A/N: This is my very first story on FanFiction, but not my first ever. I'm just going to try and introduce topics to start the story. All of the drama will start in the next few chapters. This story will have some mature themes, but nothing too bad. For those that worry, there will be some same sex pairings. Most of the story will be canon, as far as who had survived and such. However, there are some changes as to the pairings. Hopefully, you'll be happy with the outcome! Please review! And thanks to my little brother for being my personal beta-tester.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, its settings, themes, or characters. I simply own the plot that I've created for JK Rowling's world in this little fanfic.
The night was cold and the air would not settle. Harry found himself peering out the window, yet again, hoping for some sign of peace in the air. A breath escaped from his shaky frame, causing a cloud to form over the paned glass. Howling wind kept his eyes alert on the gray outside.
He was seated on a nook by a window that overlooked his property. There were red cushions beneath him and shelves of books all around him. The room itself was a grand library. One that distinctly resembled that of Belle's from Beauty in the Beast. Harry suspected that was his mother's design. After all, the house had been hers and his father's long before it was ever Harry's.
After the war, Harry had been issued a summons from a Ministry Official who was overlooking the vaults at Gringotts for any misdoings. They had called him to the bank to test blood for a seal on one of the locked vaults. Surprisingly, it had opened, revealing more of his parents' fortune. Within the vault were also some filing systems that were distinctly muggle, another touch of Lily's, Harry was sure, that held the information and deeds to several properties owned by the Potters. James having been the heir and patriarch had complete control over them. Since their deeds had been secure for the past two decades, they were still set aside, in tact.
Harry had chosen to stay in a humble manor that was out of the public's eye. After the war, Harry had suffered major psychological trauma, which led to him having to seclude himself from most. He had gone through the awards ceremonies and constant public awareness first, just to be sure he would be left alone once his mind came apart.
It had come slowly. The dreams were first, though they had never really lightened up. These dreams, however, were not caused by Voldemort, but, rather, they were caused by the gore and utter madness that Harry had had to endure throughout the first seventeen years of his life. Just his vicious muggle upbringing would have been enough to crack most, but Harry had seen worse, and his mind would not let him forget it.
Next, came the bouts with consciousness. It began with short moments of black when Harry would stand too quickly, or when he found himself a bit stressed. They slowly built to days when Harry simply could not stand without losing sight of those around him.
Lastly, and almost worst of all, Harry would have moments where his mind would deceive him. He would look into the eyes of those he loved and see the monster who tried to take his life. He would hear a dog's bark and swear that the werewolves were upon him once again. He simply could not escape the constant flashes of the war that interrupted his daily thoughts. It cost him his family.
Harry had been quite happy to try to settle down like Ron and Hermione had after the war, but he could not recover as they had. It was easy to see the rift that come between him and the friends he had spent his life with. None of them had truly faced what he had. None of them had been killed only to return to life twice. None of them were as completely alone in their struggle as he. When he had his bouts, even Ginny could not calm him. She had taken it as an insult to their love and had broken off their engagement. She could not be with someone who could not even trust her to tell the truth. It had been the last straw for Harry.
He had moved to the secluded property after that. He seldom had visitors. His nurse, however, had been quite taken with the Savior and had forced him into letting her stay in the manor with him. After all, what if he had a bout in the night? Or if he found himself apart from his wand and unable to communicate? Harry just had to oblige.
He did have a few stable visitors, however. Over the past couple of years, during their summers away from teaching, Headmaster McGonagall, the now-Professor Longbottom, and even the Gameskeeper Hagrid had taken to visiting on a sort of rotating schedule. They kept Harry regular company, and watched over him just as they had in his school years. For that, Harry would always be grateful.
During the school year, however, Harry found himself with a scarce visitor. He knew that it hurt Ginny too much to visit her once-fiance, so he did not hold it against her. However, it hurt that Hermione and Ron could only spare a few hours one weekend out of the month to floo over. They were all in their twenties, now, and busy with life. Ron had become an Auror after four years of rigorous training after his eighth year graduation. Hermione had gone to university and accomplished a Law degree in the same time. She was now one of the main prosecuting attorneys in the Ministry and would soon make her way to Deputy Head if she remained focused. They had married two years after graduation. Harry was their best man.
Now, though, he found himself in the company of few. Once a week on Wednesday he would receive an owl from Luna, requesting to see him, to which he would unlock the floo and she would come through. Once a month she even brought the rest of her new family. She had married a man by the name of Rolf Scamander and had two infant children, twins named Lorcan and Lysander. They were a lovely bunch and Harry was glad to have them in his life.
Other than Luna, Harry received occasional visits from some of his old friends out of what he had assumed to be pity. Seamus would come about once a month on Monday nights with Dean. The couple often talked Quidditch and work with Harry, keeping small talk over tea rather than digging in deep. Harry was not one for banter, but it eased the woe in his heart a little to watch them smile. Cho visited him around the holidays, always bringing news about strange inventions she had learned about in the muggle world. Her husband was a muggle and she was proud of it. She often thanked Harry for making their love possible. Little things like that made all of his suffering worth it.
Through the last five years, nearly all of the survivors of the war, save Slytherins and some of the more aloof Ravenclaws had passed through his room at some point. But Harry could feel the weight of the depression that had set in his heart growing daily as less and less would show. His nurse would often flit about him on his lonely days, trying to get him to smile. She would flirt or create small talk or just make a fool of herself in an attempt to make Harry feel, but it was lost. Harry was twenty-two and alone in his heart.
He hardly spoke anymore. In fact, the only reason he had to speak was company. Even that was growing scarce. The month of October came and passed with visits only from Luna, who came every Wednesday. Then November came and went, Seamus and Dean showing up one day to spice up his visits with Luna. December came and Harry had visits from Luna as well as Cho. On Christmas, he received an owl from Hermione and Ron, written in Hermione's script, with wishes of happiness and of love. Harry had sent them both gifts, as well as Luna and the boys, Cho, Seamus, Dean, his nurse, Neville, McGonagall, and Hagrid. He was in tears when the last one was sent back. No note except the little stamp from the ministry deceased.
He had never had a worst Christmas.
It was late May when Harry received the little pink envelope from Hermione and Ron, they were expecting a little girl. He was invited to their Baby Shower. Harry dressed for the occasion, bought a collection of talking books for the darling, and arrived at the party early to drop them off. He was weak, and was only able to congratulate his two best friends, handing them the heavy present, before he was escorted back home by his ever faithful nurse. His last glance at his friends saw Hermione with a tear in her eye, Ron comforting her.
Harry had watched the world around him move on from the war. He could see all of his friends had grown and were starting families. Seamus had informed him at their last meet that Ginny seemed to have settled down with Neville, whom had confessed his attraction to her that persisted from the Yule Ball. They had been dating since January.
Harry felt more alone than ever that summer, when only McGonagall visited. Neville was likely with Ginny, and Hagrid was no longer around. He could see the deep lines set in her face. She had felt the impact of the war. Harry could not fathom how someone could attempt to fill the robes of Albus Dumbledore, but McGonagall was trying her hardest.
She told him about the new professors at the school, and the ones lost. He was surprised at how many names he recognized from the list. Old schoolmates were once again walking the halls of Hogwarts. It made Harry bow his head. It was one of the pathways he had considered taking after he failed his mental health exam at Auror Training. He had been able to complete his degree in Defense Against the Dark Arts from the comfort of his own home over the last few years, and even had a certificate to teach the subject, but he would not bring himself to make such a request of the Headmaster. She had more than enough to deal with without him around.
However, Harry was shocked when she made the offer herself. "Mr. Potter, it seems we are short a professor yet again this year. I have on good authority that you, indeed, have a teaching degree?" Harry nodded his head at the professor, trying to keep his eyes from lighting up in excitement. "I know it is a lot to ask of you, Mr. Potter, and I know that the world has asked far too much of you already, but would you ever consider teaching at Hogwarts?" McGonagall asked, duty to her students and Gryffindor pride being the only motivation to keep her head high at the request.
At Harry's response, she lost the calm mask on her features and lit up a smile, "Mr. Potter, would you repeat that? I need to be sure my old ears are not playing tricks on me, now."
"Of course, Professor," Harry grinned, pride shining in his emerald eyes, "I would be honored." McGonagall hugged the boy close, stroking his raven locks a bit like a mother would her child, "I am so proud of you, my boy. There's no one better to teach Defense than you."
Harry stood up, a feat he had not been able to complete without his nurse in quite a while, his shoulders back, "Of course," Harry grinned, "I must ask, of course, who the Head of Houses are, considering the recent deaths," he asked, eyes clouding over at the last word.
"Hufflepuff has Professor Finch-Fletchy, Care of Magical Creatures. Ravenclaw has Professor Marietta Edgecomb, Charms, and Slytherin is being led by Professor Draco Malfoy, Potions. Then, if you would accept, Gryffindor could have you, Professor Harry Potter of Defense Against the Dark Arts or would have Professor Neville Longbottom of Herbology. However, I have already approached Professor Longbottom on the matter, and he seems reluctant to take the charge." Harry nodded at this, understanding Neville's standoffish nature. He was probably content in his greenhouse.
"I would gladly accept the charge." Harry nodded, his words appearing in front of him. "So witnessed, so done," Headmaster McGonagall nodded, the words flashing once before the spell bound.
"Headmaster, would it be alright for Rosie to come with me? I find I fare better with her around," Harry asked, gesturing to his nurse, who stopped and blushed at the request.
"Of course Mr. Potter, assuming she has no problem helping Poppy?" Rosie shook her head, happy to rejoin her mentor, "After all, a good Hufflepuff such as her will do good to calm Poppy's Gryffindor spirit from time to time. I fear the woman is getting just a bit too stubborn with her patients," McGonagall winked, causing Harry to laugh.
"Thank you so much Mr. Potter. You have no clue as to the help you'll be giving me." Harry nodded once more, "Headmaster," he began shyly, "Do you have the standards so I may start preparing for the year? And might I have lists of the other Professors, the students, the Gryffindor's dorm requests, and the heads and prefects?" McGonagall smiled, pulling the papers out from her long robes.
"I would never come unprepared, Mr. Potter," she smirked, one eyebrow cocked, "I do suppose you'll be able to organize the dorms and your class listings before the start of term?"
"I'll have them done and sent to you soon. When do the Professors arrive at Hogwarts?"
"I'll floo you in when it is time, Mr. Potter. For now, I suggest you get started. It's much more work than I let on," she winked. Harry could not help but to laugh at his old Head of House.
"I'll be glad to."
"Mr. Potter, I'm sorry, but I have to be off. Time to talk to Ravenclaw's head."
Harry nodded to his Professor, walking to escort her to the floo. She smiled at he chivalrous student, stepping into the ashes. She gave him a curt nod and grabbed some of the fine green powder.
"Oh, and Professor?"
"Yes Mr. Potter?"
"Thank you."
"Whatever for?"
"For giving me a purpose."