Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the major delay I had a large case of writers block.

I would like same to all of those who have been here for the beginning…. Thank, and to shadowfang jutsu thank for your kind words. I will try to make the chapter a little longer but it may take some time for that.

To anyone who I have been confusing with how my story is progressing… Thank you I have been putting small (very small pieces) puzzle pieces here and there nothing major just minor detail that is used to mislead you and confuse you.

For anonymous reviewer Nate. I have never heard of a NINO fic. If you could clarify what you mean.

Where do you get your information from? Did you know that amnesia patients have a sense for who they are. If a person who loses there memory can have a feel for who they are does that make them the same person. If you say no then why?

That over with lets get on with it.

I own nothing but the right to Suna.

Darkness can mean many things for some it is an obstacle in your path, or some kind of force that many have a fear for, but as Suna sat there keeping watch over the night with the sounds of crackling fire and the snores of a talking fox.

They were about a few hundred leagues from Kings Landing. After the run in with the fur traders their travels went without any distractions.

They were staying in a nice inn. The inn surprising didn't mind a fox staying with them.

Looking at the fox to make sure he was asleep, Suna reached under his collar to find a pendant with a three-headed dragon engraved on it. Unlatching the clasp the pendant opened very easily. Inside was a shrunken painting of five people. Two of these people had platinum blond hair one being a male the other female. One of the others had vibrant red hair, the other woman had snow white hair and charcoal black eyes. The young boy unlike his parents had a ghostly pale white hair and striking crimson eyes.

"Mother, father I'll be returning to the place where everything was taken from you." Suna whispered with a sad gleam in his red eyes while looking at the two blonds. Blinking away the tears that were threatening to spill. His eyes harden to twin red pools of metallic red.

"Revenge is for the weak of willed and of those who can't move on." Suna remember the words of the late Alucard quite well. Those word changed him, made him think clearly, made it so he could move on from his parents' death.

Looking over to the fox one last time. Suna rolled over to his side and closed the pendant and replaced it under his collar.

Never noticing as one slitted red eye opened and closed.

Scene change

Light slipped in through the window of the castle of Kings Landing and fell upon the sight of two young children cuddled together. One had deep red hair almost the color of the life giving fluid that ran through every one. The girl had dark brown hair.

As the light fell upon the young red head's face his striking cerulean blue eyes snapped open and with a yawn he was about to begin to stretch when he felt weight on his side, looking down he smiled with a smile that out shown the burning ball of gas out side in the sky.

Naruto moved his head closer to Arya's and placed a kiss on her brow. The kiss caused Arya to begin to stir.

"Morning (yawn) Naruto." Arya said as her hands began to rub her eyes to elate some of the sleep from her. After she started to feel more awake she started to get out of the bed she and Naruto were sharing.

After her feet touched the ground she jumped back up on the bed. The ground was freezing from the ocean breeze from last night.

Naruto see her jump couldn't help but chuckle, but stopped after seeing her glare. He then casted some heating charms on the floor. Nodding her thanks she took a test step and felt that the stone floor was at a much more tolerable level she walked to one of the side doors and opened up the one to her room for the stay here. Closing it behind her.

Naruto then got out of bed and walked to his wardrobe and pulled out some light clothing for the day. He then walked into the washroom to clean up and get dressed. After a few moments he then left to put on the shoes he brought with him. The shoes were of a very fine leather. After slipping them on he walked to the door Arya waled to and knocked.

"Almost done." Came the answer from her. After several moments the door opened and Arya walked out in a dress with house Stark's colors on it and a sown on house crest for Uzumaki on the left breast.

"So what are we doing today?" Arya asked with a knowing gaze to Naruto who could only scratch the back of his head with a grin.

"We're supposed to head to the library and meet a house wizard there so he can ask me questions."


"He thinks he knows more than I do."

"Okay, when is that?" Arya asked. Naruto then looked out the window to check the time. Seeing the position of the sun Naruto assumed it was around late morning, his meeting was around one or so. Calculating the time it would take for Arya and him to get there. He estimated that it would take around thirty minutes if they walked normally if they took their time around one hour so.

"If we leave now we can look around for bit before I have to go their." Naruto said as Arya just nodded her head and grabbed his hand to drag him to look at the Tourney grounds that are to be hosted in a few weeks for Ned. The celebration was for her father being named a Hand to the king.

As the two left their conjoined room they never noticed as a Lannister guard took root in-front of their door, nor did they notice as Tyrion Lannister walked up to the guard. The Game of thrones was beginning and Tyrion was hope to keep these youngsters out of it.

Scene change

Kakashi could count on one hand of all the people who can surprise him and Daenerys Targaryen was one of them and his younger brother being the most surprising of all. Naruto was by far one of the best with magic. Daenerys was also very good at learning magic as well, but she has her limitations like any mage. She tended to over power spells and she couldn't use many elemental spells unless they were fire and lightning.

The girl was also quite a quick study after giving her a book on elemental manipulation she had the book done with in hours. She was now on advanced spell craft and Lore Of The Lord Of Shadows.

The last book talks about the founder of house Uzumaki and how he created the Dark Forest around the Fox's den. It first talks about how he was born with a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for trying new things. It then talks about how he found one of the eight lost ancient grimore.

She was very closed to being finished with it, and after she was done with that he didn't have any more books for her to read. Other than his personal collection of orange books… Not a good idea.

"How long until we get to shore?" This was many of the questions that she had that and if she could have another book.

"Another day." Kakashi said and it was true since they were the only ones on the ship they had to stop more often than if they had a full crew or Kakashi could teleport them their but he was very sloth like and didn't want to.

"Couldn't you just bring us their like you did to this ship?"

"No. it might kill you or me depending on who goes first." Kakashi lied in his normally bored tone.

Daenerys looked at him with skepticism. She has been reading about magic so she knew it could back fire with varying results but it still didn't mean that she was going to take every thing at face value.

What she really wanted to do was make her focus so she could begin to cast some spells, but Kakashi was being adamant about it saying that they didn't have the proper tools to make one. She knew he was right they only had a small engraving tool and not a good one for what she wanted she would need a master tool or a grand master tool. She also needs to find what would be her focus. When she asked Kakashi about his, he just said that Uzumaki were different from the norm and didn't elaborate. Not even a little bit. She took it upon herself to find what he meant but every book about the Uzumaki never said how they make their focus just that they were the most powerful House of mages out their.

The whole not telling her thing was starting to grate on her nerves. As she was about to get back to reading she noticed Kakashi spring up from his sitting position with a dangerous gleam in his eye.

"Actually we will be there within the next hour."


"My brother was attacked some time ago."

"Oh." What was she to say.

Scene change (earlier)

Anger coursed through his veins. The Stark girl wouldn't leave the boy alone. If she didn't then he would have to knock her unconscious so he could get the boy to his master. He had been posing as the House wizard for the last few days trying to get the boy alone, but where every he went the girl came with him. This was the last straw as he stealthy sent out a pulse of mana to get the rest of the squad here. "Maki won't be happy about this but screw him." were his angry thoughts. Moving quickly he knocked the girl unconscious and as he turned to the boy he heard a sound.

(play Fatal Lullaby by Adrian Von Ziegler.)

The song came out very slow then it began get a deep feel to it almost like he was feeling like he did something wrong. He felt tired so very tired he felt something going down his face think it was tears he brought his hands to wipe them away. When he got a look at what it was, he saw blood he was bleeding. No, he wasn't just bleeding he felt his heart slow down and his knees buckle. He fell with blood coming out of his eyes and ears. He felt no pain he felt nothing other than feeling tired and helpless.

The man was dead.

Coming to the scene of the dead body of one of his men did not make Maki feel good about this. With a sense of rage and hate he took aim with one of his bolt spells and shattered the ocarina. But the feeling of dread took over his rage. The boy's face was blank his eyes like ice chips cold and empty. When the boy open his mouth to speak he felt more fear he was sure the rest of them felt it to.

"That was a was very grave mistake he died from hurting what I hold close to my heart, now you attack me." Naruto said with a very cold tone to his voice one that set shivers down their spines. "Your death will be slow and painful, not like his." He finished pointing to the man of the floor.

(play shinedown enemies)

The boy began to glow with a very bright light that hurt their eyes but they were to frozen in place to blink. When the light died down it revealed a glowing blue eyes with a slitted pupil and they all realized they had no where to run. They were transferred into a pocket dimension. How the boy did this they had no idea because not many mages could do this it was a highly advanced set of runes, but he didn't use rune stones.

"Hes just a kid what can he do to us." One of his foolish squad mates said trying to bring back courage into his brethren. It worked on those stupid enough to believe that they could beat this young mage. This young mage with out any hesitation in his steps looked at them and held up his hand were a long string of runes began to rotate around his arm then they took shape in a spell chain with the middle rune meaning fire and the what he could make out from spinning runes wind was also added in to superheat the flames. He spoke one word next.


And Maki knew no more.

The man was set a flame without even an ounce of hesitation. When the flames spread leave nothing but ash in it's wake. The other mages began to fear the boy more. They tried to run but they hit a barrier.

"Cover me." One of the men said as he began to chant in an ancient language. The others began to send spells at Naruto. They sent fire, water, ice, lightning, and dark magic at the boy in hopes of stopping him from getting any closer. After each spell collided with Naruto they thought it was over until a blast of hot air threw away the steam and smoke. To reveal Naruto in perfect health. He then began to raise his hand showing a two inverted triangle like runes in the center of a massive runic matrix. Seeing the size of it they began to shudder in fear. They couldn't tell what kind of spell it was.

Naruto looked at each of the men with a bored expression. He began to realize how strong Suna actually was. These assassins were by far the weakest people he faced. If they cowered in fear of a simple illusion spell then he wonder what they would think of his more colorful spells.

The spell was none other than Bringer of Darkness. It was a C class illusion spell that caused the enemy to face one of their greatest fear. The spell used to be ranked much higher but it went down in time for it has to many counters. Such as being poke in the side or just slapped would wake someone up.

The spell in his other hand though was a ripper curse. The curse would slowly rip apart a body from the inside out. This spell was a high B to low A ranked spell.

The men didn't even see it coming until they where already feeling their body start to tear it self apart until till they knew no more.

Waving his hand Naruto brought himself out of the pocket dimension.

Scene change

When Suna entered Kings Landing he did not expect to find Lord Stark their along with The king waiting for him.

"What do I owe this greeting Lord Stark and my King?" Suna asked with an aloof tone to his voice. Seeing them both grimace and look at each other

"It is about young Naruto." Ned said with an edge to his voice that caused Suna to look at him with a look of boredom on his face.

"What about him, my Lord?" Suna asked without even an ounce of his normally lazy drawl.

"He has killed six people today."

"Oh, is that all." Suna said as his drawl came back and a slight smirk came to his face.

"You're not worried about this." Ned said with shock entering his voice.

"He is being trained how to hone his skills in spellcraft, this is a common occurrence for us. We are taught how to kill but we normally kill low tiered monsters such as fire-breathing serpents and ash-wolves." Suna said as both the King and Ned looks went from shocked to a more somber look.

"I see, so that includes humans as well." Robert said not applaud by the killing just that it was one so, the only one he knew of that killed you was Joffrey, but that was pure torture.

"No." Suna said with a sad frown miring his cloaked features. "He may have been used to killing by now, but it doesn't mean he isn't affected by it.

"So someone should comfort him." Ned said as the group of them began to move back towards the castle.

"I think young Arya has that covered."

"I see so you don't think you should."

"No if I did it would mean nothing, he may look up to me but that doesn't mean he will feel comfortable to talk to me about it." Suna said as the other two nodded their head in understanding at that.

The three fell into a silence that continued until they reached the castle. The fox on Suna's head looked at the other two with a dull and mischievous look.

The fox was having a grand time sitting on the human's head. This boy was very wise for his age, but like all humans he had his flaws like the burning rage he felt for the fat man. Though he seemed like he wasn't going to act on it any time soon. The fat man felt to comfortable while the Lord Stark felt annoyed with the fat man, and Suna. After he finished hi assessment he saw that the black haired man looked towards Suna, more towards the fox, in wonderment.

"Suna may inquire why that fox is on your head." Ned asked as he looked at the strange looking fox.

"Because it is comfortable on top of his head." The fox spoke as Ned nodded his before his head snapped to the fox. A look of total surprise and bewilderment on his face.

"You can speak." Ned all but yelled out. Robert was looking on in shocked silence.

"Of course I can ningen." The fox said with an amused tone to his voice.

Ned began to get over some of his shock. After his thought proccess began to register something Alucard said to him some time ago. "Ned remember this, there are being who can speak like humans. These beings are know as familars."

"So this is some kind of familiar, it is a fox so maybe it is for Naruto." Ned thought with a more rational mind.

"Let us go see Naruto." Suna said with a look of amusement.

Sorry for the long wait everyone my internet has been down and I have some writers block for this story. To help this i'll be working on another fanfiction that won't be a crossover fanfiction. It will be a Naruto fanfiction that will be kind of different.

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