"… Barry will have to show you around Central City's police department, if he's not here, usually he's up in his lab." Iris looked at Barry, pressing the toes of her left foot to put pressure on Barry's right foot. He broke his stupor and chuckled nervously.
"We are new recruits with the CCPD, we start in a couple of days." Jai reported, noting that Barry hadn't been listening to anything that had been said for the five minutes that had passed since introductions were made.
"Captain S. has us already locked into a case that's half done. We just have to finish it off." Irey finished for her brother, she smiled at Barry and Iris brightly. She was excited to use the old technology she had read about in books from the future.
She was really wanting to tell someone, anyone, about the world she and Jai had come from. The once bright and good city known as Central City resembled that of a smoking crater that was littered with the skeletons of previously built buildings that were fairly small. The larger residential and skyscraper buildings were used for scrap material and carefully disassembled to make prisons and grungy less-than-adequate and hardly habitable houses that usually houses two to three families per structure.
It was Jai that had built the time machine, and studied up on how the Flash from this time line had travelled through time. He tried to exactly replicate Flash's and ended up with a red circle, yellow background and a red lightning bolt in the centre; just like Flash's symbol on the front on the treadmill. Irey saw that her brother enjoyed building the machine.
What really impressed her was that Jai built it specifically for Irey's speed (he was forced to accept that she was the fastest of the pair) and when she began running on the treadmill, they were almost dead. Since he had come from Earth 2 when other metahumans had gone through simultaneously, Eobard Thawne had taken over once he had killed Professor Zoom, and Barry Allen.
Their father, while being a speedster himself, kept his powers a secret to protect his family. His values for his loved ones cost him his life for their protection, Jai and Irey made it their cause to go back and prevent that future from even happening. They needed to stop it.
She couldn't tell anyone, and talking about it with her brother set a wave of paranoia through her spine and gut when in their home. No doubt they would be in trouble at some point. They couldn't tell Barry they knew about his speed either, much less they were just like him from the future about forty years from where they currently were.
The conversation continued, Iris engaged deep with talking to Jai about the criminals and heroes around Starling and Central City, and Irey smiled at her brother finding a friend in this timeline. They weren't sure how long they'd be here, she wanted to make the most of it while they were still here. But, Irey tried not to look at Barry, even with her head to the side of him and focus fully intent on her brother, his eyes were felt in her head.
It was the same stare he had when they first entered into the café.
A buzzing sound emanated from underneath the table. Iris reached down to haul her purse into her lap, digging out her phone in the process. She rolled her eyes; gulping down the remainder of her coffee.
"I have to go, my boss wants me back as soon as possible. Apparently there's something going down in Central Park and a news crew is waiting for me." Iris stood up from the chair and Barry threw her a puzzled look.
"You're going to be reporting?" He asked. Iris shook her head.
"No, but they want me out in the field to observe for when I do end being in front of the camera." She hugged Barry tightly and kissed his cheek. "It'll be good for me, I'll stay out of trouble. And it was good meeting both of you, hopefully we get to hang out again, alright?"
Jai had a smile on his face, but it seemed like a proud smile more than just a regular one he had for his friends. Irey hoped he didn't blow anything about their cover. Barry looked like he was going to open his mouth to say something when Jai jumped from his chair and pulled Irey to her own feet; he put her purse over his shoulder.
Irey was going to say how silly he looked, a twenty-three year old man carrying around a ladies purse. Then Barry laughed and covered his mouth with his hand, Irey smiled at him as she turned her attention to him.
"Your brother walked out with your purse, and chocolate power around his mouth." Irey stifled her own laugh, Jai was such a dork when he wanted to make her happy. He had obviously noticed the tension she felt during the coffee break.
"I'm not meaning to sound too forward," Barry started slowly, pulling a napkin to himself and pulling out a pen from somewhere.
'Always prepared and never really subtle, always Barry.' Irey thought.
"Here's my number," he handed the napkin over to her, the tiny shock went through his fingertips as they grazed Irey's. "I'd really like to hang with you again, if you're up for it."
"Thanks," she mumbled softly, the napkin now neatly folded and placed carefully inside of the front pocket of jeans. "I'll keep that in mind."
Barry was left alone, but he was needed elsewhere, and a message from Cisco timed a second later confirmed where he had to be. He just hoped Iris wouldn't be anywhere near Central Park when the mess was going on.
A.N. I know, really small chapter, but I've just felt worse today because of how sick I am. At least I got this done, now I can take a nap if I want. I probably won't but still, I did something today. Also, there was one person who suggested I watch this next season of the Flash (unfortunately I can't get the CW app since it's not on the Australian store) but my internet is crappy so that's out of the question until my internet speed picks up, which is the company's fault (again!). Anyway, this had a little more with the twins, you'll be getting little hints here and there and before you know it the bombshell will be dropped (again, if you know who they are, don't put it in the comments). Hope you enjoyed and I'll try to write the next chapter soon.