As Leonard Stark broke into the most expensive jewelry store of Central City, he thought to himself that the owners made it too easy for him to break in. You think with all the rash of thefts... mostly done by him and the city over run by meta-freaks, they would have much tighter security.

Leonard went to a case, that was filled with very high priced Sapphires. Lisa's birthday was soon. Even though it was not her birthstone, she was crazy for the blue gems.

With his intel of the store knowing that all the jewelry cases were installed with alarms in them, Leonard took out his cold gun, that he had stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs over a year ago. He put it on medium setting, not wanting to turn the entire jewelry store into a Winter Wonderland.

Leonard puts his protected goggles on and aimed the gun at the desired case. He was ready to pull the trigger, but suddenly he sensed that something wasn't right. He turned off the gun, putting it back in his parka, and raised the goggles over his head. He looked around wondering what was causing the sense of worry in him.

Leonard walked over to the front door, looking out of Central City. It was a freezing night, but the city was calm. He looked at the tallest building of the city, all of a sudden the top of the structure exploded in a ball of fire. Leonard was startled by the doors, shaking from the impact of the sound of the explosion.

All of a sudden Leonard's jaw dropped. minus the little sparks of flames raining down on the city, a red streak was falling super fast and looked like it was heading towards Central Park.

"Barry," Leonard whispered in fear as he rushed out of the store.

I know this chapter is really, really short. I had planned to be just one story, but got several ideas so now it will be a chapter story. promise to have chapter 2 soon.