A reader on AO3 requested this prompt

" Danny storms out of the school during prom night after catching his date kissing another guy behind the bleachers."

And ok…so it's not exactly a guy, but his date still winds up kissing someone.

Hope this meets your liking, Dm4487! Sorry for the lateness

Summary: Danny leaves prom night, before the dance was over, a little miffed because his date decides to have a sexual awakening behind the bleachers….with another girl. But he isn't angry about that, no, he just would have liked a little warning first.


The doors to the dance hall slam open and allowed a blast of cool air to buffer the teenage boy in the face. His black hair is momentarily displaced, flipping up to reveal annoyed blue eyes. He mutters something under his breath and looks out into the parking lot where cars were parked, none of which would be his sisters as he could just turn himself ghostly and fly home.

But Danny didn't feel like going ghost to fly home, and probably order a large pizza for himself after the night he's had.

So, the boy makes it for the sidewalk to start the arduous trip back to the inner city where his home was located….a whole hour from the dance hall his high school's prom is currently taking place in. Ugh.

But he needed time to clear his head and get over himself. And eventually find it in himself to forgive his date for the passionate make out she was currently having with Paulina in one shady corner of the dance room.

Don't get Danny wrong. He is 100% ok with people dating the same gender, or friends having sudden sexual epiphanies for their arch nemesis in the midst of a sexual tension filled cat fight. He's been there, done that, and had a talk with Jazz about it. So yeah, he could relate to Sam getting in Paulina's face to hiss about something, only to be one of two witnesses to see something in Paulina snap and shove his best friend against the nearest wall to kiss the angry out of her (said other person being Star).

Just….you know…Did it have to happen in the middle of their prom when Sam promised to be his date. It wasn't like Sam was his fist choice either, but the person he wanted to kind or bring didn't feel he was ready to out himself in front of all their peers. And Danny understood more than anything how his special someone must being feeling…

Because he hadn't exactly come out just yet either. And neither of their friends knew they were dating. He—They were scared. It is a scary thing coming out to the people you love, there's no telling how they would take it. Especially with their past.

Reguardless, Danny didn't want to stand there with two drinks and a slack jaw like Star had been, so he got the hell out of dodge.

And that's where Danny was now, stalking down the street, after nine pm with nothing but his thoughts and his rented suit. The Ghost Boy pulled loose his little bow tie and stuffed it in his pocket before proceeding to roll up his sleeves too.

He grumbled to himself as he turned towards the street that would lead to home, which, living in the inner city probably made it a bit unsafe at night. But what the hell, he could dish out more than whatever some weirdo with a knife could. He is Danny Phantom after all.

"Why can't I go to a dance without some kind of drama happening?" Danny muttered under his breath. Was that really too much to ask for?

Freshman year, Dora crashes it and her amulet turned not only Paulina, but Sam into a dragon.

Sophomore year, Ember was the DJ and she hypnotized everyone…again.

Junior year, he and Sam broke up…

And now senior year…his date is found kissing another girl.

Danny shook his head with an aggrieved sound before he perks up.

"Oh, that's right. He'd probably want to know Paulina bats for the other team now." He hummed, pulling out his phone from a back pocket. But not two seconds after inputting his password does the dark haired boy begin to cross an alley, unlit by the street lamps that replaced the old ones after a ghost attack last week. Unaware of the looming figure much taller than him just hidden enough that a face could not be seen, Danny kept his eyes on his cell phone screen.

And then a hard grip was on his upper arm.

Danny gasped out in surprise at being taken unaware and dragged easily into the alley, away from the light of the lamps. The boy yelped as his back made contact with the brick wall behind him now. He turned his head up to glare into the eyes of the one to drag him away, only to stop what would have been an annoyed rant. Danny's mouth was left slightly parted, but his tense shoulders refused to drop, old paranoid habits were hard to break in a hero light him.

"You…what the hell." He breathed. Danny's head leaned back into the wall. He stared up into shadowed eyes that looked down at him, Danny could have thought him a ghost were it not for the warmth the arms on either side of his head provided.

"What are you doing here Dash?" he asked. "This isn't exactly close to your house."

The figure shrugged, leaning away from the shorter teenager to give them space.

"Just got off work, thought I'd see if you were done with that stupid dance."

"Hmm, yeah, 'bout that…" Danny started as he straightened up, he could feel Dash's eyes watch as he brushed dirt from the fitted black vest he wore.

"You look good." Dash muttered off handedly.

Looking up with a surprised look, the ghost boy quirked his lips up in a crooked smile.

"Of course I do, I look amazing in a suit." Danny snarked before turning around to walk out the alley. He missed the way Dash's dark blue eyes roamed down his slim form and stayed just a little longer on his butt and the way his slacks fit tastefully tight around his narrow hips.

"….really good…" Dash murmured, following the shorter teenager into the illuminated streets.

"Dash?" Danny questioned, not hearing what the other boy had said. The blond turned his vision from the sight of Danny's ass in his slacks to see him eyeing over his shoulder questioningly. He waved his arm without comment and walked up to his side to drape a muscular arm around the other. He pulled Danny closer, their hips bumping.

Danny was always a few degree cooler than natural, but Dash was built to feel like a furnace and was fine with it. The feel of Danny's slighter frame snugly against him brought butterflies to his stomach.

"What's up?" Danny asked, confused at the sudden affection. Dash, from the beginning of this thing they were in had never been one to be overtly affectionate. Feeling another man's body against the other was new to the both of them and Dash was still Dash. Blockheaded and stubborn; still found his attraction to Danny hard to deal with sometimes.

Honestly neither have been comfortable enough to be so close without verbally asking to try it.

"I uh…I wanted to make it up for not wanting to go to prom…y'know, with you." Dash ran his free hand through his wind ruffled hair, awkward and just a tad unsure of himself. He looked off to the side, over Danny's head.

Danny was silent for a time, that crooked smile straightened out, content and pleased. He brought a hand to the one gripping his waist and felt his heart pick up speed. Dash's touch was like fire, his hand burning pleasantly at his side. His ice core thrummed in a way he didn't know how to explain; louder than he'd ever heard it. Mixed with the steady sped of his nervous heart the halfa wondered if the fully alive human could hear them, their cacophony a strange, yet pleasant sound in his ears.

"I told you. It's ok, we both are still figuring ourselves out, we don't got to tell the world. I know I don't want to quite yet." Danny murmured, leaning his head against Dash's upper arm, because he was still too short to reach his shoulder.

"Yeah but—"

"Dash, wanna go watch some movies at my place?"

Dash bit back what he was going to say as he looked down at his boyfriend, jaw slack and eyes unsure.

They had never gone to each other's house before.

Seeing the shock in the blonds' eyes at Danny's invite, the ghost boy smiled wider. He glanced back into the darkness of the alley. He recognized the one Dash had pulled him into.

In fact, funny enough, the way Dash had pulled him into it reminded him of the moment the two of them realized a lot of things about each other. Though it didn't exactly start out very…well…

It had been an odd and uncomfortable few weeks at school. Sure Danny was super thrilled at first when Dash started leaving him more or less alone. With not having to deal with daily bully activities like getting shoved into the girls' restroom or tripped up in the halls Danny had been able to avoid any unnecessary bruises and been able to make better time to class.

However, what he got in return, Danny didn't think much better.

Dash stared at him.

Dash stared at him a lot. Danny could feel his hard gaze on his back during the classes he had with the football player, could feel it when he was in line in the cafeteria, and most creepily, in the boys locker room where he refuses to get dressed in front of the other students most days.

Danny eventually just dressed in the locker room showers to avoid the feeling of Dash's gaze when he was having a good week were there were no injuries or nasty bruises visible from a ghost fight. It was starting to freak him out if he was honest.

Once, Danny had caught Dash's eye as he was removing his sweaty gym shirt because he actually did something during P.E. and well…The look in Dash's eye as the taller teen swallowed and became flustered and angry all at once before turning away had Danny's ears red until the end of school.

Now Danny avoided running into Dash as if he were a lepper.

Until now, that is.

Danny had been walking home late from school, doing some extra credit with Mr. Lancer to bring his grades up before exam week. Mr. Lancer had offered him a ride home, but Danny declined, he felt like walking and had to return a game to Mikey on the way anyways. Just a little more than halfway home, Danny was walking by an alley when he was forcefully grabbed from behind with a yelp and dragged into the darkness. His head hit the hard brick and large fingers dug into the skin of his arms. It would probably leave bruises.

A body much bigger than his boxed him in on all sides and Danny nearly shoved them off before a hand that held on of his arms released him, only to pull his head back by his hair painfully. Danny hissed and glared up at the figure that pulled him aside. The cold dread that washed the color from his face made him forget about the pain in his scalp as he looked into the confused, frustrated blue eyes of Dash Baxter.

The blond boy glared down at him, his fist pulling tighter at his hair and Danny grunted in pain.

"Dash, what the hell, let me go!"

"Where have you been going?" he demanded.

"What the hell are you talking about?"Danny demanded right back.

"You're not—I see you in class, but the second the bell rings you're gone, you don't eat in the cafeteria anymore, you're never in the locker rooms, or showers! You're nowhere and it pisses me off that I can't see you anywhere!" Dash babbled. The fist in Danny's black hair losing its grip, then retightening. Dash took an unthinking step forwards in his babbling, their bodies brushed against each other and it made Danny heart race. A cold sweat started at his neck as he tried to step away from the rambling teenager.

A feeling Danny hadn't felt towards another human in a long time ran down his spine as he looked at Dash with wide eyes. But he shoved it away with righteous anger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were my keeper Dash—I'm pretty sure it's none of your damn business where I am and what I do!"

Their eyes glared into each others, Danny watched as Dash's gaze wavered before his adam's apple bobbed in a thick swallow.

"T-The fuck it isn't my business you…you bastard." His voice pitched higher, and the look that crossed Dash's face seemed to make it seem he didn't mean the curse. It only seemed to fuel the jocks strange anger towards him though as he slammed Danny against the wall. The shorter teenager flinched at the suddenness of the impact.

At least there wasn't a hand pulling his hair anymore.

But now, both Dash's hands where gripping his arms again. It was painful in a sense that it was unfamiliar to Danny. He was use to the pain of ghost fights, being slammed into things at a break neck speed and of high powered spectral energy beams.

But this was starting to freak Danny out. He didn't understamd Dash's problem with him right now. He didn't understand the pain in his head or arms, or the way Dash growled low under his breath.

Danny wasn't typically afraid of the unknown. The unknown usually peaked his curiousity and interest. He liked to poke and prod at unknowns to figure them out.

But Danny didn't think he wanted to poke or prod at this unknown.

He wanted Dash to back off, to give him space.

"Dash, get off me dude, you're starting to freak me out." Danny cursed at the waver in his voice. His arms were starting to shake as he lifted them to shove the other off. However, Dash was apparently Superman today and yanked him away by his wrists.

Hand over his head and muscled body pressing up against him made Danny's cold sweat spread to bead at his forehead. Bright blue eyes were wide and staring up at Dash's dark ones. Confused and nervous and so very unsure if it was okay to just turn intangible and just run away from whatever this is.

"Where the fuck have you been Fenton." Dash growled, his face low and close in his ear. So close the black haired teenager could feel the jocks breath fan across his ear. The growl resonated with his very being and caused a cold shiver of fear Dash must have felt. The grip on his wrists was bruising.

There was something in Dash's eyes that reminded him of that time he caught the blond staring at him in the locker room as he undressed.

"I-I was avoiding you, ok!? You—Stop staring at me, it's giving me that creeps damn it!" The halfa squeaked. He turned his head away from the uncomfortably close one of Dash Baxter.

He looked out into the streets, wanting desperately to run out there and fly home. This was too much, what even was this?

"Stop running away from me."

"What—" Danny turned back, confused, only to be met by a crash of lips against his that forces his head into the brick wall, again.

Danny squeaked, unsure of any other noise that could be made as his mind crash and burned.

Dash Baxter was kissing him.

Dash Baxter was holding his hands above his head with one of his over sized hands that felt like fire against him and kissing and biting and Danny couldn't breathe. There was fire all around him as his legs buckled. Yet he didn't fall, that fire was Dash's body, pressed so close it was hard to take a breath. It held him up and all Danny could do was stare wide eyed and unblinking as a hand forced his mouth open so Dash could stick his tongue inside.

Danny tensed, he didn't know what to do. What does one do when someone you dislike does something you did not consent to? Sam was always big on consent issues, they talked in length about their limits when they were dating. To understand what they were comfortable with. Dash's free hand ran down Danny's side roughly.

This. Danny was not comfortable with this. He didn't like this, or understand it and he didn't want it.

That hand that was groping at him, turned to his backside to pull their lower regions closer together with force. Something hard pressed against his abdomen then, and his wide eyes narrowed. A toxic green glow illuminated the darkness around his face and he found his strength. The air cooled drastically around the duo before Danny ripped his wrists free from Dash's grip.

Danny punched Dash in the face.

Shit happened and then they talked—argued—whatever. It wasn't quite a hallmark worthy confession of love. Just a lot of confused rambling Danny had to make sense of to realize Dash was hopelessly attracted to him and didn't know how to handle it maturely.

They were mostly out of that stage now. They can accept their attraction to each other.

At least in private.

Danny snuck Dash in through his bedroom window with a little assistance from his ghost powers. The bigger of the two sat awkwardly on his bed as he dug around his messy room for his laptop.

They found themselves in Danny's bed, Dash sitting up against the head board, with Danny sitting between his legs and the laptop on his lap as he logged into Netflix.

Dash laid his chin on top one shoulder, his hands on Danny's waist. Danny could feel the digits twitch unsure of what to do with themselves.

"It's ok." He mumbled. The wide shoulders behind him relaxed and Dash's arms came around to hold him closer against him.

Their faces sported a flush and Danny felt Dash hide his face in the crook of his neck through the reflection of them on the laptop screen.

"So, what do you feel like watching?" he murmured, he didn't want to wake up his sister in the room next door.

"Something that can make me forget how fucking awkward I am." Dash pleaded against him. Danny bit his lip at the feeling of Dash's hot breath against his neck, his lips brushed his skin in a wholly pleasant way that made Danny swallow hard. He opted to nod his head instead of verbally agree for fear his voice might give out when Dash's tongue slipped out to dart across his lips and mistakenly, across Danny's skin as well.

Danny jolted under the blond and Dash tensed again.

"Ss-Something with explosions then." Danny cleared his throat when his voiced pitched up higher. He clicked on the first action movie he vaguely saw listed in the new arrivals list.

As the opening scene to the movie started, Dash relaxed once more and tightened his grip on Danny's waist.

The two watched the movie play on screen without much thought, both honestly too consumed by the feeling of the other against them in such an unfamiliar, yet intimate way. It was not unwelcomed. The more and more the two teenagers got comfortable with contact after that first disastrous night where Dash assaulted him the easier it was becoming to ask or initiate something.

Dash was taking to learning their limits well as the distances between them shortened everyday.

At some point in the movie Danny was getting sore and needed to wriggle around to crack his back. Arching into the figure behind him to feel the pops along his spine left his neck open and a groan to leave his lips. The lithe teens' arms stretched out on either side of Dash's head.

The bulkier teenager looked on with keen interest as Danny stretch over him, the laptop slid off his lap.

The nice clothes Danny had worn to prom were still on. Dash slid a hand up his boyfriends abdomen to finger the edges of the nice vest.

"You wanna get more comfortable?" he mumbled. He felt Danny's arms rest on his shoulders and a tickling of the hairs on the back of his neck as Danny's hand played in his hair. He turned his gaze away from the vest to Danny's curious blue gaze.

"You wanna undress me?" he whispered. Heat spread across the bridge of Dash's crocked nose. He broke it once during a football game, when Amity had won at an away game…The home team quarterback was not pleased apparently.

The tan jock hid his face in the crook of Danny's neck again and groaned. The arms around Danny tightened.

"It's ok, I'll let you."

"…Shit…" was Dash's muttered response through his hiding place. His hands fisted in Danny's nice button up; the slighter boy was almost convinced his boyfriend would tear it off. But he didn't, instead, they relaxed their hands as Dash's face shifted on Danny's shoulder again to peek over him to watch large hands trail up Danny's stomach in a ways that made the hero's stomach flutter.

Up, up, went Dash's hands. The teenagers watched with quiet attention as Dash brought his hands to the top of the vest and popped the first shiny black button.

Danny bit his lip, and more buttons were released from their clasps.

Danny arched into Dash's touch on his bare chest, cheeks flushing as the heat dragged slowly down his arms to slid his shirt off completely. The movie on his laptop forgotten about and still playing its finale.

The shirt was tugged away and dropped to the floor; the hero leaned back into his muscular boyfriend, inviting his touch once again. Danny's hands went up to brush the sides of Dash's face shyly. A near silent groan came past his lips as those large, warm hands palmed his chest.

They caught each other's eye, shinning with something.

Danny's breath caught when those hands that made his very core thrum found his hips, then his upper thigh. Even though he still had his pants on still, Danny sighed, bending his legs up and spreading them instinctually.

Behind him, Dash's breath shuttered to a halt.

They both watched Dash's hands with keen interest as he raked his finger tips down and slowly to Danny's inner thigh. A tan thumb brushed the crease where his leg met his groin. There was a pregnant pause between the two of them, unsure where to take this. It felt so good to Danny, he nearly groaned in agony when that stupid hand hadn't passed the threshold and cupped him. It had to be just as agonizing to Dash too, Danny could feel his growing pleasure where his lower back pressed against him.

Swallowing, Danny made his move and laid a hand over Dash's. He gripped the hand and Dash let out a strangled sort of noise.

And then Danny lifted his hand, and set it promptly between his legs and shivered.

Dash needed no other invitation.

Not even an hour later, the boys lay in a heap on Danny's bed, their underwear riding low on their hips and brow drying with sweat.

They didn't really know how men had sex with each other, they threw that idea out the window. But they had found themselves touching and rubbing and—anything to make the other feel good.

Danny looked at the passed out lump that had his arms wrapped around Danny as if he were a teddy bear. Dash was actually quite the cuddler apparently. He had hardly let Danny away from his body when the blond had ground the heel of his hand against the dark haired teenagers' arousal.

The ghost boys cheeks began to pink again, thinking of the feeling of Dash's hand wrapped around him until he came undone. Danny couldn't remember the last time he had really let himself be unwound like that, too busy as he was with graduating and his ghost duties.

Danny started just then, at his thoughts of graduating his mind reminded him of the disaster than was prom. Danny shot up, Dash's arm tightening around him in annoyance even as Danny proceeded to smack the shirtless blond with a hand.

"Dash, Dash, shit—don't fall asleep, you will never believe what Sam and Paulina did in front of Star and me!"

So, on a vaguely related note about Danny's mention of being pushed into the girls restroom, back in middle school I was once pushed into the boys restroom by a guy I disliked. I didn't see anything, but I couldn't stop blushing until I was in the classroom we were walking to.

On another note, this is the final US request!