Author's Note: Hi guys! I just thought I would let you know what I'm doing up to now and how the sequel is going and maybe give a few info about it :D
The Sequel
Perhaps one of the most important questions is that will the team return as one to find out about this new threat? Maybe some. You will find out more when it comes out. *grin* It DOES have a title which is Young Justice: A Dark Dawn where a load of trouble will take place and love :) (three guesses as to who).
Current Works
As you can see, I have a few stories out. Them being: Bloodlines, Batman vs Superman, Star Wars, Starfire Volume 1, The Rising of a Bat and Albus Potter and the Treasures of Hogwarts. All of them are currently out and feel free to check them out :)
Up Till Now
Up till now...hmm...while I am working on those stories that are currently out, perhaps two of my biggest projects are Starfire Volume 1 and Batman: Rising of a Bat. I really want them to be good and I'm having my full focus on them.
New Projects
In the Future, I am hoping to finally have a requested story out. It will be a Legend of Zelda and the person had requested me if I can redo the Skyward Sword manga so I accepted the challenge. The process of book 1 planning is done and now I'm onto book 2. After Skyward Sword, I am going to do Avatar Aang; a story of how Aang became after before he ran away (although his runaway will be included at the end) and then, Young Justice: A Dark Dawn will be out. BUT, to an exception, YJ might get an early start :)
So, I guess this is it. You will still find me around, updating my other stories and such. Oh! I am also making a website for my Fanfiction. It is out and you can find it in my bio. Well, I guess that's that. Thank you guys for your support and hope to see you around!
Skychild101 officially signed off.