In case you happen to be living under a rock and that rock doesn't have a good internet connection or your too lazy to read the first two chapters, here's what you might have missed.

PREVIOUSLY: Niklaus (Now Klaus) is new to town with his family and started 4th grade. He made friends with Damon and Caroline and possibly made an enemy. Due to a crazy plan that may or may not have caused a fire Klaus, Damon and Caroline are going to be in big trouble unless they come up with a plan to get out of this mess. The plan was going great...until the gang found out about the security cameras.

You know how in the first episode of a new TV series there are always these characters who get into a shit load of trouble and there seems to be no way out and while they are freaking out the commercials come on leaving you with a cliff hanger with your mind racing? Well I could really use a commercial right about now because the only thing going through my mind is this.

The police leading out Caroline, Damon and I in hand cuffs. Everything seems to be going in slow motion. As I walk by I see teachers and policemen shaking their heads at me. I see my mother holding Kol and crying and my father absolutely fuming. I see Elijah with his eyebrows up and jaw dropped obviously in shock. I see Finn who is stoic as usual. I see Caroline with tears down her face and Damon looking deathly pale. Then I see the ground. I takes me a second to see that I've fallen. But how? As the policemen harshly forces me up, I look around and see everybody laughing. What are they laughing at? Then I feel a bit chilly and I slowly look down. The baggy pants THEY FELL! AND I'M IN MY TIGHTY WHITIES! I try to get my pants up but the policemen won't stop dragging me to the car. I take a closer look at the police men but it wasn't a police man it was Elena's sister! And she was smirking at me. "Bye Bye you little runt. Don't drop the soap." she sneered. As I was shoved into the car I could just barely make out Kol speaking. "Mommy can I have Nikky's room?"

I shuddered at my imagination and shook myself out of it. I couldn't let myself freak out. I tried to remember what I thought earlier. "You only get in trouble if you get caught." So all I needed to do was come up with a plan to not get caught. The solution was easy. Erase (maybe even destroy) the evidence from the security camera footage. Problem was how to achieve the solution. Where was the footage to the security tapes located? How would we get to it? Would we have enough time? I turned to look at Damon. "What time is it?" I asked. My voice seemed to snap Damon out of his thoughts (good we need everyone here focused) because he looked startled for a second but he checked the watch on his wrist. "1:45" Damon answered. "Ok we have 30 minutes to find that footage and erase it." I said. Damon spoke next "It's on the principal's computer he supervises everything. A bit of a control freak if you ask me. I know where the office is." Caroline piped up. "On the days that I had to go with my mom to work, I hung out with the people who were good with computers and cameras. And I learned some things. Since deleting the footage would cause suspicion I can make the video go on a loop up to the point of the fire. And another loop that shows we weren't in the hallways."

Everyone seemed to have their thoughts together because we came up with a plan rather quickly. We sneak around until we get to the office. Damon and I keep lookout while Caroline did her thing. If any of our families asked out our clothes we'll say that we got food on them or that we fell outside and will take care of the clothes ourselves. Which meant we had to grab our clothes and put them in our backpacks which were upstairs. Damon stood on a chair to get the clothes from the vents when Caroline squeal. While it wasn't that loud no one was expecting it. Especially Damon who was so shocked he lost his footing and fell of the chair, landed on the floor with a heavy thud. Ouch. "Jeez Blondie, please scream a little louder, I'm sure there's some deaf old man at the other side of the world that didn't quite hear you!" Damon sneered. Caroline ignored him. "My bracelet's gone and I have no idea where I lost it." Caroline started looking around the floor but she didn't see anything. "You sure you just didn't wear it today Barbie?" Damon said as he got up. "I know I was wearing it during the supposed to be silent lunch." she said. I spoke up "Caroline it must've fallen off during all the chaos. We will find it later right now we have bigger fish to fry." Sadly Caroline nodded her head. I felt bad but we really needed to get going.

We all left the room. Then we snuck back up the stairs. There were a few close calls but it was nothing a little hiding couldn't fix. It felt like hours went by but we finally made it back to the classroom. As we were stuffing our clothes into our backpacks. Damon stopped cold in his tracks. "What is it?" I asked sternly. "We left the teacher in the bathroom." Damon shakily answered. I froze immediately and dropped my backpack. Because of all the commotion today i completely forgot about teacher we locked in the bathroom! Oh fuck. This day just keeps getting worse! How the hell were we supposed to get a teacher out of the bathroom without him noticing us because all children are supposed to be outside. You know what maybe just maybe someone heard him and let him free. We all took our backpacks and headed towards the bathroom.

NO. SUCH. LUCK. The bathroom was exactly how Damon and I left it and the teacher was banging . While a half of me is proud that that part of our plan actually worked, the other half was just annoyed about how much farther we were from accomplishing our goal. In my head I was trying to think of pros and cons for letting him out or setting him free. Both left us screwed.

"We gotta let him outta there." Caroline pleaded. "How?" Damon asked. "The minute we open that door that teacher is going to bolt out only to find the last kids he saw before he got locked away standing right in front of him. Then he's going to mention this to whoever and then it'll get back to the principal and then the principal will know everything and then we'll be screwed. So let's just leave him in there."

Caroline and Damon started arguing again. How many times was that going to happen today. But once again they both had really good points. The teacher did need to be let out, but who said it has to be by one of us? "Hey why don't we let somebody else find him?" I suggest. Damon and Caroline looked at me like I had no head. (By the way this day was going I'm sure I had lost my head. Figuratively speaking.)

"And how do you suppose we do that." Damon asked. "We combine two plans into one. Caroline will go to the office. Damon, you will go with her since you said you knew where it was. I will find some adult who's by themselves and lure them to the bathroom will different noises. When the person can hear the teacher in the bathroom I'll sneak away and meet you at the office." I answered. "And what if you don't come back before 2:15?" Caroline asked. I grabbed Damon's wrist and looked at his watch. It was 1:58. We only had about 15 more minutes to make sure we got away with this. "If I'm not back in ten minutes bolt." I didn't give them any time to object because I had already started to head off in a different direction.

I spent forever racing through the halls trying to find any version of an adult. I didn't care who it was at this point. Problem was that most of the teachers were outside while the policemen and firemen were on the third floor and I'm not going anywhere near there. Last option free the teacher myself and deal with the consequences. As I was running I was about to give up hope when I saw a figure at the end of the hall. Because of the smoke in the air, my adrenaline, and my kid brain, I thought it was a ghost for a second that was coming to steal my soul as I didn't deserve it for causing this much trouble. Then I squinted my eyes to see that it was the janitor. From just looking at him I'd say he was in his mid to late 40's.

I hid behind the corner wall. I had to think of a way to get his attention without giving myself away and fast before he walked away. I slid to the floor trying to think of a solution. Nothing. I got nothing. I peered my head over the corner to see that he was walking away. NO! I NEED YOU! I abruptly stood up which made my backpack fall to the floor and the things inside clattered. I was ready to make a run for it when I noticed that the janitor had turned around. THAT'S IT! I'll shake my backpack . It's loud enough to grab his attention but not loud enough for him to know immediately where the sound was coming from.

Slowly walking backwards I picked up my backpack and started shaking it gently. Sure enough the janitor was walking towards we at the same pace I was trying to figure out where the sound came from. I realized that this was going to take forever. I looked at the hallway clock. It was 2:08. Damon and Caroline should be outside by now. I had roughly seven minutes to get away with this. Speeding up the process I started banging my backpack against the wall and started running. The janitor broke into a run too. The faster he went the faster I went make as much noise as possible with my backpack all the way to the bathroom.

As I ran into the hallway with the trapped teacher and the janitor not too far behind. I realized a flaw in my plan. I had nowhere to hide! The only thing was the yellow trash... aw man!

As I heard the janitor's footsteps I saw that I had no other choice at the moment. So I swallowed my dignity and climbed into the trashcan, covering some of the trash over my head. I'm sitting on something squishy. EWWW!

In the trashcan I tried my hardest to stay still and quiet as the janitor pushed the trashcan out of the way and freed the teacher.

"Oh thank goodness I was trapped in there for hours!" the teacher examined. Ok not hours maybe like two.

"You were locked in by tape and rope. I wouldn't have notice it if I didn't move the trashcan." the janitor explained.

"What are you saying that someone locked me in there deliberately?" the teacher asked. My breath hitched.

"Maybe. Maybe it was one of those back to school pranks. I have seen some crazy ones but this has got to be the craziest." the janitor said.

"Well whoever did this could be charge with hostage taking and could face serious jail time." The teacher was seething. I may have let out a little squeak of fear.

"What was that?" the teacher asked. "I don't know I think it came from the trashcan." the janitor answered. I heard them slowing creeping up to the trashcan. I knew I was really screwed this time once they saw me. Maybe I should just give up now and hope that admitting to this mess would make the punishment a little less cruel.

As I was trying to decided between giving up or not the schools alarm system went off again which also set off the sprinklers. "WHAT THE?" The teacher and janitor screamed. They both ran to the end of the hall to turn it off. This was my chance! I could actually get away with this. As I tried to get out I felt the trashcan tipping over until all the contents and myself fell out on the side. Um OW!

I was covered in lunch food and trash and sure enough I was sitting on something squishy. Milk. Luckily my backpack took most of the damage. The headache now forming in my head told me to not get up and I wasn't going to until I heard a voice. "Come on man they'll only be gone for so long." I know that voice. I've been stuck with it all day. It couldn't be. I told them to run. I slowly opened my eyes and a face was revealed to me. Sure enough it was Damon. I should've known this fool wouldn't listen to me.

"Get your lazy ass up before they come back!" Damon commanded. I gave him my hand and he pulled me up and started running, dragging me in the process. It took me a second but I got my legs to work and I started to run following Damon.

"I told you and Caroline to run if I wasn't back in time!" I chastised/yelled. "Oh come on you don't think we'd leave our buddy out to dry! Caroline did her magic on the computer and we went outside. I made sure she was out before I came back to you!" Damon yelled. If I wasn't so pissed off about today I would've been touched. But no I was just irritated. I wanted to go home.

"So now what?" I yelled. I was confused because we weren't heading towards the front of the school where the exit was. What were we jumping out of a window?

"Going out the front would expose us. We're going out the back." he answered. This school had a back entry. SWEET!

As Damon and I approached the backdoor I was daring to have hope that we got away with this. We pushed the door open and the fresh air hit me so hard I almost fell. I wanted to collapse to my knees and cry and laugh. But I couldn't yet we still needed to catch up with Caroline and somehow prove that we've been here all this time.

Damon and snuck around the school and scanned the crowed for Caroline. Even far away I could hear the teachers calling names. We had to hurry up. Caroline was a little bit away from the crowd on the side obviously looking for us. I threw a rock in her direction. She saw us and by her facial expression I could tell she was relieved. Caroline gave us the 'come over here' hand motion signaling that the coast was clear. Damon and I sprinted towards Caroline trying to dodge the eyes of teachers and students. We made it to her.

Immediately Caroline punched Damon in the arm. Feisty, I like it. "OW! What was that for blondie?!" Damon whined. "For abandoning me without telling me any version of your plan and leaving me to figure it out myself." she said with a scowl. I didn't like seeing her scowl she was too pretty for that. Hold up what? "Well you figured it out didn't ya?" Damon sneered. Caroline rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. Anyways I deleted the footage of us on camera and put it on a loop from before like I said. I did the same for when we were in the halls anytime after even a little before the fire. Plus I convinced Elena, Bonnie, Matt and Tyler to say that the three of us were here the whole time." Caroline summarized. I smiled she was so much more than a pretty face. OK WHAT IS UP WITH ME TODAY?

"How'd you convince your friends to do that." Damon questioned. Yeah how did she do that. Did she give us away? Caroline answered my unasked question. "Relax I didn't give us away. Some true friends will cover for you no questions asked. Plus I'm pretty sure they were afraid to know the answer to the question of 'where we were' anyways." Damon and I nodded our heads in understanding. I lied down on the ground as the teacher called out names just thinking.

This whole day has been hell, bullies, fire, hostages, breaking and entering, destroying evidence, cover ups, lying. I was so ready for this day to be over. After all the names where called and checked off (including me Caroline and Damon YES!) the teachers announced that the fire was clear and that there wasn't much damage. Thank God. Groups of students accompanied by a teacher went in the school to grab their stuff.

As I was laying there on the ground just talking to Caroline and Damon Ms. Harplemen came over. I already knew she was coming with questions.

"How did you three already get your stuff?" I answered that question. "Some teacher came in and escorted us out. They told us to grab our stuff in case."

"What teacher?" Damon's turn. "No clue. It's the first day of school. We don't know who anybody is."

"Male or female? And why didn't the teacher who was watching your for silent lunch escort you out?" Caroline's up. "Not to be rude but I'm not sure if it was a man or woman. They looked like a women but dressed a bit like a man. And the teacher watching us was in the bathroom. We must've been gone by the time he came back."

"And as for your clothes?" Back to me. "We either got food on it or the ash and dust from the fire came down the vents and onto us. That teacher gave us new clothes." Ms. Harplemen raised an eyebrow at us. She seemed to be looking at our faces or body language for any evidence of lying. I was genuinely surprised at how calm we all were. We seemed that like three normal students who did nothing wrong.

After a minute of scrutinizing, Ms. Harplemen seemed to except our answers because she nodded and walked away. Once she was out of earshot the three of us sighed in relief. We did it. We actually did it. We went through all of that and came out victorious. And in some ways Damon was right we did avoid a boring school day by sneaking out of that classroom. The rebellious side of me was right you can get away with anything as long as you don't get caught. And now that I think about it today actually wasn't that bad. Do I ever want to do it again? HELL NO! But am I glad that I got silent lunch? In a way yes. Because if not for that silent lunch I wouldn't have bonded with two people who may or may not be friends. Friends, hmm still getting us too that.

Mustering the strength I didn't have, I got up and went to find Kol in the crowd.

After I found Kol and took his hand and started walking towards the sidewalk to wait for our parents. He kept blabbering on about how he and Stefan pranked some girls by digging up worms and putting them in their hair and down their shirts making them squeal. As they ran around trying to get the worms out Kol stole candy from their lunch boxes. He looked absolutely giddy sucking on a lollipop. Oh yeah a real ladies men in the makings.

When I reached the side walk I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Damon holding Stefan's hand as they ran (Stefan kinda waddled) towards me. Damon told Stefan to go and play with Kol. Behind Damon I could see Stefan's chubby hands trying to rip the lollipop from Kol's mouth. I probably should've stopped it but I didn't. Revenge for throwing that sippy cup at me and giving me a headache. Which didn't help with the fall I had earlier. Tearing my eyes away from the toddlers I paid attention to Damon.

"While Caroline was working her juju magic on the computer. I went snooping through the students files." he said. "Why?" I asked my voice cracking ,we've done enough stupid shit today.

"Relax everything's how it was placed in the first place I just wanted info on the girl we 'fought' in the hallway. My suspicion was right. You know that chick Ellie?"

"You mean Elena?" I corrected "Yeah Elena, whatever the bitch 'fought' in the hallway was her sister. Katherine or previously known as Katerina. Nice to put a face on that Psycho. Just thought you'd want info on our possible enemy to be." Damon said with a smirk and a bit of an evil glee in his eyes. What I was stuck on was 'Our' when had I become a part of 'Our'? and who else did 'Our' include? Caroline? Or was it just me and Damon. I was about to ask him this when a car came over and honked.

"Gotta go man that's my father I'll see you tomorrow Nik." Damon said. He grabbed Stefan's hand then dropped it in disgust. "What the heck is all over your hands." Damon questioned. I looked at Kol and Stefan who were both pouting. My guess is that while Stefan was trying to pry open Kol's mouth to get the lollipop it fell out of Kol mouth and onto the floor. I'm guessing what's on Stefan's hands is saliva. Gross. Damon just rolled his eyes and picked Stefan up by his armpits and headed towards the car. Damon put Stefan in the car. Instead of going in he ran back towards me.

All up in my personal space he said. "Remember today never happened." The man driving honked the horn again and yelled out. "COME ON I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY FOR YOUR SHENANIGANS!" With one last nod Damon ran back to the car. Just as he was about to get in something caught his attention. I looked where he was looking and my eyes landed on Caroline. A little further up the street she was getting into her mom's car I bet. I guess she felt someone watching her because she turned around and locked eyes with me and then Damon. Silently, we all nodded at each other. It was if a secret agreement had been made just like in the vents. None of us would speak of this day for we were taking this secret to the grave. The honk of Damon's father's car snapped us out of it and the two drove off. In the distance I could see my family's car coming closer and closer.

Now all I had to do was explain my appearance to my mother.