hayate: AAAHHH!

[Name]: AAAHH!

*Both charging and are now at striking range!*

Both: AAHH!

Kill La Kill – Sirius Ending

I've decided to keep [Name]'s name in the same format from the preview rather than –Name-. Also tell me what [Name] looks like for u. Remember to leave constructive criticism please!