More Things In Heaven And Earth

by: Ismira Daugene

Chapter 1

It had been six long months since Sarah's return to the Aboveground. In that time, she'd gone through the five stages of grief. At first it had been denial that the entire trip to the Underground had ever happened. Her friends hadn't contacted her since that night and Toby was fine, and aside from the lingering memories, there was no definitive proof that it had indeed happened.

Next had been anger. Sarah had been inexplicably angry at pretty much anything that moved and some things that didn't. She'd wanted to know why this had happened to her, and what was she supposed to do now? She couldn't talk to anyone about it; they'd all think she was crazy! How could she be introduced to a world with magic and creatures beyond imagination only to be sent back and expected to live a normal life?

Bargaining had followed shortly after. The teenager had pleaded with the Goblin King to let her back in. She'd tried contacting her friends through the mirror in her bedroom with no success. She'd tried wishing for Jareth to appear. She'd tried wishing herself to the Underground. The only thing she didn't try (and wouldn't no matter what) was wishing Toby away again.

The depression phase had lasted the longest, nearly four whole months out of the six. Sarah had given up on getting back to the Underground and contacting her friends. She'd decided that they didn't want to see her. She stopped eating for a while during her depression, resulting in nearly a thirty-pound drop in weight. Before, she'd been a healthy girl, but now she was skeletal. Her father and step-mother put her into counseling, afraid that she had an eating disorder. However the counselor had come back with a report that she was grieving over something. The man never did find out what.

Eventually, nearly six months to the day, Sarah entered the phase of acceptance. It wasn't an epiphany or magical moment. It simply happened one day when she was staring blankly at her ceiling and she decided that this was it. This was her life and she would have to live it. Her parents were beyond happy that she came down to eat dinner with them that evening, even if she didn't eat all of her plate.

Sarah only had a week of living in acceptance before it happened. She was coming home from school. It was the beginning of spring break and she found herself smiling for the first time in months. The walk home was a bit long, especially in the cold wind that was threatening a storm, but she was enjoying the sparkling frost covered trees and light dusting of snow. Looking down at her feet, she didn't notice the man coming towards her until it was too late and she ran full on into him. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" she said as she looked up from her new position on the frozen sidewalk.

"No, no! It's my fault!" he said reaching down to help her up. He gripped her firmly and pulled. Sarah took notice of his shoulder length brown hair half pulled back in a tie. He was wearing a long wool coat and black boots over dark pants. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Her gaze rose to meet his blue eyes and she inhaled deeply. The smell of warm spices and wool met her. "Yeah," she answered weakly.

"Are you sure? You look a bit out of it." At that moment, he took in a deep breath as well. His eyes widened, pupils dilating slightly, and he looked at her more carefully, taking in her hazel eyes, dark brown hair, and fair features. "Are you…?" he trailed off. "I should walk you home. You shouldn't be out in your condition."

"Condition?" Sarah asked after a moment.

"Come on," he said, linking arms with her and pulling her along back the way he had come. "Where do you live?"

"Um…" she tried to focus, but the inviting smell of the stranger was leaving her hazy and confused. " 628 Cherry Lane," she finally managed.

The stranger nodded and started to lead the way. It took only ten minutes, but in that time, Sarah had gone from feeling fuzzy and warm to achy. Shivers stole over her and no amount of pulling her coat tighter was helping. "Here we are," the stranger finally said.

Sarah looked up to see her house, warm and inviting. "Thank you," she replied.

"I hope you feel better soon," he said sympathetically eyeing her shivering.

Sarah nodded and entered the old Victorian house. She turned before closing the door though. Despite how crumby she was starting to feel, she felt she owed the stranger something and was going to thank him again. However when she turned, he was already down the drive and walking along the sidewalk. The teen shrugged and closed the door. "Sarah? Is that you?" her stepmother, Karen, called out.

"Yeah," Sarah answered taking off her coat and boots.

"Oh good, I just put Toby down for a nap and I've got to run to the market for a moment. I won't be gone longer than twenty minutes," the strawberry blond woman had been rushing to put her coat and shoes on, but paused when she actually took in Sarah's appearance. "You don't look well, sweetie. Are you coming down with something?" she pressed the back of her hand against Sarah's forehead. Sarah leaned into the touch and closed her eyes. She was starting to feel like she had a head cold and menstrual cramps at the same time. "Hmm, bit warm. I want you to go right up to bed, okay? I'll call Robert and have him pick up my shopping on the way home."

"I'm fine," Sarah tried to protest, but her cheeks were glowing a ruddy red.

"Go lay down, Sarah," she interrupted giving the teen a stern look.

Sarah sighed and turned to go upstairs. When she finally made it, she collapsed onto her bed. She was starting to feel that warmth that Karen was talking about. Heat was coursing through her and she got up again to shed her clothing. When she was left in only her underwear and a tank top, she laid down on the bed again. A strange sensation was prickling at her and she couldn't quite place it. It was low in her abdomen and felt warm and achey.

Rubbing her arms with her hands caused her to gasp. Just the gentle touch was enough to send electric shocks down her body. Her skin was becoming sensitive to touch and the squirming on the bed that she'd taken up wasn't helping. She let out a needy whine and rolled onto her side to minimize the amount of skin touching something. "What's happening to me?" she whispered to herself as she tried not to move.

Sarah spent that night nearly sobbing at the ultra sensitivity of her skin rubbing against the sheets. At one point, later in the evening, her step-mother came in and covered her with a sheet. At another point, Sarah could remember hearing her father and step-mother talking quietly about taking her in to see a doctor. She was left alone for the rest of the night though.

The next morning dawned with Sarah's achey feeling completely gone and replaced with something else. Her libido was going crazy. Sarah was seventeen years old. She had felt sexually aroused before, but never like this! It was like the time she'd made out with Danny last summer behind the bleachers at the baseball field, only about a hundred times worse. She'd convinced her parents to just let her stay at home alone for the day, and though they'd given her dubious looks, they complied and went to work while Toby went to a sitter. Sarah spent almost five hours straight trying to get off using different methods. Each time resulted in an unsatisfactory orgasm. Several times she screamed in frustration.

Her parents came home to see her sweating, whimpering, and unable to focus. They were convinced she had a bad bout of the flu. By the time the next morning came, Sarah lay still in her bed. Sweat soaked the sheets and left a sheen on her skin. Her long brown hair lay in a damp, limp halo around her head. The fever was gone, and with it the extreme arousal. However lethargy had replaced it. Sarah rested for the next day, only rising to shower, use the bathroom, and try to eat something. Her parents took it as a good sign that she'd gotten over her flu. Sarah only wondered what had actually happened to her. No flu she'd ever had before made her horny before. Either way, she was glad it was over.

Three months later, Sarah had turned eighteen and had just finished high school. The graduation party had only last five hours, but she was exhausted by the time it was over. She leaned back on the couch, her arms and legs spread a bit to cool off. It was only early June, but it seemed warmer than usual to Sarah. Her tank top was sticking to her skin as a bead of sweat made its way steadily down the side of her face. "Sarah, dear?" Karen called out to her as she came in from the front yard where the party had been. "Could you help your father take down the folding tables? We need to return them to the rental place tomorrow morning, and it'll be easier if they're all loaded up and ready to go." She barely glanced at Sarah as she walked past the living room to set the leftover cake on the table.

"Yeah, yeah," Sarah grumbled, but rose to her feet anyway. She re-did her ponytail, making sure to scrape all the hair off the back of her neck, and went outside to help her dad. It only took about a half hour to take all the tables down and stack them in the trailer. However in that time, a fuzzy feeling had started to float around her head. Sarah downed an entire water bottle, blaming it on dehydration, before starting to help stack folding chairs. However the fuzzy feeling only grew, and with it came a definitely familiar ache in her lower abdomen. Sarah finished stacking the last chair and turned to her dad who was mopping sweat off his brow. "I'm gonna go lay down. I don't feel very good," Sarah muttered pointing towards the house.

Her dad gave her a concerned look, but nodded. "Okay, I'll come up and check on you in a bit, honey."

Sarah made her escape up to her bedroom and collapsed on her bed in ball. "Fuck, not this again," she groaned as a rather vicious cramp speared her gut. She curled in on herself even tighter, dreading what she knew would come next. However she was distracted from her painful cramps by a commotion outside in the hall. "She's my daughter, Robert! I will see her when I want!" a strong female voice said right before Sarah's bedroom door opened. "Sarah!" her mother cried out upon seeing her However the smile faltered when she saw that Sarah was in a tight ball on her side. "Oh dear, what's wrong honey? What can mommy do?"

Sarah grit her teeth and tried to push the pain back as she opened her eyes and stared at her famous actress of a biological mother. She'd sent the woman an invitation to her graduation party ages ago at Karen's insistence. Sarah didn't really want to see her mother though. The woman hadn't been there for anything else, why would a graduation party matter? "I'm fine, just cramps," she grumbled.

Linda came closer and pressed the back of her manicured hand to Sarah's forehead then ran it down her cheek. "Oh honey. This isn't cramps," she muttered as she kneeled down next to Sarah's bed to look at her dilated eyes. The dark haired woman let out a sigh and placed one hand over her daughter's forearm. "I'm sorry, Sarah. I didn't think… I hoped this wouldn't happen."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sarah whimpered a bit as another cramp hit her.

"Shit," Linda muttered to herself. "Sarah, I need to get you out of here."

"What? I'm not going anywhere! What's going on?"

Linda rose to her feet then, her perfectly coiffed hair swaying slightly in the breeze from the fan on Sarah's desk. "Honey, there's something I need to tell you, but now isn't a good time. Right now, I need to get you someplace safe." She pulled on Sarah's arm to get her to sit up.

"What are you talking about? I'm safe here!" Sarah attempted to shrug away from her mother, but the woman had a surprisingly strong grip.

"Not safe enough," Linda muttered. "Look, I'm going down stairs to tell your father that you're going to spend the next week with me. That should be long enough." The last part was said more to herself as she helped Sarah to stay upright. "I need you to pack a bag. I don't care what you put in it. Just make it look like you're packing for a week or so." She let go of Sarah and backed toward the door.

"Stop! No! I'm not doing a damn thing until you tell me what's going on!" Sarah growled. Her cramps had lessened to a dull ache, but her body was starting to heat up. Sweat trickled down from her brow.

Linda stopped in the doorway, and looked back to see the defiant face of her daughter. She recognized that face from her own mirror. Letting out a small sigh with a smile she shook her head. "You always were so resilient... Sarah, you're going through what's called oestrus or heat. It starts in adolescents about your age, sometimes younger. It causes a lot of changes in your body including aches, pain, cramps, fever, and eventually sexual arousal. The problem is that your father and Karen are not equipped to deal with it."

"And you are?" Sarah snarked back.

"Yes." Sarah didn't have a response for this, but the look in her mother's eyes said she was completely serious. "Now we don't have time to argue. Do as I said and meet me out front of the house. Judging by hormones flooding the room, I'd say you've moved on to the next stages of oestrus. Which means we don't have much time."

With that, she spun out of the door and marched down the stairs. A few seconds later, a cheery high falsetto sounded as Linda began speaking with her ex-husband. Sarah still wasn't sure what the hell was going on. Her mother had never given her reason to trust her before, but the way she'd spoken with her just now… there was something serious in her tone. And there were questions that needed answering. Sarah slid off her bed, grabbed a duffle bag from her closet, and began shoving whatever her hands could reach into it. A minute later, she was packed and ready to go. Linda had worked her charm and had steered her father and Karen outside already. Sarah wiped her brow again, sweat coating the back of her hand. A funny kind of flutter was now happening in her lower abdomen and if she remembered correctly from before, that preceded the high libido.

Sarah rushed down the stairs and outside. Her father and Karen were listening intently to Linda as the taller woman smiled and gesticulated about while she spoke. The two didn't even have a chance to speak before Linda hugged them both and gestured Sarah forward. Sarah also hugged her father and step-mother, shivering a bit as her skin brushed their clothing. Linda then swept her away into the back of a silver sedan. The driver pulled away from the curb as Linda called up to him, "Take us to that park with the obelisk. You know the one."

"Yes, ma'am," the driver replied with a British accent.

Linda pressed the button for the divider to go up then turned back to her daughter. Sarah was now squirming a bit on the black leather seat. She couldn't get comfortable. Every move she made sent sensations through her nervous system making her want to cry out and just throw herself out of the car. "We'll be there soon, dear," Linda said gently, but kept her hands to herself now.

"Where are we going?" Sarah asked. "And what did you do to dad and Karen? They never would have let me just go like that."

"Someplace special, and I… persuaded them. It's one of my gifts."

Sarah eyed her mother for a moment, but let the 'persuasion' thing go. "The park? What's so special about there?"

Linda didn't answer, and only looked out the window to see how much farther it was. Five minutes later, they came to a stop in the small parking lot of the park. Linda and Sarah exited the car, the former leaning down to tell the driver something quietly. She straightened as he pulled away, and took Sarah's duffle bag from the girl's now shaking hands. "Come, Sarah."

The elder woman quickly led the way towards the wooded area at the back of the park. Her expensive designer heels sunk into the soft dirt, but it didn't seem to bother her. "Where…?" Sarah breathed, not able to finish her question. She didn't want to move anymore. She just wanted to be unconscious, because at least then she wouldn't be aware of the sensations rushing through her body.

"Just ahead, dear." True to her word, Linda stopped just inside the tree line. They were just far enough in that no one would see them from the park. Linda and Sarah stopped and Linda grabbed both of Sarah's hands. "Hold tight, dear. This isn't going to be pleasant."

Sarah was beyond asking questions now. She did as she was told and gripped her mother's hands tightly as the woman began to chant quickly. A minute later, there was a rushing sound like a waterfall and Sarah's vision broke down. It was like she was inside a kaleidoscope. However the sensation didn't last long and when everything cleared they were standing in the middle of a wide drive in front of a stately manor reminiscent of those in the English countryside. "Where…?" Sarah trailed off again, her eyes wide and almost bugging out of her skull at the sight of the large three story brick building in front of her. Ivy clung to the walls and tall broadleaf trees grew in neat lines along the sides.

"My manor," was all Linda said before escorting Sarah inside. "Ethan!" she called out as they entered.

A tall lean man with long dark brown hair pulled back in a single tail jogged into the entryway, a surprised look on his face. "Marchioness! We were not expecting you this soon!" he blurted out.

"Change of plans. Get me Izumi now!" She hefted Sarah slightly in her grip. The younger girl was past speaking now and was shivering uncontrollably. She could barely support her own weight, but thanks to Linda, she stayed upright.

Ethan did not argue, but ran to do as bid. A minute later, a female with pointy ears, midnight black hair, sun tanned skin, and dark tattoos swirling across what was visible of her skin entered behind Ethan. She bustled over to the two women and pressed two fingers to Sarah's wrist. "Much too fast," she muttered. "Hang on," she let go of the girl's arm and dug in the bag she'd brought with her. A moment later, her hands emerged with a bottle and a syringe. She uncapped the syringe, filled it with three milliliters of the translucent purple liquid, and quickly stuck it in the vein at Sarah's elbow.

"What was that?!" Linda nearly shouted. "She's half human!"

Izumi gave her employer a single raised eyebrow. "The facial structure between you both is too similar to be anything other than mother and daughter. Add that into what I know of your past and the fact that the girl has no obvious fae features… needless to say, I know, ma'am."

Linda rolled her eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

Izumi continued though as she took Sarah's free arm and draped it over her shoulder to support the suddenly unconscious girl. "It's a mild sedative that will wear off in approximately three hours. It will also help manage the symptoms with what is obviously the girl's oestrus. When she wakes, I will take a patient history and be able to give her medicines to better manage her heat."

Linda nodded. "Help me get her up to the Ivy Room. I want her close to my room. Ethan, make yourself useful and teleport us upstairs."

"Yes, ma'am!" the dark haired fae rushed over and quickly wove the teleportation spell. All four of them disappeared from the entryway and reappeared in the Ivy Room on the third floor of the grand manor.

They carefully placed Sarah on top of the blankets of the large four poster bed and stepped back. "My poor, Sarah. I had hoped you wouldn't have to go through this," Linda gently brushed the hair out of the girl's face.

"Has she had exposure to magic?" Izumi asked. "Because I highly doubt her fae biology would have kicked in without it."

"No, of course not!" Linda replied barely glancing over at the healer. "She's been living in the Aboveground her entire life!"

"You're sure?"

Linda didn't answer. She stroked Sarah's cheek and pressed a kiss to her brow. She hadn't been there for her daughter like she should have. Obviously something had happened in her life to jumpstart her fae biology. Had she known, Linda would have been there in an instant. As it was, she had hoped that Sarah could have a normal human life without her. A normal human life without fae politics, magic spells, or mythical creatures.

"I don't know," she replied quietly, suddenly regretting her decision to leave Sarah with Robert.

Author's Notes: Hey everyone! So this is a new story I'm starting featuring an AU Labyrinth story! There is seriously not enough AU Labyrinth! I had the idea for this a couple of years ago and put it up on my VOTE! work as part of 12 other pieces for people to vote on for which I should continue with. This one was no where near the winners, but I really wanted to do it after an inspirational message a fan sent a couple of months after the voting stopped. So here's to you, amazing fan who's name I forget! Anyway, this one features an Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics world wherein fae naturally are either Alphas or Omegas and humans are Betas. If you do not know what that means, hold on tight cuz here's the nickle tour!

Alpha/Beta/Omega or Alpha/Omega (occasionally Alpha/Beta) is a kink trope where some or all people have defined biological roles based on a hierarchical system, with the terms originating from animal behaviour research. There may be werewolf, knotting, or other animalistic elements involved, or the characters may be otherwise purely human.

Alphas are generally dominant and able to impregnate Omegas. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused.

Betas are subordinate to Alphas and may or may not be able to impregnate Omegas; in some fanworks Betas aren't present and the trope is known as Alpha/Omega, in others they take the role and functions of Omegas and Omegas aren't present.

Omegas are generally lowest on the hierarchy (although in some fanworks Omegas are rare and prized). Male Omegas are self-lubricating and have the ability to become pregnant, sometimes referred to as being bred or mated. Lovers may form pair-bonds with a special connection with telepathic or empathetic qualities. Paired Alphas may be jealous and possessive of their mate, while the Omega may become submissive. Omegas and Alphas may go into heat and need to have sex; this may be the only time Omegas are fertile.

(Info all taken from fanlore org)

Go google it if you want to know more! *queue NBC's The More You Know star and music*

Hopefully I'll be able to keep a regular update schedule, but honestly school is starting up again soon and I'm not sure how busy I'll be. I don't have any more than this written so far, so I'm kinda making it up as I go! Cheers to flying by the seat of my pants!