Hey it's been FOREVER. I've been busy with school and to tell the truth I wanted to see how the series of Steven Universe progressed before I put out this little piece. THAT'S RIGHT. It's time for another Steven U Story. This could continue to go on. Of course it won't be exactly correct to the series but it's my own perspective.

Synopsis : Pearl has been chosen to be one of the guardians of a aristocrat known as Rose Quartz. But Rose isn't like the others. She's far too different. And maybe just maybe Pearl is more important than she believes herself to be as well.

Just another pearl~ Pt.1 of ? (Steven Universe Fanfic)

"Now Pearl 658097. Are you ready to meet your new owner?"

"Yes madam Spinel." Madam Spinel stood a inch taller than pearl 658097. Her dark blue teal hair laid on her shoulders and ran down her back. Her eyes looked at 658097 with confidence.

Pearl smiled as she looked to her teacher. She was finally ready to meet her master. Her hair was short but neat. She had been slightly prettied up to look good enough for her new owner. She could easily put all the other Pearls in her squad to shame. At least that's how she felt.

She stood straight and never dared to speak without being spoken to. She and her teacher walked. A few pearls smiled as they watched 658097 walk confidently. She had been given the job to take care of Madam Rose Quartz. To take care of someone of her level made her feel important.

She hasn't seen Rose Quartz yet. She was just a pearl so unless called upon most pearls were used to doing tasks around the planet.

One time she had just been commanded to stand and look pretty at an event some of the higher up gems were having. One of the diamond gems had four pearls standing with her at her throne.

A pearls job was to simply exist and look pretty if needed. To tell the truth the job os a pearl was to do whatever her owner wanted her to do. If she was given a duty a pearl was expected to do it to the highest ability even if it meant being shattered. Following orders was their existence. The good thing was Pearls were sturdy so they wouldn't die that easily.

Pearl breathed as they stepped onto the elevator that would take them from the hall that the pearls usually stayed in. The elevator moved quickly, but it would still take some before they would reach the level Rose was on.

As they went up 658097 thought about what Madam Rose Quartz would be like. From the information she had been given Rose was a general and was well respected for her knowledge of other worlds as well as her strength in battle. She had fought in many battles and was well skilled in hand to hand combat. Thinking about her filled 658097 with excitement.


"Yes Ma'am?" Pearl looked to Spinel who looked down at her before looking forward again.

"Recite the rules of obedience to me." The elevator changed directions as it hit the level Rose was on.

"A pearl's job is to always do as her master says. I am theres, not my own. Unless commanded I am to stay quiet. I exist for her. If she dies, I do as well. If I can die for her I will do just that. I am a pearl. Nothing more."

"Very good. With a pearl as well trained as you I am sure Madam Rose will enjoy your usefulness. 658097 nodded. The elevator doors opened to a large room.

The two walked in and the elevator closed. The room was very…well…pink. The interior was large and clean. A large variety of books were on book cases. Madam Spinel walked farther back in the room to find Rose Quartz. Pearl took in the room quietly and then went back into at-ease position as she heard their footsteps.

"Madam. This will be your pearl from now on." Pearl slightly flinched when she heard Spinel speak. She kept her head down.

"Now Spinel. I told you that I don't want her to call me anything like that. But I am still happy to finally meet her."

Spinel shrugged as this was said to her. She didn't really care what Rose did with the Pearl as long as it was of good use to her. She had trained 658097 well and didn't want it to tarnish her name.

"You may raise your head now 658097 and speak to your new master."

Pearl looked up at the gem in front of her.

She wore a long white dress that reached her feet. Under the dress 658097 could tell that she was wearing ping boots. The gem's midriff was cut in the shape of a diamond and a beautiful Rose Quartz gem shined from the opening. She looked up at Rose's face. Pale but creamy white skin with long curly pink hair that flowed down to her lower arms. Pearl was astounded by how beautiful she looked and instead of a sterm look she obtained a bright smile from the quartz.

"I hope that I can be of good use to you Madam Rose Quartz."

Pearl waited for a stale reply or a simple, "Good to know." before being commanded to go to a corner or to do a duty but instead she heard Rose speak in a soft voice.

"Hehe. It's nice to meet you too Pearl. I hope we can spend lots of time together." Rose giggled.

Spinel to scoff as she walked towards the exit. Pearl turned to watch Madam Spinel leave.

"Since you two are aquatinted I will be off now. If 658097 becomes unneeded I will take her back."

Pearl shuddered upon hearing this. Once Spinel said this she got onto the elevator and as quickly as she had come, she was gone.

"Bye bye now." Rose said with a bright smile. The elevator disappeared from the entrance and the two were left alone in silence.

Rose let out a large sigh.

"Now that that is over, how about we relax."

"As you wish madam rose quartz."

Rose chuckled.

"You don't have to add Madam or anything around me. Its just Rose. I'm just another gem out of the millions of gems on this planet."

Pearl looked at Rose a bit confused. Rose's long hair flowed as she turned away to walk towards the entrance of the next room.

"Now. Let's go into my room. I have a lot to show you so we can work together." Pearl took a moment before running after Rose. This was going to be different from what she expected.

So? Any good? I am sure many stories dealing with Pearl have been made. But this had been in a mind all semester. I need to know? Should I continue? If so I will continue to write parts up until you know who appears. Please give me comments and review~