Oh my. I don't know what happened with this.

I do not own Harry Potter, High School Musical or any affiliated characters or events.

Harry's PoV.


"Mr Potter, you are to go to the United States to take part in an exchange program. This program will run for one year. You are to go to East High, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. You will take a portkey to the local airport, where you will be picked up by a Mr Bolton, who coaches the school's basketball team. Is your muggle subject knowledge up to date?"

Harry hesitated. "Well, not really."

Dumbledore smiled benignly. "Not to worry, Mr Potter. I have a pill here that will implant the necessary knowledge into your mind." He held up a small, multicoloured pill.

Harry reached for the pill with a trembling hand.

Dumbledore deposited the pill of knowledge into Harry's hand.

"Off you trot, Mr Potter. Please tell Mr Weasley and Ms Granger that you are leaving."

Harry nodded numbly and left the office.

End Flashback

"But Harry, I don't see why you have to go to America. It's so far away!"

Harry sighed wearily.

"Hermione, I had no choice. The Headmaster told me I was leaving, and gave me the necessary knowledge to not stand out. Now, I have to pack, and to do...some other...stuff."

Hermione frowned, but reluctantly complied with Harry's instructions and left.

Harry sighed. He still had to pack all of his mundane belongings, because he has no way of explaining his magical items, such as his Firebolt and other assorted stuff.

In the end, he just decided to transfigure an old shoe into a backpack, and to pack his muggle belongs in there, and to leave his magical items in his trunk underneath his bed.

"Mr Potter, if you will."

Harry reached out for the orange whistle in Dumbledore's grasp.

"Leaving in three..."

Oh god. What am I doing?


Can't pull back now...


Harry felt a familiar, jerking pull behind his navel. He closed his eyes and spun onward, into the unknown, with just his wand and muggle clothes to accompany him.

This is just a preface; the normal chapters will be longer.

Thanks for Reading!
