Disclaimer: I own nothing of The Vampire Dairies or The Originals. I have combined the two and have changed a few things for this story. I use The Vampire Diaries & Originals Wiki for information.
Chapter 1
Niklaus and I are in his office at the compound trying to figure out what Lucien, Tristan, and Aurora are up to when my phone rings. I truly surprised by who is calling me so I answer.
"Elijah, it's Caroline. I need you to do me a favor. A witch from the Gemini coven named Malachai Parker (Kai) used a linking spell on Elena and Bonnie so now their lives are linked, but it cause Elena to go into a deep slumber. Kai explained she would slumber until Bonnie dies, but if anyone tries to undo the spell or kills Bonnie, they both will die. Now that's not the worst of it, while Damon and Bonnie were in the prison world created by the Gemini coven they were together and Bonnie had enough magic to send Damon home and she went after the cure before she came home.
Damon killed Kai hoping that would undo the spell but it did not. Damon gave Elena the cure without her knowledge so now she is human and in a coffin slumbering. They put her in the Salvatore crypt. When Bonnie and Kai came back from the prison world and Kai was turned while there and he released the Heretics as well, now they have taken over Mystic Falls. I am afraid for Elena since she is human again and in a deep slumber. Please come take Elena out of Mystic Falls and do not let anyone from here know. Please protect her until she wakes up. There is nothing here for her anymore." She says
"I will leave immediately and be there in a few hours." I say
Once I hang up, I go back into the office. I explain everything to Niklaus. He goes into a rage over what has happened to Elena, which I do not understand.
"Niklaus, why are you in such a rage over what is happening in Mystic Falls and to Elena?" I ask
"Because, Elijah I left her there to live her life as she pleases. Now, you tell me what they did to her, the Salvatores was to call me if anything happen to her and yet they have not. Elijah, she is my mate. I knew the minute that I started draining her to break my curse, but thought she would reject me. I planned on protecting her even though I knew she would never be mine go bring her home; I will have her room ready by the time you get back. I will not let her go once she wakens. I will protect her better this time. Why did they put her in a crypt? She will be all alone once she wakens in that crypt." He whispers
"I truly do not know. I promise to help you protect your mate once I bring her home where she belongs." I promise
I leave the compound thinking about what Niklaus just told me. I cannot believe that Niklaus and Elena are mates. I also cannot believe that he would let her go. He truly does loves her. I never thought I would see him let go of something that belong to him like that. I hope she will understand he will not let her go again once she awakens.
As I reach Mystic Falls I call Caroline, I let her know I am on my way to the crypt if she wishes to meet me there, which she agrees to. Once she is there I explain to her what Niklaus as told me, she tells me that what Bonnie told her makes more since to her now.
She says Bonnie would say things like Niklaus and Elena's auras matched and when in the same place their auras would seem to be reaching for one another. She tells me she understands now that I told her they are mates. As we load, Elena into the SUV I ask her to keep me updated so that way I can tell her everything when she awakens. She tells me everyone is keeping journals for Elena. She tells me that she wants her to know everything that happens in their lives so she does not feel as she missed anything. Everyone is to put the journals into a box in the caves where Bonnie has spelled the box so no one can take them except for Elena. Once we are done, I say goodbye to her and head back to New Orleans.
Once I return to the compound, I find Niklaus waiting on us. He helps me unload her coffin and leads the way to her room, which is at the end of the hall next to his room. I watch as he gently removes her from the coffin and place her onto the bed while he kissed her forehead. He then calls our sister Freya to place a protection spell onto her room so no one could take her or harm her in anyway. Once that is done, we return to his office to discuss what will happen once she awakens.
Niklaus explains to me what I have missed once I left. We are discussing how to take down the strix when our brother Kol who died awhile back walks into the office. Both Niklaus and I are speechless. I finally find my voice and ask.
"How in the world are you alive and back to being a vampire?"
"Well, death cannot keep me away long, but Niklaus' mate Elena Gilbert needs me so the witches on the other side brought me back because you will need me to help keep our family safe. You learn a lot once you are on the other side. They gave me back my witch powers so now i am a hybrid as well before they sent me back. I need to wake Elena from her deep slumber. We will need our sisters here once I wake her because she has a lot to explain to us but they saw fit to send me back before they explained anything. I was told she needed to learn where she came from and how to use her magic before she can be wakened." Kol explains
"How can you wake her without killing both Elena and the Bennett witch? I was told if the spell was undone that both would die." I say
"The Bennett witches on the other side came together with the Petrova bloodline to undo the spell that Kai placed on them without harming either girl, but the witch will not realize the spell is no longer in affect. They are truly upset that Silas was wakened and tried to destroy the other side, that a Gemini was released and did his best to destroy the Gemini coven, but most of all they are upset over our mother.
You know how mother was trying to kill us for the balance of nature. Well they explain to me that the balance of nature has adapted with vampires so by killing off vampires now will upset the balance once again, they wish to stop that from happening. I learned that Elena was not the one who got Jeremy to kill me and my line to finish his hunters mark, it was Silas. I will protect your mate Nik, as she is a part of our family. Nik, she has learned of that little fact so beware when I wake her. Now can you show me where she is so I can do the spell to wake her?" Kol asks