A brown hedgehog was sitting in a large library, dimly lit by the stereotypical fireplace in the background. The hedgehog had a small table next to his rocking chair with a drink and small lamp on it. He had a laptop on his lap and was watching some sort of TV show on it. The laptop started playing some old music and the screen had an arrow on it that said: "To be continued..." The hedgehog sighed and then noticed you were standing there.

"OH! Fancy meeting you here! I just got through another great episode where Jonathan...oh wait, that's a spoiler..." he stopped himself. "If you don't remember, my name is Unknown, but if you want to use my formal name, it would be Captain Long-name."

Unknown got up and walked to one of the bookshelves and grabbed a huge book that must have weighed at least three tons.

"I've just been sitting here, enjoying some books, anime and whatever drinks I like," Unknown said. "I can get anything I want or anything you want. Would you like a drink? No? I already knew you didn't want one." Unknown said to you with a wink.

He sat back down in his chair with the book on his lap and opened it up to a random page. He then looked back at the readers.

"Just a quick recap for anyone who is new or for anyone who's noticed Gold has been gone for eons...hehe, EONS," Unknown chuckled. "It's been so long that a new president has been elected! How did he get out of the safe the crew put him in? Who knows! I know the author certainly doesn't!"

"Back to that recap, Gold, Glimpse, Angel and Twilight Sparkle are on an adventure to collect all the Eon Shards! And there's a lot of tension between a certain fox and a certain icicle! Lately, though, all they have been doing is sleeping...for like a year...I wonder if I should check on them..." he wondered, stroking his chin. "Nah, I'm sure they are fine! I think they might even wake up soon!"

Unknown tossed the random book into the fire behind him.

"Thank you," the talking fireplace said.

"No problem!" Unknown replied. "That's Charlie the fireplace, he's pretty lit. Anyways, while we wait for them to wake up, why don't I tell you all a story from the past? That's right, it's time for EXPOSITION!"

The GG Connection

Extra One


Gold kicked back an orb of Eon energy that was shot at him back to his opponent. The orb flew back to Ionia at light-speed, but she simply absorbed it and shot back a more powerful orb. Gold rolled forward to dodge the blast and close in on Ionia. Ionia struck the cloud floor beneath her with her staff that caused a shockwave. Gold was tossed into the air by the shock-wave but he reoriented himself in the air. Ionia sent a lance of energy at him, but Gold grabbed it in midair and used its force to propel himself forward toward Ionia. He landed a few feet from her, jumping to the side when he landed to dodge another lance from her. He rushed forward to punch her, but she caught his fist, surprising the both of them. She reacted quickly, sweeping Gold's legs out from under him. The arctic fox fell to the ground and looked up to see another lance of Eon energy pointed at his face.

"Where in the hell did you learn to catch punches like that?" Gold asked with a chuckle.

"Just because I am old does not mean I cannot learn new tricks," the goddess answered with a smirk.

"Oh come on, you can't be that old," Gold said.

"Older than you at least, and still better than you," she retorted.

"I would be better if someone trained me better," he answered with a smirk.

"I am offended," Ionia said. "Or as the cool kids say, I am triggered."

Gold laughed at her and replied, "I'm kidding. Lunch break?"

"I am quite famished," she said, offering a hand to Gold. After Gold had gotten up, Ionia snapped her fingers and suddenly a picnic basket was in front of them. Gold opened it up to find three sandwiches and two water bottles; two ham sandwiches for him, and a chicken and provolone sandwich for Ionia. The two sat down and started to eat their meals.

"That was a good practice, though," Gold commented in between bites. "I really gotta work on doing that lance thing that you did."

"I'll teach it to you one day," Ionia said, taking a sip of water. "I do have to talk to you about something serious."

"Jeez Ionia, you gotta work on your casual tone to serious tone transition," Gold commented with a chuckle. "What is it?"

"You do know what you did last week, correct?" Ionia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, I splurged on a Nintendo Switch, I get it, I should've saved my money, but I had gotten a pretty good paycheck from the hospital, but..."

"No, not that," she interrupted. "I'm talking about the girl."

"Oh, right. She has a name you know," Gold said, putting his sandwich down.

"I know, I know. You changed a lot of things when you helped her," Ionia said seriously.

"Well yeah, I saved her arm. A lot of things would have changed if I didn't do that," Gold answered simply.

"Not just that. As you may recall, I see the many possibilities and timelines that could happen as a result of your actions or lack of action."

"Yeah, I know. It's like Unknown," Gold said with a chuckle.

"I do not understand how Unknown even exists..."

"No one does."

"Right," she continued. "Anyways, there are timelines where she is still frozen. There are ones where Sonic, Tails and a bunch of other people somehow save her. More importantly, most of them do not have you within them."

"So...is this one special or something?"

"How she got unfrozen is a problem for another time. A majority of timelines still have her frozen to this day, some even have her dead within her ice cocoon," Ionia noted, making Gold wince. "The point in me saying this is, yes, this is special. I have only seen two timelines where you and Angel interact at all, and this one has you saving her arm. And the future of this one...it's certainly...dramatic..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know as Eon Goddess I cannot tell you that. You as Eon Warrior must be prepared for it all," Ionia answered cordially.

"Have I been unprepared before? Actually, don't answer that," Gold responded, which made Ionia giggle a bit.

"Just be prepared for everything you are about to go through, Gold. A heart that has been frozen doesn't thaw easily."

"Okay, now you are just being a stereotypical cryptic guide," Gold said with a chuckle.

"I must be. What you have started cannot be undone."

"Jeez, you make it sound like what I did for her was a mistake."

"It may very well be..." she mumbled so that Gold couldn't hear her. "Now, I believe you must be going to work soon."

"Oh crap, is it two already?" Gold asked frantically.

"Being defeated by me makes time fly," Ionia said with a smile as Gold stood up.

"I'll get you next time," Gold pointed at her. He then closed his eyes and was back in his own home. "I can't believe I let her beat me...oh well, time to go be the world's greatest doctor!"

"You mean nurse?" Ionia said in his head.

"Hush you."

After a short while...

Gold was jogging down the sidewalk while multiple cars whizzed past him on the street. He noticed that a couple of doctors and nurses from the hospital he worked at were outside of the hospital a couple blocks away. Gold hurried up and met with them in the front, they were all staring at the tops of the buildings in the town.

"Good afternoon everyone, what's going on?" Gold asked worryingly.

"You just missed the strangest thing Gold," a rat Mobian named Doctor Brown said. "One of our patients just escaped the hospital."

"Really? That is strange...who was it?" he asked curiously.

"Um...some light blue hedgehog, was scheduled for an arm amputation but her arm was miraculously healed..." the rat answered, which made Gold's eyes grow large. "By the way, Gold, was that you that healed her? You know major injuries are not to be healed willy-nilly."

"Fuck, you guys let Angel escape?" Gold cursed.

"We couldn't do anything about her! She even froze Frank when he tried to stop her on the way out!" Nurse Hope said, pointed towards a tiger doctor who was encased in ice near the entrance of the hospital.

"Well she has her powers back, that's good I guess..." Gold wondered to himself.

"That's not good at all! She'll kill someone! She'll freeze the world over, I saw what she could do on that TV show! She's a menace! I was against taking her in when she was first admitted!" Doctor Bradley exclaimed, a lizard Mobian.

"We help everyone, no matter where they come from," Gold said seriously, looking him in the eye. "Besides, she didn't do everything on purpose. That show looked like hell."

"Well if you think she is so good, why don't you get her? Chaos knows we can't and don't want to," Doctor Bradley said, storming back into the hospital. Gold stood there for a moment before deciding on trying to find her. If what Ionia said was true, he knew he would have to see her again and talk to her again.

"I'm gonna go and try to find and talk to her. I'll probably not find her and she'll probably try to freeze me to death, but I'll give it a shot," Gold said to everyone else before running off.

The fox ran a block ahead and used his Eon to boost his jump so he could land on the roof of a building. He scanned the tops of the houses and businesses within the town and noticed some had some ice on them. They were barely noticeable, but they were all Gold needed to find out what direction she headed in. Gold started to run across the rooftops, jumping from each one towards each ice patch he came across. Far ahead, he could see a dot of light blue also jumping across buildings. He quickly checked for Eon in the dot by closing his eyes quickly, and he could see that it was someone, most likely, Angel. The fox increased his pace, taking only about two seconds to get to the next building. The icy hedgehog came closer into his view.

"Hey! Stop!" Gold yelled out.

The hedgehog kept running across the tops of the buildings without turning back. Without looking back, she put her hand behind her and shot an icy blast at whoever was chasing her. Gold's eyes widened and he thought quickly on how to dodge it. He quickly covered his arm in Eon and let the blast hit his arm. The blast was evaporated by the Eon, but the icy wind hit Gold in the face stunning him a bit, but he kept running. Gold could see that an icy wind was starting to swirl around Angel's feet. He could also see that the buildings were coming to a stop soon. She shot another icy blast at Gold, which he rolled under, before jumping off the last building and forming a large snowflake underneath her. She almost fell off of it and the snowflake didn't look like it would last long, but she managed to stay floating on it. She quickly turned it around to face whoever was chasing her and threw her spear at her chaser. Gold hopped backward to barely avoid the spear from stabbing him in the foot. Angel realized who it was at this point.

"You? What do you want?" she asked harshly.

"You know, for someone who saved your arm, you'd think you would not try to freeze me to death," Gold said, panting a bit.

"I said thank you, what do you want? A trophy? It is your job to do that, isn't it?" Angel retorted.

"Actually no, it isn't. I'm only allowed to heal minor injuries, the normal doctors are supposed to do major stuff like your arm. You know, they have to get paid too. Plus, healing major injuries like that could actually hurt me," Gold informed her. Angel paused before answering.

"Still, I said thank you, what more do you want?" she asked.

"Nothing. I don't want anything. I was just wondering why you ran and where you are going," Gold asked nicely, pacing a bit.

"I'm leaving. I need to get out of here, away from all these people," Angel said, looking at the buildings and street behind her.

"What? You are just gonna run away from everything?"

"It's not like anyone is gonna help me here. I don't want anyone's help," she said.

"Yeah well, I helped you. I can still help you, or-"

"No! You can't help me! I don't know what you think you are, but you aren't someone that can help me. I don't know if you are some hero or something, but you can't help everyone. Especially me," Angel interrupted. Gold stood there, contemplating on what she said.

"Well, if that's what you want to believe, go ahead. I'm not gonna stop you. I wish you luck on wherever you end up going," he said and he started to walk away from her. The hedgehog turned around and looked ahead, planning on where to fly next. She had a pretty good idea where she would be off to, a certain icy castle far away from Mobius. She sighed before turn around and asking a question.

"Wait," she said, which made the fox stop. "If that was against your job and you could have hurt yourself in the process, why did you do it? I also would've thought you would hate me, you are a friend of that idiot."

The fox turned around and answered her. "Well...I thought that with all that shit you went through, you deserved the help. And you know, yeah, Tails is my friend," Angel winced when he said that. "But I know he does some pretty shitty things sometimes. He's pretty stubborn, I know that for a fact, he never likes to admit he is wrong. And what happened during that show was shitty. So I thought I would help you." The hedgehog stood there listening to what he had to say. "Now, I believe you are gonna get going. But if you do come back one day, I'll be around." Gold said finally and he started to walk away again. Angel looked at him walking away and sighed. She then flew away to wherever she was going.

Gold eventually made his way back home for the day. He sighed as he closed the door behind him, leaning against it when he did.

"Would you like to do another practice tonight, Gold?" Ionia asked in his head. Gold chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, I need to get back at you for earlier. I won't lost this-" Suddenly, Gold's eyes were filled with blue light.

In front of him, he could see himself. He was his normal self, but with a blue and white striped scarf on. He was holding his hand out with an Eon orb in his hand. Around himself, there was something going on. He couldn't see anything around himself. Everything was only white. A constantly changing, moving white surrounded him. Gold could hear the howling wind in the background, blowing the white around the whole area. Gold then saw that ahead of his other self was another figure. It was blurry and the environment didn't make it any easier. He could make out that the other person was also holding his or her arm out. On the other person's arm, there was some gray device that was glowing orange at the end. Then he could hear both of them speaking. His other self talked first.

"You can't!"

"I will!" the other person shouted over the wind.

"You won't."

Suddenly, his other self shot the Eon orb at the other person and the whole vision disappeared.

Gold fell against the door behind him, panting and holding his head. He kept thinking, where was he just then, who was that other person, what were they even talking about.

"Gold? Are you quite alright?" Ionia asked him in his head.

"Did you not see what happened?" Gold asked panting.

"It seems that you have had a vision," Ionia said.

"Yeah, no shit. Did you do that?"

"I did not. Or at least, I don't think I did."

"Right...but I'm okay. We can still practice."

"Good, because I am prepared to win again."

"That's what you think," Gold said. Before he was transported to the Ion, the last thing in his mind was something Ionia said earlier.

"A heart that has been frozen can't be thawed easily."

Wow, I can't believe I was able to sit down for about two days and get a 3000 word extra done.

Hey everyone, Gold the Fox here! This probably surprised a lot of you (I'm looking at you Icy :P). I'm on spring break, even though it has been constantly snowing where I live haha. My college is weird so this week is my spring break...it sucks because no one else has off this week. So I nothing to do, no one to hang out with, just relax. And what could be more relaxing than writing some GG!

I've actually had GG on the brain lately, especially about the later stuff that could happen down the line. I didn't want to write an actual episode since I didn't have any ideas on what the adventure would be (It would've been in Equestria and will be next time). I also want to gauge the response from this. If I feel motivated enough, I'll at least start writing the next actual episode. I wrote this to give more backstory on how Gold and Angel have known each other for about four months in the present day of GG. I also didn't want to write a full episode with all the characters since I'm probably a bit rusty. Anyways...

Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing, leave a review if you would like, and as always...