Fill for this PWKM prompt:
I would very much like to see Athena and Blackquill get in a really loud, heated argument about something completely ridiculous and trivial. Just totally losing it while other characters overhear and can't understand why either of them is so angry.
Disclaimer: The author does not own the Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) franchise in any way whatsoever.
"What did you say?"
"I said, that looks ridiculous."
"Well, I happen to like it! You just don't have any sense of style, mister!"
"Must you be so difficult all the time, woman?"
And thus, the argument restarted. First, it had been about the color, then about the printed patterns, and now, about the laced borders. As if their in-court squabbles weren't enough, must they also be this tiring to deal with over petty matters? It was a miracle they haven't been kicked out of the store yet.
Apollo winced for the umpteenth time as Athena burst into another tirade about how lace lends elegance and sophistication to a tablecloth, then onto how a particular pattern speaks volumes about the personality of the people dining on the table. Prosecutor Blackquill, on the other hand, countered that simplicity was always better, and that "those tacky frills are impossible to hide once damaged; do you not realize how impractical that is?"
Best quote he'd heard all day, really. He actually agreed with the guy, for once. Not that Apollo would say anything, of course, lest Athena hurls the not-samurai onto him this time for "siding with the enemy." Which is very much unconvincing, seeing how she's currently dating said enemy. Apollo's respect for Blackquill had just shot up by a hundred percent at this point. Make that two hundred, considering he's a rival prosecutor and -
"Silence! Your twisted logic has absolutely no place outside the courtroom!"
"Oh, please. You say that because none of your psychological machinations work out here, either!"
"Are you testing me, Cykes-dono?"
"Bring it, you jerk!"
Now he didn't know what they were even talking about anymore. Apollo looked up from the shelf of table runners to check, and is that Prosecutor Gavin and Ema pulling them apart?!
How exactly did a discussion on tablecloth turn into... this?! Objection, dammit!
If Trucy's alarmed nudge at his shoulder was any indication, it was high time for some damage control. Apollo finally jerked the roll of transparent vinyl he'd been eyeing since the couple started arguing and marched up the terrified cashier.
"I'd like three yards of this, please!" Apollo bellowed as loud as his Chords of Steel would allow it.
That stopped the room cold. Apparently, even passers-by outside the store were now looking in through the glass windows to see what was going on. A single audible gulp permeated the silence, followed by the ding of the cash register.
"Certainly, sir!" The manager, a diminutive being sporting nerd glasses and a bob cut, responded in a cheery voice as she motioned the still-quivering cashier to retrieve the scissors and yardstick. "That would be fifteen dollars, please."
Apollo handed over a fifty-dollar bill in a daze. The transparent vinyl was immediately cut, rolled, and tied back in the same amount of time it took for the manager to produce the change, and in less than a minute, the group was out of the store.
He turned to look back inside. Prosecutor Gavin raised an eyebrow as if in question, to which he shrugged back. Further inside, Ema rubbed at her temples, muttering God-knows-what. His Perceive ability didn't come with lip-reading, unfortunately.
"C'mon, it wasn't that expensive," Trucy attempted to start conversation further down the road back to the office.
"But three yards, Apollo?" Athena interjected. "What are we going to do with all the excess?!"
"Athena..." Blackquill admonished, his voice almost, if not as hoarse as Apollo's own.
"Shut it, Simon."