Characters: John Hancock, Original Female Character(s), Daisy, Fahrenheit, Female Sole Survivor, Dogmeat, Original Animal Character(s),
Relationships: John Hancock/Original Female Character(s)
Tags: Het, Ghoul, Romance, Adventure
Summary: Finding your place in the world is hard, especially for a drifter like Edi.
A/N: This piece was written for the Fallout kink meme. This started out as just a fill and then it turned into a 20,000 monster that will eventually become a series because I've half written another four pieces that centre around this OC, nothing concrete yet but I will definitely leave links to them if anyone is interested when they have been finished, anyway I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it :) I'll be posting a chapter up each day as it's going to be too much to post up all at once :)
The original prompt was as follows: Give me an OC falling for a named character, I would prefer a female OC with a male npc, but if you want to go a different route that's fine.
Part One of the Drifter Girl Verse
Edi popped a couple of Rad-x pills and stared up into the sky. She was one of the few humans in Goodneighbor who stood outside during a radiation storm. She enjoyed the green haze and the incredible flashes of bright lightening, it made her feel that little bit more alive. She closed her eyes and breathed in the metallic smell, it reminded her of home, but home was a long way away, and this place? Well - it was close enough. She wasn't the odd one out here, and most people were friendly. Even though most other places frowned upon drifters as if they were the scum of the irradiated earth, Goodneighbor welcomed them.
The metallic smell grew stronger and she opened her eyes. Leaning against the wall a foot away was the mayor of Goodneighbor himself, John Hancock.
"Most o' you smoothskins have escaped inside already. What makes you different sister?" His voice was rough, like gravel crunching under your boots.
She smiled, holding up the bottle of Rad-x that had been loosely clutched in her fingers and shaking it. "Breakfast of champions."
He chuckled, "Like watching the storms?"
She nodded looking up again. "They are beautiful, but mostly it's the radiation smell. Reminds me of home."
He reached into his pocket, producing a Jet inhaler, he held it out to her. "Want a hit?"
She shook her head, "I don't do chems, but thanks." He looked slightly put out and she was worried she had offended him, he went to place it back in his jacket. "It's ok," she said quickly, "I haven't got anything against 'em, or people who use. Go ahead, really."
He raised a brow, "You sure?"
She nodded, "Of course, go for it." She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. His was crooked as he smiled back, putting the Jet to his lips, he closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. She watched in fascination as his entire body went almost boneless, his head dropped back against the wall and his tongue snaked out to lick his lips. He tossed the inhaler into the trashcan almost 30 feet away. She was impressed, he was a good shot, though she wouldn't expect he had gotten to be mayor on his charisma alone, she had heard tales of that legendary charisma, she wondered briefly if any of it was true.
He pulled out a battered packet of cigarettes, placing one in mouth he offered the pack to her, "Want one?" The cigarette bobbed around his words.
"Yes please," she replied. He flicked a silver lighter to life stepping closer to light hers for her. She noticed with an exhale he didn't move away again.
They stood against the wall, shoulders almost touching, he broke the companionable silence. "Is there any particular reason you don't use sister? There ain't a lot of drifters around who don't, it's unusual I guess."
She shrugged, "I ain't like most around here." She blew a couple of smoke rings, "There's three reasons actually. My Mammy - well the woman who raised me anyway - she told me if she ever caught me doing chems, she'd stick her foot so far up my ass my spine would come out my eye." Hancock laughed, the sound was rich, Edi grinned, "The second reason is I don't have the caps to keep up the habit. Third reason is similar to the second, I don't have the cash to buy the stuff that gets you off 'em."
He smiled, "I would think the spine through the eyeball is reason enough."
She laughed, "Yeah, well, a hard woman is my Mammy, loving and all that but - damn - you'd never wanna piss her off."
Hancock crushed the butt under his boot, pushing himself off the wall. "Well, it was nice to meet you sister."
"Edith. Most people call me Edi."
"Edi. It's pretty that." She felt her cheeks heat up, his eyes flickered down to her blushing skin and he gave her a cocky smirk. "If, ya ever need caps, I got some jobs that need doin'. They're not a walk in the park mind, but there's caps in it. Come see me if yer interested."
She smiled, "Thanks, I might just do that." Edi watched him walk away.
Damn, crushing on the town mayor was such a bad idea.