Hello, everyone, my name is Itsuna this isn't my first story and nor will it be my last.

This story is a crossover fic between Naruto and Game of thrones. I was reading some great ones, but not many of them are very long. That is why I thought I would test my hand. Though I must warn you it isn't going to be canon. I've only watched the first season of GoT, so I'm a little behind.

Summary: It wasn't supposed to end like this. He was going to beat Kaguya Ootsutsuki, but I guess like all heroes, he was to die... Or was he. Put in a world, he doesn't know with no memory but of his name and that of one girl…. Arya Stark.

As you can guess, Naruto x Arya story, but before some of you go, not another lolicon story its not Naruto's age is being regressed to the same age as Arya's and lemon/lime won't happen for a while.



Magic(no chakra)


I don't own either of them.

The darkness that all he saw even when he opened his eyes, but there was a light, a strange light, the light was whispering something he could make out, so he ran close to hear, and as he drew near, he began to make out the sweet whispers.

"Naruto, this is a gift for stopping something that even us immortals couldn't stop you may think you didn't stop Kaguya, but you did by breaking the Infinite Tsukuyomi. The fact you broke it was enough for each of us to give you a gift from me you will gain a new life but will lose your memorizes of who you are but will retain the one of your name and the name of your beloved. My name is Kami, and you are sitting in brother's stomach as his right to take souls, but not yours." The identified Kami said with a very soothing tone.

"What about Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi sensei, and everyone what about Kurama"! Naruto abut yelled at the heavenly deity with sadness entering his voice.

"The Fox is finely released upon your death the same with the other Tailed ones, and you don't have to weary about them anymore," Kami said still in that soothing way as another orb of light appeared and along with came the Shinigami himself. Looking as ghostly as that last time, any mortal saw him. The sphere, though instead of being white, was a dark crimson color, and as Naruto was going to get a better look, it began to speak in a mysterious and bone-chilling voice.

"So this was our champion, the one that saved the world HA more like a moron with a stick." The red orb said with a smug tone to its voice. "And boy, my name is Yami."

"Stop pestering him, Yami he's been through a lot in the last hundred years in my stomach." Shinigami said with a bored tone to his voice while talking to the dark deity. "Yes, Naruto, you have been here a long time, but we decided to give you another chance a life sorry it took so long, but you can blame Yami for that he wasn't sure what gift to give you."

"Silence,"! Yami roared at Shinigami, who just looked just as bored as before.

"He is right, Yami, you did take a millennium to decide," Kami said with mirth within his voice at Yami's expense.

"Boy, the gift I'm giving is called magic," Yami said while the orb started to vibrate with energy and pass on to Naruto. "Magic is similar to chakra minus one key factor, and there is no physical aspect to it; it is all spiritual." Yami finished while the energy stopped flowing and receded to its master.

"From me, Naruto, you gain the knowledge of the time you are going to," Shinigami said with a yawn that made Naruto sweatdrop at that the god of death reminded him of a lazy genius from his apparent time. "Though there more to my gift than just that, for example, you gained the knowledge of each clan or house as there were called, and you also gain the right to claim land sense you would be a lord. Lord of Foxes Inari would be so proud." Shinigami finished with even more bored in his voice though if listened close enough, you could hear mirth in his voice.

"You already know my gift," Kami said as all three of them began to circle Naruto. They began to swirl faster and faster until they were nothing but a blur to our late hero, and all of a sudden, it was over with Naruto lying on the ground next to a large pine tree.

"Where am I," Naruto asked as he looked around for anything, only finding a pack with some clothing, a map, a jeweled dagger with a foxes head on it and a set of noble robes with a house crest on it. The house crest was of a fox with nine flowing long tails, the color scheme went from white to silver to red with the fox being multiple shades of red. Looking around again the six or seven year old looked around for a minute more before find a note he assumed was address to him. It read:

To our loving son, sorry we can't take care of you, but know that we love you and that we will always watch over you. Naruto we have spent days hoping to see you grow strong but your mother is very strong but right now she lost a large amount of blood. I'm not fairing any better either you see on this very night you were born with the brightest set of blue eye's our house hasn't seen in years, but the sins of your father have tainted thous eyes for you see I am a lord to a house the house Uzumaki. The Uzumaki house has been around since the Stark's first started settling here in Westeros, but enough of the past more to the future. You see our house is very prestigious but not for our history more for our magic out of all the houses we were among the few that could use magic, we didn't do some cheap tricks for kids, but real magic we could move mountains, turn the ocean to ice, or even destroy an entire country but with power comes to drawback we frequently die from mana poisoning. Though mana poisoning is rare now compared to when magic was just starting to come about. Mana poisoning works in three stages fatigue, paralysis in the legs and finally death. This hasn't happened to anyone in the last twenty or so years until now I'm dying my son, and if your reading this, then it has already happened, though don't be down we're always with even now mana can do that son… I'll see you in a hundred years or more, no sooner, Naruto. I (bloodstain) love you

Your Father And Loving Mother

Alucard and Lyra

Tears were streaming down the young red head's face as he read the note. His parents dead, and he had no idea where he was in the first place. So with a heavy heart, he folded the letter and put it in the front pouch of the pack he had with, but as he was doing this, he felt something inside that packet. Withdrawing whatever was in the there, he beheld a necklace of the most beautiful emeralds fashioned to look like a fox's head snarl, and all it was magnificent, but it to come with a note: To Arya Stark.

So he was on his way to give a necklace to a girl, and he must have fallen asleep. Putting the necklace back in the pouch along with a note from his parents, then he pulled out a map marked with each house symbol, and a small dot he assumed was him. "Map must be enchanted to show where ever the holder is, and by the looks of things I'm not too far from Winterfell," Naruto said while looking at where he was compared to Winterfell. He seemed to be about a mile or two away from Winterfell and around twenty or so from his home. "Well, best get a move on, I guess," He said as he began the long trek to Winterfell.

- Break-

One Arya Stark was sitting on her bed looking out the window in search of something interesting. She was so bored her mother would let her go shoot because her betrothed was his on his way "A lady must act properly and not do daring things." Arya said while mocking her etiquette teaches voice and lock while holding out her finger in a demeaning tone. Though as she was about say another phrase a knock sounded on her door. "What and who is it," Arya said in a biting tone, not really in the mood for anyone to drop in.

"It's your father, a wild one." Her father, Eddard Stark, said with hidden mirth in his voice at the nickname though it did bring back painful memories. "You need to get into the dress your mother gave you your betrothed has been spotted outside the gates." Ned said as he heard shuffling on the inside of the room with sounds of cursing. He could only smile at her antics reminding him of his late sister. "She's so much like you, Lyanna, so much wolf blood runs in her… Arya is down yet," Ned called to his daughter as he heard no sound inside the room. When he heard no response to his, he began to reach for the door handle just before the door opened, and Arya stepped out in her dress. The dress was made from the most beautiful silk and linen. The color scheme was red on gray, showing the union of House Stark and House Uzumaki.

"I don't like dresses, father." Arya said with a wrinkle of her nose at the thought of the dress." Though this one isn't too bad." Where Arya's feelings about the dress.

"I'm sure you don't want too little one, but we must go to the gates in front of the entrance hall," Ned said as he began to walk towards the dining hall to get his eldest and Theon Greyjoy with little Arya following behind while trying to keep pace. Still, with her tiny legs, it was challenging, especially with the dress on. The trek through the home of the Starks made marvel at its beauty with the different amounts of furs and coat of arms with the dire wolf of House Stark on the tapestries and a few of the various shields. When they arrived at the dining hall, they heard Robb and Theon talking to Sir Rodric and Maester Luwin. Along the side was Septa Mordane talking to a group of servants instructing them to do things. When they drew close, they could make out what Robb and Theon were talking about.

"I feel bad for the young Lord getting Arya. He might lose his mind, with her, you never know." Robb said with a joking tone to his voice with Theon laughing along with Robb while Rodric looked over at his approaching lord.

"Good evening, milord Stark and Arya." He said with a nod of his head and amused smirk on his face as the boys jumped a little turned to Ned, who also had a grin at the boy's reaction.

"Good evening boys, Rodric and Maester, I see you're already so let us see the young lord who is taking your charming sister," Ned Said with his smirk still present as the boys stood up and went to stand next to Arya who had a red blush of anger on her face at Robb's comment.

"Let us be off," Ned said as he and his company began to move towards the main gates when they arrived at the gates with the other Starks present even lady Stark who was with child at the moment. Moving to stand next to his wife, Ned placed a kiss on her cheek and put his hand on her swollen stomach. "How are we doing today," Ned asked with a smile on his face looking at his wife, who turned her head placed her hand on his.

"We are doing well, just sore is all," Cat said with a small smile on her face. Ned nodded and looked ahead as he did he spotted ahead of crimson locks that were slowly approaching. When the person finally came into view, the Starks were treated to the sight of a young boy of six or seven who was wearing the colors of House Uzumaki. The boy spotting them began to come closer to them, and as they did, they could see the brightest blues in the world looking like something out of legend.

"Greetings, Lord and Lady Stark, my name is Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto said with the kindest smile any of them have seen. The smile that was starting to make Arya blush and her older sister Sansa to smile at Arya.

"Greetings, Naruto, we've been expecting you, but may I ask where your guards are," Ned asked in confusion since the letter they gained from the raven said he wouldn't be alone.

"Guards"? Naruto asked with a tilt of his head, reminding everyone of a fox.

"Yes, guar…." Ned began before a loud exclaim came from a man farther down the road.

"Lord Naruto, where are you." The man called out not looking were he is going before he runs into a tree. Getting up from the tree the man spotted a speck of crimson in the distant. "Finally, Lord Naruto, I found you when you left me in the forest by myself, I thought the worst." The man said with happiness in his voice at finding Naruto. "Hello Lord and Lady Stark, my name is Suna Mitogami." The now identified Suna said.

"Hello, Suna, may I ask where Naruto's other guards are," Ned said while he looked at the young man who couldn't be over eighteen. The young man wore a very elaborate set of robes. The robes looked to be made of some animal fur or hide. He also wore some cowl over his head. The clothing was of the black variety with a little about of red along with the trim. The man was also carrying a pack on his back. The package was gray, with multiple pockets on it. His shoes were made from a durable material. They were shaded black.

"Well, you see the young Lord just asked me to come along, said the others were just too lazy for his tastes, only cared about food and women. Suna noted with pride in his voice though there was a hint of disgust after he talked about the other guards.

"Why one man, though, doesn't he think he would need more men to guard him," Ned said with barely controlled anger at this fact.

"Well.. um… you see, I was the only one to convince him he needed guards, but the young Lord said he only need one, and as you can guess where I am." Suna said with nervousness until it changed to pride at the end.

"Why just one though Lord Naruto"? Ned asked with wonderment at the thought of one man guarding the boy.

"Lord Stark Naruto would be fine, not one for formalities." Naruto said, "and to answer your question Suna is a top mage, he earned the name black flame back home, there aren't too many that can beat him in magic or hand to hand combat." Naruto said with pride in his voice though there was a slight blush on his face at the fact he left his guard behind in the forest.

"Why was he left alone," Ned asked while looking at Suna not believing this man to be all that powerful, but looks could be deceiving.

"The young Lord has specks of times he forgets things they normally happen when he just wakes up," Suna said with amusement at the young Lord's blush.

"He forgets things easily then," Ned said in amusement with a light curve of his lip remind of the boy's father had the same problem when they were young.

"Not everything, just random things like me going to get water at the nearby stream." Suna said before quickly adding, "I did leave a golem to watch over him, but when I got there, it was asleep probably from the young lord's mana seeping through his control."

"Okay then, I remember his father having the same problems when he was young," Ned said while remembering the boy's father a man Ned held high respect for. It was a shame that he died before he could raise his son. "Now that you are here, would you care to eat Naruto"?

"Yeah, I'm starving," Naruto said with happiness burning off him in waves. With that said, the Starks and Naruto head to the dining hall was a small feast that was prepared. The entertainment consisted of meats of varying degrees, vegetables, and fruits. The drinks were, of course, wine and water.

"The food looks amazing. Thank you." Naruto said as he prepared to sit down before Ned stopped him.

"You have a place next to Arya if you would like to sit there," Ned said with a kind smile while pointing to a chair that was five seats away from Ned and right next to Arya, who sat to Sansa's right and her to Catelyn.

"Sure, thank you again, Lord Stark," Naruto said with a smile. While moving to the seat Naruto saw who he assumed to be Arya trying to pull her chair out. Seeing her struggle a bit Naruto went over to by pulling it out for her. Arya being the headstrong girl she was, was about say she had before she saw Naruto's bright smile. The smile silenced her cause her to blush and take her seat. Naruto then pushes the chair in for her and then took his place, and Once everyone was seated, the feast began with Naruto grabbing a leg of lamb and some carrots with an apple to top it off. His drink of choice was water for he never had wine.

Arya's plate was filled with a little of everything. Looking at Naruto's plate and comparing it to hers, Arya assumed he would have fantastic table manners, but when she looked back, she was greeted to an empty plate and Naruto reaching for more. She was in shock, not expecting him to be that quick of an eater. He was though the way he ate was fast and efficient, never letting a scrap escape his mouth and eating with the poise of a young Lord. Arya began to eat trying to mimic Naruto, and for the most part, failing, but the strange thing was for every scrap that fell none seemed to touch her dress, even the ones that fell directly towards her skirt. The reason behind this was Naruto seeing her try to mimic him and fail many times he sent a small warding spell towards her.

After some time, the Starks and Naruto had their fill. Since the light was still fresh, the Stark children, including Naruto, went outside to play. Naruto still was the pack. Remember the necklace for Arya. Reaching back, Naruto removed his bag pulled out the chain. Replacing his bag, Naruto put the collar behind his back. Taking a breath to calm his nerves, he begins to make strides toward Arya, who was practicing her marksmanship with a bow missing the target a few times before hitting it. Coughing to get her attention. Getting it, Naruto began to speak, "Arya, I would like to present this necklace, which is a tradition to present an item of love to a maiden of beauty such as yourself." Naruto said, holding out the necklace for Arya to see.

Arya was stunned by the beauty of the necklace and blush at Naruto's words.

"T...t..thank you, Naruto," Arya said, cursing at her stutter, thinking he probably thought her weak now.

Smiling, Naruto moved to put the necklace on her. Arya hesitant at first but allowed him to do so. As Naruto looked at her face more, he could see the resemblance of Lord Stark in her, but he could also see Lady Stark in her too. Though many call her horse face, Naruto can tell she is by far one of the most beautiful beings in existence, and at this fact, Naruto began to blush to daydream of a future together with her. A cough broke that dream. Snapping back to reality, Naruto looked back at Arya, who small blush on her face.

Arya wondering what to do had an idea but began to blush even more. Moving quickly, she placed a kiss on Naruto's cheek, causing him to blush. After their little moment Naruto and began to talk like the kids they were with Naruto asking what her hobbies and dreams were. Arya answering with she wanted to be an archer and practicing her swordplay and marksmanship. Arya asked Naruto the same questions he answered the hobbies with practicing magic and his swordplay along with hand to hand combat, but his dream for the future shocked her. "I want to remove the world of all its hate and bring peace to the world." He didn't know it at the time, but that was the start of Arya's crush for him. One wonders the trials ahead for the duo. This is were one Jon Snow found them talking and laughing like the six-year old's they were.

How did you like love it hate it. Please review if you want more or not.

I might put a poll up for critical events like the Lannister visit and the tourney.