Welcome Back!

you're all allowed to hate me because….this chapter has been written for almost two weeks. Sorry friends!

I am currently in the second semester of school right now. It recently started so updates might be wonky but I am planning to update every other Wednesday as that has been what is has been happening hahaha.

This chapter was definitely inspired by my recent trip on an airplane (Perhaps just a little exaggerated but eh I'm not apart of the mafia so everything is a little in the air ;) sorry not sorry for the pun.) and it snows HEAVY where I live. Also when I was listening to the news in my grandfather's car it was talking about airports being shut down in the eastern part of America.

So enjoy!

I wish I owned Tsuna buuut I don't so….disclaimer.


It wasn't that Tsuna was afraid of flying. No that wasn't that case at all. He did it all the time when fighting, his pure flames boosting him into the sky as he challenged his opponents with conviction.

That wasn't to say being under the Hyper Dying Wills influence did not calm him down as he fought in the sky. Because it did.

The difference between the two though was that he could control one while the other left his safety in the hands of the pilots manning the airplane. Tsuna would never voice this fear however as he already had enough fears for people to make fun of him for. (It had taken much bribing to keep Fuuta quiet from ranking this particular fear.)

It was one of the few things Tsuna fully committed himself to. He didn't quite understand why he was so stern with keeping it a secret. But his embarrassment was a strong enough motivator. The next Vongola Boss, whose flames literally represented the Sky, was afraid of flying? Tsuna would rather be conditioned with Skullitis again and have Kyoko be there when it's at his worst. And that was saying something.

So Tsuna was determined to keep his small phobia a secret, no matter what.

'Me and my big mouth.' The brown haired boy whined mentally as his fingers dug into the thin arm rests. The airplane he currently resided in shifting as it hit turbulence.

A small "Hiie" croaked out of his throat as his knees shot up off of the ground and stayed suspended in the air; his body rigid as a plank of wood.

"You okay Tsuna?" Yamamoto looked over with a small questioning laugh at the latter's stiff posture.

Tsuna mechanically nodded his head and gave a nervous chuckle to the baseball player. Not trusting himself to rebuttal the instinct to scream Tsuna clenched his teeth and grinded out an obviously fake assurance to Yamamoto.

The Rain Guardian gave his fifteen year old boss a knowing look before continuing to watch the current baseball game playing on the small TV residing on the backseat of the person in front of him. Yamamoto had cheerfully agreed to come back home to Japan with Tsuna when the Decimo had requested him to come with him to visit his mother for the Holidays. (Namely as his bodyguard but the thought of seeing his father at Takesushi was a bonus.) Neither of them had thought of the chilly winds stirring up a storm, promising a bumpy ride to their destination.

Unlatching his death grip on the armrests, Tsuna ran his clammy hands against the jeans of his pants and remembered the reason as to why he was on a plane to begin with.

'The pilot knows what they're doing. I'm sure they got a peaceful nights rest and weren't drinking before they were assigned this flight.' The fifteen year old boy repeated to himself in slight hysteria as his fingers tapped his knees like drums hitting to the rhythm of his pleas. Ignoring the small sarcastic voice in the back of his head reminding him that it was possible there would be an accident. He was the next inheritor of the Vongola.

The plane hit a strong air current, making many inside the plane stifle a cry.

'I'm not going to die. They train and go to school for this kind of weather conditioning right?'

A sudden lurch resounded through the aircraft and Tsuna let out a scream and clung to Takeshi as the plane dropped 100 feet, oxygen masks falling out of the cabinet.

Tsuna really hated flying.

Woops that was a short chapter~

Wow! So many people have followed and favorited this chapter since the last update and it's only chapter three! I'd like to thank the following for their followings/favoriting: HanaHimeSama, PrimoGiotto5510, Bloodie Ash, Chirinah, May Eve, and Latinagirl-reader2010. Also thanks to the wonderful Shaberu-chan for reviewing! You're a dear!

I hope to update on time but I'm lacking the motivation at the moment (I'm not planning to give up on the story but it might be slow with my job and school) Though I am forming some thoughts for a Valentines Special so look forward to that!

If you enjoyed it please review it would really really make my day!