Creation began on 01-04-16

Creation ended on 01-04-16

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Shinji, Master of the Cards

A/N: I spoke with a friend that goes by the name of Aggression25, and he was really upset about this disrespect he was getting on one of the Wikis, so I wrote this for him. It's also one of the only crossovers that's in English.

He saw him by the train tracks as the man walked away, leaving the boy as he cried for him not to leave him. That's when he decided to make himself known.

"Excuse me, young man," he greeted the little boy. "What's the matter?"

"Daddy doesn't want me, anymore," the little boy explained, and the man, dressed in a blue business suit with round spectacles, looked up as the other man, the boy's father, was no longer there.

"What is your name?" He asked him, holding out a small lollipop.

"Shinji Ikari," the boy addressed himself, accepting the lollipop.

"Would you care to come with me?" The man offered. "I'm in need of a young companion."

"You…you won't leave me?" Shinji asked him.

"Not unless you want me to, I won't."

Shinji nodded and left the station with him.

"By the way, my name is Clow Reed."

"That's a funny name."

"So I've been told, many times over."

"I like it."

"Thank you."


Almost a decade went by since that fateful day. But it was something Shinji was glad for as time went by. A lot had transpired since meeting Clow Reed, who he found out was some sort of sorcerer (he almost didn't believe in magic until he saw what the man was capable of on a small scale), and that he was trying to gather up other sorcerers that survived Second Impact to help restore the planet. It wasn't until after he turned eleven that Shinji became his apprentice, as he unintentionally did something that there weren't others that were capable of doing a week before his birthday: He had stumbled onto his most sacred book…and broke its unbreakable seal.

"No one besides me is capable of such a feat, as it requires a lot of magical potential," Clow Reed had told him, finding that his book had been resealed quickly by Shinji. "This can only mean that you have some potential to be a great sorcerer one day."

And that was three years ago, thought Shinji, dressed in the school uniform of the student body that attended the Tomoeda Middle School, which was the same as the uniform used by the students at the elementary school, as he walked past a payphone in the city he stepped into after getting off the train, paying it no mind. He said each of my lessons would help me when I meet that Gendo. Still can't believe that I still need more training before I can begin seeing into the future, though.

During his apprenticeship under Clow Reed, he had learned to affect probability, limited levitation, temporary concealment from the senses of those around him, and even managed to become a clairvoyant before he received his letter from Gendo, instructing him to come to Tokyo-3. Before he left Tomoeda, Clow had given Shinji a book similar to the one he had accidentally opened, and found that it contained several cards similar to the ones he saw in the other book, but their fronts were all blank, which indicated one thing for Shinji: This was another test for him.

Clow certainly enjoys testing people, he thought, sitting down on some steps and looking at the photograph of this woman that was supposed to come pick him up. Is this a coincidence or simply an inevitability that transpires?

He looked away from the photograph of this Misato Katsuragi…and saw a girl that wasn't really there on the streets in front of him. She looked around his age, dressed in a different uniform from the ones he had seen the girls at Tomoeda wear, with pale-blue, page boy hair and red eyes. He blinked…and then she was gone.

Screech! The sound of tires running on the pavement was heard, and Shinji saw a blue Renault come his way, stopping in front of him.

"Road raider!" He called the driver, and they got out and stood in front of him.

"Hello," the woman from the photograph greeted him. "I finally found you."

Shinji stood up and merely bowed his head to her.

"If you're going to dash me back to Gendo, please say so," he told her. "I may be safer riding a bike."


Nearly an hour later was something Shinji regretted being unable to foresee. He understood how Clow felt when the Second Impact occurred and was unable to stop it. A creature that Ms. Katsuragi referred to as an Angel (maybe a big mistake by someone) was attacked by the military to no effort in stopping it, and then a large bomb was used to try and eliminate it. All of this, unfortunately, left Shinji rather disgusted to be around people with violent intentions on their minds and a desire to spill blood onto the ground.

"Oh, did you get a I.D. card from your father?" Misato asked him as she drove the car through a tunnel.

"Yeah, hold on," he responded, reaching into his gray knapsack and pulling out the envelop the letter came in. "His letter was dull, as he didn't elaborate on why he wanted to see me."

"You don't get along with your father, do you?" She asked him.

"Please, don't call him that."


"Don't call him my father. That's not what he is."

Misato found speaking to Shinji to be unlike what she had expected it to be. He seemed distant and not very social, and yet he showed signs of a lot of anger. She suspected that he might've had no clue as to what was even going on here.


"…Fuyutsuki," went Gendo to the Sub-Commander as he left the Central Dogma bridge, "take care of things for me."

"His first reunion with his son in almost a decade," the elder sighed.


"…Is this him?" Ritsuko Akagi, a faux-blond woman, asked Misato, looking at Shinji, who looked back at her with a judgmental expression.

"Uh, yes," Misato answered. "According to the Marduk Institute, he's the Third Child."

"Perhaps you can explain to me more than she couldn't," Shinji expressed, which had Ritsuko take a step back; it shocked her to hear him speak like that. "Just why the Hell did Gendo want to see me?"

"Uh, right," she responded, and then led them down the hall.

"He's very direct," went Misato to Ritsuko.

In his knapsack, one of the cards in his book started to glow.

To be continued…

A/N: This is the only crossover in English!