Okay, so this is my first fanfiction, pretty please go easy on me

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riorden does, that lucky dog


Annabeth POV

It was the last day of camp. We had defeated Gaea, Leo had returned with Calypso, and in less than a week I would start at Goode High School for my senior year with my boyfriend, Percy. It was after dinner and Percy and I were taking a walk on the beach when I saw Chiron galloping towards us. Behind him were the rest of the seven, plus Thalia, Reyna, Nico, Calypso, the Stolls, Katie Gardner, Clarisse La Rue, and Chris Rodriguez.

"Percy, Annabeth, I have news for you." He said. "You have already told me where you plan to attend your senior year. The gods have decided it may also be a good idea to send some more of their children with you." Chiron gestured to my demigod friends standing behind him. So what Chiron was saying, the gods decided it was a good idea to send sixteen demigods, five of them being children of the big three, to the same school? How could my mother had agreed to this? "What's more, the gods have arranged living quarters for you all so that you can stick together." Chiron finished. "You will be going there tomorrow."

"But what about my mom? She thinks I'm coming home tomorrow." Percy asked. Several of the other assembled demigods, the ones who were on good terms with their parents, also had concerned looks on their faces. It wouldn't be much of a problem for me. My dad already knew I was going to be at New York. He gave me money for an apartment but didn't really specify where he would prefer me to stay.

"They have already been alerted and had some of your personal items shipped to your new house." Chiron assured them. Percy nodded, though somewhat hesitantly. I knew he had sort of been looking forward to going home, since he had disappeared for a while and hadn't seen his mom in about seven months. "And of course, you can always visit them and they can visit you." Chiron added. Percy brightened up considerably. "And so to bed with everyone, you will have a long day tomorrow what with moving and all." Chiron herded us back to our cabins. Before I went in, I gave Percy a quick peck on the cheek. I was thoroughly relieved that we were fairly out of danger. In fact, after trekking through Tartarus, high school, even with all of its drama and stuff, would be a piece of cake.

Percy POV

I honestly didn't sleep well that night. I had been looking forward to seeing my mom since I regained my memories on that quest to Alaska. Don't get me wrong, I still couldn't believe I would get to see Annabeth everyday, and being with the rest of my friends would be awesome too, but I'd thought I'd get to see my mom tomorrow. I guess I still could since I could visit her, but it wasn't exactly the same.

I finally got to sleep somewhere around two o'clock, and it felt like hardly a minute later that Annabeth was shaking me awake. "Come on, Seaweed Brain, everyone else is awake and we're leaving in like, fifteen minutes." She exclaimed. I groaned, and she rolled her eyes. "Just get up and get dressed." With that she left. I did as I was told and raced outside to meet everyone. Argus, our head of security, was waiting in the big Delphi Strawberries delivery van. I saw that Annabeth had exaggerated about everyone being up, we were still missing Leo. Calypso was here, she and Katie were talking about something, probably gardening. I remembered her beautiful gardens on Ogygia, and though I was glad she was finally off that island, I sort of felt bad that she had to leave everything she knew behind.

"There you are Leo! What took you so long?" Piper exclaimed. Leo had finally arrived, lugging with him a metal suitcase. "You're bringing Festus?" Piper asked. I looked at the suitcase and remembered that Jason had once told me that Festus could do carry-on mode. So there would be sixteen demigods plus a big metal dragon on this trip. Yep, absolutely nothing could go wrong! We all loaded into the van and were off.

We drove for about twenty minutes before we arrived at the house. And it was amazing. There were five floors, a four car garage, a huge garden, and I could sense a large body of water in the backyard, which meant there was a pool. Argus dropped us off and as we entered the gate, I felt a tingly feeling go through me, like when I steeped through the boundary line at Camp Half-Blood. We got through the door with some pushing and as we did, an Iris message appeared. All of the Olympians were there, plus Hades.

"Welcome to your new home." Zeus announced. "You will find your rooms on the third floor. The kitchen is fully stocked. Each of your room will have a touch of your parent's personality on it." I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one restraining myself from running to look at the rest of the house. Now, Zeus turned slightly red. "This house and everything in it is a gift to um, to thank you for saving our lives. Again." He mumbled. And with that, the Iris message disconnected and we all stood there rather stunned. then Leo let out a whoop.

"Let's go check this place out!" He exclaimed and ran in the living room. We followed him and I gasped as I took in the scene. It was amazing! there were reclining chairs, poufy couches, a fifty inch flatscreen TV, and dozens of DVD and video games. An all window wall looked out on the pool and gardens. The kitchen was cool too, I guess. I'm not much of a cook and don't spend a lot of time in kitchens. And that was pretty much it for the first floor. We started up the stairs for the second floor.

Piper POV

Our new house was awesome so far. We were on the stairs when suddenly an Iris message appeared. It was Apollo. "Hey guys, I know you're totally pumped about seeing the rested of the house, but you've got to check out the garage first!" He exclaimed. And just like that, he was gone. so, we headed back down the stairs and through the door in the kitchen that led to the garage. We all stopped and gaped at what stood before us. Four white Mercedes convertibles that seemed to glow. I glanced over and saw that Leo was drooling.

"Whoa." Percy said and ran his hand along one of the cars. White car turned into a sea green car and we all jumped back a little. Jason touched one and it turned an electric yellow. "That is neat!" Percy exclaimed. "Do you think we can do multicolor?" Annabeth put her hand next to his but the car just turned gray. "It's still cool." Percy said. After staring at the cars a little longer and each touching the car for color (mine was hot pink, curse you, mom!) we went back to the house and started up the stairs again.

The second floor had another living room just as cool as the one downstairs, an armory, a training arena, and what looked like a smaller replica of Bunker 9, where Leo dropped off Festus. The next floor was our rooms but we decided to save that for later. The fourth floor was a library and we nearly lost Annabeth there. The fifth floor was completely covered in bronze and had desks with computers against the walls. I realized it was a safe place for us demigods to use the internet, like where Chiron had let me call my dad. We went back to the third floor to check out our rooms

Each door was a different color, and I suspected that the color would be the same as for the car which meant my door was hot pink. I was across from Jason and next to Annabeth, the second door to the left. I took a deep breath as I entered, expecting my room to look something like the Aphrodite cabin. But it was actually pretty nice. Other than the walls, which were painted light pink, and of course the door, it was my style. The bed wasn't pink and frou-frou, the clothes weren't very girly, and the makeup on the vanity was pretty much all natural colored. I poked my head out and saw my friends darted from room to room, checking out each other's living space. I went across the hall to see Jason.

"Hey," He said as I came in the door. The walls were electric yellow, just like the car. Jason was sitting on his bed. "So how was your room?" He asked. I shrugged and went to sit down next to him.

"Pretty nice, it wasn't a princess nightmare." I replied. Jason chuckled. Suddenly I heard a banging in the hallway that was getting closer. I saw Leo run past the open door, banging on what appeared to being a sheet of metal.

"Everyone downstairs for lunch!" He yelled. "Calypso's making stew!" I laughed as Jason and I stood up. We walked down the steps hand in hand. Yep, this was shaping up to be a pretty good year.

So that's it. Please leave a comment, I want to know what I can do better! I'm sorry if it was a little boring, but don't worry cause there will be some Percabeth fluff in the next chapter so stay tuned! But for now, over and out.