Be careful what you wish for

Summary: Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. Tsuna wonders out aloud. Reborn hears it and an idea formed on his demonic mind. Tsuna disappeared. His guardians panicked especially a certain Skylark and a certain pineapple-head illusionist. 400 years back. Time-travel. (Rated T just to be safe though rating may change)

Pairings: 1827(main), onesided!6927, 8059, AlauGio, GSari, and hints of other pairings as well.

DISCLAIMER: Who the hell reads this shit anyway? Katekyo Hitman Reborn! obviously doesnt belong to me, duh.

WARNING: Contains yaoi - if you dont know it then go ask Google. Strong language. Grammar mistakes, I guess? DON'T LIKE DON'T READ.

"Meh." - Japanese

"Meh." - Italian

'Meh.' - Thoughts


Wake up. Do morning rituals. Eat breakfast while watching the dining hall be destroyed. Do paperworks. Take a break. Finish the first batch of paperwork. Eat lunch. Take the paperworks from the insane advisor. Listen to his Guardians' bickering. Sigh. Finish paperworks. Sleep. Repeat.

This is Vongola Decimo's - who is known by his real name Sawada Tsunayoshi - daily routine which is boring, really boring I tell ya.

It has been ten years since he became the Vongola Decimo - now Neo Vongola Primo - who succeeded Vongola Nono, Timoteo. Tsuna changed for the better thanks to the sadistic home tutor he has.

Now at the age of twenty-four, Tsuna looked a lot more like Primo. His body became a bit more muscular but muscular nonetheless. His gravity defying fluffy and spiky hair grew in length that it reaches over his nape and causing him to tie it up like a tail. He also grew in height but not as tall as his guardians making him the shortest among them. His face is like when he activated his HDWM. He is now calmer and always have that superior and bossy auras around him.

The Vongola Mansion in Italia, which is of course very, very, very, super-duper far from Namimori... In fact it is almost destroyed when they first arrived there and trust me you don't wanna know who, why and how. (*cough* Skylark *cough*)

As I was saying, the Vongola mansion in Italia was oddly and thankfully peaceful and quiet. This made the brunet sigh in relief but as soon as his brown orbs landed on the stack of papers on his desk, his sigh of relief was replaced by a groan

His guardians were out for a separate missions and today is the second day he was having a peaceful environment.

For the first time in the tenth generation, the mansion is not being destroyed, burned, and so noisy. But it feels kinda lonely, really. But also it is kinda good.

He sent Hayato, Lambo, and Onii-san to Siciliy to investigate a growing drug cartel and its plantation. Mukuro and Chrome were sent to Milan to hunt down notorious criminal gang who killed some of their subordinates while patrolling the city. Hibari was sent to Rome to pin down a mafia boss that is plotting something to destroy the Vongola. He sent Yamamoto to fetch the reports from their allied families.

"How Hayato, Lambo and Onii-san managed to destroy an entire town a half hour after they have arrived at Sicily is still a complete mystery to me..." he mumbled as he continued signing the papers one after the other.

His eyes scanned the next paper which is thankfully the last paper for the first batch of paperwork. And the list of the destroyed things went on and on. Tsuna could only sigh. These things don't cost too much but hell, there are so many things that they destroyed that cost a fortune.

"Damn..." he muttered as he threw his head back before sighing again. "How many times did I sighed in just a matter of hours?" The brunette asked himself, hands grabbing a fist full of his locks.

He pulled the next paper on top of the stack and grunted. "Varia." He said as he skimmed through the page and mentally calculated how much is the cost of damages and repairs.

"Twenty buildings and six artifacts, destroyed. Seventeen reported to be injured, three fatal and one in coma. Thankfully no one died." He sighed in relief after putting down the piece of paper on his table.

The door of his office suddenly came free from its hinges that made Tsuna sigh again. Seriously, when will this guy stop sighing? In front of the broken door was none other than the insane, murderous, sadistic, slave driving torturer - I mean the hitman tutor, Reborn.

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna, time for leisure has finally come to an end." Reborn stated, his fedora shadowing his eyes and a smirk plastered on his face which made Tsuna gulp and sweat-drop.

After many years of being under Reborn's tutelage, Tsuna remembered something, no... he was forced to remember this thing because if you forget this lesson, you are doomed.

If your demonic hitman tutor smirks, prepare to encounter hell on earth. Even the Bucking Bronco knows this and was... well let's just say he was traumatized for the lack of better word.

He knew what his tutor was saying. He knew it all too well. Tsuna counted in his mind... One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

After he counted five in his mind, a loud, no scratch that, an ear shattering and glass breaking shout echoed throughout the whole mansion that made Tsuna, Reborn and all of the maids cringe. "COME BACK HERE YOU STUPID COW!"

He buried his face on the stack of papers on his desk. "At least I had two days of peaceful living..." he said to himself.

"Sawada we're back from the mission TO THE EXTREME!"


"Kufufufu~ Tsunayoshi-kun, I'm back."

"Hahaha! Seems like we're all excited to see Tsuna again!"

"Of course, Yakyuu-baka! Being separated from the Juudaime for two days was painful for me, his right hand man and I bet it was painful for Juudaime also."

"No, Gokudera-kun it was not painful for me because I experienced paradise for a little while." He grumbled on the papers.

"Gokudera-shi, would you please stop yanking my hair?!"

"Bossu, we're home."

He lifted his head up and smiled at his guardians who were standing in front of his table. Gokudera's eyes were twinkling, Yamamoto was smiling from ear-to-ear as usual, Lambo was grinning like an idiot - oh wait he is, nevermind then - Mukuro was smirking at the brunet, Chrome was standing beside Mukuro who had her eyes fixed on their boss, and last but not the least Hibari was leaning on the wall with his eyes closed and arms folded on his chest.

"Well... How'd it go?" He asked, propping his arms on the table.

"Heh! They were no match for us, Juudaime!" Gokudera answered confidently.

"Here are the reports from our allied families, Tsuna." Yamamoto said, holding out a folder to Tsuna who nodded at him in thanks and accepted the folder.

"Octopus-head burned down the whole warehouse TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei said, pumping his fists into the air.

"To sum it up, it was pretty boring." Lambo said with a yawn.

"I see. Good work, minna." Tsuna said before pausing which made the guardians look intently at their boss. "I'd like to ask how did you guys managed to destroy THREE TOWNS, sent 56 bystanders to the hospital in just a matter of minutes?"

Everybody sweat dropped except for Hibari and Mukuro. The way Tsuna said those words sent goosebumps down their spine. Tsuna used a sweet tone! A sweet tone for fuck's sake! And a Tsuna who uses sweet tones is a deadly and pissed off Tsuna.


Tsuna sighed eventually, he couldn't get angry at his guardians after all. "Dinner is ready. Let's go and eat." He said as he stood up from his seat and beckoned his guardians to go to the dining hall.

Once seated on the furthest chair on the long wooden table filled with assorted kinds of food, they all said thanks for the food and started eating.

Everything was quiet and peaceful but that peacefulness shattered eventually. Why? Because the main course, the steak, came.

"Salisbury steak's the best..." The fifteen year old Lambo said, drool coming out of his mouth and some of it managed to find itself on Gokudera's pants.

"Ah! Look at what you've done you stupid cow!" The silver haired bomber shouted, standing up.

"Huh?" Lambo responded, raising an eyebrow. "You should be grateful that you caught Ore-sama's glorious drool."

"GLORIOUS?!" Gokudera boomed before pulling out dynamites which ignited themselves.

"HIEEEEEEE!" The young man with jet black curly hair quickly stood up and ran away from the man with dynamites in hand. He absentmindedly threw his grenades from his hair around, making explosions in the room.

"DIE!" As soon as he said that, Gokudera released his Rocket Bombs at the direction where Lambo is running.

Tsuna sighed and focused on eating the food in front of him. Hibari too was quietly eating, same with Chrome.

"Oya~ Oya~? Octopus-head can't catch a fifteen year old brat? What a shame." Mukuro said, snickering before drinking his water.

"Shut it, pineapple-head!" The right hand man of the Tenth shouted then smacked the pineapple-haired illusionist, causing him to choke on his water.

"Now you've done it." Mukuro said, grabbing his trident with a tick mark on his forehead and eyebrows twitching in annoyance and irritation.

Chrome made herself invisible with the use of her illusion while Tsuna is currently listening to rock music - thanks to Xanxus who influenced him, no, forced him to - through his headphones without a care in the world.

Lambo grabbed a pie from the table and threw it to Gokudera who dodged and ended up on Mukuro's head. The male illusionist was releasing a murderous intent which everyone felt.


And then, the food fight began. Food were flying over the table with various war cries being shouted (*cough* Ryohei). They were dodging everything that were thrown at them.

The demon prefect stood up from his seat and made his way towards the door, passing behind Lambo.

It was going well for the food fight until suddenly... Lambo dodged an incoming flower vase which crashed on the head of none other than Hibari Kyoya.

"Gokudera-shi that was dangerous!" Lambo said, oblivious to the fact that the strongest guardian was behind him, head bleeding due to the impact of the vase.

"Kyoya!" Tsuna shouted, voice covered with concern as he stood up from his chair.

'This is bad...' Everyone thought at the same time - well, except for Mukuro who smirked at the sight - when they saw Satan himself turn around, eyes gleaming dangerously and tonfas out, ready to bite someone to death.

"Oya~? Skylark-kun getting injured? That's new." The person whom Kyoya really want to kill said mockingly.

Hibari raised his tonfas and said his catchphrase, "Kamikorosu" then all hell broke loose.

"This is too troublesome." Tsuna said with a heavy sigh as he scratched his head in frustration.

"Boss, take it easy..." Chrome said out of nowhere.

"ENOUGH!" Tsuna's voice echoed out throughout the whole room. It was as if the world stopped because all of the guardians stopped still.

His irritated gaze landed on Hibari who was about to deliver the final blow on Mukuro. "Kyoya. Come with me." The boss ordered as he went towards the door.

He reluctantly followed their boss but his face showed no reaction. To his other guardians, Tsuna said: "If I come back here and this place is still a mess..."

They nodded their heads except for a certain pineapple-haired man who gripped his trident tightly. "Someone's jealous." Someone in the group who has a death wish commented. I think you already know who among them can't keep his mouth shut.

A vein popped. "This time I'll kill you."

"I thought it was already over..." Chrome mumbled softly.

"Maa~ maa~ We should start cleaning now. We don't want to anger Tsuna don't we?" The ever calm and smiling Rain Guardian said, trying to get them infected with his attitude.

They started cleaning the room, Chrome excluded since she don't want to help them because it was not her fault that the dining room got destroyed and Mukuro vanishing into thin air.


Meanwhile, Tsuna was tending his Cloud Guardian's wound. It was not that serious but he had to put first aid on the stubborn man's head.

"Omnivore, how many times do I have to tell you that this isn't necessary?" An annoyed Hibari asked, eyebrow twitching.

"How many times do I have to tell you that we have to stop the bleeding?" Tsuna countered back after finished tying the bandage around the other's head. "I'll fetch Ryohei so stay here for a while."

Standing up, Hibari glanced down at his brunet boss who was clearly worried and concerned at him. He patted the said boss' head and mumbled an almost inaudible "thank you" afterwards leaving the room.

After all the years Hibari worked with Tsuna, he started to open up to his boss though only a little. Still, he hasn't changed in the many years that had passed. It seems that the stern guardian has a soft spot for his boss somewhere in his heart.


Upon arriving at his office, the Decimo's eyes dropped after seeing that a brand new stack of paperwork appeared on his desk. He saw the decil incartnate himself who came from Hell itself, leisurely drinking his espresso on the couch in front of his desk. Said advisor pointed at the new stack on the desk after he saw Tsuna walk in.

"Another stack?" Tsuna groaned, heading for his desk.

"Yeah. It came after you headed for the dining hall." Reborn replied while toying the replica of his pacifier that is hung around his neck with a silver chain.

"Ah! I hate my life." The boss exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. "Can't I sleep already?"

"Paperwork first, then sleep." His tutor said with a shake of his head, making his sideburns bounce.

With that, Tsuna started doing the thing he hated to do in the world, signing paperworks.

'I wonder how Primo managed to handle his rowdy guardians since we, the Tenth Generation are very much alike to the First Generation…"


Hibari too OOC? I know Tsuna could've asked Ryohei to treat him because of his scalpel-thingy Box Weapon but if I did it, where's the fun in that? :3

Haha well hello there! It seems that you had already finished Chapter One of this series! This is my first Katekyo Hitman Reborn fanfic so please be kind… at least a little.

I might as well as tell you guys that English is definitely not my first language. Apparently I am still improving my grammar and I thought this is a good way to learn. That being said, constructive criticisms, feedbacks/reviews, sugfollows, or favorites are greatly appreciated be it either possitive or negative.

I'll do my best to satisfy you guys. Also update may be once a week, still not sure since I find it hard to type in my tablet since my laptop got broken...
