OOOOKAAAYYY hi ... i´m Steph and i´m kind of new in the fanfiction scene and well this is my very first story but i come from Germany so its kind of hard ... but i do my best to please and it would be really nice if you would tell me if i make any mistakes because i am very ,very bad at grammer and so on ... Thanks .

To say that Naruto was confused was an understatement ! He was sure that he fell asleep beside his wife Hinata yesterday night , he haden´t woken up once the whole night and he haden´t sensed anyone near his house or even Konoha at all , but still ...

But still now he sat in his little appartment at the outskirts of Konoha confused ,angry and in all the glory of his nine year old self , wracking his brain for answers it didn´t have .

Grinding his teeth he made himself a cup of tea (because at this tender age he wasn´t allowed to drink cofee) ,climbed up his chair (damn his short stature ) and thought .

His first thought was " How did I end up in this wrecked up situation ? " then : " Why did I end up in this situation ? " and last but not least : " Who the fuck had the right to stick me into this stupid ass situation ?" . Rest assured he didn´t get any answers out of the the surface of his tea .

The next thing he had to do was to find something to wear because going out to explore this unfortunate situation in his PJ´s was not what he intended to do ( he still had his pride as the seventh Hokage of Konohagakure for fucks sake ) . So searching for something at least half decent it is !

After looking for clothes that weren´t either to small , to brightly colored (orange is an exeption ) or had holes , bigger than his hand , in it . He setteled on a white T-shirt with an orange swirl on its back and dark blue pants . Slipping into his sandals he looked around his appartment and made a disgusted face . It was a total mess . Sighing he stepped out of his appartment , shut the door , and breathed in the the crisp morning air wafting over from the forest nearby .

Adveturous he leapt up to hop over the rooftops of Konohagakure just to be reminded of his current problem ,of NOT being in his adult body anymore and not having the strength nor the Chakra control to hop over a whole street in one go . So with a jelp and an askew sommersault he landed (somehow) facefirst on the rough ground next to the pavement .

And if that wasn´t enough already , he could hear the people around him snort and laugh their asses off . He had almost forgotten how the people reacted to his presence back then ... no now ... no ... ah whatever . He briefly thought about leaking some of Kuramas Killing Intent just to amuse himself but decided against it . He had enough problems as is was , being interrogatet by Ino wouldn´t be too nice ... wait Ino is nine right now ... Ibiki it is then or ... Anko ... Jep no interrogation today nor tomorrow or any other day for rest of the next twenty years .

Standing up he beat the dust out of his clothes , scanned himself for any injuries that needed to heal a little while longer and proceeded to walk (he could practically hear Sasuke laughing in the backround) through the winding streets of Konoha in the hopes to find any clues about how he got here in the first place .