The Eternal Shinobi

DISCLAIMER: I own neither Naruto nor PJO; they belong to Kishimoto and Riordan, respectively. I'm just playing in their sandbox for a while.

Chapter 1: What do you do with an Immortal Shinobi…?

Sighing as he looked around the house one final time, the shinobi smiled faintly as he recalled all the good times that he'd had here over the years. Then he frowned as he realized that he still hadn't aged physically since he was twenty five. Sadly shaking his head as he sighed once more, he absently rubbed his hand over his stomach as he thought back to the reason for his Eternal Youth and Immortality.

Flashback no Jutsu!

Eighteen year old Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto stood silently across from Uchiha Madara's cooling corpse for a moment, before unrolling a sealing scroll and throwing it gently across the body before channeling a tiny bit of chakra and sealing his body within it. An almost imperceptible flash of red crossed his amethyst colored orbs. His hair, once a bright sunny yellow, was now predominately the crimson of his mother's clan, with blonde and black tips.

Having found out about his mother's clan, the Uzumaki, from Ero-Sennin while they were on their three year training trip had led him to create a Chi Bunshin, or Blood Clone, that had taken his place while he had left for Whirlpool Country in search of anything that was left of his fallen Clan. Once he had made it safely past the traps that had been left behind simply because they couldn't be gotten rid of, he had dropped the genjutsu hiding his eyes and placed the tiniest bit of chakra, activating his Sharingan.

The Dojutsu of the Uchiha Clan was his by birthright, but he'd kept it a secret from everyone but Uchiha Itachi, the Sandaime and Godaime Hokage's. The Sandaime, Sarutobi Hiruzen, had known about it since the incident where he'd activated them when he was five years old; Itachi knew about it since he'd been the one to train him in the abilities and how the eyes were just a tool, like a kunai or sealing scroll; and finally the Godaime Hokage, Senju Tsunade, knew because she had read her Sensei's secret scrolls and had found out through testing that he was the great-great-grandson of Uchiha Madara through his mother's side.

Walking slowly as he approached the gates, he'd bitten his thumb and smeared a tiny amount on the blood seal that was in the center of the Uzumaki whirl that held the gates shut. Allowing them to slowly creep open, he calmly created about fifty Kage Bunshin to gather the bones of his clansmen so that they could be laid to rest in the proper fashion instead of lying around where they had fallen. Approaching the center of the village and the remains of the Kage Tower, he carefully studied the seals adorning the door and swiftly placed his blood and chakra into the correct places and took a step back as the door opened. Once he was sure that his way was clear, he created ten more Kage Bunshin, half to explore and the other half to take care of the remains.

Several hours later, he was rewarded when his clones dispelled and he discovered the location of the Uzumaki Clan's hidden vault. While on the outside he was calm and measured in his approach, on the inside he was anxious. He knew that his worries were unfounded, because if he weren't related to the Uzumaki, he wouldn't have been able to enter the buildings that he had, as the seals would have killed him. A few minutes passed as he walked through the center of the once massive and active village, ensuring that he was headed in the right direction, to the far side of the village from the rest of the Elemental Nations.

Once he'd reached the shore, he turned and faced the North, and headed for the caves that could be seen just about a hundred meters or so ahead of him. Casting his eyes over the outer walls of the cave, he saw another of the blood and chakra seals, and knew that he had found what he was looking for. As he approached the seal, he found out that this one was quite different, in that he would need to channel approximately half his chakra into this seal along with the blood that he would need to activate the testing seal.

Ten minutes later, he had just finished with his forced channeling of his chakra, and it had finally disengaged, allowing him to drop his hand and take a step back. A few more seconds later, there was a bright flash of light and the slight grinding of stone on stone, and once his eyes had recovered from the light, he looked at the cave once more and saw that there was now an entryway at the back of the shallow cave and stairs leading downward. Shaking off the momentary fatigue, he pressed onward; as he had much to do and not enough time to do it in.

Once he had traveled down the passage for about fifteen minutes, he came upon some scanning seals, which lit up as he passed, scanned him for about thirty seconds, and then shut down. As soon as they had shut off, he felt the earth vibrate beneath him, as he watched the door to the vault open. Heading forward, he bit off a sharp inhalation as he gazed on the wealth around him, both a wealth of knowledge as well as of a monetary and physical amount around him. Creating a massive amount of clones once more, he had his clones each produce a scroll and ink and begin creating mass storage seals while he explored the scrolls.

One Month later, Uzumaki Clan vault, Beginning of Training Year 2

Having spent a good portion of his time reading, Naruto hadn't ignored the training he was supposed to be doing, and had had a truly enormous amount of techniques at his fingertips. Along with that he had a truly massive amount of knowledge, knowledge that he now knew should truly be lost to the ages, as it would possibly cause a war to end all wars. Such information included but wasn't limited to the facts that: the Uzumaki Clan were the sole flesh and blood descendants of the Rikudo Sennin, that the Uchiha and Senju clans had been gifted their abilities from him, they were not his descendants; That the Hyuuga and Senju were offshoots from the Uzumaki, and not the other way around in the case of the Senju.

These and more secrets had led him to believe that maybe there was no true way to peace as long as chakra remained at everyone's fingertips. As it was, he was currently finishing up his work on a fuinjutsu technique that would allow him complete access to the full potential of his genes. With the final stroke of his brush, he set it down to the side and carefully stepped over the rings of script and sealing symbols, before taking a seat and slowly channeling his chakra throughout his body as he rapidly flashed through the multitude of hand seals that were required to activate the technique. Three minutes later he finished the unbroken string of seals and finished on the Tora seal while closing his eyes and flaring a massive amount of chakra throughout his body, all the way from the tips of his toes to the tips of the hair on his head.

Gritting his teeth through the pain, he was determined to beat this as he had too much to live for, too many promises that he couldn't forsake, and he knew that he would never be able to live with himself if he failed now.

A few hours later, nearly drained to the point of falling into a coma, the young shinobi felt the strain lessen and saw a flash of light through his closed eyelids. Opening his eyes after the flash had died out, one of his clones stood nearby with a plate of food, which he had taken gratefully before blinking at the knowledge that he had gained from the clone; not only had they finished going through the scrolls, they had also discovered what was referred to as a time dilation chamber.

It had apparently been the pinnacle of his clan's work in fuinjutsu, especially to be functional after all these years. From what his clones had managed to figure out, it was still viable, but only for one more use. The secret to creating and maintaining the chamber had been destroyed shortly after its creation, as apparently the maintenance of the room had been designed to be passed down from generation to generation by personal instruction and guidance.

Once he had finished the food, he slowly stood and stretched, before heading in the direction of the chamber to examine it. Minutes later, he stood there looking over the sealing formulas, following the lines of script carefully, as he deciphered what he could of the process, building on what little knowledge his clones had discovered. Mumbling under his breath, he walked back and forth tracing the lines with his finger, decoding the seal a piece at a time, until finally, about an hour later, he was tired enough that he knew he needed to sleep. Creating a half dozen clones, he gave them their instructions and then left, intent on finding his strained body a decent meal and about twelve solid hours of sleep.

Late the next day he awoke, feeling much refreshed, and he went to the bathroom to relieve his bodily functions. It was there that he received his first shock as he realized that the process had taken effect, as he stared into the mirror and saw the changes that had happened seemingly overnight. His eyes, once blue as the sky on a clear day, were now a dark amethyst purple, and his hair was a dark crimson almost black, with black and gold tips to his shock. The whiskers that had marked his face since his birth had lightened somewhat, and were less noticeable by far. He was also quite a bit taller, as well as filled out more than before, which caused him to smile as he no longer looked like a starving waif anymore, and looked more like the young shinobi and man that he had trained so long and hard to be.

After quickly breaking his fast, he moved back to the time dilation chamber where he sat down and began meditating, which was the signal for his clones to dispel. Sorting through the clones' memories and what they had found out didn't take long at all, just a matter of minutes, but he did figure out where the control seals were and how to operate them. There were four control seals, and of those there were two of them on the inside of the chamber. The two that were outside controlled the amount of dilation and the charging input seal for the chakra that powered the chamber itself, while the two on the interior were an environmental control seal and a power switch seal.

Smirking to himself, he made fifty clones and had them gather all the sealed food and drink that they had found in a separate storeroom, and set it inside the chamber. While they worked on gathering the provisions that he would need, he sat down and made a list of things that he would need to accomplish while inside the chamber since he would need an approximate timeline to work with. Off the top of his head, he knew that he would need to work on mastering the jutsu that he already knew, as well as mastering many new ones. Then there was the need to master the art of fuinjutsu, the Chakra Chains of his mother's clan, the Dojutsu abilities of his ancestor's clan, as well as learning the kenjutsu style of the Uzumaki Clan.

After examining the seal closely, he determined that an hour on the outside to a week on the inside was an appropriate ratio for him. As long as he could pump enough chakra into the seal, he should be able to keep the chamber going for quite some time. If he just used his own chakra, and he was reading this chart right, he would be able to maintain it for three full days on the outside, which equaled almost a year and a half. Of course if he threw three tails of Kyuubi's chakra in…he would be alone for a whole lot longer.

Shaking his head he decided to keep it to just his own chakra, simply because he would possibly go insane if he stayed in there for too long by himself. He kept himself busy by checking out the weapons that he planned on taking in with him, packing away the scrolls that he would be using during his training, and ensuring that he was ready to start first thing in the morning.

Five Days Later,(Two Years and Four Months during Time Dilation)

Grinning widely to himself as he exited the chamber, he sighed as the seals broke down completely, leaving nothing behind. Turning once more towards the racks of scrolls, he walked forward and grabbed one of the large empty scrolls, and created two hundred clones without a single hand seal. Taking a seat on the floor, Naruto pulled out a small vial of ink and bit his thumb before quickly holding it over the opened vial. Once his hand had healed he slowly swirled the bottle around in gentle circles for a few moments before pulling a brush to swiftly and gracefully start on a massive number of storage seals that were keyed to him and him alone.

Meanwhile, the clones started to work on their tasks, checking the scrolls to ensure that they contained what was inscribed on them before piling them up in front of their creator in an orderly fashion. It might have taken hours, but the time truly flew by and before he knew it he had everything that his once great clan had left behind. Having decided to stay one last night here before moving on to his next objective, Naruto bowed his head in memory of his ancestors before moving one final time to the bed he had laid out. The next morning would come all too early; after all he was heading to Tetsu no Kuni.

Flashback no Jutsu KAI!

The sad part was that that had merely been the beginning, and there had been several other odd happenings before he'd finally realized that something was off. There had been several incidents that he'd been able to explain away, at least until he had been on a mission with Team Asuma, where he'd gotten hit with a senbon that had had a poison on it, as he had felt the burn from the puncture wound. It wasn't until much later, when Naruto had brought the senbon in for testing with Shizune that anyone had noticed anything wrong. It had only been a matter of a minute or two when she had burst out of the room where she had been testing the poison, looking for him that he knew something wasn't right.

Several weeks later, Tsunade had gotten back to him on the results of several different and very intensive batteries of tests that they had run and everything that she had done had pointed to him effectively being immortal. To the best of her knowledge they figured he would have a massive drop in the speed at which he aged once he hit twenty-five and they couldn't determine at any point when he would keel over from old age. There had even been a couple of tests to see just how fast he could recover from his wounds and the Healing Factor he had from both his Uzumaki genes and him being the Jinchuriki for the Kyuubi was off the charts.

Everyone who knew Naruto, truly knew him, had known for quite some time that the only thing that he truly wanted out of life was to have a family, and now hearing that he would effectively outlive everyone that he cared about…well, Tsunade wasn't very happy that she'd had to be the one to drop that exploding tag into his lap, but what was even worse was when she saw the look on his face. It wasn't readily obvious unless you looked deeply into his eyes, but she could see that he was truly heartbroken, so she stood and walked around her desk and wrapped her surrogate son in her arms and cried with him.

The final straw had been when he'd been near to blindness from his extended battle with Madara, and had needed to have Itachi replace his eyes with Madara's. There had been a brief searing pain, but once Naruto had opened his eyes, Itachi had held up a kunai for him to see his reflection. As the younger shinobi had calmly looked at his reflection and fed his eyes a trickle of chakra, he had been unsurprised to see that his eyes were a combination of Madara's and Itachi's, only with the colors reversed. Nodding his thanks to his cousin, he had once more turned his attention to the battlefield, trying to figure out the best way of taking care of the Juubi and Kaguya Otsutsuki as quickly as possible.

Flashback no Jutsu!

Turning towards Itachi and Sasuke, he had tilted his head towards the Matriarch of all Shinobi. "If I can get the two of you to distract her and keep her occupied, I believe I have a fuinjutsu solution to ridding ourselves of them once and for all." As he got their consent, he created a couple dozen clones, each of whom immediately leapt to their assigned tasks. A dozen of them immediately cleared two spaces and began writing out the containment seals for the jutsu in two different places, while the others began clearing away the wounded and dead, taking them to the rear to be taken care of.

Once they were nearly done with the seals, Naruto channeled chakra and a drop of blood through each of the summoning tattoos that he'd had imbued into his skin with ink and chakra. Each and every one of his summons, with the exception of the toads, he had approached and requested their assistance after his defeat of Pein and the absorbing of his Rinnegan eyes. As he had asked them, instead of enslaving them, he had acquired each of their clan's as well as the toads.

This time though, he had summoned six specific individuals: Gamabunta, the Chief of the Toads; Shikage, the Lord of the Cloud Leopards; Hanakage, the Mistress of Lizards; Takehana, the Queen of the Pandas; Shinibana, the Ruler of the Kitsune; and finally, Umikage, the Ruler of the Sea Eagles and the traditional summon clan of the Uzumaki.

Bowing before them, Naruto stood tall before them and greeted them with a small smile. "At the current moment I unfortunately do not have the capability to greet you as you deserve. We, the Shinobi Nations need your assistance in ending the greatest threat that has ever been in existence; I need your assistance in sealing away the Juubi and the Progenitor of the Shinobi, Kaguya Otsutsuki." Motioning with his hands towards the containment areas, he continued laying out his plan to the Clan Chiefs.

"Behind me are two separate containment seals, that I will need your assistance in getting the two individuals near them. As long as they are both within fifty meters of the seals when I activate them, they will be drawn into the area and subdued without access to their chakra for just long enough for me to activate my sealing jutsu: Uzumaki kyūkyoku no himitsu geijutsu: Eien ni tōgoku."

The gathered summons sat there stunned. "You ask much of us Naruto, but you have also given much to us," Takehana rumbled in her deep voice.

Nodding to her left, Shikage spoke up next in his higher pitched voice, "I am going to guess that you already have an idea of what we'll need to do then?"

Gesturing to where Itachi and his younger brother were currently doing everything to distract the woman who had been resurrected, "I feel that it would be best if Hanakage, Shinibana, and Umikage were to aid the Uchiha brothers in their fight against Kaguya, as she has not yet regained her full abilities. Gamabunta, Takehana, and Shikage will be better suited in drawing the Juubi into position as it will be disoriented for a short period of time once it fully reforms, which will be in a matter of minutes as Uchiha Obito's chakra coils weren't strong enough to contain the beast's chakra and thus were ruptured, killing him and freeing the Ten Tails from the seal."

Receiving nods of agreement from the Bosses, Naruto created twelve clones to go with his summons and aid them, as they split up and moved in on their targets. Paying more attention to Kaguya at the moment, he calmly sat there and started gathering Nature Chakra, making his final preparations. He then noticed the five Kage of the major Hidden Villages making their way over to him, and as they approached, he ensured that they didn't ruin any of his seal markings that he'd laid out.

The first of them to approach and greet him was the Kazekage, Gaara. "As good as it is to see you Naruto, where can we assist you?" Looking at each of them; A, the Raikage; Onoki, the Tsuchikage; Terumi Mei, the Mizukage; and Senju Tsunade, the Hokage, and receiving nods from each of them, he sighed. Figuring which of them would be best to aid in different places, he turned to face the horde of White Zetsu that still remained, motionless and still on the distant battlefield, Naruto thought about it for a moment before speaking.

"Gaara, I think that the best place for all of you and your remaining shinobi and kunoichi is to be eliminating the remainder of the White Zetsu army, before they can be controlled by Kaguya. If she regains anymore of her powers or abilities then that mass of creatures will become an overwhelming problem," pausing here for a moment and assessing what he knew of their abilities, pairing them in combinations in his head, he then resumed where he had left off.

"I think that along with ten of your best Jonin each, that the best combinations we have at the moment are the Kazekage and his sand with the Tsuchikage and his Dust techniques; the Mizukage and her water techniques with the Raikage and his lightning techniques. That leaves the Hokage and her assistant Shizune to be nearby for emergency care and treatment."

Looking to each of them and seeing their faces light up with something that they could do to assist in ending this conflict; they nodded and took off for the White Zetsu who were standing there and began to eliminate them. Not to be outdone, their shinobi joined them in taking out the massive numbers of the enemy, while Tsunade summoned her assistants to her location and turned her attention to the massive forms of the summons that were slowly turning the battle with Kaguya around. Dodging her attacks, weaving combination attacks with the two Uchiha, and in general driving her towards the target area, keeping her off-balance the whole time they were attacking her.

Then there was a huge roar that was sounded as a massive wave of Killing Intent temporarily flooded the area. Snapping their heads around to look in the general direction, the shinobi and summons were able to see as the massive form of a ten-tailed wolf formed over the remains of Uchiha Obito, rapidly gaining a form and mass as they watched.

As soon as the wolf had regained a corporeal body, the three summon Chiefs attacked their intent to drive it towards their summoner clear in their movements. Gamabunta blinded it with oil, while Takehana barreled into the beast driving it over onto its side. Shikage aggravated it further by nipping at its heels, forcing the Juubi to focus on its closest attacker and defend itself. They slowly moved the giant wolf towards the target area, but it was definitely turning into a battle of attrition as not a single one of the Boss Summons was going to come out of this unscathed.

It was half an hour later, after the constant back and forth battles that Naruto was struck by an idea, and he turned to Tsunade. "Tsunade, I need you and your student Sakura to help end this battle, as the Bosses of the summon clans are slowly wearing down." Once he had both the Slug Sennin and her most recent student where he could talk to them, the people who could see them had shivers run the length of their spine at the malicious looks of glee that came over the two medical ninja's faces before they immediately sprang into action.

The first one to connect was Sakura, and she had almost jumped the gun. It was only due to Sasuke's last moment attack with his Raiton: Kirin. In order to dodge the blast of lightning from the sky, she leapt right into the oncoming attack from Sakura. Utilizing the strength technique that she had learned from her teacher, on top of catching her target unaware, managed to knock her over to where her team mate was waiting.

Once Naruto had seen that Sakura had connected, he had two of clones commence going through a relatively short set of hand seals before stopping on the Rat seal. "Uzumaki kyūkyoku no geijutsu: Chakura haisui kusari!"

As his clones called out the jutsu, four silvery chains seemed to shoot out from their palms, two apiece, and launched towards Kaguya. Two chains pierced each of her hands and feet and wrapped around her legs and arms before pulling apart and spreading her limbs away from each other and moving her toward the seal. The more that she struggled, the more the chains tightened, draining away more and more of her chakra and strength.

In the meantime, the battle against the massive Ten-Tail wolf was taking considerably more effort, at least until the other three summon Bosses were able to assist them. Soon enough they were able to get its attention on them as they slowly drew him closer to where there summoner sat, patiently waiting as he was already in possession of one of their targets. That was when Tsunade saw her opportunity and she took it, and immediately requested that Gamabunta launch her into the air. Seeing what she was driving at, he set the edge of his sword on the ground and once she was in place, flicked it upwards.

Taking a minute to center her mind and get her spinning under control, soon she was descending feet first, aiming herself like a kunai at the back of the mighty beast's head and focusing as much of her chakra into her feet as she could. It was all almost for naught, as it looked like the wolf was throwing its head back to howl, which opened the mouth in line to swallow the last Senju whole, when Shinibana and Shikage both wrapped their tails around the jaws of the wolf and slammed its head into the ground. Because of the suddenness of the attack, they had managed to catch the Juubi off-guard and bounced its head off the ground with a resounding crack; stunning the beast and leaving it wide open for Tsunade's attack.

Flipping herself in midair to be able to deliver the blow in the back of the head, she waited till the last second before screaming out her attack; "Itami no amata!" Once the blow was delivered, the Slug Sennin was momentarily falling through the air until she felt something warm and furry wrap around her waist, halting her fall and bringing her down onto a back. Once there she turned her attention back to Naruto, who she saw had the situation well under control, and sighed as she realized that her surrogate son had grown so strong in such a short time. 'Oh Kushina, Minato I wish you could see your son now, you would be so proud of him. I know you would be too, you old pervert…'

Racing through the hand seals as swiftly as was possible, Naruto eyeballed the distance between the Juubi and the target seal for the beast, watching carefully as the dozen clones that were currently pulling the beast forward with their chakra chains worked. Turning his attention to the six summon Bosses, he judged that they were far enough away so as to not become victims to the sealing jutsu that he had prepared, which comforted him greatly. Returning his attention to the task at hand, he slowly entered Sennin Mōdo, which on top of supplementing his chakra coils with Nature Chakra, changed his looks ever so slightly, as the turned more feral and animalistic.

The first thing that anyone noticed was that his eyes were surrounded by royal purple markings, then there were his whisker markings which became slightly more pronounced and his canines grew longer, the tips of them faintly protruding from his mouth. The other noticeable change was to his eyes, in that the shape of his pupil changed from the normal round circle, to a more predatory slit. This was the end result of his training under the Toad, Kitsune, Leopard, and Panda Sages; and as a result of his training he no longer needed to remain still to gather the Nature Chakra into his coils, and had even perfected Sennin Mōdo in such a manner that he didn't need the assistance of the Elders and it only took him a matter of moments to enter the stage.

Focusing on the last few hand seals, the young Sage finished the seals as he stood, and then slammed his hands down onto two very specific portions of the fuinjutsu that was written nearby. From the area that had once held Kurama on his stomach ten glowing chains shot out, and five headed towards each of the two targets and latched onto them. Each of the five chains were glowing a deep silvery-blue, and they were very similar to his own mother's Adamantine Sealing Chains, which was something that anyone who had known her would notice immediately.

Without even wincing once, even though he was experiencing agonizing pain from the sealing process, Naruto maintained his focus on ensuring that the process went correctly. The first one to be absorbed within the seal, was astonishingly enough the Juubi, who once the massive wolf realized that she would not be able to escape, shifted into a human form with long raven black hair and a figure that most women would kill for. It was to a stunned silence that she disappeared within half of the seal that was forming on Naruto's stomach. There was still silence from the gathered crowd as they watched the final wisps of Kaguya's form disappear within the finalized seal that covered his abs.

Looking at it, everyone could see that it was similar to the former seal which he'd had for the majority of his life, but there were some major differences, like the fact that instead of the Uzumaki swirl there was a yin-yang symbol. The top half was an opalescent blue while the bottom half was an angry red and purple and the kanji that formed the script around the image wrapped around it in its entirety twice. That was the last thing he remembered about that day, as he momentarily saw a golden light forming around his body and then there was blackness…

Flashback no Jutsu KAI!

Since that day ten years ago he had labored intensely to help the nations of shinobi come together and he had finally managed it about five years earlier, as the Kage of the various nations assembled in Tetsu no Kuni at a summit, and it was in part his impassioned speech about how they needed to work together and become stronger, instead of staying separate and becoming weaker. Illustrating this point was the fact that there were so many issues that had been taken advantage of by the Akatsuki that had nearly led to the end of the Shinobi Era as a whole.

Since that fateful day, he had learned everything he could about the shinobi arts, and even a few civilian jobs. It had taken most of the first couple of years to get the bulk of it down, but he had succeeded. During that time, the majority of his friends and the Rookie Eleven had settled down, married, and in a few cases, had children. It never did sit well with him, the fact that he was destined to see everyone he'd ever known get old and then pass on. In fact the only thing that hurt him worse than being unable to open his heart to anyone was the knowledge that he would never be reunited with his parents, his Oji-san Sarutobi Hiruzen or even his Godfather Jiraiya. Hell even his Oba-chan and Shizune didn't know that they were the only two people that he had left to live for, since they had become his family so long ago.

A few years ago he had begun the process of teaching Sarutobi Konohamaru everything that he could, even working with him to become a Summoner that his grandfather would be proud of. Officially he had taken him on as an apprentice, and had taken him on a two year training trip, like his Godfather had done for him, only he had focused on teaching unlike his Godfather. The one thing that he had insisted on teaching Konohamaru was the Rasengan, to ensure that it would not be lost.

Once they had returned, he had signed up the young Sarutobi for the Jonin exam, which he proceeded to demolish, thus proving to his Sempai and Sensei that he had truly taken to heart the things that he'd taught. It was only after he had been promoted that Naruto had pulled aside Tsunade and Konohamaru and told them his reasons for what he had done. There was stunned silence after he had made mention of the fact that he was no longer considering himself eligible to become the Hokage, thus why he'd pushed the youngest Monkey Sage so hard and trained him so harshly. Tsunade had smiled sadly and nodded, resigned to the fact that it wouldn't bode well for Konoha if they had a Kage who never seemed to age, and began explaining things to Konohamaru that he would need to know about his Sensei.

Now, overlooking the village from his father's head one last time, there was nothing holding him back from leaving, as his one and only student had just become the Hokage the day before. Having said his farewells the day before, and telling a small white lie seemed to ease his conscience some when he told everyone that he was planning on exploring west of the mountains, and that he would do his best to stay in touch. Channeling a small portion of his chakra to his eyes, he activated his Dojutsu and vanished from where he was standing, through the use of Kamui, and seconds later it was as if he had never even been there to begin with.

Safe House in Tetsu no Kuni, Moments later

Sighing as he sprawled out on his couch for the moment, Naruto covered his face with an elbow, as he thought about everything that he would miss about his homeland. It was only a few minutes later that he felt the tugging in the back of his mind that signaled that one of his 'tenants' wished to speak with him, so he sat up, closed his eyes, and began meditating. Moments later he was walking down the long hallway of his mindscape, pausing as he entered the chamber where both Kaguya and the Juubi, who he had since learned that she had been named Motoko, were sitting enjoying a cup of tea.

Joining them at the table, he calmly nodded as a cup of tea appeared in front of him. "Kaguya, Motoko, what seems to be the issue? I thought we had finished our plans for leaving?"

The two women looked at each other and then back at Naruto, before sighing and setting down their cups. It was Motoko that responded though, "Naruto-kun, there are some things that we have discovered which explain quite a few things that we have found to be…odd, for lack of a better word, especially for a shinobi. What do you know about your parents besides the obvious, anything about their parents or where they came from?"

A frown and a head shake was her only response. "Well, the things that we picked up on that gives us pause were the subtle pride you take in your appearance, as well as the rather real nature of your Henge no Jutsu, instead of the genjutsu that everyone else uses. The attitude you have towards almost everyone and the way that you can inspire those around you is almost legendary. Then there is also the fact that you are far better with ranged weapons than you should be, even weapons that you have very little to no experience with."

Nodding in response, he tilted his head to one side as he thought about the points that she had brought up. "Ok there's obviously something that you are driving at here, what is it?"

Turning towards Kaguya, Motoko nodded as she turned this part over to her. Clearing her throat, she picked up where her companion left off. "Knowing what you do of our true history, there is something that you need to know, and that is that the deities of our world exist, they are simply bound by laws that have been in place since the creation of all things. The laws that they abide by are absolute, and thus they may only interfere with our world through appointed champions. Unfortunately, our world has had many Divine visitors, who have interacted with our world as mortals. They have injected their essence into pregnant women, having their immortal powers bound throughout their lives and upon their death, their powers are unbound and they return to the world from whence they came."

If the subject hadn't been so serious, both women would have laughed at the absolute gobsmacked look upon their companion's face. Motoko resumed the conversation where Kaguya had left off. "We are almost completely convinced that one of these Deities was your mother, unbeknownst to her and anyone who knew her, and that she was from a different pantheon than our own. What this means for you, is that if you utilize the jutsu that we taught you, you will more than likely end up in the world where your mother is one of the Goddesses. The level of interference or involvement that the Deities in said world have is unknown, as it could be more or less then this world."

His mind running faster than it ever had before, Naruto struggled to absorb everything that the two women had told him. His mother was quite possibly a Goddess, from another world, and there was a possibility that he could end up in the world where she was from. On the other hand, there was a distinct possibility that she wasn't and that he would end up in a totally random world…

Maintaining the same calm look he had for most of his life, he simply shrugged his shoulders. "Can't be helped, I mean don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that my mother gave me life, but does it really matter whether she is a Goddess or a mortal woman? If by some random chance she truly is a Goddess, and we somehow end up in the world that she exists in, what are the odds that I would run into her?"

Standing up and stretching, he smiled softly at each of them, the rare smile that he only shared on really rare occasions, and only with his most precious of people. "Thank you for this information, Kaguya-chan, Mo-chan. It may mean nothing or it may mean everything…only time will tell. Whatever happens in the morning was meant to happen. I will speak to you again once we are on the other side."

Walking away from the two lovely women, Naruto chuckled internally, as he had caught them blushing once again. It never ceased to amaze him how much more peaceable the two of them had been since he had managed to absorb all their hate and pain and release it, and he had gotten close enough to them over the years that he had thought of them as his closest friends.

Sighing, he faded from his mindscape and stood from the couch and headed for his armory to begin the last of his packing. Grabbing the massive scroll that he had spent the bulk of the last two years creating in the little bits of down time that he had, turning it into a massive storage scroll, which would be blood locked only to him, Naruto turned it over in his hands as he entered the room.

From the moment anyone entered his armory, they would realize one thing and that was the fact that whoever had made these weapons was a master weaponsmith. From the bows to the gauntlets, the swords to the blowguns, even the kunai to the shuriken; each example was carefully and lovingly crafted. Creating a few clones, the original walked to one specific wall and started pulling a few specific weapons down that he would be carrying on him tomorrow, as the clones swiftly sealed the many other weapons that were hanging on the walls away.

The weapons that he personally selected had among them the personal swords of his mother, twin katanas that she had used to earn her moniker: Aka Shi. The first was a slightly longer than normal katana that was made of blued chakra metal that had a turquoise sheath and ray skin wrap around the handle, and the kanji engraved into the blade spelled out its name: Arashi no Hōkō, the Roar of the Tempest. The other, normal length katana, was blackened chakra metal with a blood red hamon, black sheath with crimson wrapping on the handle. This one's name was Kokushibyō, the Black Death.

The rest of the tools of death that he sealed away were all of his own creation, but the crowning achievements were his multiform bow and kusarigama which he had made from a mixture of Damascus steel and chakra metal, but instead of the traditional forging methods, he had the advantage of having access to the ways of forging that had created the Seven Swords of Kiri.

Tenshi no Hane, or Angel's Wing, was a bow that he had designed and built himself, and it had three forms: a blowgun, a gauntlet mounted mini-crossbow, and a longbow. Each of the different forms minus the blowgun used seals to create projectiles made from his own chakra, whereas he maintained a supply of various types of darts in seals that he had painstakingly crafted into his belt.

The kusarigama, Akuma no Kokoro, named the Devil's Heart, was a two stage multiform weapon instead of three stage like his bow. In its initial form, it was a slightly larger than normal mini-scythe, with a three foot long handle made from compressed red sandalwood and maple strips. The weapon's head was two feet of curved, double-sided, serrated lethality made from the same materials as his bow. Its secondary form was that of a dragon naginata, with a five foot shaft made from the same two woods as its other form, and a two and a half foot long blade at the top.

Once he had everything ready for the morning, the young Immortal sat down and ate as he pulled out several small scrolls and began to write a couple of farewell letters. Once he had finished, he then did a final sweep of the house, to ensure that there wasn't anything left behind before retiring for the night.

Safe House, Tetsu no Kuni, Early the next morning

After eating, showering, and getting dressed Naruto walked outside, weapons in hand and the scroll on his back. Turning back to look at the house, he sighed as created a clone and handed him the scroll containing the letters that he was sending and instructed him to leave them with Mifune-sama, the leader of the Samurai here in Iron Country. Then, once his clone had disappeared in a swirl of fire and ice in a Shunshin, he walked over to the clearing that he'd had multiple clones working on all night. With a small pop and a puff of smoke, Naruto created five more copies of himself and posted them up accordingly, before standing just to one side of the center. Sending a small pulse of chakra that the clones could sense signaled everyone to start the long chain of hand seals.

Ten minutes later the clones finished their hand seals and slammed their hands on the ground, channeling their chakra as they did so, and moments later a deep purple and black portal appeared. Taking a few slow and deep breaths, he leapt through the portal, and once he was gone, the clones vanished as did the portal and any other evidence the Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto had ever existed in this dimension.

Mount Fuji, Japan, June 2000

The same type of portal opened up near the base of Mt. Fuji, in Japan, and the supernatural world stood still. All the Kitsune in Japan turned their heads towards the sacred Mount and without a second thought, leapt to their feet and started running. The oni and other demonic creatures fled the area, while a red headed man stepped out from the portal, causing it to shut with an audible snap and a shockwave of power shot out from its location and flashed across the globe.

Mount Olympus, New York City, NY; Summer Solstice Meeting, June 2000

The Olympians were once again in the middle of their quarterly meeting atop the skies above the Empire State Building when they felt the wave of power wash over them. Of the twelve Deities, only four of them had a clue as to what it was, and of those four, only one of them recognized it from the start and he gasped. All eyes turned towards the Forge God, Hephaestus, only to widen in shock as the deeply tanned God paled beyond belief. Having a few moments to gather their wits about them, Zeus was the first to clear his throat and get his son's attention. "Hephaestus, do you have any idea what that power signature has to do with?"

The King of Olympus received a nod for his efforts, and then even more silence. Anyone looking at the God of Smiths could tell that he was deep in his thoughts and finally he shook his head once and then looked around until he found the three other Goddesses that he knew should recognize the type of power that it was. "Hestia, Aphrodite, and Artemis should recognize the type of power that was the source of that wave, as it was a primary power source in one of the worlds that we visited and lived in for a mortal's existence. That wave of power had to have come from a chakra user."

Of the three Goddesses, only one of them reacted, as it hadn't really been that long since she had died there, and she paled before whispering a name that she hadn't heard or thought of in almost thirty years. "Naruto…Sochi…"

AN: Here is the work of my latest brainstorm, and I will be updating this story a little more rarely as I am still figuring out where I truly want to go with this one. The Story focus will primarily be Defying Fate and Forgotten Legacy until they are both complete, with occasional updates or possibly more frequently, (depends on how many blocks I have to overcome.), for Champions and the Eternal Shinobi.

Anyway, read and review and an E-Cookie will go to the first five people to PM with the correct guess as to who Naruto's Greek Godly Parent is!

Uzumaki kyūkyoku no himitsu geijutsu: Eien ni tōgoku – Uzumaki Ultimate Secret Art: Imprison for an Eternity does exactly what it says, imprisons the target(s) within a seal on their body which, much like Jinchuriki, allows them contact with said target in their mindscape. The target(s) will be linked and end up where ever their prison goes in the afterlife, if their prison is mortal, leaving them no chance to ever escape.

Uzumaki kyūkyoku no geijutsu: Chakura haisui kusari – Uzumaki Ultimate Art: Chakra Draining Chains is near the pinnacle of the Uzumaki Chakra Chains. The only one that is higher is the Adamantine Sealing Chains.

Itami no amata – Heavenly Feet of Pain is a unique chakra focused attack where the attacker focuses about half of their reserves, (or more if needed), through their feet while in a downwards motion, released upon impact with the being under attack.