Quick Info~

So it came to my attention that I never posted the Epilogue for this. What? I have no idea how I missed it, but I guess better late than never, right? Thanks for those of you who are still reading this! Hopefully this will provide closure for the story!

"Just a bit further," Jinx said, dragging Ekko by the hand up an unreasonably large hill.

"If it's a dead body—" Ekko warned.

"Nah, I hid that one on my own this time," Jinx said, moving her free hand as if she were waving his statement away.

When they made it to the top of the hill, Ekko was in awe. The entire city, smog and all, of Zaun was resting below them. Quiet, grungy, and utterly toxic as it was, to Ekko it was also home.

When Ekko looked down, he noticed a single gray stone propped upright in the middle of the hill. Jinx was practically bursting with excitement beside him, and he walked closer to examine it.

"I know you gave up the goggles for me," Jinx explained as Ekko's breath caught in his throat. "So I made this for you."

In Jinx's scribbly handwriting, Ekko realized that the stone was an epitaph for Ajuna. She had messily carved his name, supposed date of birth and date of death, and the words "friend" into the middle. A single white Calla Lily was laying on the grass in front of it.

"Jinx," Ekko said quietly, unsure how to appropriately share his gratitude.

Jinx grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "I know," she said.

Ekko nodded and bent down beside the tombstone. He picked up a handful of dirt and let it fall through his fingertips. He felt like he could breathe again. The weight and the guilt that Ajuna's death had left finally subsided. He could finally be at peace.

And it was all because of Jinx.

"Thank you," Ekko said, knowing that she couldn't ever know how much it meant to him. At least, not really.

Ekko stood up and brushed dirt off of his pants. He used his forearm to wipe his eyes and then smiled at Jinx. "You know, I still haven't gotten you that new gun."

"Looks like Piltover is in for a little visit then. I hate to admit it, but they've got pretty badass weapons," Jinx said.

"Looks like you've got yourself a deal…Weirdo," Ekko said.

Jinx extended her hand and, when Ekko grabbed it, this time he was sure that he made the greatest decision of his life.